^i •'.•' ^'S.^rv^'^--f.JA'. _-' , rp?^^!?^ SPT^w^y^i?^ ''^^p::J^^-^•^^ .'.*3? "^f''' TURNER'S PUBLIC SPIRIT, \.ff. Fifty-third Year Ayer, Mass., Saturday, September 25, 1920 No. 4. Price Five Cents PEPPERELL J_ Emily Louise Nagle iVcwf Itcnu. Mrs. Mary Gibbons cntfrtcrlc,.- Sunday relatives from (.a%v:.-nr The Hat Shop and Mrs. William MCDOHHKI, a: .May Willey. Your Idea of a Fall Hat Arthur G, Dunn of Shlrlov >, i A Complete Line of Advanced appointed district deputy Krai;,! : Is probably something Uke one of these new styles we of Beacon lodse.-f^ O. O, F. FALL AND WINTER STYLES Mrs. Nclllo Gilchrist Heiit;.r are showing. Many particular men are going to stick to Winchendon and littlo daus-hte: i,„., wero guests of Mrs. James iJu; Guyer Hats this season for they know what they can expect Carley Building Main Street week. Mlss Helen Harrlman, vi been on a trip to South I'ortlm i, .M in Guyer values. They know our idea is to give them head- Telephone 82-3 Ayer, Mass. to see Archie Harrlman an i also returned here, before- i- wear that meets with their ideas—in both character and cost hcr duties at Wlnchendon, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Simmon win Prices from $3.50 to $8.50 have been camplns as the suest.s ji Mr. THOR and Mrs. Warren Blood at Island pond the past week, returned hoiin- on Sun­ Electric Labor Savers for the Home day evening. Mr. Simmons, who ha-s Our Fall Caps are both lined and unlined. Many with beeri taking a vacation on account of a unbreakable •visors. Electric Washing Machines with Swinging Wringers strained muscle In thc leg, expected to go back to work this week, but overdid by walking on Monday," and was worse Prices from $1.00 to $3.00 Electric Vacuum Cleaners with Extra Attachments again. Every Thor Guaranteed Mr. and .Mrs, John E, I'ilcher are making some improvements on their property on Elm street, putting in R. Q. HOUGHTON hardwood Moors and other additions. The East Vlilage Social cliib wUl F*hone 14-4 Littleton, Mass. hold Its 25th anniversary at the home of Mrs. -N'. B. Appleton on Tuesday, September 28, from 2,30 to 5,30. Al! members are cordially invited to be Fletcher Bros. SURE YOU ARE GOING! present. .•\, silver offering will be taken. Main Street, Opposite Depot Ayer, Mass. I.ieut. Gerald Shattuck, U, S. N., was WHERE? at his home in town over Sunday from Portsmouth, N. H., where he has been The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes anrf Walk- at the naval hospitai under treatment Over Shoes To the Groton Fair for malaria, Copyright 1920 Hart SdoHoer & Marx Mrs. J. E. Clement went to Westford this week to reside, as they havo taken Plans are tinder way for rally day, a tenement at Wexford Center, near October 3. There will be a special OF COURSE her hu3band*.s former home. ^irs, morninp Service combined with the Clement's position In the sralri office church school. The, comrnlttee plan to of Mr. RoweU is taken by .Miss Marion make this a real "Rally Da.v" for all V 's 14 THEN DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE Merrill. who are In any -w-ay connected with the church and, lis Interest.^, Please ^i^€^^ie^^n^ Dcatli. come and brinff your friends. •ReuABU •ArcR. /-^Asa- Mr. and Mrs. Forre.-it Winch have At a meeting of the ofllce,-.s md tea­ ciornitR- NEW the heartfelt sympathy of the com­ chers of the church school it w.is voted munity in their recent atTliction of tiie to begin tho regular church ni^-ht pro­ sudden death of their twenty months' grams In October. They wi:: .ilternate old son, HaroUl, Vie was taken iU on with the teacher training- on HEAD THIS WAY FOR YOUR Monday and a physician summoned, Tuesday night. Itemedies were Kiven for a cold arul On Friday evening of ia.^ week the the child rested until early TueJiJa.\' .luditorium was well filled : " tiie firs't morninK, app.arently ..^leepinK- .^'. about motion picture service, a:- ill were two the parents were aware that iiis more than pleased with ;h ::r,e tllm, breathing was more labored, and wlien t^howins; "The Shepherd cf •."Hills," the pliyslclan was asain summoned, it was pronounced double pneumoni:t, FALL HAT .\n eftort was immediately made to <>b- Womrti's Organization. ATTRACTIVE STYLES taiii Dr, Smith of Xashua for a consul­ .\t a preliminary meetin.,- uf the of­ ATTRACTIVE VALUES —AND— tation but the chHd passed away befiu-.' licers of the various 'Women's organiz­ he could arrive. ations here, in town, held on Monday Services were held at the home oxx afternoon of last week, a.* already Ri\'er street on Thursday afternoon l.> noted in last week's paper, plans were We are headquarters for that well known make of good Hat^ and Caps. Uev, It. W, nrawt>ridKe. and i>uria'. r^irmulated to appoint a committee was in Walton cemetery. The tins- consi.-ting of the heads of ail such or­ DODGEBROTHERS casket w,xs buried in the frai;va!i; ganizations, to meet on Fri.ia.v of last blossoms. week to make further i;v,'.inlzation, with tho view of holding .i non-par- rommunlty t'hurfli Xotes. tis,ii! women'.s rally In the interests ot At tlie morninK service at the Coni- til" wonien voters of the town to gain of distinction MOTOR CAR m.si.-ln and a greater degree ot Inter­ Hats niunity church next Sunday Kev, i-t, W. Drtxwbridge will preacli lii,'^ second est in the suv.stion of tho vote. EXHIBITED BY sermon of the series on the "KiiiKdom V .\ meeting took p'.ace on Friday af­ of God, as Christ .taught," taking for ternoon ;it the home of V,i» -A. G. Pll^e, his topic. "The kingdom's law," Church at which the following prejjldents and school at noon, and all are cortlially chtiirnien of differ. .•:'. .societies, or their invited to remain. Evening isorvice .it reiiresentatives. w.-r>- present with few YATES' GARAGE seven in the auditorium, Willi motion exceptions, Th" societies are as fol- pictures, Kriday evening at eigii" i.'ws: rradcnce W-rxxixxt chapter, D, A. If you get it here you will get what's correct and the utmost in-,vMu_. o'clock, motion picture service. It., .Mr.s. 1,, .Advii.ert r:wynton, re^tent; iue. Tel. 157-2 Ayer, Mass. -Aroma Uebeka!. ioi-'" I. O, O. F.. .Mrs, l-iLsa- I'opp, tMi.'.p :.'••,md; Woman's Soft Hats, in pliable, durable felts that feel good to your head. You^will ap- ^ ciul), .Mr.s. .Arohii..^; ! i'ike, pre.s,: La­ preciate the quality, the style and the attractive shades of Brown, Green and dies' ,\a\:!:arv, .\, c. }•: , Mrs, Maurice Tumpnev, i)r"S ; \':i: , _'e .Aid society, Gray. i- -Mrs, D. I„ Wiii:;;. irsa, pres.; Com­ munitv iservice clu;., .Mlss Elizabeth CAPS in smart shapes, new weaves, shades and patterns. • - Wriijht, pres,: Uniies' ,.\id society. M, v.. church, M,-,s, Jor.as .Andrews, pres,; SOFT HATS $4.50, $6.00 and $7.00 A, G, Pollard Co. East Vii::ii;,^ S.icial r ub, Mrs, Alice U.iymond, nre.s.: .Mt. Lebanon Com­ munity .As-sociates, .Mrs- Bdwin 1), CAPS $1.50, $2.00 and $2,50 THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. Walker, pres,: th" <'.i:;;munity Church W.irkers, -Mrs. <;. r-; • H, Shattuck, Merrimack, Palmer and Middlesex Streets pres,: I.t-a^'ue for \\'..::;en Voters, Mrs, K.lw;trd I,. Tarbeil, c:. rirman; l.a(Iies' Si'daiilv-, S; ,iosep;i".s f.iurch. Miss -An­ nie .Allen, pres.: Hri:; .i Alliance, I'n­ itarian church, Mrs. ,1 .hn <">. Bennett. Suits for the Boy pre.s.: Woman'.s -Miss, lary society of ' 'ongi-egationai v'xx -Mrs. .Aliiert A. The boy of today wants smart clothes. We have V A., .Miss Katil- eiln*. ,.^':!:;\-a;-.. the kind of suit designed to please the big boy. They M;ss Mary 1. r. ,--• attuck, who is have the style and "go" that always appeals to all boys. tbe a.'kll. .wle.l--, •i '.•'.. r in tlie plans, met wi'li theni. in i .^ . s chosen cliaii'- Many of the suits have an extra pair of trousers, man of the ra.i . ' .itlee. .Mrs. A. (;. I'ik.- was . •il.l-. secretary and which fact will appeal to many mothers as well as the treasur.-r-. T'ne .:••>;••. ility of holding ;i rally in the :• ^':ir ;• .ture was under boy. discu.isi.m ,in.l p '.i: - :i: .de for securing a speaker. Tb.-. •:..',' ••\f. ing committees Bring the boy here for the best assortment of good Blanket t.. >..rve .as ral!\- d.ay were appoint",i clothes you will find in this vicinity, and our prices are- committee, Mi..- - .•sii,i"uck acting as chairnian ..ver *;;•' -\ lOle list of .ar- very reasonable. Come and look them over and see rangetnenls: xix e ;%• _-am committee will consist ..; :'- h.airman, .Miss for yourself. Shattuck, Wltll .Mi-- lanie Allen an.l Mrs, Irene ,\f; i.i,:" -T'or music will Prices range on suits from 8 to 18 years Time be Mrs, I-i.lwin I> w 1 '<cr, Mrs, F.. I., TarbeU and M •s n 1,, Whitmarsh, $10.00, 12.00, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50, 19.60 Kor secnrintr il :'.'. s..'ing place, etc,, IS HERE AGAIN Miss Gertrude • ',1 •• .Mr.s, W.
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