IIN THIS ISSUE NAVY COLLEGE IN TPROGRAMHIS ISSUE SURVEY: 2019 TheVIRGINIA Navy College Program INTERNATIONAL(NCP)(NCP) announcedannounced aa new,new, moremore TATTefficientOO customer service This year’opinions theme. survey . .Courage July 24, & as part Commitmenof thet continuing– A salute to improvement womenprocess in the m forilitary Voluntary Vo l . 2 6 , No . 30 No rf o l k , VA | f l a g s h i p n e w s . c o m 07 . 2 6 . 1 8 – 0 8 . 01. 1 8 Vo l l .. 22 6 ,, NoNo .. 3030 No rfrf oll k ,, VA || ff ll a g s h ii p n e w s .. c o m 07 .. 22 66 .. 1 8 – 0 8 .. 01.. 1 8 Education. » See A6 » See A6 See A4 VOL.TRUMAN 27, No. 11 , Norfolk, VA | flagshipnews.com STRIKE03.21.19—03.27.19 GROUP RETURNS TO NORFOLK,SAINT RETURNS TO NORFOLK,PATRICK’S REMAINS READYDAY 5K R UN By MCSN Maria Llanos bring groups out to build ca- Navy Public Affairs Support Element East maraderie by doing some- thing outside the ordinary.” NORFOLK This year MWR incorpo- The Naval Station Nor- rated the Recovery Zone as folk Morale, Welfare, and the latest addition equipped Recreation (MWR) team with massage guns, lacrosse hosted its annual St. Pat- balls and exercise bands rick’s Day 5K Run March used to warm up before the 15. run and to recover after. Over 340 service mem- “The Recovery Zone is bers and their families gath- going to be an outreach to ered at the N-24 Gymna- show people what we offer,” sium, many wearing green said Antonio .S. Leary, the hats, shamrock face stick- MWR fitness coordinator ers, kilts and tutus anticipat- for Norfolk. “We just want ing the whistle blow mark- the Navy to have the best ing the beginning of the fun equipment and techniques run. that are up to date. That’s the The St. Patrick’s Day 5K goal here at Naval Station Run brings people together Norfolk.” to promote physical health The St. Patrick’s Day 5k and is the first fitness event Run, sponsored by the Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets perform a fly over the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman of the calendar year used to F/A-18F/A-18 SuperSuper HornetsHornets performperform aa flyfly overover thethe Nimitz-classNimitz-class aircraftaircraft carriercarrier USSUSS HarryHarry S.S. Tr uman Exchange and the USAA, (CVN 75) during a change of command ceremony for the “Fighting Checkmates” of Strike (CVN(CVN 75)75) duringduring aa changechange ofof commandcommand ceremonyceremony forfor thethe “Fighting“Fighting Checkmates”Checkmates” ofof StrikeStrike kick off future runs, compe- has been an annual event for Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211. FighterFighter SquadronSquadron (VFA)(VFA) 21211.1. titions, games and the over 15 years uniting service MC2 Scott T Swofford MWR Olympics. members and their families. MC2 Scott T Swofford “The purpose is to get our For more information on Sailors and their families to future MWR events visit come out and have a good your regional MWR web- From Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group group remains ready to surge forward or re- From Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group group remains ready to surge forward or re- time while cultivating a page for dates, times and Public Affairs deploy when called upon. Public Affairs deploy when called upon. healthy lifestyle,” said An- registration. “Our strike group’s missions have dem- “Our“Our strikestrike group’sgroup’s missionsmissions hahave ddem-em- thony Benning, MWR fit- NORFOLK onstrated we are inherently maneuverable NORFOLK onstrated we are inherently maneuverable MCSN Maria Llanos ness director for Norfolk. Nearly 6,500 Sailors of the Harry S. Tru- and flexible while remaining operational un- See SeNearlyrvice members 6,500 Sailors and their of families the Harry cross S. theTru- finishandand line flexible flexiblein a Morale, whilewhile We remainingremaininglfare, and Reoperationaloperationalcreation St. un-un- Patrick’s Day 5K Run at Naval “Hopefully commands will MORE PHOTOS | A7 man Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) arrived predictable to any potential adversary,” said Stationman Carrier Norfolk. Strike The Group St. Patrick’s (HSTCSG) Day 5k Ruarrinve hasd beenpredictable an annual to event any forpotential over 15 adversaryyears that,” ,”unites ssaidaid service members and their families.in Naval Station (NS) Norfolk, Virginia, July Black. “This epitomizes the Navy’s dynamic inin NaNavall StationStation (NS)(NS) Norfolk,Norfolk, Virgrginia,inia, JulyJuly Black. “This epitomizes the Navy’s dynamic 21. force employment concept and shows this 21. forceforce employmentemployment conceptconcept andand showsshows thisthis The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman strike group is ready and capable of accom- The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman strikestrike groupgroup isis readyready andand capablecapable ofof accom-accom- (CVN 75) and strike group ships USS Nor- plishing any mission, at any time, as our na- (CVN(CVN 75)75) andand strikestrike groupgroup shipsships USSUSS Nor-Nor- plishing any mission, at any time, as our na- mandy (CG 60), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG tion directs.” mandy (CG 60), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG tiontion directs.”directs.” 51) and USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) While in Norfolk, the strike group will not MC2 Thomas Gooley 51) and USS Forrestrrest ShermanSherman (DDG(DDG 98)98) While in Norfolk, the strike group will not MC2 Thomas Gooley arrived after operating for more than three only conduct routine maintenance on ships, A Sailor embraces his loved on after USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) arrived at Naval Station arriarrived after operating for more than three only conduct routine maintenance on ships, A Sailor embraces his loved on after USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) arrived at Naval Station months in the U.S. 5th and 6th fleets areas of aircraft and equipment, but Sailors will also Norfolk. months in the U.S. 5th and 6th fleets areas of aircraftaircraft andand equipment,equipment, butt SailorsSailors willwill alsoalso Norfolk. responsibility. be able to continue advanced training, main- responsibility.responsibility. be able to continue advanced training, main- “I couldn’t be more proud of this strike tain warfighting certifications, as well as “I“I couldn’tcouldn’t bebe moremore proudproud ofof thisthis strikestrike taintain warfightingrfighting certifications,certifications, asas wellwell asas group team’s performance over more than spend time with family and friends. focused and ready for whatever lies ahead.” Additionally, the HSTCSG conducted group team’s performance overr moremore thanthan spendspend timetime withwith familyfamily andand friends.friends. focusedfocused andand readyready forfor whatewhateverr lieslies ahead.”ahead.” Additionally, the HSTCSG conducted three months of operating in a highly-dy- “I’m incredibly proud of the grit, determi- While deployed, the strike group partici- bilateral operations with allies and partners threethree monthsmonths ofof operatingoperating inin aa highly-dy-highly-dy- “I’m“I’m incrediblyincredibly proudproud ofof thethe grit,grit, determi-determi- While deployed, the strike group partici- bilateral operations with allies and partners namic environment across two theaters,” nation and phenomenal effort Truman’s Sail- pated in a variety of partnership and interop- in both U.S. 5th and 6th fleets, to include namic environment across two theaters,” nation and phenomenal effort Truman’s Sail- pated in a varietyriety ofof partnershippartnership andand interop-interop- inin bothboth U.S.U.S. 5th5th andand 6th6th fleets,fleets, toto includeinclude said HSTCSG Commander Rear Adm. Gene ors have shown over the last three months erability exercises, as well as maritime and Egypt, Morocco, Italy, France, Germany and saidsaid HSTCSGHSTCSG CommanderCommander RearRear Adm.Adm. GeneGene ors have sshown overr thethe lastlast threethree monthsmonths erabilityerability exeexercises,rcises, asas wellwell asas maritimemaritime andand Egypt, Morocco, Italy, France, Germany and Black. “We carried out the full spectrum of operating at sea,” said Harry S. Truman’s theater security operations. Strike group the United Kingdom. Also, aircraft from em- Black. “We carried out the full spectrum of operating at sea,” said Harry S. Truman’s theatertheater securitysecurity operations.operations. StrikeStrike groupgroup thethe UnitedUnited Kingdom.Kingdom. Also,Also, aircraftaircraft fromfrom em-em- missions from sustained combat flight oper- Commanding Officer Capt. Nick Dienna. units participated in Exercise Baltic Opera- barked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1 supported missions from sustained combat flight oper- Commanding Officer Capt. Nick Dienna. units participated in Exercise Baltic Opera- barked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1 supported ations to training and integration with NATO “While we plan to enjoy our time in port, tions (BALTOPS) from the Adriatic Sea and Operation Inherent Resolve during May and ationsations toto trainingtraining andand integrationintegration withwith NATO “While“While wewe planplan toto enjoyenjoy ourour timetime inin port,port, tionstions (BAL(BALTOPS) from the Adriatic Sea and Operation Inherent Resolve during May and allies and regional partners.” including reconnecting with those who sup- Exercise Lightning Handshake with the Mo- alliesallies andand regionalregional partners.”partners.” includingincluding reconnectingreconnecting withwith thosethose whowho sup-sup- Exercise Lightning Handshake with the Mo- Black also emphasized that the strike ported us from afar, we’re continuing to stay roccan Navy and Air Force. » See HOME | A6 Black also emphasized that the strike ported us from afar, we’re continuing to stay roccanroccan NavyNavy andand AirAir Force.Force. »» See HOME || A6A6 U.S. Navy photo U.S. Navy photo illustration Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic's Fleet Command, Control, Communica- AnCNRMA artist rendering of the future HOLDS Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS William tions, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) and Readiness Director Charlie Adams; NIWC Atlantic Charette (DDG 131). Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Engineering team lead Robert Greer; Major Program CHANGE OF COMMAND, Manager, Program Executive Office Information Warfare Systems (PEO IWS) 6 Capt. Jonathan CHANGE OF COMMAND, Garcia; NIWC Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt.
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