? * J. ■?s*;''-'p ;r ■>.' S'Tli / . MARY CHENEY LIBRARY 8ATD1IIMT, NOVEMBEB XI, U « f ^ p ag e t w e l v e flIanrIirBtfr £ti»nins ¥?rdU> ATdrage D ully Nut Pruuu Run Fm ths Maath at Oetohar, IMS the roads were open for stage and wagon travel, the going waa rough In Josephine Role (!3iiirch Fair About Town and drivers had to carry their 9,594 Heard Along Main Street trusty axes to remove debrli^ fallen trees and other obstacles. Rivera Ends Tonight ORANGE HALL BINGO IIIM IxnilM P im e a of IM And on Some of Mdnche»ter*g Side Streets, Too had to ferried or forded and in flUrkwoatbor otroot |lo opene^ general the going waa anything but 22 REGULAR GAMES Mtmehester— 'A City o i VUtage Charm tbt m tf----- ** with frtenda In New comfortable, particularly for pas­ Another Large Crowd at Haven. ____ Before Manchester amounted to Stem prevailed, and hence most of sengers. AdvardMag oa Faga 12) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1948 (FOURI'EEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR C i m the settlement and administration “The development of the high­ 6 SPECIA LS VOL. LXVUL, NO, 59 A' oocUon ^M aln ot^t’e much, and when important places way system is closely related to ’St. Bridgets; Car to Be UfliUnr w u enerffioed was on the county system. Most like Coventry and Bolton, Ashford of the shipment of tobacco was by the attempt to provide a means of Awarded Sweepstoire and Door Prize loot night In preparation f o r Mon- water from a river wharf. There getting the mail through and the dav‘s offleial opening when all the and Thompson figured more, the various branches o f the Old Boston Flyiiig Boat Removes Berlin Childreta l o n ^ of Main atreet shortest way to get from Boston was relatively little communica­ Women members of the Enter­ tion between the sparse population Post Road form an important ar­ EVERY MONDAY NIGHT will ba turned on every evening to New Tork was a route through tery or network In this progress. tainment committee, Mrs. SuUivsn Israel Formally ^ settlements. NEW STARTING TIME— 7:45 News Tidbits C e n tr a l C h in a B a ttle through the hoUday aeaaon. The what since has become the Tow-n The Rontee and Mrs. Holmes, were responsible CaD«d Froai (/F) Wires eectlon tested last night was that of Manchester. The “Middle Road, "In New England, on the other “The Upper Road left Boston hand, the town instead of t^e from Charter Oak street to Pur­ as it was called, extended from and went through Waltham, Sud­ for some of t^ amuripg featuros Bo.ston to New York via Roxbury, county became thb tmlt of govern­ bury, Marlboro, Worcester, Brook­ of the "QulZP *PTO«W8b‘ k t -a t Military Joata which has ruled nell Piece. ment, because this form w-as Seeks to Enter x Dedham, Medway, Belllngh^am field, Palmer, and Wllbraham; It Bridget’s baZaar at St, Brldget’a VeneZuela since last Wednesday adapted to the growth of clusters Stuart Carlson of the Oerlson (Hollister). Mendon, Uxbridge, followed the old Connecticut Path ball last night Another good at­ holding Former President Romulo Now Shifting Closer of settlements for mutual protec­ Trucking Co., yesterday was and Douglas In Massachusetts, to Springfield. It continued on tendance waa noted and it Is ex­ Gallegos In military school. Ex­ Thomp^n Porafret, A shf^d Cov- tion against the Indians. It was through Suflleld and Hartford, to pected the banner crowd of the granted a permit by Building In­ many years before these towns ecutive council of Phi Pappa Psi spector David Chambers to build Wethersfield, where the road di­ baZaar will be present tonight United Nations entry. Bolton and f ” ” j grew sufflclenUyently to demand ex­ fraternity upholds suspension of im addition to bis storehouse on to Hartford where It merged w iin ' . vided to be rejoined at North Ha­ when ;the feature will be the its Amherst college chapter which tensive interconnecting commu­ ven. From here the road ran awarding of the.Bul^ "Super’’ Stock Place at an estimated cost the “Upper Road" to New Haven nicating roads with the other col­ took Negro In membenhip . Ex- o f M,500. and New York. It was a dlsUnce through New Haven, Milford, Fair- four-door 1948 sedan, u ^ c b is be­ WASTE PAPER Applies for Vorl^ Voice oelleat pngreaa being made In To Capital of Nation onies on the Atlantic seaboard. field, Norwalk, Greenwich, Rye, ing given away In conjunction with NewFornriila of 203 miles. Growth Was Slow talks between Arabs and Jews on Speaking of roads out of Bos­ Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, East- the baZaar. The purpose of the af­ Exactly Year ^ fter cease fire agreement for Jerusalem "More than half a century cheater, Klngsbridge, and Harlem fair Is to raise money for the new ton by way of Dedham, we are elapsed between the time New General Assembly Ac- area, saj-a U. N. spokesman . In­ Heights to New Tork. According Jane Ye MS Park parochial school the parish is For Big Four vestigators promise new "break” Nationalist Troops at Sn- >PEN ALL DAY tempted to digress to recaU the Amsterdam and Plymouth were planning. '* Pacifist Loses His War to Low's Boston almanac of 1800, In mystery slaying of Robert Blal- Will Be Given description given by a missionary s settled in the early IfiOO’s and the this distance was 250 miles." ' tion to Split Pales­ Against Lead Soldiers chow Ordered to With­ June Yeomans Park, of Hart­ The 8M door priZe last night was lard, S7year-old Negro shot to lUNDAY wife who travelled from Boston to time roads were put through con­ The Lower road starting at won by Mrs, Thomas F, Moriarty COLLECTIONt tine Between Jews death from ambush near hla home Calcutta, India. In her letter home, necting these tw o leading towns! Boston went through Roxbury and ford, before her marriage Bramuglia Offers His draw Southward to of 9 Strickland street whoee in OeoiglA Guest Status Nantes, France, Nov. 29.— telling of her long journey, she de­ Boston In the meantime had be­ Wrentham to Providence and there lived la Manchester, wUI play the number waa the first drawn. North Pharmacy And Arab Countries Latest Plan for Set­ British grovernment source says (P)--d«en PIpart, 41, a pacifist, Engage Main Com­ scribed many Incidents en route, come the New England metropolis. split into an easterly and westerly part of Josephine the captain’s Winners of priZes In the "()ulZ** MONDAY, NOV. 29 loot his war against sn army but explained that she had “de­ Western European alliance has 4 DepQt Sq. 6545 "B y warfare and treaty with the skirting of Narragansett Bay, One daughter. In the comic opera. "H. program were: Mrs. Walter Harri­ tling Crisis on Berlin o f lead aoldiers. Today he’s In munist Forces; Reds cided to sail from New York In­ Indians the white settlers of New Paris, Nov. 29—(flV-Isruel presented to U. S. its draft o f pro­ Truman’ s Former Per* road going to Newport and the M.S. Pinafore” of Gilbert and Sul­ son, pot holders donated by a jail. stead of Boston, and arrived Just England pushed their roads back IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION posed defense agreement with U. Concentrating Near other on the other side to Kings­ friend; Mre. Frank Stukas, box of applied formally today for Paris, Nov. 29—(P)— Argentina sonal Plane to Fly as safely thus by journeying to Into the wilderness, one path to­ livan, which will be presented S. and Canada . Vice Premier PIpart, outraged at Christ­ town where the roads again Joined, three nights, Thursday, Friday and candy, donated by Nichols NeWs membership in the United mas store window displays of Calcutta by way of Dedham.” ward what Is now Springfield, ( 1 Foreign Minister Juan A. Bra- Eduard Kardelj acknowledged that Suhsien and Pengpu on went to Westerly, New London and Saturday, December 9, 10 and 11 shop; Mrs. Pauline Adams, picture Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuing Nations. Britain, which has Mme. Cltiang to Capital toy armies, charged the lead Homes, offices, cellat^ The road she took, was no doubt, along the Bay Path. The Upper the shore towns and thence to New donated by Bray the Jeweler; Mr. mugulla said today he had sent to much publicised "voluntaty” work at the South Methodist church of Yugoslavs to rebuild their coun­ soldiers with an armful of pav­ Nanking’s Approaches cleaned and odd jobs. Also he Middle Road. Boston Post Road follows this gen­ York. The distance on the easterly and Mrs. Ollphant cake set do­ been lukewarm to the new the Big Four powers his newest under the auspices of the Epwprth To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! try has been truly voluntary . Washington, Nov. 29—(/T)—The ing atones. delivery service. e "Teamster” publication ' of eral location. branch was 259 miles and on ths nated by Harrison’s; Mr. and Mrs. state carved from Palestine, League. formula for settling the Berlin Albanian Telegfraph agency reports State department announced today The police called it breaking the Tutomatlo.ial Brotherhood of "The direction of this road and westerly 247. Linders, lapel pin donated by "will in no circumstances Naniung, Nov. 29.—(/F>—> that of the Middle Post Roads In She will sing this role on two blockade crisis. general ehakeup of Albanian cabi­ and entering.
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