616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 30, Also, a paper relating to the claim of 0. D. Lemert for additional Mr. WHITE. We must stop at some point, or we shall be incom­ pay as an officer in the United States Army-to the Committee on moded by the number admitted to the :floor. Military .Affairs. Mr. WILSON. Do not stop it on me, when every one else has had By Mr. SLEMONS: Memorial of the National Cotton Exchange, requests for such courtesies granted. asking for an amendment of the census law-to the Committee on The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentle­ the Census. man from West Virginia, [Mr. WILSON T] By Mr. SPARKS: The petition of R. G. Ardrey, to be reimbursed There being no objection, the request was granted. the amount of postage-stamps stolen from the post-office at Oakdale, UNITED STATES COURTS IN omo. Illinois, while he was postmaster-to the Committee on the Post­ Office and Post-Roads. Mr. CONVERSE. I notice by the RECORD of this morning that in By Mr. SPRINGER: The petition of citizens of Concord, Illinois, relation to the report of the committee of conference ou the bill of for the passage of a law equalizing bounties-to the Committee on the House No. 582, to provide for circuit and district courts of the Milita Affairs. United States at Columbus, Ohio, &c., it is stated that upon the read­ By~. URNER: The petition of William Staubs and others, for the ing of the report Mr. GARFIELD demanded the yeas and nays. passage of the Weaver soldier bill-to the same committee. That is not according to my recollection. My recollection is that By Mr. WARNER: The petition of J. R. Randall, that Dr. C. P. the vote was taken upon agreeing to the report, and the Chair de­ Culver be paid for valuable services rendered the Committee on clared that the report was agreed to, and thereupon a motion was Coinage, Weights, and Measures in the Forty-fifth Congress-to the made to reconsider that vote and to lay the mo~on to reconsider on Committee of Claims. the table; and while the Chair was putting that question, Mr. GAR­ Also, the petition of Josephus Cox and 18 others, citizens of Ohio, FIELD called for the yeas and nays to the report. against the paBSage of Senate bill No. 496-to the Committee on In­ The SPEAKER. That is correct, but the Chair never takes advan­ valid Pensions. tage of any member in any respect in regard to such matters. The By Mr. WASHBURN: The petition of Griggs, Johnson & Foster gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GARFIELD] claimed the right to have the and 100 other citizens, of Duluth, Minnesota, that Congress aid the question taken on ordering the yeas and nays upon agreeing to the construction of a railroad from the Falls of the Sault Ste. Marie to report, notwithstanding the viva voce vote that had been taken. The somo point on the Marquette and Mackinaw Railroad, near Manis­ Chair would state in addition that the call for the yeas and nays was tique Lake, by a grant of sixteen sections per mile in the counties of in the nature of a further count upon agreeing to the report. If the Chippewa and Schoolcraft, Michigan, for a distance not exceeding Chair did not allow that to be done, he might arbitrarily decide that seventy-five miles-to the Committee on Railways and Oanals. a bill had passed when some member was on the :floor demanding the By Mr. CHARLES G. WILLIAMS: The petition of John Kimball yeas and nays upon it: It has been the uniform practice of the Chair and others, citizens of Rock County,Wisconsin, for a law to alleviate in all instances never to deny the right of a member to call for the oppressions imposed by transportation monopolies-to the Commit­ yeas and nays under such circu~tances. The Chair would state also tee on Commerce. that the conference report will come up immediately this morning Also, the petition of 105 citizens of Rock County, Wisconsin, for after such matters as can be disposed of by unanimous consent shall the amendment of the patent laws so as to protect innocent pur­ have been disposed of. chasers of patented articles and to make manufacturers and vendors ERIE AND WABASH SHIP-CANAL. alone responsible for infringements-to the Committee on Patents. Mr. ORTH, by unanimous consent: submitted the following resolu­ By Mr. WILLITS: The petitions of R. W. Freeman and 24 othere, tion; which was referred to the Committee on Rail ways and Canals: citizens of Hillsdale County; of B. W. Herring and 82 others, citizens Resolved, That the Committee on Railways and Canals are hereby instructed to of Litchfield; and of Frank Ward and 32 others, citizens of Washte­ inquire into the expediency of providing for a public survey for the pn~ose of a.s­ naw County, Michigan, of similar import-to the same committee. certaining the practicability of constructing a ship-canal from Toledo, Ohio, by way of the Wabash and Erie Canfil, 1;o the navigable waters of the Wabash River at or Also, the petitions of R. W. Freeman and 24 others, citizens of Hills­ near La. Fayette, Indiana, with leave to report by bill or otherwise. dale County; of B. W. Herring and 66 others, citizens of Litchfield; of Frank H. Ward and 24 others, citizens of Washtenaw County; and INTERNATIONAL SHEEP AND WOOL SHOW. of Henry A. Carr and 15 others, citizens of Washtenaw County, Mich- . Mr. SHALLENBERGER, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill igan, for le~islation regulating transportation companies-to the Com­ (H. R. No. 3982) to authorize and direct the Commissioner of Agricult­ mittee on t;ommerce. ure to attend in person or by deputies· the international sheep and By Mr. WISE: The petition of 1,005 citizens of Pennsylvania, for wool show, to be held in the Centennial building, Fairmount Park, an appropriation of $150,000 to improve the Youghiogheny River with Philadelphia, September, A. D. 1880, and to make full and complete locks and dams-to the same committee. report of the same, and for other purposes; which was read a first · By Mr. WRIGHT: The petjtions of John Ha.idle and 123 others, of and second time, referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and or­ Bath, Pennsylvania, for the passage of the bill (H. R. No. 269) known dered to b_e printed. as the Wright supplement to the homestead act-to the CommitMe ll\IPROVEMENT OF ALLEGHENY RIVER. on Public Lands. Mr. WHITE, by unanimous consent, submitted the report of Gen­ Also, the petition of J. L. Schmahl and 40 others, citizens of Blan­ eral H. D. Wright, Chief United States Engineers, upon the expendi­ don, Berka County, Pennsylvania, of similar import-to the same ture of the appropriation for the improvement of the Allegheny committee. River; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. DEATH OF HON. RUSH CLARK. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. PRICE. I ask unanimous consent that the hour fixed for the delivering of eulogies upon my late colleague from Iowa, Hon. RUSH FRIDAY, January 30, 1880. CLARK, be changed from two o'clock to-morrow until immediately The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. after the morning hour to-morrow. W. P. HARRISON, D. D. There was no objection, and it was so ordered. The Journal of yesterday was read. PERSONAL EXPLANATION. Mr. WILSON. In relation to the report made by my colleague on Mr. ACKLEN. I rise to a question of privilege. the Committee on Foreign Affairs [Mr. MoRTO:N] upon the subject The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. of international fisheries, I desire to state that upon submitting that Mr. ACKLEN. I dislike to occupy the valuable time of this House report yesterday he gave notice that on Tuesday next he would move in a matter of personal interest, but my attenti9n has been called to to go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering that an· article in the New York Herald and also in the Detroit Post and subject. If allowable, I desire to have the Journal corrected by an Tribune- entry to that effect. The SPEAKER. Do those articles affect the gentleman in his rep- The SPEAKER. The statement to which the gentleman refers was resentative capacity T in the nature of debate and appears in the RECORD. It is n• neces­ Mr. ACKLEN. Tbey do. sary that it should be entered upon the Journal. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will proceed. The Journal of yesterday was approved as read. Mr. ACKLEN. They are so grossly untrue and such a vile attack ADMISSION TO THE FLOOR. upon me, not only as a gentleman but as a Representative, that a The SPEAKER. The Chair at the instance of the gentleman from proper sense of justice to my constituents as well as to myself forces West Virginia [Mr. WILSON] asks consent that the governor of West me to speak that my silence may not be misconstrued. I quote the Virginia, Hon. Henry M. Mathews, and gentlemen accompanying him, following from the Detroit Post and Tribune of January 26: Honorables Jonathan M. Bennett, John Brannan, and J. N. Camden, On the 13th of J a.nuary, takiD~ advantage of a moment when no other member of distinguished citizens of West Virginia, be admitted to the privileges the Committee on Foreign Affairs was present, ACKLEN rose in the House and de­ clared a.s appears in the official report of tbe proceedings of Congress: of the :floor for to-day and to-morrow.
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