December 2008 Volume 17, No. 11 www.aps.org/publications/apsnews Econophysics and the APS NEWS Current Economic Turmoil A PublicAtion of the AmericAn PhysicAl society • www.APs.org/PublicAtions/APsnews See page 8 Pittsburgh Steels Itself for Physics Invasion Apker Recipients Study Graphene, The 2009 APS March Meeting tation, a panel discussion with APS Advances in Josephson Qubits. Quantum Information Theory will be held March 16-20 in Pitts- journal editors, a students’ lunch A one-day workshop on Op- The LeRoy Apker Award is graphene. He used scanning probe burgh, Pennsylvania. It is the larg- with the experts, and a High School portunities in Energy Research for given for outstanding research ac- microscopy to show how the sur- est annual gathering of professional Teachers’ Day. graduate students and postdocs will complishments in physics by an face potential of few-layer graphene physicists in the country. This year be held Sunday, March 15. undergraduate. Two categories are sheets depends on the number of the scientific program will feature The 6th APS Workshop on Op- recognized, one for an undergradu- layers. Datta is now pursuing his 112 invited sessions and 462 con- portunities in Biological Phys- ate at an institution PhD as a graduate tributed sessions (574 total ses- ics, organized by the Division of that grants the PhD, student at Harvard. sions), at which approximately Biological Physics, will be held on and the other for an The recipient in 7000 papers will be presented, Sunday, March 15. undergraduate at an the non-PhD cate- covering the latest research in areas On Saturday, March 14 and institution that does gory is Byron Drury represented by the APS divisions Sunday, March 15, the Divi- not grant the PhD. of Haverford Col- of Atomic, Molecular and Optical sion of Polymer Physics will As reported in last lege. His senior-year Physics; Biological Physics; Chemi- host a special short course: Phys- month’s APS News, research, conducted cal Physics; Computational Physics; ics of Polymer Nanocomposites. the selection com- under the supervi- Condensed Matter Physics; Fluid There will also be a professional mittee first picks a sion of Peter Love, Sujit Datta Dynamics; Laser Science; Materi- skills development workshop for number of finalists was in the area of als Physics; Physics of Beams; and women physicists, and a joint APS from each category, quantum informa- Polymer Physics. department of education/Forum on who then meet for tion theory. He used Also taking part will be the APS Education workshop on Incorpo- a day of interviews elegant Lie Alge- topical groups on Instrument and rating Simulations and Computer with the committee braic techniques to Measurement Science, Magnetism In addition to the regular tech- Modeling into Upper Level Physics before the recipients factorize general n- and its Applications, Statistical and nical program, there will be eight Courses. are chosen. qubit operations into Nonlinear Physics, and Quantum half-day tutorials offered on Sun- Child-care grants of up to $300 This year’s recip- a product of elemen- Information, as well as the forums day, March 15. The tutorial topics will be available to assist meeting ient in the PhD cat- tary unitary opera- on Industrial and Applied Phys- are: Bose-Einstein Condensation attendees bringing small children. egory is Sujit Datta tors that act on only ics, Physics and Society, History and Degenerate Fermi Gases; Gra- The application form is available on of the University of one or two qubits. of Physics, International Physics, phene; Plasmonics; Terahertz Spec- the meeting website. A parent-child Pennsylvania. Work- Byron Drury Drury was awarded Education, and Graduate Student troscopy and Its Applications; Spin- quiet room will also be available. ing in the lab of Alan a Churchill Schol- Affairs. tronics: Physics and Device Appli- More info about the meeting can (Charlie) Johnson, he conducted his arship, with which he is spending Special scheduled events include cations; Emergent Phenomena in be found at: www.aps.org/meetings/ senior thesis research on nanoscale a year at Cambridge University be- the annual prize and award presen- Complex Oxides; Nanomagnetism; march/index.cfm. physics, primarily the properties of fore pursuing his PhD at MIT. Sigma Pi Sigma Congress Convenes at Fermilab By Nadia Ramlagan effect change in society, from local ics Teachers provided some support Participants tackled issues like eral recommendations, which will activism to national politics. for the Congress. science funding and policy, public be encapsulated into a subset of ac- With the end of the 2008 US Sigma Pi Sigma is a national “Our collective task, by the perception of science, international tionable ideas and eventually imple- presidential election just a few days physics honor society, housed with- very nature of our gathering, is to research and collaboration, diversity mented. prior, the topic of scientific citizen- in the Society of Physics Students ask what we can resolve to do as a in scientific fields, and science edu- Many attendees expressed sur- ship discussed at this year’s Sigma (SPS). Both are administered by society to best prepare the physi- cation and outreach through a series prise at the notion of scientists Pi Sigma Quadrennial Congress the American Institute of Physics. cists of tomorrow. How shall we of scientific citizenship workshops. getting involved “in politics” and seemed especially relevant. Five The Congress, held November 6-8, best encourage scientific citizen- During roundtable brainstorm- making a difference in their com- hundred and fifty students repre- was designed to bring together un- ship?” remarked planning commit- ing sessions, members formulated munities. “Before this conference, senting 103 institutions gathered at dergraduates, physics alumni, and tee members Michael Gaither and recommendations to enhance the I didn’t know that as a physicist I Fermilab in Batavia, IL this year to practicing physicists. The APS and Justin Stimatze at the opening of the Society’s role in the civic science could have a career in politics. It explore the myriad ways scientists the American Association of Phys- Congress. movement. Chapters voted on sev- FERMILAB continued on page 4 April Meeting Plenary Speakers Set SESAME Now Officially Open Speakers have been set for the dard, Merging black holes SESAME, a synchrotron radia- plenary lectures at the 2009 APS tion laboratory in the Middle East, Monday, May 4 April Meeting, which, despite its opened with an inauguration cer- name, will be held May 2-5 in Den- 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. emony November 3, attended by ver, Colorado. The theme of the Alexander Zholent, LBNL, Prince Ghazi ben Mohammad of 2009 April Meeting is “New Eyes Next generation microscopes for the Jordan and Director-General of on the Universe: 400 Years of Tele- study of matter UNESCO Koichiro Matsura. scopes.” The plenary lectures will Robert Rosner, Argonne Na- SESAME (Synchrotron-light be exciting and informative, featur- tional Laboratory, Nuclear Energy for Experimental Science and Ap- ing a broad range of distinguished Richard Muller, University of plications in the Middle East) is a speakers. More information about California, Berkeley, A physicist UNESCO-sponsored project that the April Meeting is online at http:// evaluates the terrorist threat aims to promote scientific develop- www.aps.org/meetings/april/index. Tuesday, May 5 ment as well as understanding and cfm . cooperation among scientists from 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. different countries in the Middle Saturday, May 2 Paris Sphicas, University of East. 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Athens, Greece, The LHC The facility is located in Allaan, Photo courtesy of SESAME Peter Michelson, Stanford Uni- James Cronin, University of Jordan, about 20 miles from Am- versity, First results from Fermi/ Chicago, Nature’s highest energy man. The November ceremony Jordanian Prince ghazi ben mohammed (left) watches as Koichiro matsura (right), GLAST messenger: Pierre Auger Obser- marked the completion of the main Director-general of unesco, cuts the ribbon signifying the launch of the sesA- Kent Paschke, University of vatory building for SESAME. Scientific me facility. standing between them is the Director of sesAme, Khaled toukan. Virginia, What have we learned us- Raymond Fonck, University of operations are expected to begin in entific collaboration and promote “One of the challenges for the ing the CEBAF microscope to study Wisconsin–Madison, Recent High- 2011. basic and applied research in the success of SESAME is building a hadronic matter? lights in Plasma Physics on the The SESAME project will offer Middle East. user community by enabling Middle Joan Centrella, NASA/God- Path to ITER facilities for interdisciplinary sci- SESAME continued on page 3 2 • December 2008 APS NEWS Members This Month in Physics History in the Media December 1706: Birth of Émilie du Châtelet “What we have done is we have the opportunities that physics af- put together two materials, neither fords me to think deeply about all Émilie du Châtelet, famous for being Voltaire’s published and was positively received by the sci- of which is a superconductor, and kinds of things, from the trivial to mistress, was actually a talented scientist and in- entific community. we found their interface–where the profound, and I also enjoy the tellectual in her own right. Overcoming challenges She also developed a strong interest in the they touch–is superconducting,” chance to implement new pro- that kept women from becoming scientists at the work of Isaac Newton, which was somewhat con- Ivan Bozovic, Brookhaven Na- grams and ideas that benefit young time, she educated herself and carried out experi- troversial at the time in France, where Cartesian tional Laboratory, Reuters, Octo- people.” ments in physics, and completed a translation and philosophy was favored over Newton’s ideas. Ém- ber 8, 2008 Gary White, AIP, The Topeka commentary on Newton’s Principia.
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