Surnames United Kingdom

Surnames United Kingdom

-"",.;",..,","".,3:;' SURNAMES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM: A CONCISE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BY HENRY HARRISON Member of the Council of the Philological Society, London; Author of "The Place-Names of the Liverpool District," &c. Assisted by GytSAPULLING,of Queen's College, London TWO VOLUMES IN ONE VOLUMEONE Baltimore GENEALOGICAL PUBLISI1ING COMPANY 1969 Austwick Ayton AUSTWICK (Scan d.) BeLto Austwick (Yorks) with other Teut. prefixes such as O.E. B = the EAST WICK. [O.N. aust-r, ea~'t; E)Alh- [e)alh, a temple],O.E. .lElf- = O.N- BABB (A.-Lat.-Gr.) a dim. of Barbara and v. under Wick] Alf- = O.Ger. Alb. [D.E. t1:!lf= D.N. = BACON (A.-Fr.-Teut.) I meton.. for:~AC,!2!1:- STRANGER,F OREIGNER. [Lat. barbara. fern. DEALER. .. ' ";.."'!".""'iii!' AVELIN the French Avelin(e [prob.ofTeut. alf-r- = M.H.Ger. alb, elf, goblin 1, Ald- of barbarus, Gr. fJ&.pfJa.po~J 2 a nickname fer a .§WiN'f;HE~P~2"~ AVELINE }origin f. the stem. *av, 'ancestor,' [D.E. e)ald = O.Sax. aid = O.H.Ger. alt, with the Fr. double dim. suff. .el-in. old], and O.E. .lEI-, EI. [foreign] (Eng.) the A.-Sax. perf:'. name Babba, of PEASANT. rM.E. bac~.{~)n!,R;f.r.,i~atOtl..'.; b.H.Ge,r. b4h90,J\~,W'bacqn]. Hardly Fr. aveltne(Lat. avellina) a hazel- obscure origin, but perh. due to child- AYLES, AYL'S (Son): v. Ayl-. Or the geniI. speech, and therefore conn. with E. 'babe.' John Ie Bacon.-Finq-lM{s.' nut] of a contI'. of one of the Ayl- names. Avelin.-Domesday. John Babbs.-Hund. Rolls. Ah' . bacon-fed kmlve:;.J.. .Op, Wilham Aveline.-cHlmd. Rolls. AYLESBU RY(Eng.) BeLto Aylesbury,occurring in the A.-Saxon Chronicle as .lEglesburg,. bacons,on I-Shak., I. /len. 't,P;j1ii.z. ... BABBETT ~ = Babb (q.v.) + the Fr. dim. suff. BADAM (Wel. + Heb.) AVELlNG, for Avelin, q.v. .lEgelesburg = lEGEL'S STRONGHOLD.[v.. BABBITT 5-et. AVENALL the F under Ayl-, and + O.E. burg] . [We!. Ab-Adam:- (La,son (of] 'rench Avenel, from the place. BABBS, BABB'S(Son).: v. Babb. BADAMS, BADAM'S(Son) : V. B~dt.:;.n\,: i AVENELL }name Avenelle (Orne) . or Aves- AYLETT V. Ayl-. and + the Fr. dim suff. nelles (Nord) the OAT-FIELDS. [Cpo . BABCOCK = Babb (q.v.) + the E. pet sufi. = AYLOTT} -et, -of. -cock. BADCOCK for Batcock, q.v. L.Lat. avenarit1:!.f. Lat. avena, oats] Walter Aylet.-Hlmd. Rolls. BADDELEY (Eng.) I Bel.toBad d , .il~~ Victe. et Victesse G. d'Avenel.- BABER (Eng.) I Bel. to Babur, Baburgh, or . AYLIFFE (Eng. and Scand.) the A.-Sax. BADDILEY}or Badley(Suffo!k)Fd:~,. ".. Paris Directory. AYLOFFE}Eglaf, Ecglaf, D.Scand. Agleif, Bawburgh (Norfolk) = proto BAB(B)A'S LEA. [A.-Sax. *Bt1:!d(d)an-Ieahi- Bt1:!d(d)an", STRONGHOLD. [A.-Sax. *Bab(b)an-burg- But the name also appears to be a per~ Egleif = I DREADRELICor HERITAGE. genit. of Ed:, rO.E. t1:!ge,ege = O.N. agi, awe, dread + Bab(b)an-, genit. of Bab(b)a + burg, burh, 2 ? Dweller at the .BAD' ,-, . sonal one (with tbe dim. suff. -el), poss. of a stronghold] Celt. origin: there is, however, much ob- D.E. laf = O.N. lelf, relic, heritage, heir- [M.E. baa~fiF ley] scurity. looml 2 Bel. to Babergh (Suffolk),occurring ln BADDERLEY (with intrus. r) for Baddeley, John Avenel.-Hund. Rolls. ZSWORD RELIC or HERITAGE. [O.E. the Hund. Rolls as Badberge = proto BADDERLY } Baddiley, q.v. ecg = O.N. egg, lit. an edge, fig. a sword] BJED(D)A'SHILL. [O.E.beorg,beorh,ahill] AVERELL (Eng.) Dweller at ? the (WILD) BADGE,prob. a voiced form of Bache~1 } AYLING (Eng.) I v. Ayl-, and + the O.E.. AVERILL BOAR SLOPE or CORNER. [O.E. BABINGTON (EniS.) Bel. to Babington = the BADGER, PEDLAR; CORN-DEALER. [li'rom efer, (wild) boar + heal(h] fil. suff. -ing. ESTATE of the BAB(B)A FAMILY. [A.-Sax. Or (WILD) BOAR HILL [hyll] the animal: M.E. bageard,a "b'acl:gerj,oifgei 2 poss. for Aylwin (q.v.), through the Bab(b)inga-tun- -iliga, genit. pI. of the a ba~ge or stripe + the (Fr.~TetJ.t~)iiA¥e!l~. AVERY (En g.) Descendants of the common contracted form Aylin. fi!. sufi: -ingJ s\ifF:~dr4J AVORY A.-Sax. pel's. name .lElfric ELF- BACCHUSfor Backhouse, q.v. } = AYLMAR (Teut.) v. Ayl-,and + O.H.Ger. BADHAM, app. not local, but for Bad~l#fq.v. RULER. [O.E. t1:!lf,elf + ric(a, ruler] AYLMER D.Sax. mari = O.E. moore,. 'fa-. BACH BADKIN for Batkin, q;v. Cpo Aubrey. AYLMORE} mous: . (Eng.) Bel. to Bache, or Dweller by BACHE }a BROOK. [O.E. bt1:!c] AVES the Anglo-Freric~ Avice,'~ COIT.form BADLEY, v. Baddeley ante. AVIS of I Teut. HedwIg, Hadwlg. [O.Sax. AYLWARD(Teu!.) V.Ayl-, and + O.Sax. O.E.. But in our directories this name is often BADMAN, a form of Beadman, q.v. AVISS } hrJd= O.E, had = O.H.Ger. heir,rank, ward = O.H.Ger. wart = O.N. vor'5-r,'a the corresponding German Bach. q.v. in BAGG eut (T .) the A .~Sax.p ". guard.' the Appendix of Foreign Names. ,er.s...,.n" ." . nature + Teut. wig, battle, war] BAGGE }.Bagga,. Bacga = O.N. Ba 2. Teut. Had(u)wig, &c. [O.H.Ger. AYLWIN(Teut.) v. A.yl.,aDd + O.E. wine = BACK (Eng.) I Bel. to Back, or Dweller by = O.Ger. Bago, &c. [f. a Teut... s hadu- (= O.E. hea'5o-), battle, war] . D.N. ViII'" = O.Sax. O.H.Ger. wini, 'a BACKE }a BROOK. rO.N.E.bt1:!c=O.N.bekk-r] in O.H.Ger.. bdgan, to conti.. friend.' .. .,. Richard fiJ. Avice.-HuHd. Rolls. 2 Dweller at the BACK(of some point) O.H.Ger. bdga = O.N. bdg~r;'..~", Cpo Haweis. AYMER,I for Aylmer, q.V. [O.E. bt1:!c= O.N. oak] 2 for Amer, q.v. William Bage.-Hund. Rolls. AVISON, AVIS'S'SON: v. Avis. As to the former signification, this is Robert Bagge.- do. AYMES = Ames, q.v. the guttural or hard form of Bach(e, q.v AWDREY = Audrey, q.v. BAGGALLAY (Eng AYNSLEY= Ainsley, q.v. 3 The A.-Sax. pel's. name Bacga,Bacca. .) Bel. toBagr~fl' BAGGALLY ley = BAGA'SLEA: , AXFORD (Eng.) Bel. to Axford (Wilts) =prob. AYHE= EYf'e,q.v. But the name in our directories is often I lECCE'S FORD. [] BAGGARLEY r*Bagan-leak -" Bagan. AYRES = Eyres, q.v. an anglicized form of the German Bach BAGLEY of Baga: v. under ',i AXON, I for Axton, q.v. q.v. in the Appendix of Foreign Names. BAGULEY J i 2 an assim. form of Atkinson, q.v. AYRTON (Celt. + Eng.) Bel. to Ayrton or BACGOTT, V. Bagot below. AXTELL, an obscure name: ? for Axdale Airton (Yorks)= the FARM or VILLAGE BACKER = Baker, q.v. But the name is often = on THER. AIRE. the corresponding Ger. Backer. 'the Valley ofthe R. Axe.' BAGGS, BAGG'S (Son):: v. Bagg(e. BAGNALL AXTON (Eng.) Bel. to Axton (Kent), AD. 1273 [Aire proto signifies 'pure' or 'fresh' BACKHOUSE (Eng.) Bel. to a BAKEHOUSE. (Eng.) Be!. to Bagnall =B.~\GA'! Acstane = proto lECCE'S. STONE (Monu- (water): cpoWeL ir, ur = Gael. Ul',pure, [D.E. bt1:!c-kusj BAGNELL }HALL. [A.-Sax. *Bagan-h(e)gllr ment or Castle). [O.E. stan] fresh + 0 E. tun] Edmund atte Bakhus.-Wlits of Pari. Bagan-, genit. of Baga (v. under Bs,g.$j'91 AYSCOUGH = Ascough, q.V. BAGA'S CORNER or SLOPE. [A.-Sax AYER = Eyre, q.v. BACKSTER (Eng.) (orig. fern.) BAKER. *Baga/j-hfe)a/(h: BACKESTER [M. E. bakester(e, &c., D.E. BAGOT AYERS = Eyres, q.v. AYSHFORD = Ashford, q.v. } the French Bagot. [Teut. B.arg bt1:!cestre] BAGOTT}under Bagg(e + the Fr. dim.suft. ..'~'(~ AYL. This nominal prefix is normally the AYTON (Eng.) I Bel. to Ayton = the RIVER john Ie Bakestere.-Hund. Rolls. Teut..IE~el-, Agel-, Al{il-, EgiJ-. rO.E. t1:!ge= FARMor VILLAGE.[O.E. ed, river + tun} Giliana Ie Bacster.- do. -of. O.N. agl = Goth. agl-s = O.H.Ger. O.Sax. BAGSHAW (Eng.) Dweller at BAG(Q1W: agi, egi, awe, dread; with the suff. -I] and - 2 confused with Eyton, q.v.; also Baksteres and brewesteres, ~n~ Acton, q.v. And bochiers many e.- BAGSHAWE }WOOD. i V.under Bagg(.,; A.-Sax. .lEthel- = O.Ger. Adal- [O.E. + O.E. scaga (M.E. shaW(e]Oriat . thi t1:!'5el-e= O.H.Ger. adal- = O.Sax. a'5al- The Berwickshire Ayton is on the R. Piers Plowman, 434-5. BACKWOOD. (O.E. Ot1:!C$Coxa noble] But there has been confusion' Eye. +- ~"~'~--- _i , lib. 0"- '0 38 ond 39 Board Boardman Bolan OND(A.-Fr.-Teut.) FAIR, LIGHT-COM- "I'LEXIONED. rA.-Fr. blond, blund, blunt, BLOXAM ') BLOXHAM! (Eng.) !3e!. to Bloxham = BOARDMAN (Fr.-Teut.+Eng.)= Board (q.v.) BODlE= Bodel, q.v. blount, O.Fr. blond-e, of Teut. orig.] BLOXOM lkoc(c) S HOME or ESTATE. + E. man. BODLEY (~ng.) Bel. to Bodley (or Budleigh), Reginald Ie BIond.-Hund. Rolls. I the Heb. Boalli=IN HIM (the Lord) BLOXSOME f [O.E. hdm] BOAS Devon=BoDA'S LEA [v, under Bode, and BOASE, IS STRENGTH. [Heb. Boalli - alii, +O.E. Leah] 'NDEL., ," = Blond (q.v.)+ the Fr. dim. William de Blocesham,-Hund. Rolls. } NDELL sulf. -el. strength] } 2 for Bowes, q.v.

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