DM ht Tfct Evening World DaMy M t fill n c , TP r tft y , jTuy , ffrrB MMfM U "S'Matter, Pop?" it nw HOT fat 55 M 13 By C. M. Payne I - " Irrt" k,.d., el. 1 I ! , II iT". Tl I I 111, I - i i i lj r I ii m .cn . i i i r x i ' i J m r i Kfi k . m mm tessj r ii 3 Tr . "fe """'! s?f j fc r S O-u-- n- - - J K KB -- - S3fS- a "- S?TZ T30rO 1 eg " tS". - - i i V ' ' N 7" ; ; - spas - r - - - mmmtmrntmaXj I nr rinnnr. i. j r.- j .nr j nr irft i alaawwswssewwessasssswsa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mmmmmmmaimmtmmimmmmi0mm0m0tm Mmmtmttttttiititmfimtmitmmtmmi nwi'wwww"! I 1 Nation-Famo- us tTmjuuuifJfaB Ten - No Wonder! UaSS&l B - My Hunt for Husband L rf- a LL 0 wmmmmm Ahem Ytk $ Bmttffl? Qmatfmr "W Ibf 4 New 7mSSH out tSwi I f KE md York Murders Wipe UMLel BE ovDWN,riaTj) By W. V. Pollock. By Alfred Henry Lewis See. this oeNCM STMt 6eNCH OMJ VV OtBtTlskt, Mil, g Ths Press r - bUak -g Ot. (Tee New Tent to VIII. THE LOVB- AT-FIRST -SlGHr' MAS. and mamma Instated that tha only Why to -- How Stoke$ Killed Fink and Why. Y9 JSOlursg of our I broke ray engagement ta Ogag. was to run away from town. M or PhBCtDIMO IWALMKNTK blue cigar lord Y smoke over all. fresh achemes Mamma and visited da O tn aw ManU Orna, fish, a Varmoater, after Ttriooe prnrlarUI or piracy In atocka and politics were al- I the 'e If OrtHii far furs-- aa then wast the Grand Canyon Aitsuna, where wa warn to use to New Tork. He si most nightly shoved from shore. rJ continued to of witk Jar Uoald l ksjejVr ther pacta and a party at any gtrl shs , who warn shnysroasd by n oow.rol of the Erts Railroad. To Inn a An Untuck "lotut." mamma s tetter la IMt -a-nlrsiUtioet of Km rl!rasl When possession stbtli, brought leading Flak took of the Pike Tha scenery of New Mexico, that tarrttary In She sky. with Its ther Into the deal mml spera House he rcbaiPttsed It the Orend. hmMi ewhneit of tht "Teoa 1 Hlog," polities! orgee. ranges. Ha varlau tints of rocks. Ita Isxtata wklrk at ruled New Tork me. iMonteland waa brought over from that tin dir. " for hours a time I mamma In tha drat Fltk (Ww rtoti and hose-t- strung him Parte to alng 1n "Lea Brigand Ftsk at left il. JoonUr . at- - Sin mm mm Felice, ray maid all tha observation ear, where had a better rtow of ton t 'rtM Frlaee of Erie.' Ik ild aw-- d gave her a dinner In tha Erie rooms. IHSBIUkaWl unm I LL. WSZBSnxrrrnn.; J ta la I sate la a baa atlful unman rumal MaaaneM, and all the world waa there Including nrt fOWSUT changing panorama, dotted with Mexican ftoailr took 1 atoket to rail oa bw. tha .Mansfield. and flocks of sheep. Carried away an tha tides of hit own On we tOontisusd.) tha afternoon af tha seoond day exuberance, Flsk proposed tha health scenery Artaona. with atretehea of harren rooks rising like STOKES was of of la Montsland, ami although nuj af alternate the antlthssls to sky, and gardens and flowers rtoh i Flak. High, thoroughbred. Cicero he mad. a speech. tha of fruits and good-nature- d porter out pggtfsg- Stokes wax In vary lino of He Informed la Monteland. among The ended aetata of n- intat set. and whan, aa hi nature the pevtrtclan. He other matters of equal Interest If not - we were crossing tha cantilever bridge whtoh spans the Colorado River, he toM knew all that schools and Importance, that whereas In times paat Lssarrr-gggto- us it was the largest bridge of Ita ated la tha world, there was a real tie. in colleges ahe had been wined and dined by Eu fi among the pssssngetg. could tsaoh. Aside - 29 from books, he owned an outdoor aide, rope's counts of no account and dukes ...... - At this point It seemed perfectly natarnt that the yesnag nana stttmg aaat to being ..ir.ii.tt- ,BWrffwi"ri""i"""'"i''fflw'm m- and boxed, and fenced, and aa much aa without dollar, she waa now ban r"" i me Should speak to me. and It aoesaed perfectly proper that X should throw con- queted by one royal family of any Comanche waa at home hi the of the vent!en to the wings Oode own ouantiy" apeak him. America himself, indeed, of eat there la and ta addle. Juat a Flak grew tubbllv groae the Prince 1 We heoarae aa Interested twtoght was Ma- nd Erie a prince ao golden ha owned i la each other that teniae whoa irthv. ao Htokes remained alhn and that 7 . came me snaanna waiting to Slag. rlaan and trained. fUokee's ayea were the opera house she waa to sing in. UKXJU. LAMAT 1 I OM MA tilda mamma's nutansa, to tad that was f 1 young 1 rs By tola knew ton meats, nana tar, profssalsa. lartre and full of a brown Bra. Alert, prince so powerful that ha could change I TUB. DlCareraJR I I V I I thne I man's ash that efnllchtfOPWard. tlie aoul of otirae. the name of New York to Flsavllle "'-- 4i. ' ' UIONnEJL; IIIr he was married, that he Urea la dt rant, Mtosgggt sat was aaw on Ms n; the feelIn he furnlehed waa a feellrar whenever moved by the spirit of his with mx other rasa from the earae olty to Insp est a ingpn ggfra. of force. Commercially keen, he waa own splendors so to do. This was all After dinner Ywllee. whose ehelr waa last isg.Hi of ewr stats ream, came x-.- very Imuresstvs to Montsland. ir-, ' , - -- --anal what It called a food buainaa man. la hr n&reltv sar j- snag to he at Bat he took hla temper Into hla buaU As for ths Mansfield, she showed her tS. appreciation of tha Prince's eloquence lowed to presenthUMMe-- d, ftohert J an, And, because hla run wont with, Being m aa adventnreoe mead. told Vsaee to hrtag them Into ream hla temper, to rob him or cheat him by leaving the table. I tha stats I and Introduced them to earns poaaeased a dlacouraainc side. Thla cold conduct on the part of the it Stokes was six years youncer than Manalleld nearly sobered Flak. When Mr. Slay L taped to jjaV dat Mr. Hohort J devoted Mmeotf to me. he called later at No. 85 Twenty-thir- d He told me he had been watching no and Boy V darted the afternoon Ptsk. lie came to New TorJ. from -- m - aad explain him In. ii ii M ' i ii; r . i .1 .1 kn lttO, and broke Into buslneas street to ahe wouldn't let I'lii r' i nil iii i. f.v litis. r" mm1? n.,. wx ii m sh ttafl been selTerlmj retsnss tortures bsnwuot Boy D gad I warn at wall mated by way of the Produce Exchange. He The Mansfield didn't love Flsk; but one He saldi "1 would half say we If ecaud tastraat yen aa did." II I' -- V I dra I he wasn't tons; In nuking a record as a needn't be in love n order to be Jealous. mmWaamt t Wmaimmm . xa." 'I LL J' fir nanskaaa. k oW f J He abrupt pteetpltoua Flsk didn't love the Mansfield; but one ' PK'" then startled as bn en aad prnpesal of ennrriage. Mvalryman aaVaperulatlon, and since ho He ttsrolsed ray attmcUona, Inoludhagr my hair, ray eyes, aay drees, ray youih. von his needn't be In love In order to feel the all buttles soon reared up a my and--d blush aay my My were ggaaotarlged budding fortune. cold scorn of beauty Ilka an Icicle hands ta It adore. virtues and through his heart. defined, such aa voice, manner, ggprgggtoa, Ismlslnfty and ladghOlty, etc. The Oil roae to the Westc n Pennsylvania upon surface, and waa Flsk asked Stokea tn prevail beauty of a ayandem aad Mm character of aa an gat were credited tn ma. Btckea filled with Icy see up S29O.000 the Mansfield to thaw, and "My party data off I A. M. at . Oct off with year mother marry me atroleum dreams. He put a proper at aad .'eflnsry at Hunter's Point, and In a thlnga In their light. The Htokes tomorrow." he tared. all ambassadorship waa aucceesful; Flsk moment was brlakly In the greasy swim. I eat there laughing at Mm aatfl X thonnht I eheaM he ML And the mare I 1M7 waa rsstoreJ to Mansfield favor. But Ths panic of laid Stokes on his lauejhed the nvsoe nam set aad sorieue he hsnsms Ma aatfl ha weahed to talk to aaacuU baok. Also, before tie again he soon fell out again; and when, for the second time, Stokea sought to mamma. Aad whlls ha was trying to i MWm could scramble to his feet, hla unln- - word hla snd. surad refinery burned to the ground. bring; about a reconciliation that me- la a tor hi Thta laft him aa flat as a flounder. diator didn't find hla path ao smooth. 1 Stokes had credit-th- at bower anchor The Manefleld atood perched upon the thirty yeare of ago, a power la at Bant Bey II f fcallnsss.
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