USSVI — Blueback Base Newsletter Blueback Base, P.O. Box 1887 Portland, Oregon — February 2015 — # 247 Clackamas, OR 97015-1887 The Creed of the USSVI is Not to Forget our Purpose…… “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments, Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.” BASE MEETINGS... FORWARD BATTERY BASE COMMANDER— Executive Board Will Meet: George Hudson 503-843-2082 ([email protected]) Thursday February 12th, 2015 VICE COMMANDER— At VFW Post #4248 Jay Agler 503-771-1774 7118 SE Fern — Portland, OR SECRETARY— At 1730 Dennis Smith 503-981-4051 Blueback Base Meeting TREASURER— Thursday February 12th, 2015 MIKE WORDEN 503-708-8714 At VFW Post #4248 CHAPLAIN— 7118 SE Fern —Portland, OR Scott Duncan 503-667-0728 At 1900 CHIEF OF THE BOAT— Chow This Month Enchiladas Dave Vrooman 503-466-0379 WAYS AND MEANS CHAIRMAN— Need A Volunteer For This Post MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN— Dave Vrooman 503-466-0379 PUBLICITY AND SOCIAL CHAIRMAN— Gary Schultz, Jr. 503-666-6125 BYLAWS CHAIRMAN— RAY LOUGH 360-573-4274 SMALL STORES BOSS— Commanders Corner 2 Secret Weapon 5 Dylan McComiskey 503-734-0028 January Meeting Min. 2 Navy Obituary 6 [email protected] TRUSTEE— Lost Boats 3 Enlisted Women 6 Gary Webb 503-632-6259 Fred Carneau 3 Enlisted (Cont) 7 SANITARY EDITOR Bob Sumner 360-606-1320 Meeting Min. (continued) 4 Tolling the Bell 7 [email protected] NOMINATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN— Lida Submarines 4 Tolling (cont) 8 Scott Duncan 503-667-0728 Humor 4 Saluting Heroes 8 PAST BASE COMMANDER— Good for the Order 5 Heroes (cont) 9 Chuck Nelson 360-694-5069 HISTORIAN, POC, AND ALL AROUND GOOD Dues 5 Word Search * 10 GUY— More Humor 5 *E-Mail Version BOB WALTERS 503-284-8693 VENTING SANITARY Inboard — February 2015 — Page 1 VENTING SANITARY Inboard — February 2015 — Page 2 Commander’s Corner BLUEBACK BASE MEETING MINUTES Many of us proudly wear our Submarine Veterans caps 1730: E - Board Meeting. Members present, Base Com- whenever we leave the house, me included. The hat elicits mander George Hudson, Vice Commander Jay Agler, previ- “thank you for your service” comments from patriotic citi- ous Base Commander Ray Lough, Secretary Dennis Smith, zens, other veterans and sometimes fellow submarine sailors. Treasurer Mike Warden. The Subvet hat is a great recruiting tool for finding new E-Board appointed Gary Webb to the Trustee position on the USSVI members. My wife Cheryl often teases me saying E-Board and he joined the meeting. Ray Lough was ap- that I wear the hat to “pick up sailors.” Very funny! But, I pointed to the By-Laws Chairman position. Other appointed have recruited a couple of new members with the hat. Other positions were discussed. Bills were reviewed and paid. Com- benefits from wearing the hat have been veteran discounts at mander Hudson reviewed his POD with the board and the retail stores and restaurants. meeting was adjourned. But, here is a benefit you’ve probably never heard about: 1900: Base meeting called to order by Commander George laying a wreath on George Washington’s tomb. That’s right, Hudson. “the” George Washington, our number one American Vet- Invocation: Arlo Gatchel eran. Pledge led by: George Hudson In 2010 Cheryl and I Tolling of the Lost Boats: Jay Agler/Bill Bryant took a vacation to Moment of Silence for Lost Shipmates Virginia and Wash- Reading of USSVI Creed: Commander George Hudson ington D.C. One of Introductions: By all the attractions we Secretary Report: Dennis Smith saw was Mount Treasurers Report: Mike Worden Vernon, the home of George Washington. Commanders Report: George Hudson After we toured the Old Business: Commander Hudson announced that Fred plantation, we fol- Carneau has gone on Eternal Patrol and asked Bob Walters to lowed a path down to speak about Fred. Service for Fred is 1/29/2015 12:30 at the tomb of George and Martha Washington. I was wearing Willamette National Cemetery. Commander Hudson reported my submarine veteran’s hat that day, which the tour guide that Gary Webb has been appointed trustee on the E-Board, and Ray Lough has been appointed as By-Laws Chairman. noticed. The guide asked me if I was a veteran and I replied Commander Hudson reminded everyone to get their National “yes.” Another veteran in civilian clothes identified himself Dues paid. Bill Brant has new calendars available. as a current army Lt. Colonel who was a veteran of Iraq and 50/50 Break Afghanistan. Then the guide surprised us with an invitation to place a wreath on George Washington’s tomb. The guide New Business: Commander Hudson talked about becoming a National Life Member and a Blueback Base Life Member. said the honor of opening his tomb and placing a wreath You have to join National first. Submarine Birthday lunch there is extended only to U.S. Veterans, heads of state, con- was discussed. Possibly changing venue to another location. gressmen, and to boy scouts or girl scouts who are working Commander Hudson called for a volunteer to check with the on this special merit badge. Monarch. Mike Worden volunteered. Asked if there was an The Lt. Colonel and I both said it would be an honor to par- interest in having the Valentines lunch. No interest. Stu ticipate in the ceremony. As we prepared for the wreath cere- Crosby spoke about the possibility of adopting the Oregon SS793. Mike Worden reported about Kaps for Kids. It is very mony two women veterans identified themselves and asked expensive and appears to be no interest. Mike also spoke if they could participate as well. The ceremony was beauti- about the Scholarship fund and that the Base needs to get ful: the guide unchained and opened the tomb, then ex- more involved in charitable activities. plained the history and meaning of our presentation. She said Mike presented a motion to change the percentages of money that the wreath we were presenting was made from a bough going to the scholarship fund and to the slush fund. E.H. of fresh yew, signifying peace, and was grown from the Collins spoke about his experience as treasurer and this issue. original yew tree that George Washington had planted many He felt it is a bad idea. Past Base Commander Ray Lough years ago. One of the ladies led the Pledge of Allegiance, also spoke about this issue. Gary Webb asked for clarification after which the other woman read George Washington’s fa- on the scholarship fund and asked about the flag pole projects vorite prayer that he delivered to his troops. Then the Lt. that were supposed to happen. Commander Hudson asked for Colonel and I placed the wreath at the foot of Washington’s the original motion to tabled for the E-Board. tomb. Scott Duncan spoke about his experience in the Submarine Reserve at Swan Island with Fred Carneau What an honor! I have to admit I choked up as I said the Pledge of Allegiance. If any of you plan to travel to Wash- 50/50 drawing ington D.C., keep this opportunity in mind, as it made our Mike Worden welcomed Steve Daniels as a new Life Mem- whole visit very memorable. ber Benediction: Scott Duncan *********************** (Meeting Minutes Continued on Page 4) VENTING SANITARY Inboard — February 2015 — Page 3 February Lost Boats Fred Carneau Passed Away We were deeply sad- dened to learn that our USS Barbel (SS-316) Blueback Base ship- Lost on Feb 4,1945 with the loss of 81 officers and men mate and USS Blueback on her 4th war patrol. Based on Japanese records, she volunteer Fred Carneau was bombed near the southern entrance to the Palawan passed away on Decem- Passage. The day before, she reported she survived 3 ber 19, 2014. He was 92 depth charge attacks. years old. ******************************* Fred served as a member of the USS Blueback maintenance crew for 20 years, ever since the submarine arrived at OMSI USS Shark I (SS-174) in 1994. Fred used his skills working with engines and ma- Lost on Feb 11,1942 with the loss of 59 officers and chines to create many of the sound and lighting features that men on her 1st war patrol. Shark was the 1st US subma- make the Blueback such an exciting attraction to OMSI visi- rine sunk by enemy surface craft in the Pacific. She was tors. Some of the features that he contributed to include sub- most likely sunk by depth charges. marine sound effects using a sonar hydrophone, the working ****************************** panel lights and meters in the control room, and the diving USS Amberjack (SS-219) station indicator. A favorite Blueback memory for Fred was back in 1997 when Lost on Feb 16,1943 with the loss of 72 officers and the boat was in dry dock for major maintenance. During the men on her 3rd war patrol. Off Rabaul, she was attacked three-month period the submarine was at the shipyard, Fred by a Japanese patrol plane, attacked by a torpedo boat was there helping the shipyard crew whenever he could, and then depth charged by a subchaser. sometimes spending 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. After ******************************* three months, the ship was placed back at OMSI with new USS Grayback (SS-208) paint, a clean hull, and countless improvements done by the volunteer maintenance crew. Lost on Feb 27,1944 with the loss of 80 officers and men on her 10th war patrol.
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