ATcrage Daily Net Preaa Run The Wcathat . F«ht the Week Ended Sept. X4, lft«0 of V. & WMMw 13,220 k jttm night' end Sleinber et ^be Andit M H igh Bmwui e f Olroalstlen MancheBter^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 304 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SE»»TEMBER 26, 1960 (Claanlflcd Advertietag ee Page 14) PRICE FIVE CBNtB / Gounterattack Starts in United Nations, ■ « . " ^ Diefenbaker Pours Scorn on Khrushchev Ike in New York State News Nikita Moves Roundup For Support For Talks on UN Of Neutrals UN Future at Stake •A Timbers Sworn In New York, 'Sept. 26 (/P)— - New-York, Sept. 26 (-5*)—" But, the President avoided any By RELMAN MORIN direct mention of Soviet Premier' Nikita- Khrushchev mapeu- United Nations, N. Y., Sept. 26 (/P)— A Western counter- Crowds estimated by policA at Nikita S. Khrushchev and his As Federal .Judge vered today for the favor of 750,000 persons, hailed Presi­ Kremlin plan for reshaping the offensive against Soviet attempts to revise the United Na­ neutrals in the swelling strug­ tions rolled into high gear today with the Russians accused dent Eisenhower today as he United Nations. Hartford, Sept. 26 <iT*)— The gle over international leader­ arriyed^'for important policy The runchtime crowds in the- 15th federal judge to serve in of conducting a “ giant propaganda drama of destructive mia- streets greeting the President ap­ ship and the future cf the talks with the leaders of India Connecticut was sworn into representation” to undermine the world organization. peared bigger than,, those which United Nations. Kicking off the counterattack for the West was Prime and the United, Arab Repub­ hailed him Thur.sdiy: when he office today on the anniver­ The Soviet Premier promised lic. spoke before the United Nations. sary of the swearing in of the to hear out Cuba’s Fidel Castro— Minister John G. Diefenbaker of Canada, who told the As­ Crowds pa(5ked 8 end 10 deep Police estimated the turnout then first federal judge to serve in even If Castro’s speech to this U.N. sembly President Eisenhower had tried to open the door to General Assembly ran six hours whlatled end shouted epproyel as at more than 150,000. the State .since Sept. 26, 1789. East-West conciliation, but “ Mr. Khrushchev tried to shut Elsenhower, arms outstretched, Francis Cardinal Spellman rode instead of'the predicted four. that door.” rode by In his "bubble top” limou­ in the back seat of the ‘ White In ’ ceremonies at the federal Outside Castro’s Harlem hotel sine. House limousine with Eisenhower building here this i|iornlng, U.S. last night egg's and fists flew in a President Eisenhower arranged meetings later in the day Circuit Court Judge Carroll C. Eisenhower, a delighted grin oh from Newark Airport. Spellman is battle between sympathizers of the with two powerful leaders— Prime Minister Nehru of India Hincks of Cheshire swore in U.S. Cuban prime minister and anti- his face, checked into his tempo­ to be the President's host tonight District Judge William H. Timbers and President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Re­ rary White House quarters in the at a dinner sponsored by the Cath­ Castroites. About 6.000 persons public, in a drive to rally massive support against Khrush­ who will serve in the ilartford had gathered to watch Castro Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to prepare olic Charity Organizations where District Court. chev’s proposals to abolish the Secretary General’s office and for meetings with Indiais Prime Eisenhower is to speak. smile and wave from a window of In a separate ceremony. District the. Hotel Theresa. move the U.N. out of the United States. Minister Nehru and President As he rode through the city, Judge Robert P. Anderson of the Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Eisenhower .frequently looked up Police quickly squelched the bat Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold made a surprise ap­ District Court in New Haven pre­ tie, and 16 persons were arrested. Arab Republic. to wave at spectators leaning out sided at the swearing in of George pearance in the General Assembly stage as the session opened of skyscraper windows. Most of Khrushchev arranged an early Resuming his personal diplo­ C. Hastings as U.S. commissioner evening date with Jawaharlel Neh and declared that not his future but that of the United Na­ macy, Eisenhower arrived from the time he flashed his familiar for the Hartford District court. ”V-for-Victory” sign or gave a ru, Indian prime minister who had tions is at stake in Khrushchev’s attacks oii him. Philadelphia after .a 17-minute Jet Prior to swearing in Judge Tim­ an appointment with President El­ flight aboard his orange-nosed thumbs up gesture. Khrushchev’s proposals took on the look of ultimatum when The President’s appoint­ bers, Judge Hincks noted that to­ senhower early in the day, he demanded that his terms be met or the cold war would get White House plane. day was the anniversary of the Khrushchev also planned to at » In two brief Philadelphia ment with Nehru was set for 2 tend a luncheon given by Cleve­ colder. t --------------------- ------------ ---------- p.m. (EST). an hour and a half swearing in of the first federal speeches this morning, Eisenhower land Industrialist Cyrus Eaton. Diefenbaki»r accused Khn(,sb-1 pledged anew to help the free later, Nasser was due to call. judge in Connecticut. Of retiring U.S. Commissioner Eaton said the main purpose of chev of giving lip service to the | World strive for "peace with jus­ the luncheon is "to consider means U.N. "which would be destroyed by i Lodge Terms tice—in freedom.” (Continued en Page Eight) Benedict M. Holden Jr., Judge An­ derson said, “He has ser\’ed with of increasing trade between the hi* proposal.” He rejected a.s un­ just the Russians’ attacks on the ability, diligence and distinction. Soviet Union and North-Arherica " United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold tells Gen­ U.S. and Canadian industrialists Secretary-Gcrenal, and called Red Proposal For all the people with whom he eral Assembly delegates today that not his hiture but that of the was in contact, he was a model have been invited. those attacks part of "a trans­ U.N. is at stake in the crisis brought on by Soviet attacks on parent plan to undermine the'p'res- public official.” Khrushchev was already off to him. (A P PhotofaX). As Frivolous Mobuto Urges UN a running start for his second tlge and authority of the United week here as the result of a sup­ Nations.” Yale Gets Grant posed "pest” w'eekend at the Glen In a vigorous counterattack, New York, Sept. 28 (fi^—Henry Washington. Sept. 26 The Cove, Long ■ Island, estate of the Diefenbaker poured scorn on Cabot Lodge said today that Office of Education has approved Russian delegation to the U.N. Khrushchev’s proposal to grant Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush­ Remove Ghajia Unit a .116.790 contract with Prof. Sam­ From the time of Khrushchev’s Candidates Ready immediate independence to all de­ uel E. Martin of TTale University Saturday noon, arrival at the luX­ pendent areas. He challenged chev’s demands for reorganizatloa under the government’s language urious- mansion, under heavy Khrushchev to permit free elec­ of the United Nations are friv­ Leopoldville. The Congo, Sept.'i^feet with fils shirt:-gnd underwear development program. security guard, to the time of his tions in areas under Soviet con­ olous. 2* WP)—Col. Joseph Mobutu, infur torn. Sen. Prescott Bush, R-Conn, departure last night, the 37-acre For Debate on TV trol.., The Republican, vice-presiden­ lated .by a mob assault of Pa­ He told newsmen he and Kan- estate was the scene of diplomatic For the Communists, Czecho­ tial nominee made the comment trice Lumumba’s partisans on two dolo were beaten by 60 tiumumba (Continued on Page Eight) , activity interspersed with Khrush­ slovakia’s president Antonin No­ during an Impromptu n em con­ of hla..0 ^|(fl{|]ment commissioners, supporters in*, their office facing chev news conferenert. votny endorsed Khrushchev’s pro­ ference while getting a'haircut. Chicago, Sept. 26 (i'F)—The 1960^ But tonight's debate, the first of today Mmimdra immediate with­ Lumumba's residence this morn­ The Kremlin boss met with posal to substitute a three-mem­ Lodge also described the Russian’s ing. Nussbaumer said Kandolo re­ battle for the White House make.s drawal of U.N. Ghana troops from newsmen with seeming casualness, (our scheduled, will not be a de­ ber board for the secretary gen­ proposals as "just horseplay’’ and n »a Congo: ceived serious head injuries and political history tonight as both once late Saturday and twice yes­ bate in the Lincoln-Douglas tradi­ eral's organization, which he aaid "pure demsgogery.” Mobutu voiced the demand at a was taken to hospital.., Both Parties piesidential candidates debate do­ terday for question-and-answer tion. would be “in full harmony with Khrushchev suggested last week tense, 3-hour meeting of the Unit­ Nussbaumer and Kandolo final­ mestic issue* in full view* of mil­ periods lasting as long as U While they assailed each other the democratic principles upon that U.N. secr^tary-genenl Dag ed Nations high command. ly were rescued by Mobutu’s 1 lions of television viewers. Send Bigwigs hours. ’ He alternately joked and. with no holds barred, with no re­ which the U.N. Is based." He was Hammarskjold be replaced by a Sources close to the youthful troops from a small (own on the Vice President Richard M.
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