Fire Dept.non–emergency: 541-693-6911 | 911 | 541-693-6911 Dept.non–emergency: Fire . 13511 Hawks Beard, near Bishop’s Cap Cap Bishop’s near Beard, Hawks 13511 ROCK CLIMBING helicopters transport from the Sports Field. Field. Sports the from transport helicopters EXPLORE THE make up the Ranch. Ranch. the up make First Ascent Climbing o¡ers specialized climbing and has a fully-equipped fi rst aid room. Medical Medical room. aid rst fi fully-equipped a has and ums and various cabin clusters. About 1,200 homesites homesites 1,200 About clusters. cabin various and ums ADVENTURES services at Smith Rock State Park for all abilities. The BBR Fire Dept. is sta¡ ed with paramedics 24/7 24/7 paramedics with ed sta¡ is Dept. Fire BBR The Meadow (south). There also are three sets of condomini- of sets three are also There (south). Meadow BBR recommends helmets for all riders. all for helmets recommends BBR 1-866-climb11 | GoClimbing.com Home, South Meadow and Rock Ridge (center), and Glaze Glaze and (center), Ridge Rock and Meadow South Home, FIRST AID AID FIRST BACKYARD WITH OUTFITTERS when operating a bicycle, Razor, or inline skates. skates. inline or Razor, bicycle, a operating when into sections: Golf Home (NW), East Meadow (NE), Spring Spring (NE), Meadow East (NW), Home Golf sections: into BLACK BUTTE LOOKOUT • Anyone under 16 needs to wear a HELMET HELMET a wear to needs 16 under Anyone • for such a large residential resort. The Ranch is divided divided is Ranch The resort. residential large a such for FLY FISHING Police non–emergency: 541-693-6911 | 911 | 541-693-6911 non–emergency: Police Ranch Homeowners’ Association, a unique arrangement arrangement unique a Association, Homeowners’ Ranch Hike BBR’s namesake in this 3.6 mile, 1,556 foot climb. helmet and be at least 16 years old. years 16 least at be and helmet 13885 Bishop’s Cap by the Community Center Community the by Cap Bishop’s 13885 Learn to fl y-fi sh on Phalarope Lake—the only lake ways, paths, outlets, and facilities to the Black Butte Butte Black the to facilities and outlets, paths, ways, Views of Cascade peaks and BBR await at the summit. ow Rental Shop. All electric bike riders must wear a a wear must riders bike electric All Shop. Rental ow Rules. Rules. In the 1980s, Brooks transferred ownership of its road- its of ownership transferred Brooks 1980s, the In on the Ranch reserved for fi shing. Barbless hooks Route #1 From BBR: drive east on Hwy 20 to Indian Ford • Register an ELECTRIC BIKE with the Glaze Mead- Glaze the with BIKE ELECTRIC an Register • laws, including the Oregon Vehicle Code and BBR BBR and Code Vehicle Oregon the including laws, and “catch and release” procedures required. Free Oregon souvenirs. souvenirs. Oregon Campground, near MP 95. Turn north onto paved Green The BBR Police Department enforces all Oregon Oregon all enforces Department Police BBR The fl y fi shing clinics are o¡ ered on Saturday morn- it became a quaint mountain town of boutiques, cafes, and and cafes, boutiques, of town mountain quaint a became it BICYCLES are not allowed on any nature trails. nature any on allowed not are BICYCLES Ridge Road 11. After 3.8 miles, turn left onto gravel Road FOR YOUR INFORMATION INFORMATION YOUR FOR The Sisters planning commission adopted the theme, and and theme, the adopted commission planning Sisters The 1110 for 5.1 miles to a parking area at the road’s end. ity devices use the bike path, NOT the roadways. roadways. the NOT path, bike the use devices ity ings during the summer. Check the Activity Guide in an architectural, uniform aesthetic of its original roots. roots. original its of aesthetic uniform architectural, an in Route #2 Want more of a challenge? Try the historic walkers, joggers, inline skaters, and personal mobil- personal and skaters, inline joggers, walkers, for details. Rod rentals (ages 12+) and fl y sales are Brooks simultaneously inspired local merchants to reinvest reinvest to merchants local inspired simultaneously Brooks Black Butte Trail # 4026. From BBR, turn west on Hwy 20 • Unless the BIKE PATH is unavailable, bicycles, bicycles, unavailable, is PATH BIKE the Unless • messages. messages. available through Lakeside Activity Center. the lumber mills closed and sent the hamlet into decline, decline, into hamlet the sent and closed mills lumber the for 2 miles and turn north on FS 14, SW Camp Sherman BIKE USE USE BIKE Contact the InfoLine at 541-595-1502 for recorded recorded for 541-595-1502 at InfoLine the Contact PROXY FALLS *An Oregon fi shing license is needed: the outskirts of the old lumber town of Sisters. When When Sisters. of town lumber old the of outskirts the Road. Park at the trailhead on the right, just past the “Y”. media, and cable channel 3 for emergency updates. updates. emergency for 3 channel cable and media, and summer homes with limited commercial activity on on activity commercial limited with homes summer and This 9.8 mile out and back trail features wild fl owers. This easy loop trail of 1.25 miles to two waterfalls, one odfw.huntfi shoregon.com. Consult BlackButteRanch.com, BBR social social BBR BlackButteRanch.com, Consult Brooks Resources envisioned a community of residential residential of community a envisioned Resources Brooks of the most photographed spots in Oregon. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY METOLIUS BASIN & CAMP SHERMAN The Fly Fisher’s Place in Sisters o¡ ers a variety of Resources in 1970. 1970. in Resources From Sisters, at the roundabout, take the fi rst exit onto The Metolius River boasts blue waters and lush forests. fl y fi shing experiences in the area, as well as Fly missioner. Morgan then sold the property to Brooks Brooks to property the sold then Morgan missioner. McKinney Butte Rd. Turn right on Hwy 242 (open season- From the Headwaters of the Metolius (where it springs Fishing Schools that include all equipment. that location for your convenience. Call 541-595-1252. Call convenience. your for location that to Howard Morgan, a former Oregon Public Utility Com- Utility Public Oregon former a Morgan, Howard to ally) for 26.6 miles. When Hwy 242 is closed, access the from the ground) to the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery, the Items from other Ranch areas may be transferred to to transferred be may areas Ranch other from Items manager and ranched the ground until its sale in 1957 1957 in sale its until ground the ranched and manager falls via Hwy 126 across from Belknap Hot Springs. trails are mostly fl at. Stop by the Camp Sherman Store 541-549-FISH | FlyFishersPlace.com Find the Lost and Found at the Welcome Center. Center. Welcome the at Found and Lost the Find Butte Ranch. In 1940 Carl Campbell became resident resident became Campbell Carl 1940 In Ranch. Butte for a treat. The Metolius River Preserve is a beauti- wealthy San Franciscan, bought the land, naming it Black Black it naming land, the bought Franciscan, San wealthy LOSE SOMETHING? SOMETHING? LOSE MCKENZIE RIVER WATERFALLS BLACK BUTTE STABLES ful area along Lake Creek that is protected by the development. In the mid-1930s, Stewart S. Lowery, a a Lowery, S. Stewart mid-1930s, the In development. BBR. The McKenzie River Trail o¡ ers a 3-mile loop with Professional wranglers and gentle, trail-wise DOWNHILL WATERFALL MTN BIKE TOUR With the 20th Century came more migration and human human and migration more came Century 20th the With Deschutes Land Trust. dog waste bags and dispensers located throughout throughout located dispensers and bags waste dog beautiful forests and views of Sahalie and Koosah Falls. horses help visitors explore the forest with a The Paulina Plunge Downhill Waterfall Mountain the ash bin, and then add water. water. add then and bin, ash the • IMMEDIATE clean up after dogs is required. Find Find required. is dogs after up clean IMMEDIATE • Stop at the headwaters at Clear Lake to see the the Course remains an iconic symbol of the past. past. the of symbol iconic an remains Course From BBR: take Hwy 20 west 2 miles, turn right at the fi re-safe and deposit fi replace or stove ashes only in in only ashes stove or replace fi deposit and re-safe fi Bike Tour guides you along Paulina Creek. Rid- preserved forest on the lake bottom. variety of rides for all experience levels. Located The original small log structure on the Glaze Meadow Golf Golf Meadow Glaze the on structure log small original The Camp Sherman. Follow FS 14 to a fork and bear right. There is a Recycle Center on McAllister Road. Be Be Road. McAllister on Center Recycle a is There under control by voice or on a leash at all times. all at leash a on or voice by control under behind the General Store, the Stables are open ing natural waterslides is a highlight! For active Glaze Meadow Sport Shop. (Posts mark both locations.) locations.) both mark (Posts Shop. Sport Meadow Glaze Continue 7.5 miles, turn left at the Fish Hatchery. • Dogs are welcome at BBR; however, they must be be must they however, BBR; at welcome are Dogs • PLEASE RECYCLE RECYCLE PLEASE From BBR, head west 18 miles on Hwy 20. Take a left at year-round (including holidays), with reservations. people, ages 4 + bike and helmet included. bike path as it passes next to Lupine Lake and west of the the of west and Lake Lupine to next passes it as path bike the Santiam “Y” to stay on Hwy 20, then turn left on Hwy DOGS DOGS the land as seen in two locations: at the north end of the the of end north the at locations: two in seen as land the SISTERS TIE TRAIL 126 toward Eugene.
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