DltiECfOiiY] CHESHIRE. ROMILEY. Fnrnival Joseph, painter, Kent Green Rode Heath Club & Reading Room ClarP Jabal, farmer Gib son Ell wd. beer retlr. Kent Green (Samuel R. Platts, sec) Copeland George, beer retailer Gray William Henry, farmer, Bank Sandbach Co-operative Society Ltd. Cotterill J oseph, farmer Hamlet Wm. butcher, Kent Green Thurlwood Dale William, greengrocer -narris Arthur, farmer, Bog hall Sa.ndersan Cha.s. (~lrs. ),grocr .KentGn Dale Wm. shopkeepr. Mount Pleasant Harvey Samuel, farmer, Kent Green Saunders Sebert, draughtsman Fletcher James Benjamin, greengrocr Hie-gins J oseph J ackson, Rising Sun Skidmore John, beer retlr. Thurlwood Hancock Sarah (Mrs.),shpkpr.Post off P.H. Kent Green Stonier l<'red, milll.'r, Odd RDdl' mill Higgins Jn.Thos. Oddfellows'ArmsP.H Hill George, butcher, S~holar Green Stonier lVm. frmr. Bank, Scholar Gn Hill Herbt. butche1·, Mount Pleasant Hill George, grocer Sumner Ellis, farmer, Bank, Scholar Holland Geo. shpkpr. Mount Pleasant Hodgkinson Thos. farmer, Rode Heath Green Jackson .Annie (Mrs.), fustian cutter Holland Henry, statnr. Rode Heath Taylor & Wilson, joiners, Kent Green Johnson Peter, R1.ilway inn Hollinshead Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 horlev• Herbt.frmr.Old House Green Lancaster J ames, greengrocer Kent Green Thorley Jas. farmer, Kent Green fru Leason Wm. farmer, Mount Pleasant Hollinshead Peter,farmer,Chance hal1 Thorley John, farmer, Boarded ham Lowe Charlf's William, shopkePper, Knott Alfred, farmer, Forge house Walker George (Mrs.), farmer, High Post ofl.lce, Mount Pleasant Leason John, shopkeeper, Kent Green Small wood Mitchell Charles R. farmer Lunt Edwin, grocr.Post off.Rode Hth Whittaker Robert, frmr. Ash bank Mow Cop Briek & Gannister Co. Major George, saddler, Hall Green Wilson Arthur, joiner, see Taylor & brick manufacturers l\iitford Joseph, joiner, Rode Heath Wilson Oakden Harry, grocer saw mills Wood William Henry, Bleeding Wolf Owen Rowland, fried fish dealer, Moors Wm. shopkeeper, Kent Green P.H. Hall Green Mount Pleasant Newton Isaac, boot & shoe maker, Yarwood Joseph, farmer, Cuttleford Platt RDbert (branch of the United Rode Heath Velvet Cutters' Association Ltd.), 1\orbury Isaac, butcher, Rode Heath fustian cutter, Mount Pleasant Painter Ambrose, grocer, Bank, MOW COP. Richard.son Ernest D. Crown inn Scholar Green Whitaker Rev. Clement Geoffrey B.A. Shaw George, fustian cutter Parr Aaron, painter, Street lane (curate-in-charge), The Parsonage Simpson Jesse, butchr.MountPleasant. Pierpoint George, farmr. Street farm Sanc'.erson Thomas B. Station road Trades & Labour Hall (Geoi"ge Fryer, Pierpoint Hy. beer retlr. Hall Green caretal;:er), North street Richardson Frederick, grocer, Bank COMMERCIAL. Turner Stephen, farm.er Richardson Joseph Hy. surveyor to Ba.rlow Thomas & Abel, shopkeepers Turner Thomas, Globe inn Congleton Rural Council,RodeHeath Bowker Nathani£>1, farmer Whallev• John, butcher Ri!!by Alfre•a., land steward to Bcnson. John, farmt>r, Mount Ple::tsant Whitehurst William Henry, butcher, Katharine Lady Baker-Wi!braham Chilton J ames. farmer Mount Pleasant ROMILEY is a parish with a station on the Man­ and Tuesday evenings. There are also Wesleyan and chester, Stoclrport, New Mills and Hayfield section of Primitive Methodist chapels. Wright's charity, now the Great Central and Midland joint railways, and is 3 producing £16 ss. yearly, is for distribution in blankets_ miles east from Stockport, in the Hyde division of the and clothing to the deserving poor of Romiley and county of Cheshire, Maccles:field hundred, Stockport W Nneth townships. Oak wood Hall, occupied by the. union, Hyde county court district and Stockport petty .Jesuit Fathers as a House of Retreat for men, is a sessional division. The ecclesiastical parish !mown as mansion in the Domestic Gothic style, pleasantly situ- . "Chadkirk" was formed 27th October, 1876, out of the ated, the terrace on the south side commanding some parish of St. Mary, Stockport, and is in the rural good views of thf" neighbourhood. There are no deanery of Stockport, archdeaconry of l\Iacclesfield and manorial rights. The principal landowners are C. D .. diocese of Chester. The river Etherow joins the Goyt Braddon esq. and Col. Frederick Bolton Hudson. Here about 200 yards below Compstall bridge, and the united are two cotton mill~. extensive print works, hat nlanu­ streams at their confluence with the Tame, at Stock­ factory, injector works and bleach works. The soil is . port, take the name of the M£>rsey. The parish is clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats governed by the Bredbury and Romiley Urban District and potatoes. The area of the civil parish is 1,159 acres Council. The church of St. Chad, built in 1866, on a of land and 30 of water; rateable value, £18,840; the site given by Lawrence Heyworth esq. is an edifice of population in 1911 was 2,898, and of the ecclesiastical , stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, parish of Chadkirk St. Chad was 2,858 in 1911. nave, aisles, transepts, organ chamber, vestry, and a Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Joseph Thompson, sub-post­ tower with spire containing one bell: there are nine master. Letters arrive from Stockport at 5 & are stained windows, and the church affords about 58o dt-livered at 6.30 a.m. ; sundays, 7-30 a.m. ; dispatched · sittings. The register dates from the year 1747. The at 9·35 a.m. 12 noon & 7·45 & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 8 lh'ing is a vicarage, net yearly value £3o9, including p.m. Telegraph office open on sundays,8.3o to 10 a.m 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the· gift of the rector of Stockport, and held since 1914 by the Rev. Henrv lVall Letter Boxes.-Stock Dove, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &; . Felix M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. Chadkirk 7.40 p.m. week days only; Lane Ends, cleared at 7.25 chapel, which stands close to Chadkirk House, is a low p.m. week days only; Hatherlow, cleared at 8.15 a.m. · and plain but ancient building of stone and timber, & 7.25 p.m. week days only consisting of chancel and nave, with a belfry: after Romilev Council Schools now (1914) being built, for remaining for some years in a ruinous condition it was soo children partly rebuilt in 1747, repaired and a gallery ere·cted in Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), built in 1761, and again repaired in 186o: in 1866 it was closed, 186o, for 229 children; average attendance, 107; but was re-opened for divine service in October, 1876: William Warburton, master services are now held here on Sundav afternoons. The • is &; chapel of the Holy Innocents, at Greave Fold, in con- This school controlled bv• the Ashton-under-Lvne-• nection with St. Chad's, is held in trust by the Chester Stockport Unions District Education Sub-Committee; Diocesan Finance Association, in memory of the late W. E. Herbert, 24 St. Petersgate, Stockport, clerk Miss Ann Elizabeth Stevenson; the chapel is licensed Railway Station (Great Central & Midland Joint), Thos. for divine service, and services are held here on Sunday Burgon, station master PRIV.ATE RESIDENTS • B.:mrne Geo. H. Re~ton, Comp;;tall rd Chew J. 28 Oak m·enue .!lsop Harol.d. S. 7 Beechwood avenue Boyd Richard T. Netherlow, Sandy la Clayton .Joshua, 53 Green lane Anderson Miss, 15 Beechwood avenue Boyd Thos. jun. Langne~s. Sandy la Clayton Joshua, jun. Hatherlow Ascough Mathew Thomas, Celyn, Bradshaw Mrs. 70 Cmnpstall road Cliffe William Henry, Hea}.c.wood Compstall road Breeton Harold, Alvanley mt.Hill top house, Guv Wood lane Ashton Franl•, The Retreat, Church la Bretherton Albert Edward, 18 Oak av Cocks Mr.s. Brookside, Sandy lane A:;.hton Kenneth Bernard, 78 Comp- Brown John Atkinson,g Beechwood av Cook Ainslie, 14 Beechwood avenue stall road Buckl1nd R~v. Edward H. (Catholic), Ccoper Edward, 22 Oak avenue Axon Robt. The Hermitage,Compstall 0 1kwood hall, Oak wood lane Cord en Cl,larles Henry, Hazeldene, BJmford James, 24 Oak avenue Buckley James, Greeba, Compstall rd Comps:tall road Barber Wm.Birchvale ho.Compstall rd Buckley-Hamps:on l\Irs. 17 Bircbvale C'rosby Harry, Pro-Tern, Compstall rd Paskerville Frank, 26 Oak avenue drive Crosland Chas. Lonsdale, B£>ech lane Battisson Waiter John, Woodstock Bur~f'~s Arth. Herbt. 19 Birchvale drv Crosland Milner, Overdale. Beech b villa, OoiJlpstall road Burn Percy B. The Cottage,Church la Cros]and "Mrs. The Knoll, Beech lane Bellis Richard, 40 Church lane Butler Chas. Cardowan, Guy Wood la Curti~ Harry Percy, 74 Compstall rd Beresford Frank, 11 Birchvale drive Butter J :<ph. Lyndhurst, Church la Dowbiggin Thomas, Granville, Comp­ Blades Thomas Parkyn, The Beeches, Catlow Thomas, Rose mount, Sandy la I stall road Stockporl road Chadwick ::VIrs. Northolme, Sandy la Eaton Tho.s. Lyndhnrst, Com,pstall rd CHF.SUIRE 34 .
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