PASD Procedures

PASD Procedures

(RAYMD3.RAYMD)18256 SAND POINT (SDP) (PASD) RAYMD THREE DEPARTURE(RNAV) AL-6537 (FAA) SAND POINT, ALASKA ANCHORAGE CENTER TOP ALTITUDE: 125.35 346.3 ° 238 ASSIGNED BY ATC COLD BAY RADIO RAYMD 122.3 5 NM 8° CTAF 05 122.3 AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC 1000 318 ° 138 AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC NOTE:RNAV 1. ° NOTE:GPS required. TAKEOFF MINIMUMS 1800 Rwy 14:Standard. Rwy 32:700-3 with minimum climb of 310' per NM to 1000 or standard with minimum climb of 350' per NM to 1000. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAY 14: Climb heading 138° to 1800, then climbing left turn direct RAYMD, thence. TAKEOFF RUNWAY 32: Climb heading 318° to 1000, then climbing right turn direct RAYMD, thence. .maintain ATC assigned altitude, continue climb in RAYMD holding pattern to MEA before proceeding on course. RAYMD THREE DEPARTURE(RNAV) SAND POINT, ALASKA SAND POINT(SDP) (PASD) (RAYMD3.RAYMD)13SEP18 SAND POINT, ALASKA AL-6537 (FAA) 19115 NDB/DME HBT Rwy Idg 4099 APP CRS NDB RWY 14 390 TDZE 23 126° Chan79 (113.2) Apt Elev 24 SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) T Circling NA northeast of Rwy 14-32. MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 2300 then climbing left turn to A 3 Helicopter visibility reduction below 4 SM NA. 3500 direct HBT NDB and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 3500. AWOS-3P ANCHORAGE CENTER CLNC DEL UNICOM 134.85 125.35 346.3 122.3(CTAF)L 122.8 RAYMD HBT 20 2182 2000 ° ) 4100 201 20 ( 0 100 2100 CUBPA HBT 20 1310 SAFKO 4100° ° 6200 227) 20 171 ( 108 306 ° (58 ° ° .8 351 AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC ) 1207 IAF 1808 BORLAND Procedure NA for arrival at SAFKO 390 HBTBH 126 T on G10-G8 southwest bound. DME Chan 79 (113.2) 584 ° 403 4500 164 1520 079° ° DUGAC (20) 344 HBT 20 2015 2283 ° 1000 HBT 25 N 1534 AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC SA M M 5100 ELEV 24 D TDZE 23 126° to 1630 NDB/DME 14 1371 P 166 1402 HBT 2300 3500 HBT NDB/DME Remain within 10 NM ° 306 5213 X HBT 150 3400 5.1 126 ° P 4.8 NM CATEGORY A B C D 1 1 32 1900-14 1900-1 2 S-14 1877 (1900-3) 1 1 1900-3 1877 (1900-14 ) 1877 (1900-12 ) L 1 1 MIRL Rwy 14-32 1900-14 1900-12 1900-3 2200-3 C CIRCLING L 1 1 REIL Rwys 14 and 32 1876 (1900-14 ) 1876 (1900-12 ) 1876 (1900-3) 2176 (2200-3) SAND POINT, ALASKA SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) Amdt 2 13SEP18 55°19'N-160°31'W NDB RWY 14 SAND POINT, ALASKA AL-6537 (FAA) 19115 NDB/DME HBT Rwy Idg 4099 APP CRS 390 TDZE 24 NDB RWY 32 339° Chan79 (113.2) Apt Elev 24 SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) T Circling NA northeast of Rwy 14-32. MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 1800 then climbing right turn to A DME required. 4300 direct HBT NDB and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 4300. AWOS-3P ANCHORAGE CENTER CLNC DEL UNICOM 134.85 125.35 346.3 122.3(CTAF)L 122.8 RAYMD CUBPA SAFKO HBT 20 HBT 20 6200 BORLAND ° 108 390 HBT H ° 4300 1808 B ) 227 1207 (58 ° T 4300 ) DME Chan 79 (113.2) 201 . 20 (20 8) ( Procedure NA for arrival at SAFKO 584 on G10-G8 southbound. 403 1520 4500 079° 164 (20) 344 DUGAC ° 604 HBT 20 2015 ° 2283 4300 to JOTOK AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC 1000 159° (6.7) OTIPE HBT 4.7 1534 (IAF) JOTOK HBT 6.7 1630 2300 339° (2) WONBA HBT 8.7 1371 339 1402 ° HBT 25 A N 114 S M AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC ° M ELEV 24 D TDZE 24 159 5100 14 294 ° ° P 166 1800 4300 HBT JOTOK 5213 HBT 6.7 Remain X within 10 NM 150 3500 159 ° HBT OTIPE WONBA NDB/DME HBT HBT 4.7 HBT 8.7 3100 HBT 2.7 P ° 0.4 3.47° 339 TCH 36 2900 2300 339° 6.2 NM 1620 from FAF 32 2.2 NM 2 NM 2 NM 2 NM MIRL Rwy 14-32 L CATEGORY A B C D REIL Rwys 14 and 32 L 1 1 1 1 S-32 920-14 896 (900-14 ) 920-2 896 (900-2 2 ) FAF to MAP 6.2 NM 2 Knots 60 90 120 150 180 1 1 1520-3 2200-3 C CIRCLING 920-14 896 (900-14 ) Min:Sec 6:12 4:08 3:06 2:29 2:04 1496 (1500-3) 2176 (2200-3) SAND POINT, ALASKA SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) Amdt 1 13SEP18 55°19'N-160°31'W NDB RWY 32 SAND POINT, ALASKA AL-6537 (FAA) 19115 WAAS Rwy Idg APP CRS 4099 CH63041 TDZE 23 RNAV (GPS) RWY 14 121° W14A Apt Elev 24 SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) T MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 5000 direct FOBAN and Circling NA northeast of Rwy 14-32. A on track 219° to REOIL and on track 289° to SETIE DME/DME RNP-0.3 NA. and on track 319° to DUGAC and hold. AWOS-3P ANCHORAGE CENTER CLNC DEL UNICOM 134.85 125.35 346.3 122.3(CTAF)L 122.8 (IF) POSAE 230 0 (FAF) 092 1808 ° PREED Procedure NA for arrivals at (6) DUGAC on G12 westbound. 121 584 ° 403 2900° 048 ) .1 (MAP) (IAF) 11 1520 ( Final approach course offset 16.52°. ORPIE DUGAC ° 048 ° 2015 228 2283 4 NM AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC 1000 1534 ( 319 10 . 6 ° ) 1630 FOBAN 1371 SETIE 1402 RPIE2 5 ° O N A M ) S 289 219.5 M ( 12 ° (11 . 5200 4) AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC ELEV 24 D TDZE 23 REOIL 14 5000 FOBAN REOIL SETIE DUGAC P 166 tr tr tr POSAE 219° 289° 319° 3.49° PREED VGSI and descent angles not coincident TCH 60 2900 (VGSI Angle 3.60/TCH 31). 5213 092 ° 1.7 NM to X ORPIE 150 ORPIE 2300 121 ° P 6 NM 3.8 NM 1.7 NM 0.5 CATEGORY A B C D LP MDA 32 720-1 697 (700-1) 720-2 697 (700-2) 1 860-1 860-14 1 1 LNAV MDA 837 (900-2 2 ) 1 860-2 2 837 (900-1) 837 (900-1 4 ) MIRL Rwy 14-32 L 1 1 1520-3 2200-3 REIL Rwys 14 and 32 L C CIRCLING 860-14 836 (900-14 ) 1496 (1500-3) 2176 (2200-3) SAND POINT, ALASKA SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) Amdt 1 13SEP18 55°19'N-160°31'W RNAV (GPS) RWY 14 SAND POINT, ALASKA AL-6537 (FAA) 19115 WAAS Rwy Idg APP CRS 4099 CH78241 TDZE 24 RNAV (GPS) RWY 32 318° W32A Apt Elev 24 SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) T For uncompensated Baro-VNAV systems, LNAV/VNAV NA below MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 7000 direct POYNE -20°C (-4°F) or above 54°C (130°F). When local altimeter setting not A and on track 014° to RESEW and on track 084° to received, procedure NA. Circling NA northeast of Rwy 14-32. CUBPA and hold, continue climb-in-hold to 7000. DME/DME RNP-0.3 NA. AWOS-3P ANCHORAGE CENTER CLNC DEL UNICOM 134.85 125.35 346.3 122.3(CTAF)L 122.8 MISSED APCH FIX 7 NM ° ° ) 3 . 048 014 RESEW 8 ° ( 228 POYNE 084° (16.4) CUBPA 584 403 1520 M to 0 N HOR RW32 3 KA 502 6100 2015 2283 to H NM OR 138 6 K 1 A AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC ° ° 1000 4100 228 (FAF) 1534 HORKA FONIN 138 E P D 4500 ° 1630 1700 (IAF) O 318 T D E P HORKA P ( o o D 8 N t 0 O ) ° ° D 10 M 1371 4 228 ° o 4100 ) N t (8 228 0 M 3 DODPE 1402 N (IF/IAF) 0 138 1 COVOX X COVOX ° ° O 48 ° 4100 V 0 T 318 O P 048 ) o 4 NM C T N AK, 07 OCT 2021 to 02 DEC t o P 1 o ° ° 3 NM (IAF) 4100 (N 048 ELEV 24 D TDZE 24 ) DODPE (8 4900 X 3 O 0 OV NM to C 7000 POYNE RESEW CUBPA VGSI and RNAV glidepath not coincident 14 tr tr (VGSI Angle 3.60/TCH 36). 014° 084° COVOX 4 NM P 166 Holding Pattern *LNAV only FONIN 138° 4100 1.8 NM to 318° * 1700 ° RW32 318 RW32 5213 1700 X GS 3.00° 150 TCH 36 1.8 NM 3.4 NM 8 NM CATEGORY A B C D 5 5 P LPV DA 566-1 8 542 (600-1 8 ) LNAV/ 1 1 DA 859-2 835 (900-2 2 ) VNAV 2 32 LNAV MDA 760-1 736 (800-1) 760-2 736 (800-2) MIRL Rwy 14-32 L 318° to 1520-3 C CIRCLING 760-1 736 (800-1) NA REIL Rwys 14 and 32 L RW32 1496 (1500-3) SAND POINT, ALASKA SAND POINT(SDP)(PASD) Orig 13SEP18 55°19'N-160°31'W RNAV (GPS) RWY 32 M1 A ALTERNATE MINS A 21280 INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE CHARTS A IFR ALTERNATE AIRPORT MINIMUMS Standard alternate minimums for non-precision approaches and approaches with vertical guidance [NDB, VOR, LOC, TACAN, LDA, SDF, VOR/DME, ASR, RNAV (GPS) or RNAV (RNP)] are 800-2.

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