Pe ops + Nippodameir da!shte6 Asa.acos Ganymedes Anchhes + Aphrodite8i']? Cl a Cytios !:r€9!: Elethyia Ares 0,2 Hephaitlos m laoetos +Asiar A".' Zeus + l'1a a Eecrn 3 other daughters 308 ovrD OYID 309 50 I musr endlcssly feel rhe los ofan absenr husband. Or of Euryrmchus and -Arrinous' ever srabbins hands? The towes ofTroy havc been razed; for me alone, tliey still remair, O. all lhe re$ whom you in your absence are alLowing to grow fet rhoush a vlcrorious scrder plows dle l.nd willt a caprured ox. on fie trcdures won at rhe cos ofyour blood? Where Troy once stood rherei; onLy a fietd of grah. The canh flourishes, Your final huniliation? Add to your lose the beggr Irus and fenilized by Phrygim blood. arvaiting the harvesring sickle. Melanthius, who drives you. flock ro feed rhe suiros'bellies. Cu*ed plowshr* str;ke the half-buried bones ofnen, \tre fe only three in number, allunsuircd fo. war-a powerles wife, and rhe ruins orfallen houses lie hidden arrong rhe weeds. your old fatheq Laenes, and Telemachus, just a boy, md him r-c,. w .pr :iC Though victorious, you arc still sone, and I have no way of krowhg I rJrnor lo.r ,e,er .ly ro " hryou. rlo- - h. r o why the delay. or where your unfeeling hearr is hidirg. ro.ait ro fyto, "grir r rhe, olJt h,orh,.. Every srilor who turns a foreign ship to these shores leaves I pray rhn the gods preserye rhe ba ral order ofrhe Fares, rhar only aftet answering numetous questions aboutyou, he willclose borh my eyes and yous on our fina.lda1s. and I give rhem a lerterwrnlen by rhese finses On ourside are the guardian ofyour canle, your eldedy nuree, for diem ro deliveL iftheyshould happer to see you. and a third ally, the falthful caretaker ofyonr fi1thy sties.5 for news wc senr ro Pylos, rhc Nclcian lands ofvenerabLe Ncstor, Bur sen so, LaerieHeeing that he is unfit to figh!-is nor bur we received no clear word fron them. .r.on" ero-gt- ro hotd po-l . , ,., rded b, elfle,. \fe Jso sent to Sprrta. but spana roo had no krowledge ofthe truth. In rine Telemachus w;ll grow inro a b.ave man (p.ovided he lives), Vhe.e are you staying? YAere do you dally arvay fLom home? bur h;s lender yeas should be prorected by a fadrert care. IA be beFer olTifrhe walk Phoebus builrsrill srood. I ceffainly dont have sftensrh ro drive the eneny fron the palace. I'm mad at mpelffor ny earlier prayers ah, fickle womanl You mu$ cone quickly. You are your fmilyi sheher mdsanctuary At least ther I rl l<now whcre you were fighrnrg, rvu ny only wory, You hrve a son (md I pray )ou na), still), who in h;s render yeas mylamenr joined by rhose of nmy other wonen. oughr ro hive been reared in his farher's ways. at I shodd fe*, I don't l<row Yet i, out ofmy mind, fear everything, Hare .egad for Laerres. Hei holding offhis dying day, and myworries have manyplaces in which ro roanr. l-op.ng rn" you wilJ ,lo.c n.. eye. ro rl:e ll'rimc. Vlalever peils dre lands ard the sea pose foL you, And as for ne, I wx but r girl rvhen you ie1i. dese I presune arc drc rcdors for your long delay. Even ifyou cme home right away, I would seem old and gray. Yet, rvhile I stupidly drean up rhse fers, loownrg the lut ofyor no, you conld be ensrared in a foreign wonani embncd petheps youie telling her horv baclTard a fe you have, no$ fdna,' (ane .ouA alnolt tq the osb) ofB$eis, Achilhi tuae and luer, how the only rhirg nor coare in herwodd is herwool. 'tory H1ner's 1liad. Though she n unml to the a.tio Agnnennon'! kizLft afh- Oh,I hope lir nisralen, tha' rnyaccusarion vanishes in the wnrd, Achilb! ha^ to the ktt&i grdt angt and uvJ.raualf/an bdl lhe i! kryeu $at you. ifyou are free to return, do notlaorato stey arvay. 'he dhnM nhe d thdn d h4ndh beins. whdt b.t'zr a?poltlhiry As for ne, ny fathea Icariu, has been pressing nre hard to give up ?izu.f?tulaE hdre petehted hrlf odd, tuho hdJ.rfte blanche to .ltunadze Bri'eir'feel;ry'l my widows bed, ceasele$l)- chiding ne foL ny peLpetual delays. '. * cd/efult cha'n. h 6 nat inmediareb dfr rhe t ded (Iliad 1), but day 'ettins Let him chide alL he ivantsl I am your and should lx spoken oras such- jut afet the Grek hins hare sent an enba:y ofAch;lles' puo uho, in odr to I shall always be Ulyses' wiL. Penelopel wnh hin, oller anons othet thin?' the letul af ui.$ Aliad 9). Achilks r- Ai1 the sane, he is being won over by ny loyalty md myvirtuous Ouid" ?.en it n i,.$igaria" of tuhar B^c^ might haufeLf at thar mane,t. "i";d pleas; his forceful denands have softened. Brt suirors &on Dulichirm, Smos. and lofry Zacynthus- The lerteryou now rcad has been sent byyour stolcn Briseis, thar wholc wanton mob have desccnded upol me. wriften in Creek, bur poorly by her barbarian hand. They are playing king in 1a,/prlace, ind theret no one here ro stop them. A11rhe snersyou sce havc beer made by ny tear, Your wealth. our sustenance, is being suted. speak of those dreadtul Pisandet Pol/bu, dd Medon? Whr suito6, drre are, rcspecdvely, Philortius, Eurycleir, rnd Eumeu. 310 ovrD o\,ID 311 yet rex( too have ihe weisht orwo.ds. Vhar sin did I codnir rhar I nowseem so cheap in ).our eyes, Achilles? 5 IfI an allowed to conplein a bir about }-ou, my lord ald lover whcre has thar fickle love fled so srvifdy away fron me? I shall nise a few complaina about my lord and lover Or is ir thrt rhe dorvnr.odden an doggedly haunted bygrim tonune It is notyour fault lhar I was quickly handed ovcr to the king and ehjoy no monenr ofrespite once rheir evils have begun? on denand, bur rhis is your faulr: I wnnesed dre razing oflyrnesd walls in you. oDslaushr Eurybates ard Talthybits ra denand ne, uho u \flren .me innediaE\ L r " r nporr rr pe .or ,1 Ti !o rn,ry r0 I was handed oler to go ba.kwith Eu.ybales and Takhybius. I wime$ed rhree ften fall, rh.ee who werc joined in kinship and Each turned to the other and casr a puzzled slance, dexth, three whose morhe. wu rlso my own. silenlly wonde.ing s'herc ouL love had gone. I wnn€$ed rhe dearh ofrnyhsband fulll slrerched olr on rhe I did nor have ro go so sooni a monentir delar wolld have been nice. gorue'r\..1 .rh..'in6,rd.ul,ea,ablooo (rirn.or. Alas for me. I could give you not a single kks as I deparred. For so many lost I hrve bur one ro compersare! you. 15 No, I shed xn endLess flood of€a.s and .enr my han. You were ny moter; my husband, ny brother. Ar nnfortunate 1or, irseemed, ro be taken a second tinel You youtselfswore or your sea-morheri power and kepr lelinsmc lofted have I wished ro elude ny guard md return to you, that mycapture w* to my advantage. but the enerny was always present to grab ne in ny fear- Advartage? So you can spurn ne oow, though I cone with a dowtl I ws afraid rhar, ifl did ser our ar nighr, I iould be caplured ard and avoid ne and the.iches r b.ins? .o .en, r'. o :r ro 01' or f,i,n. a,, gl-.r '.16 Therei, even a rtrhor Roaling about drat rononow at darvi's n6! n)s But suppose I /a/to be handed ove.-sriLlIve been sone so many nish$ you intend to hoistyour sails ro rhe cloud bearing Soulh Y/ind. and have gone unclaimedt You do notling. your anger n s1orv. vhen h)' anxious, wrerched etus aught wind ofrha! villainous plar, Menoetius son/ h;msell $ I rvas bcinghanded over, whispered in my ear, all blood, all tife draiDed out ofny heart. .\(lyweep? You'll be back in no tinel" Youllleaveud Oh,woel to whorr are you leavnrg ne, you destuctiv€ ma.? ,t Unclaimed is one rhing. Achilles, butyou aclively oppose ny retuml Who will be nysource ofsooihhg solace in ny desohtion? so go ahead, clain the title ofan eager lorer nowl Vould rhat awid€ chasm suddenly gape open and swallorv me whole The sons ofTehhon and Anrynrol came ro vou or a heaversent fturderbolr oblirenre ne wirh ns .uby fire Ghe forher relared by blood, the ianeryour friend), befo.e fhrhia: ships churn rhe wrters whnernhour me o! board. as d;d henes son'*all to sccure ny retuhi and I, deserred, an forced to look upon rhe slips as rhey sxil xway. 'n V-g,'rf..enr Bil.. rndrd w'igh, o'L-i, or,1Ce,,tedre. Ifyou arc now bent on retuming home io your aDcestal gods, rwenry bumished cauLdrons nede offfnely,w.oushr bronzc, well, I am not a lo! ofcago fbr your ships to carryl seve. tiipods identical;n welghr and cralismanship. I will follow you u a captive docs her captor, not as a bride her husbandj Added to these were lvice-five nlerts ofgold, my hands are defr ar spinning wool th is soft.
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