I VOL. IX. NO. 14. CHATHAM, .MORRIS COUNTY, N. J., ,1ULY 1, 1905. |1.60PEB YI rice and confetti, with fireworks and • \ . JREIKWEDDINGS re* lights—galore: ~Oirttrelr TeTurn MADISON TEAM iey will make their home in Chat- Papa,* ...:« • l ara. Darta, 1b « • • CHARLES FOR JUNE BRIDES Over one hundred guest* were pres- WAS SHUT OUT Bpaar, » I • • nit from Chatham, Madison, Orange, REAL ESTATE AND Miss Gfta WrUTaUgfal Btcomes laokotiHtown, etc. " Sp&r Twirls Great Ball Holding at a urn COMMISSIONER OF OEEDf, (Tie Bride of Mr. William F. Cpnklin-Ford. Them Dowa to 1 Hit Which AB. k. H. PO. A. K. •"-•\ Jp<« Stalocd. n ..# • »••'»- Keefe of Madison. Announcement has been made of ~ is Record for League. Donahae, l» ..I • • MAIM" STREET CHATHAM he marriage of Mian Edna Conklln, wain, rf ..« « • Khter. pi xr. and.,.. Mrs, , Bugene. ttrtatir.tt ELLETT7TANWERT WEDDING onklln. and William F. Ford, Jr., STROIIDSBURG WAS lEFEATER Hennioa.Ht ....I • • hich occurred at the M. E. parsonage Millar, at ....I • • MMMUMM •••••»••••»»» *)»•»»»••>»•»•< >n Center street on Wednesday, June ....I • • Madlgaa Keefe. Summit has again advanced to first 4th. Rev. H. Eugene Curta perform- place in the league race. Dover's vic- Bridget, a t « • <)m»of the prettloHt church wcddlnpt id the ceremony. VUM. p t • • 1 tory over Orange on Wednenday nan of the HCHHOII occurred mi WwlneHilay put them iii second place, mid Morris- uftt-rtiiHtti, when Mltw Grave Marie Concert by Chatham Glee dab. tt • 1 IT 11 I tuwu-Cbathaiu is now tied with Orange Under the auspices of the Ladles' • 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0—0 Mulligan, daughter of Mr. ami Mm. for third pottltiou. Murtlit Mulligan, of Clmtlnuii, WHM kid Society a concert was given In the M.-O. A. A. 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 »-a SaerlOoa hita, CorWr. Doabla plan united in marriage to Mr. W'illium >ew Ogden Memorial'Church last ev- Stafford and Blmuter. Flrat baa* on FrtuinU Keefe, of Madlhon. nlng by the Chatham Glee Club, as- Standing of the Clubs- Isted by MUB Esther Forman, elocu- errors, M.-C. f. Paaaed balls, West- The ceremony wan performed in St. w. L. PiUk: e 1, Bridgae 1, Struck, out by latilHt, Miss Stlckney, soprano, and Summit ., J . JL .7(J0 ek'M chureli, wlilcli WUH |weki*<l to r. Roy Falconer, piano. The enter- Dovur........:...... ......:.....:.!B T" MISnlar I. bj Ttia 1 B the (loot* with the relative* unit friend* *lnmeut was largely attended and Mocrixtowo-Chatbaui S 4 .00Spea0 r I. of VIM «.' Dmnlrf, MeC»> f tit the hs|ipj' yiiuilg' nuule:' fhr \\n RB " nracti—tntjoyrotr—The—following Oniiig«..: .: .::::::. <i 4' «rtn We kuow you wdl oujoy wsanng^ K. K. Quirk, of Huiniiilt, a COUHIU of the programme: 8trond*burg 8 ( .MS MUil .11)5 the bride, officiated, und WHH IIHHIHUMI alxe BrlHante ~ Moakowski Dover 5; Stroodsbtirg 0. pair of our 3.00, 3.50 or 4.00 shoes— hv the |tuAtiir, Hev. \V. A. Key™. Mr. Roy Falconer. DOTCT thousht ahe wwM to la te^b Saturday's Results. After Hie wileum WONIH HUli-li nmdi- \'oi Cher Ingle-Smlih wllh the other trains and handed they fit so nicely, are well made and mSil airaTwife "hud "KeVji *fm." •8 lee-Gtab.- —i—•-•ii-^.-" Madiaun U.. dowa a atetoat to -ttmmlrtm, featw Miss 8tlckney. dremed them on the solemnity anil league, mnrr Xmm but PbJUtpabtui ecltallon—Selected' doing tka titok. joy of the marriage relation lnt<i which Wadmeday't Results. Miss Forman. Kcore by innlnpi: B I I Lion Brand Shirts, Collars and Cuffs they hu<! J nut en U'rtHl. JlejuleUaohnV Jome Where the Lindens Bloom MorrUUiwn-Obatham 5; Htrendsburg It. Dover .....i 0 110 0 1 0 •-^'Tl Wwlcling MAir«h WUH playjetl ax the Dudley Buck Huuiinit 8; Madiiton 7. The best made—Shirts $1.00; Dover 5;-Orange .1. '' HtroudHburg.O 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0^0 5 1 Col- wHldlng patty niurcheil out of the Mr. Lawrence Day. Batteries—puquetto and l*mar; l-aw- church. •'.. , a) Future Mrs. 'Awklns **• lars and Cuffs 2 for 25c. Oamee Today. non awl tagrauda. •J The bride's <lr«t« wan off white net b> Kentucky Babe Huumilt at Morristown. over wlilU' ullk, will) a tulle veil fiutt- Olee Club Orange 1; Summit 0. mpromptu * Schubert . Orange at Dover. ened witi' u tiunvh (if liund niaile n«e> Madison at Stroudnburg. Summit alao raaalvad a coat of I Wear Common Sense Suspenders and niulden Imlr fiTii. Hhe currl^l u Mr. Falconer, whitawaah at tka aaada of the Oraage ecltatlon Easy—lasting; do not slip from the bouquet tif llllk-s of tlie valleys. Shr QimH Wednesday. team Batantajr aad toat tta tttla aa the Miss Forman, only l,<j!(»er\«f tntf pity, Tka fume shouldftrs. WUM attended by MIHK Anim Kecfe, Jolo—Selected sinter of the groom, an maid of honor, '<aa> aa nrattaat no* »p »o tb* aiath Miss 8tlckney. ur.lag wbcn Bchoner hlc to oantra ft.r who wore a gown of wkite embroid- Jalva Dinora Gounod Madison was treated to the real thing In base ball Saturday, and a single and Immediately stole se> ered HWIHH over U'hlU^ ullk, mill Mr. Harry Owens. o*d. 3ittar Brown, Urn Orange third Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Union Made earrieil a bou<|Uet of xweet petiH. LittK- Recitation though the new team dldn\ win, they can blame no one but Cha-\o RI>«*I, baseman, than cracked one to oantra MIHM Kow.- Duly, of Suinmit, wn« rlowt-r Miss Forman. and Schooer waa home before Gold- Trousers. x)Rt Chord Sullivan who had time and time ajain done tba girl. The groom WUH attended by Mr. same thing to the oltl Maiiliion (mm. stein could gat the ball there. This Is Glee Club Bernard Murphy, a couoin of the Spec/ s curves coi.d not bo ft<rid by the aeoood akat oat that Orange ha* bride, SM liettt man. the sluggers and for right lunlngs Lot grraa thla yaar. Orange alao played WE GIVE. OREEH AND RLO STAR TRADIHG WAITS. •n artortaaa game. Kollowlng the L-erenuiny n nt'eption Farewell Surprise at Fatrvtew." a Madison man conneci.il palely with Soore by Inning: H H K was held' at the home of tHe bri«i«»'» The Falrvlew House was in gala, at- the ball, and everybody settled down : for a no-ult, no-mn gaiuo, but otaifurt, [wrentB, where JtUe Jiaggy"XoimJ? re on Wednesday evening, a« a fare- Summit........00000000 00 8 .1 ell to two of its most popular guests, the"second man up in the ninth, dro.o couple Tecefved the hearty utmgratu- one paat Letty Davis for a single but luUonitof the lurgc number iif a;ueHb> Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawson Corbett, of BattericK— Lindeman andFarmer; Brooklyn, who have been at the hotel he got no further than first, as theMoKoima and Frledberg. prewnt. ince May first Many of the guests next two men were easy. This made Mr, aiid-Mnt. Keefe left atMiut eight Of the house are their Intimate friends, a new record for pitching In the Lark- Horrlstown-Chatham5; Strotukbun 3 •N, KELLEY.'t SON. o'clock, amid a nhowcT .of rice and a and knowing of their Intended depart- awanna League, and it will bike aoma Tfm .MorrlBtown-Chatliam team k(?pt f'Boston, where re planned the affair as a surprise craftyfpltchlng to even .equal It. The record5 befor* <M» waa beH by Bavia, up tlu'ir winning streak ou WodiAwdaj Mr. antf Mrat .C Cor- and defeatod StrouJsbufg at thaft place CHATHAM, N. jett were beguiled Into a game of du- when he shut out; Btroud'burg with, llwlr reUirn tliey.will make their home by theiioewoffiloS, .. '' HIi Chatham. ' - ' ' ' plicate whist in the parlor, the rest only two hits. X, ' ' . of the party hastily hung the long ve- Westlake had bis stick Drtgii'mad Tbe lioiue team led up to the fifth in- Tile wetidillK" prewnU were both randa with Chlnest) lanterns, set col-up and everything that touched tt ning when the visitors noored four runs. »*•»»»•••••• *- MI»l*MMlMMMMMH»vM»IMWMM 'numeroiiH dud liaii<lwmie, nnd lncjud- ored lights at intervals, and stretched went off ft clean. He played cricket, Koys started off with a lilt and stole ' «1 a h»r({e (|iiantlty of nllverware und ables daintily decorated with paper golf and even worked sorao underhand second, Page hit for two baaeH, scoring r cut Klaus, ax well an many useful and lapklns and flowers along its length. tennis strokes on thejlellve y of Viau. Keyon, Davis drew a pass, Courtney was •»••»•»••#• •••»•»»• ""ornamental article* of household fur- ce cream, cakes, bonbons and nuts His three hits helped the twcalleo d out on strikes, Cuslck singled ruilB tu; ope he made him>olf. Vlau was pitching some hull himself During the evening mu»ic,for danc lappy surprise, for Mr. and Mrs. Cor- on tho throw In., Wentlake followed Oett and the evening ended with aud up to the sixth Inning only two lug WUH dlHcourwd by l'riif. Joe Hum's this with_a hit that brought Davis and oreheHtru of N'ewark. The, KueHtstoasts, speeches and songs, and a gen- hits were made by Morrlnown Chath- R. SCHEUEKMANN; eral jollification. Among those in theam and these came from Westlake'a, Cusick homo. In the aeveuth the home present were from Honton, New Haven, bat, but In the sixth Pop and Adams taam tallied another run, but the visi- Madison, Morrlbtowii, Nuwark, Pater- party were Mr.
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