A m gvD aily Net PreflB Ron ■ W «lM Week Ended Doomber is, IMS The Weather tdffht snow developing te» 1 4 ,5 7 7 night, low in the teens; snow continuing: tomorrow, Ugh tn D MandteU^r-^A Ciiy of VUiage‘Charm the 20s. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 68 CTWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1965 (Olusifled Adverthdng on Fnge 21) Anhiyersary Raid Tree Status LOS ANOELES (AP) — A railroad freight agent says wholesalers here have UN Marks $33.9 Million alretuly sold out 3S6 car­ loads o f Christmas trees tmd gives one reason for the bumper stUes: The newest Southern California status ^rmbol is having two Christ­ mas trees. For Middle East Aid Richard Givens, South­ ..SAIGON, South yiet depot of fuel and ammunlOon in \ael Oong to mark the annlver- ern Pacific Railroad freight N am ( A P ) — Forces guard- country. gary. x agent In charge of handling AM*in g .Saigon against KCom-jOTTI* American wnivciofficer otuusaid Oieuie xuanierEarlier in methe evening, a teter- tree shipments here, said the munist terrorist attacks on apparently was rorlst -hurled a grenade at ’ trend is toward a natural, the^ne fifth■iirrn anniversary of i.u 'lI ‘"tended------ to get at themo uumpdump truckloadii-u,:niu<tu mo f U.S.u.o. aoioiersaoldlers onon* * green tree, plus a colored or O v em iles th^Ol6 Viet HnnoCone hoofhpnt nftoff o . ' “ bumped Into alerted bridge on the northern outsklroutsklrU artificial one. com ijanv-sizp pnpm v honH first may have of the city en route to a U.S com pan y-size enem y band suspected this was the target. ^base. - Red B loc’ s ib e ’ e i l f o7® Safgon River The grenade bounced off the the capital near a vital fuel is a criucal area for the South rear of the truck and exploded U.S. to Put Opposition and ammunition dump. Vietnamese. U.S. Advisers say In the street, sllghUy, injuring _ The action was east of Nha a single tracer round fired into two Americans and five or six Be, site of the biggest supply one of the fuel tanks or one Vietnamese, U. S. officials said. 4 Moons Up UNITED NATIONS. N. mortar round hitting an ammu­ The incident occurred despite" Y, (AP)—The U.N. Budg­ nition ship there EPId set the the tightest security in years in etary Committee approved entire area ablaze. They add In One Shot over Soviet bloc opposition 2 the city of mwe than 1.4 million that ignited fuel spilling into the to guard agtiinst any m*^jor Winter Here CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) today a resolution to ap­ river diulng an incoming Ode anniversary incident. Officials propriate $33.9 million to — A triple-barreled Air Force could send a wall of fire sweep­ Mdd the wave of terrorism could finance the Middle East ing into Saigon. Day Early continue until the new year. Titan 3 is scheduled to kick four emergency force through details of the fighting on ■pie Communists took no holi­ separate satellites into an orbit 1966. ^ BOSTON (A P )— By the cal- the outskirts were not immedi- day in the field. more than 20,000 miles above The General Assembly’s 117- Two Viet Cong companies at­ endar winter starts tomorrow, ately available. the equator Tuesday to climax nation committee approved the tacked two outposts of the Tuy $ut by the thermometer, It The Nha Be storage area was one of the most complex un­ eight-nation draft by a vote of en Nhon Special Forces camp in ___ _ ■torted in New England today. fully lighted, more so thsn manned space missions ever 88-14, with 37 abstentions. the Plain of Reeds 40 miles west planned, The temperature at the Weath- usual, as though the defenders ’The United States abstained. were taking no chemces. , of Saigon. The U. S.-advised Riding on the nose of the U.S. Rep. Peter H. B. Frel- •r Bureau in Windsor Locks, government forces threw back Conn., was 12 degrees. The rumpus in midevening three-legged booster, the na­ inghuysen, R-N.J., trtd the com­ •• Here are some early morning could have been intended by the (See Page TeA) tion’s most powerful rocket now mittee he could not support the readings as recorded for the in use, will be two experimenttil resolution since Congress U.S. Weather Bureau at Bos­ communications satellites, a decided in 1952 that the United ton: satellite which will study activi­ States should pay no more than ties of the sun and a fourth sa­ Montpelier, Vt., minus 1, Leb­ a third of the assessed U.N. ex­ tellite for ham radio operators. anon, N.H., minus 4, Mt. Wash­ penses. The resolution. If ap­ ington, N.H., minus li, Port­ France Decides: Liftoff is scheduled for 9 a.m. proved by the GenenU Assem­ (EST). land, Maine, 3, Concord, N.H., bly, would have it pay nearly The amateur radio satellite, 4. Providence, R .I., 14, Bridge­ two-fifths, called Oscar 4, is sort of a poor port, Conn., 23, and Boston 18. Frellnghuysen added, how­ man’s Telstar. Like three other w'TOe Weather Bureau said it More DeGaullism ever, that if approved, the U.S. Oscar satellites which preceed- win be sunny in New England mission would ask Congress to PARIS (AP) — France seitUed ment which w4U save the repub- ed it, Oscar 4 was built by the today b(it still "very cold." make an appropriation. He is a back for more years of Gaul- Me from the adventure into American Radio Relay League, To blame was a storm off the member of the U.S. delegation Usm today following President which a discounted GauUism Is a group of space engineers Ba§t Coast of Newfoundland, to the General Assembly. Oharles de Ga.ulle’s re-election going to plunge it.’* w h os^ ob b y is ham radio. Which was causing unseason­ The resolution, introduced by to another seven-year term. De GauUe, who begins his new '-'acaxOscar sianusstands torfor urmtingOrbiting saSa- ably cold air to pour into the iJaven’t We Met Somewhere Recently? Canada, ran into objections northeast. Although De Gaulle’s failure term Jan. 8, issued no victory telllte Carrying Amateur Radio from the Soviet Union and other to win on the first ballot two statement from the Mdusdon of (^scar 4 is a complete radio fre Greeting one another on solid ground after their rendezvous 185 miles straight Communist countries. They weeks ago gave deer notice his estate in eastern FYance. quency transmitter capable of up last Wednesday with Astronauts Wally Schirra, Tom Stafford, Frank Bor­ voiced their usual argument Xi- that his popularity had slipped, His supporters were overjoyed simultaneously receiving voice man and Jim Lovell (from left). This reunion took place yesterday in crew that the Security Council — not almost no one expected the au­ that he had pulled out a comfor­ and telegraph signals at 144 headquarters at Cape Kennedy. (AP Photofax) ' the assembly — was the sole Quads Are Bom tocratic dd man to alter hie pol­ table margin after his megacycles and retransmitting authority to originate and fl- icy goals. He may soften his humiliating fli<Bt-round setback, thefai at 432 megacycles. nance peacekeeping operations. At Same Hospital methods, however " In which he won only 43.9 per The two communications In an attempt to Mfset Com­ As Quintuplets In the run-off election Sunday, ceirt of the vote. satellites, developed by the Lin­ munist bloc objections, Ghana complete returns firopi 2i\u«- On t|h« international scene, De coln Laboratory of the Massa­ Long Physical Checkups proposed inserting a proviso to AUCKLAira, New Zeland PVance plus some of the Gaulle facM two items of unfin­ chusetts Institute of Technology the appropriations. It said they (AP) Quadruplets - two ished— business ----------.... _ and named.Les 3.and Les 4, are were made “ without prejudice boys and two girls - were bom 12,763,«M, or One-------------------- is the negotiations- u.in umthe designed to test device^ for fU"- to the positions of principle today In the same hosoltal t^eftlst Francois slx-natii^........M-_ Euttip^an' Common jniiitary defense coipmuni- Awaiting Borman, Lovell which might be taken by mem­ where quintupletsntUDlets were L m SOt 10,68C,1!50. Market, which De Gaulle cations satellite systems. ber states on possible recom- five months ago. About 84 per cent of the regia- brought to an Abrupt halt last The sun-studying satellite. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) All four also remarked how men should not have to fly in *“ *• The quads’ father, Herbert tered votersvuiers balloted,c a near to bWclt aitt^pts to give Dick Rawson, is surgeon at Nel- turnout, the economic Oorhmimlty’s ex- (See page Twenty-Three) Astronauts Frank Borman easy it was to see through each bulky space suits on long-dura- The assemblv was nnahia ■on Hospital on South Island. Mitterrand termed De oeutive more-power. and James A. Lovell Jr., who other’s spacecraft, windows tion flights. And if a "bafk up” flrS.ee S o n o T ^ h ^ The babies — weighing from 2 Gaulle’s victory "mediocre" ^,,GaUl)e opposes any move ^ iled far enough during their while they were rendezvousing pressure system la needed, Bor-'*' anything else last seeaion be and said he would turn his at­ toward ^pranatlonallty by the two weeks hi space to make 10 high above the earth Wednes- man suggested it be built into ca W ^ th e ^ u a r e e l pounds, 13 ounce^ to 3 pounds 6 round trips to the moon, begin day.
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