.„ INTERESTING FEATURE! FOLLOW DONOHUE'S SPORTS vj, THEY SAID" READ IT COMMENT IN'OR SO IT SEEMS' ;<5.Y ON EDITORIAL PAGE EVERY WEEK ON SPORT PAGE PRICE THREE CENTS' \\ II. No. 42 WOOIH.KHK.E, N. J., FRIDAY, DKCKMI'.KK _i FROM OURNEW BANK SEEN SURE;2 REFORMSHARDING ABMITS GRAN nti FRONT ^7°OFMONEYNEEDEDSFH1?STARTS PROBE OF COUNTY JAIL SCANDAL WINDOW OEY NEEDED Sheriff Agrees Naming Oi BY BANKERS Ely Temporary Warden Ambrote Mundy'i »mbi- "Sure, / Gave Him The Gun! It Was Easy!" ,,,1,-rtmWng to open a new IS PLEDGED TO MUNDY Abolish Fire District Plan, Ii Unpopular, Waits Wnodbrl-J* it i.out the , ~ For Party's Word ,, ,,f neW. d.«iop«i thu Meeting Slated Next Week And Raise Assessments, Hi. ii the .pirit thnt _ . Are Two Requests WAIVERSOFTMMUNITY ,,J provetown* Mrs . intMundy'o bigi io complete Ine Plans TEACHERS PRESENT '„, „„„ ot WooabrUje1. After Survey ARE TO BE DEMANDED ,,<inr«» .xeevtivei; with Pftr Opening Here; . | „[ civic prid- no aafount PAY RISE SCHEMES SPENCER AND McELROY Accosed Murderer Treated , nion can -Ter daunt. Site Unsettled ..pose th TALK WITH SYNDICATE As Star Boarder While ,.' ! Mundy 1 DIRECTORATE DECIDED TOCHRISTIE.BOARD AND COUNSEL CHOSEN Wife Went Places f IIKIIT how much the GovT Changes Stand In Way Of • has contributed to the 20 Plans Studied In Note WithJWarden ,,,il,ny Gas Light Company, Superintendent Of Water Refunding Obligations ,i;iyment of claims against To Finance Chairman, Of The Township pne-of the biggesl sensa* residents in the Town- Company Is Hailed As Listing Costs tions the state has evet !nd«ed it's suspected the The Moving Factor And Cash Basis known is sure to develop ; ipuny received much more i when the Grand Jury Inves- • than the poor, for whom DELAY CONSIDERATION Abolition of all local fire wji^ supposedly invented. In Pushing Plan tigation of the Middlesex Conducted as a privafc districts and equalization of County Jail at New Bnm»» , uiual, thoi. who adTocatc | Woodbridge is finally to property asessmenta are two wick gets under way. .^ have a bank! .obbying campaign for tw< !in« the coit of the Muni- months, the drive for re urgent requirements in The County panel meets In * ,', Stadium in the 1936 bud-t Deprived of facilities and . re largely thoie who either conveniences of such an insti- storal of pay cute launche( Woodbridge Township, in special session today to con* ,n proparty or do not paytution ever since the failure by the Township Teachers aid., evidanc. already a» ,. , >.,xr». The whole tubject the opinion of experts who of the First National Bank Association moved into the have surveyed conditions here for iled. It will listen to stoi^ ^.Idling the price of the pro- iind Trust Company, in 1931, the open this j week. Teachers sub- a banking syndicate interested in iea of the warden, guards . „ the taxpayer! Wat dit-municipality has been seriously . fl a year -|o and the iden mitted 20 alternative propositions, and attendants, all of whom- hindered in efforts to come out ranging from restoration of the refinancing the municipality's thilnned". It can be no better debts. will be a?ked to waive im- . ihan then. of the depression. It thus re whole- 20 per cent, slash to small boosts for admittedly underpaid Conferences were held yester- munity from prosecution. ' maineel for Ambrose Mundy to in day by Frederick A. Spencer, chair- ;tshey womnn, at the Stnd- itiate a movement to restore an instructors in the lowest salary Startling irregularities, un- brackets to Morrison D. Christie.. man of the Finance Committee, in imaginable laxity ana flag- minission's dinner, said al- adequate banking service. Mr. Christie as chairman of the mpany with Township Attorney h n paid rent regularly,, shee Already"ireaay, iti is learnedluaraea,, approXapproxii- Board of. Education's Finance ieon E. McElroy, with the town's rant favoritism will b«_ 'lilt - taxes on the property mirtely half of the necessary cap- Committee, suggested, at ^Monday inandal advisors, the syndicate's brought to light asfcommoh" II in arrears. This was-a '*•! has-been pledged and mdica- 'night's meeting of that body that hvestigators and Julius S. Rlppel, occurrences in the institu* for Tax Collector Trainer t«>n« are that the remainder will the letter and its varied .proposals irominent Newark financier. As tion. mid out promptly the name •>« fortheimmi? m « very few days, be considered when work compil- result, It Is expected now that wner and immediately pro- In fact, a meeting is being plan- •he complete program will be in Unheard of freedom for, • •<to t"puo "nut otn o thn the heat.e heat" " If Inetf >"•" fo" r>"' aom• some "We oa nexy next week. wees, whe, wnen n i 'n<T the 1936-37 budget is furtherhe hands of the Town Committee and solicitous attention to ' iner wLheVwe will Kladly complete arrangements for open- advanced. He did not at once file >y the middle of next month. Zi Jtha ilrt o"o he in- i"K W institution are said to' be ^teacher s' stateme nt with R certain "influential" inmatel \ndcrs_Tf, District Clerk, Mr. An i nvestigation by John C. reducing properties on «ye of 'consummation. AndcrsOTr, District Clerk, JonetiTO Of St. Petersburg, Fla.,, will startle higher authorities P P H •hristie explained, because it was of the state and county, a> no aS8fsme nU have been U i* understood that the dlr__- ddressed to himd personallb^y and ireident of the National Asaocia- years. How 'bout it? torate has been informally decided lot as a Hoard member. ion of Assesment Officers on be- j well as the public at large. mlf of the banking group, show-1 and that its prospective members Janitors Waive Claim Even desperate and dan* . -i _ .i %i D • i nil have the respect and confidence •d that the average assessed valu- j ;"lU,°i i* Ne*Bru "iwlc,k jof the community. This personnel The finance chairman also said ition in the Township is 42 peri gerous criminals—such at break d_.l . .-no.. Mow Io |h__ ,,_._ intervfewe(, alrea(iy by hat janitors of the system have Edward Metelski, whose t used to be known at Jer- :ent. of the true valuation. The, Mr. Mundy and everyone chosen inanimously voted to accept award inanciers feel that this average | spectacular "break" of last Juitice. Althouib Middle- with extreme care. Available in- if pay increases to three under- lias received many telling should be increased to insure suf-1 Saturday shocked New Jei> formation is also to the effect that paid workers without campaigning Acient revenues to meet the obli- 11 .«i, against thii ancient rec- .'or general wage boosts. The sey from end to end—will be or.j the lituation uncovered in on page five gations which would be imposed 1 three are Fred Beisler, School 11 under tha refinancing plan. shown to have enjoyed a hos- i Luunty hnoscf ow, which per- John Peterson, Fords v]|4, and milled asup* of elM «f the molt A Difficult Taak pitality beyond belief * .rank Burgisser, Iaelin 15. All Abolition of the fir« districts is d^grrout criminals in recent three operate large schools at sal penal authorities and with- \ ', ry, ii the moil sickening of probably the moat difficult step 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL aries which have been twice cut by that could be asked. From time out regard to rules and regu- ill But the lituation didn't de- agreement when they took the vel,>p overnight. It obvioualy to time, there has been vague talk lations. jobs and again by the general re of such a move but it has never de- Other equally loose meth- ;>i much of iti growth while MISSING JN FORDS duction. i% Sheriff Alan Ely, theoreti- veloped to any real extent because ods of management, or mis* ' , The teachers' presentation o; of the tremendous pressure exert- ully, wn head man. And yet the possible courses the Board ma; management, were freely I Ely it named warden pro- ed by the several individual com- Police Preii Search For take, Mr. Christie said later, in panies. Separate assessments and acknowledged yesterday by '-. Adele Ward, Gone eluded proposals for general raise collections are made under the SheWff P. Hen_K».r H-rrdtajt' ' to be hoped that, in event of Conlinueti on page five present system and it is felt that ski'n return to th« jail he wu', who admitted the unpopu-r For 10 Days a duplication of cost and effort is This INDEPENDENT staff photo was taken at the Middlesex County Courthouse shortly. or \ep» iiiadvertently freed involved which might be avoided. larity of his sudden appoint- I, they will manage to keep a before midnight last night. Mary Truchanoirrcz, 21-year-old Newark cafe singer, is shown just ment of former Sheriff Allen A vigorous search of restau Mr. Spencer said he was "very after she had signed a confession that the had supplied the desperate Edward Metelski with the a per watch. You already know well satisfied" with the progress being trapped in Newark. rants and road houses is being; • gun he used in miking hit escape Saturday night. Metelski is charged with killing State Trooper Ely, hia predecessor in office, I nude for 17-year-old Adele Ward SANTA PAYS VISIT that h«s been made toward the re- as temporary warden, in financing plan but pointed out Warren Yenser in Avenel on November 9. jof Fords, pedice revealed today. whom even the political ''•''•-! Defendrri of the Ely rofin* [The pretty brown-haired girl hat TO NURSERY CLASS again the amazing amount of de- try to iny that he disapproved been missing for 10 days.
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