STOKESLEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Class 58 HEIFER, born afterSTOKESLEY 1st Jan 2016 AGRICULTURALOPEN CLASSES SOCIETY Classes 1-81 - Prize Money: 1st £15; 2nd £12; Class 5958 HEIFER, born after 1st Jan 20152016 3rdOPEN £8; CLASSES4th £5. ENTRY FEE £2.00. THEClasses SUPREME 1-81 - Prize Money: CHAMPION 1st £15; 2nd IN £12;THE Class 6059 COWHEIFER, in calf born or afterwith 1stnatural Jan 2015 SHOW3rd £8; 4th WILL £5. ENTRY RECEIVE FEE £2.00. A PRIZE OF calf at foot £150,THE SUPREME RESERVE CHAMPION£100. RESERVE IN THE Class 60 COW in calf or with natural RESERVESHOW WILL £50 RECEIVE A PRIZE OF Commercial calf at foot Beef Judging£150, ofRESERVE Sheep Classes £100.1-73 commences RESERVE at 10.00 a.m. RESERVE £50 JUDGE:Commercial FRANK PAGE, Beef NORTHAMPTON 'SUPREMES' JUDGING AT THE END OF ALL Class 61 BEST BEEF STEER (Limousin BREEDJudging of CLASSES. Sheep Classes 1-73 commences at 10.00 a.m. JUDGE: FRANKor Limousin PAGE, Cross) NORTHAMPTON 'SUPREMES' JUDGING AT THE END OF ALL Class 61 BEST BEEF STEER (Limousin BREEDGENERAL CLASSES. CONDITION:- All Breeding Ewes to have reared a Lamb during the current year. Class 62 BESTor Limousin BEEF Cross)STEER (British MAEDIGENERAL VISNA: CONDITION:- Only full accredited All Breeding or non-scheme Ewes to have sheep Blue or British Blue Cross) reared a Lamb during the current year. Class 62 BEST BEEF STEER (British will be accepted. Please indicate status. Accredited only for Class 63 BESTBlue or BEEF British STEER Blue Cross) (any other Suffolk,MAEDI BeltexVISNA: Charollais Only full Sheep accredited & Hampshires. or non-scheme You mustsheep breed other than British blue or statewill be on accepted. the entry Pleaseform if indicate - accredited status. or Accreditednon-accredited. only for Class 63 LimousinBEST BEEF pure STEER or cross) (any other TheSuffolk, NOBLE Beltex FUELS Charollais CUP Sheep will be & awardedHampshires. to the You must state on the entry form if - accredited or non-accredited. breed other than British blue or Supreme Champion in the Show, to be judged by all Class 64 BESTLimousin BEEF pure HEIFER or cross) (British SheepThe NOBLE Judges FUELS on a points CUP basis, will beimmediately awarded to following the Blue or British Blue Cross) theSupreme judging Champion of each section. in the Show, to be judged by all Class 64 BEST BEEF HEIFER (British AllSheep Sheep Judges Trophies on a points will be basis, presented immediately after following Class 65 BESTBlue or BEEF British HEIFER Blue Cross) (Limousin championships.the judging of each section. or Limousin Cross) ItAll is Sheepthe Exhibitors Trophies responsibility will be presented to complete after their own Class 65 BEST BEEF HEIFER (Limousin movementchampionships. licenses. All stock to remain on showfield Class 66 BESTor Limousin BEEF Cross)HEIFER (any breed untilIt is the at leastExhibitors 4.00pm. responsibility to complete their own other than British Blue or Themovement Stokesley licenses. Agricultural All stock Society to remain holding on showfield number is Class 66 LimousinBEST BEEF pure HEIFER or cross) (any breed until at least 4.00pm. other than British Blue or 48/448/8001. A Referee Judge is available if required. Class 67 BESTLimousin PAIR pure OF or BEEF cross) The Stokesley Agricultural Society holding number is CATTLE, previously shown in Suffolk48/448/8001. A Referee Judge is available if required. Class 67 ClassesBEST PAIR 33-60 OF BEEF JUDGE: MR A GLAVES, SCARBOROUGH CATTLE, previously shown in TheSuffolk Suffolk Sheep Society present a Special Rosette to Class 68 BESTClasses PAIR 33-60 OF BEEF CATTLE, theJUDGE: Best Exhibit MR Afrom GLAVES, a Registered SCARBOROUGH Flock previously showin in classes 61-66 ClassThe Suffolk 1 SheepONE SocietySHEARING present aOR Special AGED Rosette RAM to Class 68 BEST PAIR OF BEEF CATTLE, the Best Exhibit from a Registered Flock Class 69 CALFpreviously BORN showin AFTER in classes 1.1.17 61-66 any Class 1 ONE SHEARING OR AGED RAM sex, any beef breed or cross shown Class 2 RAM LAMB, trimmed Class 69 by CALF handler BORN under AFTER 21 yrs 1.1.17 on 1.1.17 any sex, any beef breed or cross shown Class 32 RAM LAMB, untrimmedtrimmed All cattle in byClasses handler 61-62 under must be 21 led yrs and on haltered. 1.1.17 THE M. HUGILL CUP will be awarded to the Class 43 GIMMERRAM LAMB, LAMB untrimmed ChampionAll cattle in Beast Classes in Classes 61-62 must 61-68. be led and haltered. THE M. HUGILL CUP will be awarded to the Class 54 ONEGIMMER SHEARLING LAMB GIMMER ChampionshipChampion Beast in Classes 61-68. Prize Class 65 ONE BREEDINGSHEARLING EWE GIMMER The FARMWAYFEEDS PERPETUAL TROPHY is awardedChampionship to the Interbreed beef STOKESLEYchampion. Prize AGRICULTURALTHEClass ERNEST 6 SOCIETYONE MYERS BREEDING PERPETUAL EWE MEMORIAL The FARMWAYFEEDS PERPETUAL TROPHY is CUP will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 1-6. prizeawarded of £25 to forthe the Interbreed best turned beef out champion. Clevelnd Bay kindly TheSpecialTHE T. ERNEST C.Prizes ALDERSON £5.00 MYERS for Best SILVER PERPETUAL Suffolk CHALLENGE Sheep. MEMORIAL Reserve ROSE £3. sponsored by TheSection Fox at Roxby, Mr &- Mrs3 Wilson. BOWL CUP will will be awardedbe awarded to the to Bestthe best Exhibit exhibit, in Classes Classes 1-6. Champion is eligible for Supreme of the show, After 12,CharollaisSpecial 14 and Prizes 15. £5.00 Saracen for Best Horse Suffolk Feed Sheep. Show ReservePony In £3. 4.00pm, Ring two, Supreme £150.00, Reserve £100.00, Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship A Silver Section - 3 JUDGE: MR M PRESTON, BINGLEY Res. Res. £50.00. SHEEP MedalCharollais Rosette is offered to the best registered pony Kindly sponsored by Newtons Solicitors ownedThese classesby a NPS qualify Qualifying for the orYorkshire Life Member Area Novicein the Points Competition, open to breeders who have not www.newtons.co.ukNFU MUTUALSHEEP HAVE SPONSORED showJUDGE: pony inMR hand M section.PRESTON, BINGLEY STOKESLEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY previouslyThese classes won qualify a Breed for Championship. the Yorkshire Area The Novicepresentation THE SHEEP SECTION. Theto be Champion made at Masham and Reserve Sheep will Fair. qualify for the NPS ClassNFU 11 MUTUAL CLEVELAND HAVE BAY SPONSORED PURE AND AreaPoints 4 Competition,Northern Breeders open toFinal breeders to be heldwho athave the not NPS Areapreviously 4 North won of aEngland Breed Championship. ShowSTOKESLEY in August The 2017, presentation EntryAGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Class 58 HEIFER, born after 1st Jan 2016 THEOPEN SHEEPCLASSESPART SECTION.BRED to be ridden in the to be made at Masham Sheep Fair. ClassesEstablished 1-81ring, 1859- Prize 4 years Money: old and 1st £15;over 2nd £12; to the final is free. Schedule and details can be found on the website npsarea4.com. Champion is eligible Class 59 HEIFER, born after 1st Jan 2015 Judged3rd £8; in 4th the £5.Main ENTRY Ring following FEE £2.00. Hunter judging. Part Class 7 ONE SHEARLING OR AGED RAM THEEstablished SUPREME 1859 CHAMPION IN THE 27 for Supreme of the show, After 4.00pm, Ring two, Hampshire Downs of the Prize Money in Classes 7-11 is presented by the Supreme £150.00, Reserve £100.00, Res. Res. £50.00. Class 60 COW in calf or with natural CLEVELANDSHOW WILL BAY RECEIVE HORSE SOCIETY. A PRIZE OF Class 8 RAM LAMB MV ACCREDITED ONLY calf at foot 27Kindly sponsored by Newtons Solicitors £150, RESERVE £100. RESERVE www.newtons.co.uk JUDGE: MR W BORTHWICK, LOCKERBIE RESERVE £50 Class 9 ONE BREEDING EWE Commercial Beef PonyJudging of Sheep Breeding Classes 1-73 commences at 10.00 a.m. Class 23 AGED RAM ClassPony 10 RidingONE SHEARLING, BSPS GIMMER 73/18 JUDGE: FRANK PAGE, NORTHAMPTON JUDGE: MR C. NICHOLSON, MIDDLESBROUGH. 'SUPREMES' JUDGING AT THE END OF ALL JUDGE: MISS C. MILLER, BISHOP AUCKLAND Class 24 SHEARLING RAM Class 61 BEST BEEF STEER (Limousin FirstBREED prize CLASSES. £17; Second £12; Third £8. Class 11 GIMMER LAMB ENTRY FEE £6.00. First Prize £17, Second £12, Third £8. ENTRY Class 25 RAM LAMB or Limousin Cross) GENERAL CONDITION:- All Breeding Ewes to have FEE £8.00. Thesereared aclasses Lamb duringare judged the current under year. the Rules of the The British Charollais Sheep Society offers a Class 62 BEST BEEF STEER (British ChampionshipClass 16 THE Rosette.Special BSPS LEAD Prize REIN £5.00 PONY,for Class 26 ONE BREEDING EWE Blue or British Blue Cross) NPS.MAEDI Ponies VISNA: must Only be fullregistered accredited in orthe non-scheme NPS British sheep Best CharollaisMare Sheep. or Gelding,Reserve £3. 4 years old and Ridingwill be accepted.Pony Stud Please Book, indicate Register, status. Appendix, Accredited only for over not exceeding 122cm Riders Class 27 ONE SHEARLING GIMMER Class 63 BEST BEEF STEER (any other InternationalSuffolk, Beltex Charollaisor Sports Sheep Pony & section Hampshires. of the You must state on the entry form if - accredited or non-accredited. Texel not to have attained their 8th breed other than British blue or BRPSB, the GSB, the AHSB, the AASB or in Birthday before 1st January in the Class 28 GIMMER LAMB Limousin pure or cross) theThe main NOBLE body FUELS of their CUP respective will be awarded Mountain to the & JUDGE: MRcurrent D CURRIE, year SKIPTON MoorlandSupreme Champion Stud Books. in the Part-Breds Show, to be are judged not eligible by all Class 12 AGED RAM Accredited only. Class 64 BEST BEEF HEIFER (British Sheep Judges on a points basis, immediately following Special prize £5 for Best Hampshire. Reserve £3. unlessthe judging entered of each in the section. NPS British Riding Pony Class 17 THE BSPS FIRST RIDDEN, Mare Blue or British Blue Cross) Class 13 orSHEARING Gelding, 4 RAMyears old and over not StudAll Sheep Book Trophies Register.
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