to - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. Oct. 3. 1988 CM S CARR CARR CARR IS^TRUCKS/VANS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RALE FOR RALE ISSI FOR SALE Heroes 1977 CHEVY Novo. 2 1976 M O N T E Carlo. 350, 1983 MUSTANG Hatch­ 1976 Volksw agen bus. 1983 FO RD Ranger. 43,000 door, fair condition. 4-borrol, automatic, back. Black, auto- 61,000 original miles. miles, original owner, $300 or best ofer. 203- htodors, some chrome. m a t I c , a ir Very good condition. very reliable. Excel­ Flaw less flight 6039. Corvette style rims, conditioning, power 623-5S29. lent condition. Coll T h e price runs good, needs minor stearlng, cruise con­ Dove, days, 646-2769, touch up on body, new trol, A M /F M cassette. evenings, 644-4504. for Discovery /lO dual exhaust. Primer $3500. Coll 649-3300, 1978 GMC Von. 8 pas­ 1984 Chew Covoller. block, blue Interior, evenings. senger. 113,000 miles. Type 10,2 door coupe, 5 tilt. Coll 232-1219, leave 1976 CADILLAC Coupe SCHALLER Power stearlng, power sp*ed, custom Interior, message. $700 or best DeVllle. Mint condi­ brakes, automatic. & Am-Fm cassette. Ex­ otter.______________ tion. Must be seen. Best ACURA $600 643-4091. cellent condition. 03500 1986 DODGE Arles SE, 2 offer. 646-3782. USED CARS or best otter.649-5326 GIVE YOUR budget a door, automatic, olr, 88 Legend........ *21,995 otter 6:00. stereo, 48,000 miles. boosti Sell those still- Excellent condition. 88 Caravan S E ...*15,565 good but no-longer-used Items In your home tor INVITATION TO 010 Reduced to $4595. Coll 88 F-150P/U..... *15,785 647-9286. cosh. Call 643-2711 to place Sealed bids will be received 87 S-10 Blazer...*14.975 your od. In the General Services' of- CLYDE tlce, 41 Center St., Manches­ LEGAL NOTICE CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 87 Interga L S .... ' 9,995 ter, CT until 11:00a.m. on the TOWN OF ANDOVER ROUTE 83, VERNON 87 Mazda RX7 .... *13,995 AUTOS FOR date shown below for the fol- The 2nd Quarterly Install­ 84 Cspdce Wegon *8295 lowlne: ment of property taxes on the 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 8,595 RENT/LEA8E October 1, 1987 Grand List bS Spectrum 4 Dr. *4995 87 Toy. CoroMal ...* 8,295 O CTO BER 11,19M ore now due and payable Oc­ 85 Century 4 Dr. (2) WATERV/ORKS SUPPLIES tober 1,1988. Payments made *8995 87 Toyota QT ....*10,995 F R E E M ile a ge , on low 68 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7895 cost auto rentals. Vil­ OCTOBER 13,1«M after November 1, 1988 are 86 Chev C20 ..... * 9.595 sublect to a late charge ot 88 Celebrity Euro 4 Or. *7995 lage Auto Rental. 643- REDWOOD LUMBER l'/i% per month on the late 86 Chev C30 ..... *14,975 2979 or 646-7044. 88 LeSebre Ltd. *11,995 The Town ot Manchester Is Installment, trom the due 88 SR-5 P/U ..... * 9,575 on eaual opportunity em­ date, or a minimum ot $2.00. 67 SKylerK 4 Dr. *9495 T uesday, Oct. 4, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 C e n ts ployer, and requires on affir­ Payments may be made by 86 Toy. LB P/U ....* 6,995 MISCELLANEOUS RECENT USED CAR mative action pollcvtorall of mall or at the Town Office 87 Century LTD 4 Dr. *9995 Its Contractors and Vendors Building, School Road, 87 Spectrum 2 Dr. *7995 86 LeSaber........ * 8,995 AUTOMOTIVE as o condition of doing busi­ which Is open from 9:00a.m. 87 Celebrity 2 Dr. *9495 86 Merc. Sable...* 9,995 ARRIVALS YOU MUST SEEK ness with the Town, as per to 3:00 p.m. Monday and Fri­ 88 Corscia *9695 EARLY Season special. Federal Order 11246. day, 6:00 to 8:00 Monday 85 Toronado..... • 9,495 88 Baratta *9995 Pair of Goodyear ro- eyenlngs, 9:00 to 1:00 Tues­ 85 Audi QT .......* 9,595 Bid forms, plans and specifi­ day morning, 3:30 to 6:30 on 88 Celebrity 4 Dr. *10,495 dlol snow tires. cations are available at the 84 Toy. Camry ....* 7,995 P175/70R13. Used only General Services' office. Thursdays. 88 Caprice 4 DH. *11.995 85 CHRY 5th AVENUE 83 TOYOTA CELICA Wendy Dowling 0 couple of winters. TOWN OF 34S Center St., Asking $75 for the set. Gray, a Cyl., Auto, PB, PS, AC, White, 4 Cyl. 5 Spd.PB, PS, South Windsor drops mall lawsuits Tax Collector, M A N C H ESTER , CT. Town of Andover, 872-9111 Manchester e 647-7077 Coll 647-1791 wee- P Window!, P SMti, Tilt, I 7 Q Q C Radio <4995 RO BERT B. WEISS, Radio, Vinyl Top, LMthar f «f SIU GENERAL MANAGER Connecticut knlghts before 9pm. By Nancy Concelman was unanimously approved after The planned lawsuits were developer, the Homart Develop­ paid for by Down East Asso­ bert B. Weiss said. 076-09 073-09 83 OLDS CENTURY Manchester Herald council members learned that a among seven faced by the devel­ ment Co. of Chicago, and the ciates, which plans a retail and The remaining $545,000 will be 85 FORD TEMPO R:di.Cyl,Au.o,PB,PS, ,gggg| proposal to dead end the northern opers of the mall, called the State Traffic Commission, argu­ office complex on land off Buck- covered by the Mall at Buckland silver 4 Cyl., Auto. PS. PS. The South Windsor Town Coun­ section Ellington Road at Five Pavilions $it Buckland Hills. ing that the STC should have land Street that lies primarily in Hills Partnership, which consists cil agreed Monday to drop three Comers and make the intersec­ Still pending against the mall required improvements to South South Windsor. of Homart and Melvin Simon for 85 OLDS CUTLASS 84 HONDA ACCORD LX lawsuits against the developers of tion four-way could be changed. are two suits filed by the Windsor roads in its approval of Down East consists of Melvin interim improvements to Five Blua. 4 Cyl. 5 Spd. PB, PB. the $70 million mall at Buckland Plans for $545,000 in interim Manchester Environmental Coa­ the original project and two Simon & Associates of Indianapo­ Comers. CIERRA AC. Radio <7495 Hills in exchange for $3 million improvements to Five Comers lition, and two from the Manches- expansions. lis, Ind., and Bronson & Hutensky The South Windsor Town Coun­ p dassifleil! Rad, a Cyl., Auto, PS, PB, f C I Q C worth of improvements to town are now at the discretion of the t e r Property Owners’ Under the agreement in South of Hartford. cil tabled a vote on the agreement AC. Tin, Radio D I 9U yoiil K?n ue results! 84 VW QUANTUM roads. state Department of Transporta­ Association. Windsor, $2.3 million in improve­ "Most of the (road) work is at its Sept. 19 meeting because South Windsor Mayor Edward tion and the South Windsor Town The town of South Windsor had ments to streets that link Man­ required for the smaller center,” Blue, 4 Cyl., Auto, PB, PS, P See LAWSUITS, page 12 LEGAL NOTICE S3 TOYOTA CELICA WIndowa. AC, Radio, I R Q Q R I Havens said today the agreement Council. Havens said. filed three suits against the mall chester and South Windsor will be Manchester Town Manager Ro- VOTER REGISTRATION SESSIONS Gray, 4 Cyl. a Spd. PB. PS, Sunroof U O w U i BOLTON, CONNECTICUT P WIndowa, AC. Tilt, Radio, I T n O C Sunroof * f U * I U Notice 1s hereby glyen thot the Registrars ot Voters will hold S3 CHRY LeBARON voter registration sessions on the following dates: S3 HONDA PRELUDE 2 Or.. Auto, PS. PB. AC. Coventry SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15,1988 trom 9:00 A.M. to 8:00P.M. BhjMCyi.aspd,PB,AC, j y g g j Blue <4995 Weather permitting, this session will be held outdoors at the Bolton Notch Shoppino Center from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and at the Community Hall, 222 Bolton Center Road, from 86 CHEVY PICKUP, qQQc approves 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. In case of Inclement weather, the en­ Auto, PS. PB, Rm JIo I tire session will be held at the Community Hall. 87 DODGE OMNI tA d a ti TU ESD A Y , OCTOBER 18, 1988 trom 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. At the Community Hall, 222 Bolton Center Road. This Is the 86 HONDA CIVIC REG ISTRATIO N CUT-OFF DATE IN A L L TOWNS. The lost SB HONDA ACCORD Wagon, 4x4, 5 Spd. PB, AC, 1 ^ 9 9 0 iake law regular session for admission of electors for those who be­ R«t,^4Cyl,Au.o.PB,PS, , ^ 2 , 9 9 5 come 18 years of age, U.S. citizens, or residents of the Town of Bolton on or before October 18, 1988 seeking to yote In the Bv Jacqueline Bennett Noyember 8th State Election. 85 HONDA ACCORD LX Manchester Herald Dated at Bolton, Conn, this 3rd day of October, 1988. 83 VW RABBIT n Vne CHEVROLET R, 83 Windsor Avo 872-9111 silver, 4 Cyl. Auto. PB, 4 Dr„ Auto, PS, PB, P l O X f l C Ilvl J. Cannon ond Prisclllo M. Dooley WIndowa, AC, Radio *u4«l0 Registrars of Voters VLTUC b UICK, INC. Rockvilte/Vernon pyir fid/i.n$i Radio, Sunroof <3995 COVENTRY — The Town EXIT 64/I R4 Council, after heavy debate, 002-10 84 HONDA CIVIC CRX 86 HONDA CIVIC OX unanimously approved a contro­ versial ordinance Monday that NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION a Spd, PB.
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