Cf5.6e AMICA News Bulletin of the AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION VOLUME 10 SEPTEMBER,1973 NUMBER 9 \ THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN AMICA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Continuing Members: $12.50 Dues Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Dues § Association, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, New & Lapsed Members: 12.50 distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated plus 5.00 Application Fee ~ paper music rolls. 17.50 Contributions: All subjects of interest to readers of the bulletin are encouraged and invited by the publisher. All articles must be received by the 15th of the preceding month. Every attempt will be made to publish all articles of general interest to AMI CA members OFFICERS at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisements: Personal ads by members are accepted and inserted in the Bulletin Board section at a rate of 5¢ per word, $1.00 minimum. Businesses and persons wishing more space may use the following guidelines: PRESIDENT - Advertising rate is $10 per quarter page or multiple thereof. Frank Loob - Camera-ready copy must reach the publisher by the 15th of the preceding month. VICE-PRESIDENT Bill Mintz - All ads will appear on the last pages of the Bulletin, at the discretion of the publisher. SECRETARY Publication of business advertising in no way implies AMICA's endorsement of any commercial operation. However, AMICA Isadora Koff reserves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with AMICA's general standards or if complaints are received indicating that said business does not serve the best interests of the members BULLETIN of AMICA, according to its goals and by-laws. Ginny BiIlings 1428 Uberty Street EI Cerrito, California 94530 NEW MEMBERSHIP AND MAILING PROBLEMS Anita Johnson 1302 Glenwood Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 TREASURER Cliff Burrous AUCTION Gar Britten BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Mel Luchetti, Northern California William Mintz, Southern California Jerry Talkington, Texas Please direct all general correspondence to: AMICA INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS P. O. Box 1169 El Cerrito, CA 94530 Telephone: 415-237-3813 THE AMICA BULLETIN SEPTEMBER. 1973 PAGE 1 AMICA INTERNATIONAL BOARD MINUTES AN EDITORIAL COMMENT TEXAS CONVENTION, AUGUST 12, 1973 by Ginny Billings by William Wherry, Acting Secretary The meeting was called to order by Frank Loob, Dear Friends, President, at 10:00 a.m. Retiring Board Members pre­ Surprise! I don't know who is more sur­ sent were: Barbara Whiteley, Dr. George Coade. prised about this Bulletin--you or me--but Re-elected members present were: Gar Britten, Frank for this month, at least, we're back in the Loob, and newly elected Membership Secretary Anita old harness. If news is scanty this month, Nickels Johnson (Anita and Steve Johnson, Jr. of Colo­ forgive USi we lacked time to prepare fully rado were married shortly before the Texas Convention, and to contact all the chapters. incorporating the Convention as part of their honey­ As most of you probably know by now, moon. Congrats. to them!). Approximately 34 AMICA AMICA has been unable to find a permanent members were also present. Bulletin Publisher to replace Hester A motion to waive the reading of the minutes of Zimmerman. Since we were faced with the the last Board Meetings passed. prospect of no September Bulletin at all, I TREASURER'S REPORT: balance in Treasury $5309.53. have agreed to fill in. A rundown of past expenses and income were quoted: The future of the AMICA Bulletin depends, 1971 1972 1973 as always, on you. We badly need your inputs INCOME: $6;T70 $~O $TT7300 and suggestions. What ideas do you have? Do SPENT: 7,340 9,650 (8/73) 8,900 you know of anyone who is willing, and able, AV. COST/MEMBER: $13.00 $13.10 $13.80 to assume the responsibility of this publica­ AVERAGE COSTS OF OFFICERS & SERVICING OF MEMBERSHIP: tion? Who would you LIKE to see as editor? Executive Secretary: $200.00 per month Regardless of how the Bulletin finally is Membership Secretary: $145.00 per month published, articles are needed ri~ht ~! -­ Bulletin: $640.00 per month. and in all of the old classificat10ns: Tech­ COMMITTEE REPORTS: nicalities, Rolls & Music, Instruments, General: Attempts to settle Powell-AMICA suit are still Biographical Sketches. We have hundreds of pending. By-law revision: liberalize election proceed­ new members this year who would appreciate ings; cut down 90-day and 60-day limits; basic information,' and we always need sophis­ MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Approximately 750 members to date ticated articles for our seasoned "pro's." We (Membership Secretary not present.) can also use original material for reproduc­ PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: The present Publ isher, Mrs. ing, someone to handle a Question & Answer Hester Zimmerman, ends her duties August, 1973. Technical column -- the works. Start sending RESEARCH COMMITTEE:Mr. Q. David Bowers will be asked your contributions in to me, please. What to assume the Bulletin if he would like to. good's a Bulletin without your articles? AUCTIONEER: Two auctions have been held this year; the It's fun being back and having a chance third is coming up soon. to say hello to all of you again. Drop me a TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: The Winchester House Link Orches­ letter -- OK? ~~ trion has been completed and moved from the lumber room to the museum at the Winchester House, under the direction of Mel Luchetti. 1Itlltlltlltll.l-u-- CONVENTION COMMITTEE: Approximately 106 people attended the Texas Convention. $425 was sent to Texas from the L.A. Convention Committee, which was profit above all expenses. AMICA Technicalities Book, $5.50 including UThey All Laughed When I Sat Down At The A.JGtA JlrmB mailing charges. Reprints of interesting Piano, But When IT Began To Play ... " technicalities articles which have appeared in the AMICA Bulletin, spiral bound with "or 61th cover. Send orders to: YOU CAN GET IT FOR FREEl Howard Koff, 2141 Deo Dara Drive, Los AMICA Bulletins, Bound Issues: 1969-1970 Altos, CA 94022 Did you know that AM ICA has a film that combined, $15.00. 1971, $15.00. 1972, $15. • you can use... for free? Great for parties, Spiral bound, with mylar cover. Send orders AMICA Sterling Silver Pins, $4.25, including chapter meetings, acquainting your philistine to: mailing charges. Lapel pin or tie tack with friends about the fun and frolic of player Mrs. Gladys Jones, 21 Mercedes Way, San AMICA design. pianos. It's a one-reeler on Super-8 film, Francisco, CA 94127 AMICA Stationery, $2.00 (letter size), $1.75 with sound. The title? "They All Laughed ... • (note size), including mailing charges. Fine When I Sat Down At The Piano, But When It ROLL LEADERS: AMPICO, DUO-ART, quality stationery with ornate AM ICA bor­ Began To Play..." WE LTE. Many designs, all authentic. For ders. Each packet contains 25 letters and Contact Ginny Billings, 1428 Liberty Street, order sheet, write to: matching envelopes. Send orders to: EI Cerrito, CA, if you're interested in borrow­ Nick Jarrett, 3622·21 st Street,-San Francisco, Robert Lemon, 4560 Green Tree Drive, ing it. Anticipate a delay, since only one CA 94114 Sacramento, CA 94823 copy of this popular film is available. PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER, 1973 THE AMICA BULLETIN NOMINATING COMMITTEE: List of new officers: " ••• the Nominating Committee shall proceed to PRESIDENT: FRANK LOOB (LAST HALF OF 2-YEAR TERM) nominate at least one (1) candidate for each Director VICE PRESIDENT: BILL MINTZ and Office to be filled; and these names, together with TREASURER: CLIFFORD BURROUS the names hereinafter provided for, shall be presented SECRETARY: ISADORA KOFF to the club membership through the official club pub­ MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: ANITA NICKELS JOHNSON lication not later than ninety (90) days prior to the BULLETIN PUBLISHER: PENDING next annual meeting and shall appear in each succeeding AUCTIONEER: GAR BRITTEN issue••• " NEW BUSINESS: A motion to change Article 5, Section 3, line 3 passed: Proposal for AUTOMATIC MUSIC FOUNDATION, INC. passed: Change "No member will serve as President without having served as a Director of AMICA" to "Any officer "The six undersigned members of the Founding of a Chapter or International may serve as AMICA Chapter of AMICA INTERNATIONAL propose setting up a President. " non-profit, tax exempt Foundation under the auspices A motion to change Article 5, Section 3, line 2 passed: of, but autonOllrJUS from, the Board of Directors of change "The term of office is for two years" to "Term AMICA INTERNATIONAL, INC. for the following purposes: of office is for one year." 1. To arrange and prolOOte educational programs A motion to change Article 9, Section 4, Paragraph B, to be presented to the general public to awaken an in­ line 12 passed: change ten percent (10%) to FIVE (5) terest in mechanical musical instruments and their MEMBERS: music; "Names of other candidates may be placed in nom­ 2. To arrange exhibitions or shows to display ination by petition only, naming any eligible candidate these instruments wherever interest is shown; or candidates, provided that said petition is signed by 3. To prollrJte comparison concerts of roll artists not less than ten per cent (10%) of the active club and to encourage new artists to cut rolls and membership eligible to vote for that candidate." concertize; The above by-law proposed changes will be submitted to 4. To ul timately build up a fund to establish a the general membership for voting. local mechanical musical museUm; 5. To legally establish a tax-exempt status to A motion by Hester Zimmerman, passed: encourage donations of funds or instruments to the "In view of the fact that the job of publishing FOWldation for a museum; the Bulletin has become vacant and is too much work 6.
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