.. / VOl. If r T, I s fits·· t • ·I ril _Discuss1ons . vvith the/ Associated General Contractors :re.· .ga'rding .. : ti~e - Health ancLW elfani plan fqr. -'Dpe~·ating Engineers · ~oca l 3'. members 'hi the construction industry ii1 California ·wei·e still' i:n progress. as this issue of Engineers News went to press. , , Full agreement had not been reached on details of the trust agreement, which · must be _comp!eted before .the benefit amounts and other details of the welfare coverag-e can be·· estab· lished. For the information of the mem· bership, this is the picture as it YOUR BLOOD '. now stands: VETERAN ' OPE TOR KlttED AS .CRANE TOPPLES The welfare payments · by the BANK I NEE,DS . 1 employers, in the amount of 7 t2C : The .-picture above. shovis ·the a rigger.· In 1926 he -. began oper· . it to. the side and had begun to for every worki-ng hour, becan1e wreckage pf q, . 3!'!-ton Whirley ating eq~ipment. During World .- lower · the load into a stor(lge due as of Feb. 1. YOUR BLOOD 'cnine ;1 \\~ l 11c h.. o.ve.rturned ·.-a.nd. War II he worked as . Cran~ zone·.. when the crane started to · Actulil. payments .into the fund You can't ' g.et blood otit . of a cr~sh€d _· oi1 JanuarY- ·- 29 at. the ·· Dispat<!her:. for 'M<ior.e Dry Dock teeter arid finally went over ·on by the contra<ltors will begin about turnip..•. Leal.;ne11 Co. salvage yard in Oak· \ at Oakland-yard. · its side.. the middle of March, when all the · And neither can you get b-Ioo<1 · l a~q car.r: yi~1g orw of our broth· .. In· 1947 he went to woJ?)< tr,_r 'IlrQ!her Paret W~s ~rushed i!l F ebruary payroll records .are in. from th~ -Qp~rating Engineers:. .l.o- ers, ·carneliuci:Par.e,t,-.,to :his deat~·:: ::·. the• Lear::ner',', Co. w}1er~ e he... oper-·,. the : .~reckag~ , of the. ca)?, ·He·. It i·s · contemplated that Ap,·il 1 cal 3 Blood Bailk in most of our . This . tragic accidenl po~nts .:UP ''··. ated;various·types· ~f.eJquip~e)lt . wa:S- _pr:o,nopnced ,Q.ep.q· gn_ qr.rival ,.. will be ·,set as the starting date ior areas- these da.y~ui· blood. l.'e- tl}e ~ )1a:zfirds otth~ :~pel.·at4?.~ ~:§n; - ~--~·sue:~.. ;~i>:' '\:Vhirle:£s'7· ganfr): s·-~ a31'd .._ __ ad!igh'l?nJ Ho~pltfi!l.' . _-- · . rt . elig'ibility unde1: the · health and serves h:i;~e ~ b~en ; ~nth~ eiy used up. · gineer's work;.·a subject '9n wl),ich . !ocoril,o t~~e .._ cran~s; .. You-:·; cap"_ ·. So; - ll~pthers, _ you.' i:an • see by welfai·e plan. Your· im.i'ori is , ~.pp,eaiing to -iou,: we would :like to. say a feW words ~ readily .see that with this bac_j{- tb.is.t,hat reg:ar<}less .~f how muc~ · After that .date, al)y_ memt!er of theref~re, . to give. a little thought at this· ti:ril.e. ' . > . , · ·:: ·. · ·ground 'Brother Paret was no experience . you may have it is Local ··3 covered by the plan who to the . importance · of our Blood We have 'here.. the case .of a · - green pea as an-operator. possible at a.nr time for a mis· has worked 100 hours or more Bank, to think what it may me.an 1 _ .:ilrotl1e , who had· been .working The 35-ton Whirley involved in hap tO occur which may cause · during the preceding month wip .to you, · perhaps, in a moment ·'of . -aroul)d equipment .for"the past . : this accident was a rig known to serious injury or dpath. be eligible to receive the agreed~ great need ... and then to make · · 40 years. , · many of the ·brothers as it was , Therefore :we would like to_ upon benefits for himself and his an appointment· as soon as you Brother· Par,et; . who lived at formerly in opera.tion . on the pass this word of warning:_be on dependents. · can to donate a life-giving pint of 1628-51st- Av'e., Oakland;-was 63 ·- Embarcadero in San Francisco. your guard at all times. This indicates that members of blood to ou'r .blood reserve. year old. He was initiated into At the time of ' the mishap, We would like to extend the Locai 3 actually will begin :rec,eiv- . th . · d the Operating · Engineers jri April· · Brother · Paret .had picked up a sympathy of' the officials and ing benefits from the . health- and. It IS o~e . of 8 mi~·acles of mo - 1936. reel of wire weighing an esti· members of Operating Engineers welfare plan sometime in April. ern medwme t 1Ia! l:v~~ c~n no~ Brother Par€t went to work : mated 15 · tons, traveled a con· LOcal 3 to the family of Brother There has been some confusion be saved bY.. a mlms ~~~ c for Moore r: Dry .Dock in t1913 as sid~rable distance with it, swung Paret. · · on the part of tj1e membehhip, as , whole. blood~ ~ c~s~~ to 1 ~1ry; , . shown by phone calls to the Local' surge_Iy or SIC nes!\ ,a not o~g A 3 offices and IC~II\ . ·, E c 'N questions directed. to ago · would ha.ve meant certam co~·TD ~ s' ' 1.,\\ ' . tl~ e business representatives. Many death. ' (J· • .. [~ rf1ml ~ ' L~ l&li<l . ' .. g-, n 0. ~ ~:.. were under the impreSsion th'at But if the patient has to pay for they could -begin to draw benefits that blood,. it costs $35 a pint. A v·E HAT ECAN GJ:J on Feb. 1. - '. Sometimes many pints are needed. , ~- ~.l . · ~ . _ . · . _ • ·1~ _ _ That is the \late on which t he The patient would have to bear a H· · ~ tl! · money began to accumulate. But . terrific expe11se if ·he could not By this time all of our members ·are undoubtedly aware. of H. A. BROWN~ecember 27, 1952 first there has to be. a fund built find enough friends or rehttiY-es to President Dwight Eisei-ihower's action wiping out wage and up with which to buy the insur- volunteer to replace the bloo<l pri,9e controls._ · · WM. THOMAS- ance, qnd a sufficient reserve to needed. · · · h . O . E . · January 1, ··1953 keep the plan rolling. · That is why That's why Local 3 has set ill.fl ___..Unlike many .ot er org<;J.mzatlons, peratmg ngmeers Lo- it will take until April before ben- its B\ood Bank. Any member .of . cal 3 was riot llrtmediately affected in any major way by the CLAUDE WATSON- efits can be paid under the plan. Local' 3 who needs blood for him- 1953 executive order ending wage con-, January 3, The negotiations with the .AGC' self or a member · of his family t.10 1 • - ·, · =· its three main areas. on the welfare plan s. .· . · · . · have been the .can draw f~eely on the union's h d ... The Nevada AGC agr·e_en1.ent 1's KENNETH V. KRAI\'IBULE- · o - J 5 1953 major Item of business during the· blood reserve-as long as the re· . ur umon a · no · m.aJ?r ca.sesj iww open; the · California AGC anuary ' past · several weeks. Representing serve is there. pending. before;. the CoiJ.str1lction agreement will be open on May 1 CLYD~ W. Sl\1ITH- Lo.cal 3 in the talks have been "Lo- Scores - of our members h~ve Industi·y stabilization ~Qmmittee j for adjustment of wages and _re- _~"-· January 5, 1953 cal Union M-anager VictorS. 'swan- benefitted from . this program al- or its prent outfit, the Wage Sta,- lated matters, and the . Utah AGC son, Recording-Corresponding Sec. ready. Who lmows? It may be 1 · · I agreement comes U-p for renego· HARVEY STENDER- C F .. Mathews and Bus Rep·s P bi ization Board. ·tiation June 1. • . Ja•·mary 9 1953 .. ' . you or your loved ones who may SU?pension· of the wage. regula- ' E. Va,ndewark and Harry.Metz,- in. need this assistance next. But; as tions mean·s that. Local . 3, · along ' ·* * * I JAl\IES N. ROBERTS- charge. of the Public Relations De· of now, our union would be unable . wit!r · other labOl'' organiz~,ttions, is- .·Ret·.re to Two I January 11, 1953 partment. to help you. back wher:e it was ·at the· stait .of * * * 1 · · Bl.i'FORD RADON8=- It is a simple thing to make · . tqe Korean war-we are ·free ·· to , .. 'd H a donation 12 19 Th C t f .to our Blood Bank, ,es- bai-g:a,in with the employers in the · 8e room ome January • ~3 e OS 0 peciany no'w when many of the future'· yvithout any restrictions For the·"Believe It Or/ Not'-' De- Tol t R. JACOB.:_ p H• ·h · brothers have time on. their hands. .€!!ML.whatever - g~nS we make in ·partment: A Minne-apolis. horri'e· January 22, 1953 ·· 00r 19 . WCJYS Just contact the nearest office of. :"'ages · and ~onditions ?an be put ·financing company -reports that a ·· A measure of the cost in 1952 _Local 3, and .a!l -appointment will mto effect ~thout seekmg govern- survey of 6,030 couples of retire·· E . H. STONER- Cllf the inadequacy of the ·nation's be made for you. 25 1953 mental app~oval. \ I inent age showed that 53 'per cent January • highways-in Ifves, suffering and Any healthy_ adult ca.n .give ~he :ffects o~ wage ~ontrol re- wanted two-bedroom homes .
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