August 2018 Regional Training Facility on Centre Régional de Formation sur Prevention and Suppression of Sexual la Prévention et Suppression des Violence and Gender Based Violence Sexuelles Basées sur le Genre dans in the Great Lakes Region la Région des Grands Lacs FACT SHEET ON ICGLR-RTF 20 Frequently asked questions about ICGLR-RTF 1. What is ICGLR-RTF? 4. What is the mandate of ICGLR-RTF? ICGLR-RTF stands for International Conference on the Great To train and equip stakeholders with skills to effectively Lakes Region - Regional Training Facility on the Prevention and promote accountability and fight impunity for sexual and gender Suppression of Sexual and Gender Based Violence. based violence; generate knowledge about the challenges of sexual and gender based violence; and sensitize stakeholders It is a decentralised organ of the International Conference on to change stereotypes and attitudes from marginalization to the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Secretariat and is based in empowerment of women, girls, men and boys to live in dignity Kampala, Uganda. respect and freedom at all times and in all situations. The ICGLR-RTF is a regional centre of excellence established in 5. Where does the ICGLR-RTF derive its mandate? 2014. The ICGLR-RTF researches, trains and sensitises relevant stakeholders and the general population in ICGLR Member The ICGLR-RTF derives its mandate from ICGLR instruments, States on sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). including: The work of the ICGLR-RTF is guided by international and regional instruments, standards, and norms that aim to promote (i) Article 11 of the Pact on Security, Stability and Development accountability and end impunity for SGBV in the Great Lakes For the Great Lakes Region, December 2006 Amended Region. November 2012 (the Pact); that commits Member States undertake, in accordance with the Protocol on the Prevention Regional Training Facility on Centre Regional de Formation Sur 2. WhatRegional is ICGLR? Training Facility on Centre Regional de Formation Sur Prevention and Suppression of Sexual La Preventino et Suppression des Prevention and Suppression of Sexual La Preventinoand et SuppressionSuppression des Against Women and Children, to combat and Gender Based Violence Violence Sexuelles Basees Sur Le Genre ICGLRand Genderstands Based for Violence International Conference on the GreatViolence Sexuellessexual Basees violence Sur Le Genre against women and children through in the Lakes Region Dans La Region Des Grands Lacs Lakesin theRegion. Lakes Region The ICGLR is an intergovernmental organisationDans La Region Des Grands Lacs prevention, criminalizing and punishing acts of sexual violence, comprising twelve (12) Member States. It was formed by the African Union, the United Nations and the Member States of the both in times peace and in times of war, in accordance with from the British people from the British people ICGLR. The ICGLR is a regional mechanism with a Secretariat national laws and international criminal law.” based in Bujumbura, Burundi and is the technical arm and (ii) Article 6(9) of the Protocol on the Prevention and coordinating body of the Conference. Suppression of Sexual Violence against Women and Children, It is headed by an Executive Secretary and its mandate is to 2006 (SGBV Protocol); that commits Member States to set up promote peace, security, stability and development in the Great Lakes Region. The ICGLR Secretariat coordinates, facilitates, a special facility for training and sensitizing judicial officers, A TRAINING COURSE ON COLLECTION , PRESERVATION AND MANAGEMENTA TRAINING OF COURSEmonitors, and ensures ON COLLECTIONthe implementation of Pacts , andPRESERVATION police units, social workers, medicalAND officers MANAGEMENT and other OF other initiatives in order to attain peace, security, stability, and categories of persons who handle cases of sexual violence in FORENSIC EVIDENCE IN INVESTIGATION AND PROSECUTION FORENSICdevelopment EVIDENCE in the Great Lakes Region. IN INVESTIGATIONthe Great Lakes AND Region. PROSECUTION 3. How is ICGLR-RTF linked to the ICGLR-Secretariat? (iii) Resolution 14 of the Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Internation- OF SGBV CASES ICGLR-RTF is a decentralized organ of OFthe ICGLR SGBV Conference CASES al Conference on the Great Lakes Region, 2011 (Kampala Secretariat based in Kampala, Uganda. ICGLR Secretariat Declaration), recognizes Uganda’s offer to host the Regional remains the headquarters of ICGLR-RTF and is guided by rules SGBV Training Facility and directs the ICGLR Secretariat to Venue: UNIK HOTEL , KIREKA NAMUGONGO ROAD, KAMPALA-UGANDA. Venue: UNIK andHOTEL policies of the ICGLR , KIREKA Secretariat. A Host NAMUGONGO Agreement was prepare the ROAD,financial requirements KAMPALA-UGANDA. (budget) for the estab- signed between ICGLR Secretariat and Government of Uganda th th th th lishment of the Facility and present it to the next meeting of further clarifying the diplomatic status of the RTF in Uganda. Dates: 5 -9 June 2018 Dates: 5 -9 JuneRegional 2018 Inter-Ministerial Committee (RIMC) for decision. 10. What is the link between the ICGLR-RTF and the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes? The Special Envoy for the Great Lakes complements the work of the ICGLR and the ICGLR-RTF. During the the visit of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General for the Great Lakes Region to the ICGLR-RTF on 27 April 2018, Djinnit Said stated, “Very happy to be back to the Regional Training Facility to reiterate my support and encouragement to the Director and his team on the good work they are doing in servicing the 6. Who are the ICGLR Member States? cause of preventing and suppressing sexual and gender based The Member States of ICGLR constitute 12 countries: violence in the GLR.” Angola, Burundi, Central Africa Republic, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia. The ICGLR Member 11. Who are in the ICGLR Group of Friends? States are legally bound by the ICGLR instruments. In the context of partnership in addressing SGBV, twenty-seven The ICGLR has also co-opted Member States that border the (27) countries and ten (10) international organisations in Great Lakes Region. The co-opted ICGLR Member States December 2003 constituted a Group of Friends of the ICGLR are seven and include: Botswana, Ethiopia, Egypt, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. (GoFs).The Group of Friends provide political, diplomatic, technical, and financial support to the ICGLR. Whereas co-opted Member States are not legally bound by the ICGLR legal instruments; they are however expected to support The Group of Friends include: Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, the implementation of the ICGLR Pact on Security, Stability and Denmark, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Holy See, Development in the Great Lakes Region (2006). Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, 7. Have all ICGLR Member States ratified the ICGLR Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United instruments? States of America. The international organisations are: the European Commission, African Union Commission, African Yes. All the 12 Member States of the ICGLR have ratified Development Bank, United Nations Economic Commission the ICGLR Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the for Africa (ECA), United Nations Development Programme Great Lakes Region and the 10 Protocols of the Pact and the (UNDP), UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA), and Office 2006 SGBV Protocol. The 12 Member States of the ICGLR are of the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations therefore legally bound by the ICGLR instruments. Children Fund (UNICEF), United Nations High Commissioner 8. Where does ICGLR-RTF operate? for Refugees (UNHCR), International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. TheRegional ICGLR-RTF Training works Facility onin the 12 Member States of the ICGLR.Centre Regional de Formation Sur RegionalRegional Training Training Facility Facility on on CentreCentre Regional Regional de Formation de Formation Sur Sur ThePrevention ICGLR-RTF and Suppression also works of Sexual closely with the African UnionLa Preventino et Suppression des PreventionPrevention and Suppression and Suppression of Sexual of Sexual La PreventinoLa Preventino et Suppression et Suppression des des and andthe Gender United Based Nations Violence to prevent sexual and gender basedViolence Sexuelles Basees Sur Le Genre and Genderand Gender Based Based Violence Violence ViolenceViolence Sexuelles Sexuelles Basees Basees Sur Le Sur Genre Le Genre violence;in the Lakes promote Region accountability, end impunity for sexual andDans La Region Des Grands Lacs in thein Lakes the LakesRegion Region Dans LaDans Region La Region Des Grands Des Grands Lacs Lacs gender based violence. from the British people 9. How is ICGLR-RTF linked to the Africa Union and fromfrom the Britishthe British people people the United Nations? The ICGLR was established by Member States with the support of the United Nations and the African Union. Resolution 1291 and 1304 by the United Nations Security A TRAINING COURSECouncil and the ONDar es COLLECTION Salaam Conference supported , PRESERVATIONby AND MANAGEMENTA ATRAINING TRAINING COURSE OF COURSE ON ON COLLECTION COLLECTION , PRESERVATION , PRESERVATION AND AND MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT OF OF the United Nations and the African Union in 2004 provided a foundation for the signing
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