OPINION FEATUREs ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS What is A true story Best Seller See NBA SGPB?, about El Salvador, movie review. at FAU, page 6,7 page 8 page 14 page 20 Vol. 64 No. 10 Atlantic Sun Qdobc"r 28. 1987 The weekly student publication 0/ florida Atlantic University hiefhbooked Profs English under review ST£VE SPENC£ faculty "",mben who have pr0­ " mceunR lhis sununer. sa>d G<tR STAFF WRITER blems.·· S'-'p alIid. Hull-Ryd<:. the FSA'$ V;CCUII'-C ··Eval".""., (of spoken direuor. on c arges An a<lnuniotnl>on tqJOr1 on the En&li$h) is suppmcd 10 be .. poi" "TIIey fell thou th<: rules requlr­ stat<: law requiring inslru<:oors '" IU KkETSCIIMAR s.eahng book. from Ihe WI< eval.... he ,ng English pro.",iency we..,n·1 speak undensandable En,:li,h of annual ';O":· .,.1.fT WRITER hbraty personal boob. Lasl said. bein.. carried ...... 10 llw leu.....:' ....kI be senl 10 lb<: vi.e<: ~. Sundaly n,ghl (Ocl. II) be S1ale Hun·Ryde saKi. Do.tamous Iibnry boolo: lhic:f denl of academic .ffa,n Ih.. Accord',,&10 ,he "p«!lJl£n., if more bookJ and ., 10'30 a.m. the..., ;$ any doubl "bout an in· Earlier this ~... Mudenl &o;aI1) been appod"'",dcd week•• member of lhIo ad hoe FAU pobce atTeSICd Mich;lcI Monday momma he wu al lhe suuctor'$ ablilly 10 be undcl'$lClOd go..ernrroenos ,",,<0$1 lbe Male commntoe in......ullaf". the pr0­ .-and chJITg<'d bini ......h ~.., ........'na '0 sell them pba:d a,:I>'<:ftiso<:~in Umver_ blem said. he or w is '" be siven oneoftwo ~ ofSIOlcn propedJl and bock:' said Oouc""". "1 "'"nl ""&InS. Shoup 511101 sity newspapeR asl<.ina Rudenos The in"""",igaboro at FAU stems ~;;;~~ofJUSllCe_ OVC'r the.., and he said he &0' them '" .",jl in complain'S aboul In_ ... 18." Palm Btach Jun_ from OIlI~ide.·· from • $llltewide effort by Rudenl "[FSA's board of uruC'ou .hey had uouble (reo.hman fmm M,an\l. 1bc: pe..-.on Irylng 10 ",11 the I<:ad<:n '" make su.., i ......rueton directors] felt thai the under"$tallding. ... FIorida's state uni"",",ili~ • .., by Al booIo:$ bock 01> Oct 12 wu not JCIIIfd>mdcd Ikt«u"" in oompliance w,th the Engl~ rules requiring English Abbon said lb<: five ilWructon of FAUPD (M,lt$oO<: of !he rnl 'h,er. accorchng 10 m lb<: FAU r<:pO" leach ,n evety Oouoce'Ite. Haun. a S-fOO'l-8-inch Profieiency Law. adopI;ed In fAU Bookst<>r'c "'hen: he ......., proficiency weren't col1elle ellcq:>t llw coll<:&~ of *""""Jlll.... IO..,Jl~ As..n .....n. had _"""..,nlly ...k· 1983. FAU·s!iWdent~ being carried oul to educalion and ...."al scieneo t.ck 10 the bookstore, ed~dselO~ll'hcb<:>oQ ..... week senl • repon '" univel"$"y HuU_Ryde ..id lhIo FSA w,1l For De;Uly lwo wed'•• Hau.. back for- hIm bee_ he fell 1......1 the leiter." P'"COideOl Helen Popovich i,n&!­ presenl a liM ofabou. 40 ,......rue· SlOIe te~~ from hIS ,dc:"IllY WU becom'na 100 ",110 left ,hem UA/Il,,,,nd. weU-kno....n 10 !he bookstore ing OUI five iMuucIOn ....bo mighl Instruelol"$ ....1>0 SQOr<: below. ...... from univeui!ie. _mund lhIo .state In Chancellor Charl~ Reed ... lib,.".,.. :and then j\Qld employees. ROC speak Enlliish "'el1 enough '0 minimum Ibndalrd • .., aiv"n meet !he legal requi..,men... ..,medi.1 ooul'$<:ll and retested. thi~ "·eek. bKk 10 the books'ore for Terry Shoup. dean of lhe Col­ Shoup laid Q the "na,,,,,,,ring "Wo not a hus<: nun,ber of reoaIc v"l~. See BOOK TlDEF les<: or Engin<:erinll and one of colles<: dean he e"alualeS 'nArue­ names. bul when y stan Ihink- ',e J...a " person '" he> was page 3 the f........ membc:n of the com","­ 1Onl' Enghoh proficiency. ing how many .,uden " affecls. tee. said regulalin"" .Ir..ady ,n "There U u.....lIy not much i. suns 10 add up:' "" said. pIaa: SCI unlvers,ty polq oonr:cr. doubt:' he laid ..Y ..... know they Shoup uid FAU's liM of Ii.... Nicaraguan ning spoken-Enllli"tr. • ..,able 10 opcu or- they "'" not." names show, me univenny does requiremenu. The sludenl govemmenl "'POrt no!: have moch of a problem. The oommin<:c nunnly .. look­ IS pIln ora State'Wid<: campllign by "TllaCs nQl bad \Xlf\Sidering we president ing at wayo to better implement tile Florida SI"""'nl A......,ialion. have _ facully off..... r In live hun· Tonight 'ha. policy, he said, an umbrella organ;ullion of s.u­ dn"d. ,. he said. The faculty collecliye harpin­ denl government leaders. Abbon disagrees. Oon'l mIllS the Video at FAU ing agreemenl. in dfee' since Th!: FSA', board of d;""'oo"" ,.Any complainlS are a big pro­ 198~. blem.·· hc said. (;am"s Tournoment. CASSANORA BAKER "speaks 10 110.... we handle decided 10 belli" the campaign at ~odneaday. 0<:1. 2S 01 7 ~"'TAn' WRIT£R ~m. In lhe University Con:er Gomes Room. Th. WednlO$dlIY. Ocl. 21 Floritla AII~ntic Univenily joined over ....lnam"nl is for FAU 500 college C"'tlpU""'" in a live, l/".Jdenls only. v;It-SPlelllte cOllfe..,,,,,e 10 <Ji:<cuss , , Tomorrow night Ame"can policy in Cenlral Anl<:rica. Tbu,sdoy, Del. 29 Is H,ghlightlll8 the Ideeul was Open Mlc NIght 01 th.. Nic"raguan Preoident Oani,,1 &!hU"D". Th.. fun begins Oneil:". in an .",elusive inte....ie"" '" 9 p.m. and III lr_ lor wilh lhe Sluden.. of Columbia IlIJdenlS, Un;v"...ily in New York "I (Ion'l think thao lhe young Americans are fully informed, Friday 10/30 bee.u.., n is !he ~Iudents thai • .., called upon to lighl wal"$:' said The Freak"rs Ball, llpon· Onep in ..-upo"'" 10 "",ny q"""­ ~bySGPB.beg,oscn 9 "on~ fielded 10 him. -:II 0I\h" Ouldoor Sloge Oemocralic repres"nla'iv" fl\doy, Oct. 30, The 8",nl Boull. another I>onored ...... III lr_ fa... trtuden1a gue>.l, saKi in a heated d,scussion, =:d up 10 !WO qu...... ., Pr~ider" Onep is OOltu"g bu' • two-bll thug." becau'" he 1. iIEXT WEEK See CONFERENCE Fraternity boasts trash! q ..FFrllOro. tclU....v:...""" PI 1.an:lbcb PhI pIede<tt; "OIlected b-P ~ 1Mt.,.. In .n .u.....pc 10 "kan up lIIoe F AU .".... a.. .......,. page 2 day n!&hl on Od. 21. In 1M plooI.....ph, plftlrees pI"O)UCQy dispiay results ~ Ibdr bao'd ........ Monday 11/2 Associa~ion ,SCPB" Inlernolionol Florida Student lobbies to Senate 1983 law "'Cluirlog .11 $late The FSA has beftt cnucized by he !he ~.s.n... conUnt.lGll wilh said. associabon ""'""""'" STEVE SPENCE ...uve...ily instrucIors '" speak S1udenl Iudc:q for noI beina all !he snidenlS in !he univ"qi.y . =ban him X1.ca.. Th. STAFF WltITER IIIIdenUu>dabk English rqoresao- responsIye ........g:h 10 the smalloer. iysteni. ~b.gm.cn1 p.m. In Ihe ..... Aud,lorium. Some ofthe priorities this yeu uorives of!be :I;SSOCianoII ..... dur- Soulh F1ori4a univcqilies like '1'bry lOIiI&bl.ish whal. our gnUs of the Florida SI\idl:n1 APOcia· ina a .wo-day visil 10 FAU. PAU. in dercn:noe 10 !be lar&", ...., .....r priorrties... Hun.Ryde unl"",siliea in G.insc:ville. said. "We don'l want 10 cal"r 10 11or>, the Tallahassee lobby amup T_ay 11/3 Tallahassee .nd Tarnpo. any oneschool. and I don'l think lhat ~ .ItlIdc2lIs auo:nding Greg Hull-Ryde. FSA's "",. ceutivc dirccklr. and John Asmat. Hull-Ryde laid the FSA'sw'0°,-,"",,:. 'ih.T-.kry nighl movie Floorida·. n.ne Ible uni"enilies. is _ by iu ~ofdirec· - ·o·_-:::=::c:-:-===- the associalion's IecJs1alive ""..,.,­ '"&"nda :.~ The rated include Incrcaslng financial aid PG .... met widI FAU ~ oors, ....hichis ..... upoftheSlU· See SENATE ~~cn 7 p.m. in Itt. and S1uoknl ...ppon sc¥""iecs. and Sludcnl gO"errun<:n1 leadeq denl aD""mr..-->' prQidentsofall 4 "UUUOnum. defeallog diff"reotiaI Nilion arid the universities. B<>ca"'" or thIS. ensuring compliance with the on (kt. Z2 arid 23. page .... , (ktober 28, I Ugly men to raISe• mone News Shelf LYNN SAMIEC "We hope '0 raise enough .News.Events.Notices STAFf" WRITER Rloney to buy some good equip­ men, for the campus r""rcalion Residence Hall Assoeia'iott has dcparunent"· he C<lntinued. Head Residents attend seminar 0'F;.<ni7.od a unique fundraise. ,hal will benefi' the entire Sludent Each club will receive SO per_ TIm Derflinger. loon Mongan, Kimberly Tumer and OOd,. cent of thei. to'al earnfngs. The Berl Vegara. head residents in .he FAU Housing Deport· The Ugly Man on Campus con­ winner wlll .eccive a plaque and menl, attended Ihe Florida Residem Advtsor Seminal Oc­ .."" will begin on Nov. 4 and run tober 10·18 ot Stelson UniveTStly in Deland, Florida. umil Nov. 11. Every dub is ask­ "We need More thein 140 Teslden, asslSlanlS and head residems ed to register one man on behalf Irom 'he public unlversilles and private colleges in Flondo of their organiza,ion. The dub people with auended progroms relating to the responsibilities of hous· ...ilOing the moSt money will be On Thut$day night. Nov, Ing Slal! membenl. the winner. enough nerve thc winner will be annou_ ·'This was on opportunily lor representallves from dU. ..Lt·s 1111 in fun and gaInes to th" Ral. All aWPTds will be ">rem schools to presenl Iheir ideas and compare Ihem help .aise moncy for the slUdent not to mind QU' at this time. Wlih olhers,·' sold Mongan. body."' said Tim De.ninge•• " A ,en dollar entry fee .
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