Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987 11-12-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 12, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1987 Volume 74, Issue 59 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 12, 1987." (Nov 1987). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1987 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1987 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Univer!;ity at Carbondale Thursday, November 12,1987, Vol. 74, No. 59,-l61'ages - ------------------------------...------------------------------------------ Board to decide on tenure review By Toby Eck6<t music professors wrote that Hammond Staff Writer was the victim of a smear campaign The Board of Trustee:; will decide launched by faculty members jealous today whether it will revie'N the tenure oJ his performing abilities. case of William Hammond, a profci;sor The affidavits also claim· that who claims he was demro tenure Hammond was the subject of a per­ beca use of professional rivalry and sonal vendetta by School of Music jealoasy among School of Ml<sic faculty Director Robert Roubos. Hammond members. claims that Roubos retaliated against Th" case has generated widespread him after he voted against splitting the concein among iacuJty members cinema anG photogra phy cler.artment, becaus~ the School of Music Promotion a move favored by Keith SanG"", dean and Ten!Jre Committee cited lIaln· of the College of Communica tions and mond's supposed lack of " collegl3lity," Fine Arts. or ability to oooperate with other Roubos also d,,'elined to commenl on faculty members, as a main rea50n for the case. H"wever 1 in a mvmo to dcuyia::g him tenure. Sanders dated Dec. 9, 1986, ROI;bos Many faculty members view L,e says he based his decision to deny concept of collegiality a" a ttreat to Hammoud tenure solely on the School their academic freedom and freedom of Mu!.ic's promotion and tenure of expression. guidelir.es. Roubos said he found thal Tb concept of collegiality does not Hammund's teaching abilities and appear in the School of Music guidelines for awarding tenure. SeeBOARD,P,geS Howe"er, Pre;ident John C. Guyuon bas endorsed collegiality as "an Gus BOde~ overlay on all deliberations" in the tenure process. ~ammon d bas refused to comment o the case, saying It would be inap- , , r;g~a::e w~~~dhisH:~~,isur.:'g~J Gus says Hammond Isn't the only one affidavits obtained by the Daily Interested In trut boartl's decision - EgyptIan, Hammond and several other so's the guy on lop. 'Saving lives' drives tireless coordinator of blood program enough." "When my son was about 5 She is like a bee buzzing years oU, he bad ve.-; major from nower to nower - surgery," she addM. He also talking to people, instructing n\.:oded blood. them wbere to go, joking witb "Ninety-<light percent <Ii us them, and aslting if they have will need blood sometiJr,e in dooale:i yet. our lives," Ugent said. "No "We try to show that it is one knows when it will be fun, but that we do have a needed or when there will bt· serious mission - to save an accident." lives," said Viv'.an Ugent, As coordinator of bloo1 coordinator of blood a-ives drives for Southern llIinois, for Southern llIinois. abe usua3y worb 60- to 65- Ugent, 47, knows the im­ hour weeks, during which abe Vivi an Ug8nl, left, and Nathan Wright. portance of giving blood from . belps facili'!!i~, schedule and two first-h.and experiences organize blood drives. She with family members. A few also trains and works with Donations help boy fight anemia weeks ago, ber father, who volunt 'ers and gives lives in Milwaukee, was in p~tati~a!~~. By Amy Gaubatz Blood Drive Wednesday. the bosp\tal for a bernia. Tbe "A whole range of things," S(sff Writer The drive collected 526 pints surgery had to be delayed sbeadded. " We thought it wv:.l1dhElp," Wednesday, bringing the until th~ hf!!!pital could get Sbe said she drives bet­ Nathan Wright, a 5 year old Nathan's grandL"l{tmer, Mary four-day total to 1,578. Tbe who suffers from an incurable Wright, said. "We hope to goal is 4,1JG3 pints. enough blood. "Without ween 15,000 and 20,000 miles a blood, be cI:uldn't even get in yar t.-aveling between the IP hone marrow disease, was the make more people aware that Nathan has used 31 pill!s of center of attention when be there is someone in this area surgery," she added. "They visited the World's Greatest tha t needs blood." See WRIGHT, Page 8 had to look hard to get 8e&YMAN,,,-, This-M-o-m--in-g-'I Hearing to determine charges facing Reiman By Dana D.Bee~ilIont 'Giobolinks' S~.ffWrtter and what \ypes of evidence will after the pretrial hearing who faces up !AI 60 ~"B in be preseni.i!d during the trial. because "if six or eight of the prison if coovicted, will plead invade Shryock I A bearing to determine the Reiman, 36, is alleged to charges are dismissed, it will IDDoceol sexual assault and kidnapping have kidnapped and sexually save me a lot of time." In &.ddition, Reiman faces a -Page 10 , charges Dale Reiman, assaulted a male student A pretrial hearing was soJicitation-to-commit-murder assistant director of the worker duriJig a four-day postpooed Nov. 1 so that charge in Jobmioo County in Basketball tearr ..3 Physical Plant, will face in iUs period in December. Reiman PnIlleCUtioo attorneys coull! whicli be is accused of at­ I tr.al is set for 10 a.m. today at was indicted Aug. 5 by a review motions filed l;y tempting to hire a Shawnee add recruits the Jackson County Cour­ Jacksoo County grand jury "" Richard E . White, Reiman's ConectiooaJ Center inmate to ;J thOiISe. 34 counls of sex-related ,.ttorney. White filed moii~ arrange the murder of tlIe -Sports 16 Lawyers also will present charges. to dismiss 23 of the 34 charges male student last December. pretrial motions that could Circuit Judge Robert and requested more in­ Reiman faces a jury trial for determin~ where a trial will be Howerton said Nov. 1 that be formation on five cbariles. the ll!urder-for-hire charge ~~~~.. held, who will judge the trial scheduled tile arraignment White has said that Reiman, Jan. 25. Sports Prep centei, juco forward sign with men's basketball By Dave Miller SIr.ffWriter "I think his strength is his ability to run the The men's basketball team floor. He 's a good shot blocker and has a nice hooked two big ones Wed­ nesday, the first day of the fall shooting touch. Once he gets stronger signing period. physically I thir,k the other areas of I,is game The Salukis landed &-foot-I~ inch, 2OS-pound high school wil/.ger better and better." center Tony Harvey and &-(oot- 7-inch, 190-pound junior college forward Barry Dun­ - Eobby McCullum ning. Harvey, from Pascagoula, Miss., is listed as one of the top 100 high school players in the country by talent scout Bob players did an excellent job of blocker and bas a nice shooting GiblxllIS . Saluki coach Rich making him feel wanted and touch. Once he gets stronger Herrin called him the best needed. The coaching staff did physically I think the other recruit SIU-C bas signed likewise." areas of his game will get during his tbree-year coaching ::.. rvey chose SIU-C over better and better." reign. Arkansas and Southern Dunning, from Mobile. Ala., " We're eJC cited " Herrin is a "ophomore at SeminOle said. " He's a gieat., great. ~:si~~~s~th~~ f~hor~I~! Commun; ty College in San­ player. This is great fOf Saluki Clemson. Auburn, F lorida ford, Fla. Last year, he basketball. " State, South Carolina and averaged 19.5 points and 10 Assistant coach Bobby South Alabama. rebounds a game while leading McCullum began recruiting Harvey is expe<;ted to he the team to a 30-5 record. Thus Harvey in April of 1986 while academically eligible to play far this season, he has McCullum was an assistant during his first season. He maintained his average in the coach at South Alabama. When scored ?.?. 'JO the ACT and will first three games. In his senior McCullum came to SIU-C July meet the high· school grade­ year of high school, Dunning 1 this year, he continued to point-average requirement, avera ged 14 points, 10 pursue Harvey. During McCullum said. rebounds and three blocks a Ready, Freddie? Homecoming weekend Harvey The Saluki coaching staff game. visited SIU-C's campus. expects him to contribute to Dunning chose STU-C over Fred GI".:oon, No. 10, freshman SIU-C quarterback, has ".My relatlooship with him the team right away next Alabama-Birmingham a nd startM! since Kevin Brown was injured in the second and his family is the reason he season. Western Kentucky. game of the yea •• However, Gibson Is doubtful to start in developed an interest in SIU," " I think his strength is his Herrin said the Salukis may McCullum said. " Once he ability to run the Ooor," Mc­ sign another player early next the I•• t game because of a rib injury. came here for a visit. the Cullum said. " He's a good sh<,t week.
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