AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM Poughkeepsie Journal MEDIA GROUP Delivering Customers. DrivinqResols. A GANNETT COMPANY I1_ 11C I l being duly sworn says that he/she is the principal clerk of THE POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL, a newspaper published in the County of Dutchess and the State of New York, and the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in the newspaper on the date (s) below: Zone: Run Dates: 08/22/19 08/29/19 Sworn to before me. this 4 day of §eptember, 2019 Notary Sign 9 V1 My Commission expires Ad Number: 100007514 8A z THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 z POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL Nation & World Cardinal’s Merkel suggests smooth sex abuse appeal fails Brexit remains possible Rod McGuirk ASSOCIATED PRESS German leader offers 30 days on border issue MELBOURNE, Australia – An Aus- tralian appeals court Wednesday up- Frank Jordans held convictions against Cardinal ASSOCIATED PRESS George Pell, the most senior Catholic clergyman to be found guilty of sexu- BERLIN – German Chancellor An- ally abusing children, in a decision gela Merkel raised the possibility that cheered by scores of abuse survivors a negotiated departure for Britain from and victims’ advocates demonstrating the European Union might still be pos- outside the court. sible even as the clock is ticking on a A unanimous jury in December deal that would satisfy both sides. found Pope Francis’ former finance Speaking Wednesday alongside minister guilty of molesting two 13- U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson be- year-old choirboys in Melbourne’s St. fore the two leaders held bilateral talks Patrick’s Cathedral more than two in Berlin, Merkel indicated that a solu- decades ago. The Victoria state Court tion for the contentious Irish border is- of Appeal rejected his appeal in a 2-1 sue might yet be reached before the ruling, with the court’s chief justice Brexit date of Oct. 31. saying the majority found Pell’s accus- “(We) might be able to find it in the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson talk er to be a compelling “witness of next 30 days, why not?” Merkel told re- Wednesday in Berlin. FILIP SINGER/EPA-EFE truth.” porters. Pell’s lawyers will examine the judg- Her comments marked a departure ment and consider an appeal to the from the pessimism that has prevailed ready been discussed,” Johnson said, Minister Theresa May negotiated with High Court, Australia’s final arbiter, his on both sides of the English Channel in without elaborating. “I don’t think, to be the EU, but it was rejected by the U.K. spokeswoman Katrina Lee said. “Car- recent months. The EU has ruled out fair, they have so far been very actively Parliament three times. dinal Pell is obviously disappointed renegotiating the Brexit agreement proposed over the last three years by the Johnson’s stance, that Britain will with the decision,” her statement said. hammered out with Britain last year. British government.” leave the EU with or without a deal, has The Vatican noted Pell had always Johnson, for his part, says he will take “You rightly say the onus is on us to alienated many in Europe. maintained his innocence and had a Britain out of the bloc at the end of Oc- produce those solutions, those ideas, to The EU’s agriculture chief warned right to appeal. It said its own investi- tober without a deal unless the EU show how we can address the issue of that if Britain crashes out without a deal gation into Pell would await the out- scraps the contentious backstop the Northern Irish border, and that is on Oct. 31, it would create a “foul atmos- come of any final appeal in Australia. clause designed to prevent customs what we want to do,” he said. phere” that would spill over into any ne- The Holy See “confirms its close- checkpoints along the Irish border. Johnson had insisted Monday that gotiations on a future trade deal. ness to the victims of sexual abuse and Johnson, on his first visit to Germa- the Irish border backstop clause must Speaking in his native Ireland, EU its commitment to pursue, through the ny since becoming prime minister last be scrapped and replaced with “alterna- Farm Commissioner Phil Hogan said the competent ecclesiastical authorities, month, welcomed the “blistering time- tive arrangements.” remaining 27 countries would “ hold the those members of the clergy who com- table of 30 days” Merkel suggested, The EU says the backstop is merely line” and had made “detailed contingen- mit such abuse,” a Vatican statement but appeared to acknowledge that the insurance meant to avoid checkpoints cy plans for every outcome,” echoing the said, adding it respected the Aus- ball is now in Britain’s court to avert an between Ireland and Northern Ireland, view of many on the continent that a tralian judicial system. economically devastating no-deal which have been a flashpoint for sectar- no-deal Brexit is now the most likely Pell was sentenced to six years in Brexit by proposing a viable solution to ian violence in the past, and won’t be outcome. prison in March and is no longer a the Irish border issue. needed if other solutions are found. “Contrary to what the UK govern- member of Pope Francis’ Council of “There are abundant solutions The backstop was part of the with- ment may wish, the EU will not buckle,” Cardinals or a Vatican official. which are proffered, which have al- drawal agreement former British Prime he insisted. NEACA I 16TH GUN SHOW I of 4. SHOW 49% FISHKILL, NY 21 business I owners want a marketing m=m I partner to help Ramada Inn SAT. 9-5 them grow. 542 Route 9 SUN. 9-3 What they August 22,23,24 really need is an Days Admission: All guns coming entire team. $10 Senior Citizen: $9 into the show (under 14 FREE with adult) must be covered $1.00 OFF WITH or cased. THIS AD www.NEACA.com LOCALiQ, smart local marketing (518) 664-9743 LOCALiQ that gets you results. “No Facsimiles Accepted” PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK All modern Gun Sales are subject to an FBI background check Learn more at localiq.com/sayhello Public is urged to participate by bringing items to sell or trade with exhibitors PK-GCI0249493-01 Innovative NNOMEOTICE MNOUNaNGANNOUNCING INFFOOR MIKAMATIO SESNONN SESSION AAN D PMECUBLI CSTATSTATE EMM EENTNT HNEAEAR ING (UssugclIssued AAugustugust 12,12 ,2019D2019) Real Estate On July 12, 2019, aNotice Soliciting Comments and Announcing Information Sessions and Public Statement Hearings was issued in these proceedings. The Notice described the proposed changes in the electric and gas delivery rates and practices of New York State Electric &Gas Corporation, as well as the ways to submit comments in these proceedings. HOULIHAN LAWRENCE SINCE 1888 PPLEASLEASE S 'YAKTAK E NNOMOTICE S that an additional information session and public statement hearing will be held with respect to the rate proposals by the New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) as follows: Celebrate life’s milestones with a published announcement to commemorate the occasion. Engagements • Weddings • Anniversaries DDate:ate: Th lursday,ursday ,SeptemberSeptembe r5,5 20119, 2019 In Just 3 Easy Steps Online LLoudon:ocation: YorklownYorktown TownTown HaHHall B Boardroomoardroom 336363 UUndernderh 1M- ill AAvenue,venue, YorYork downtown H Hongeight sNY, NY 1059810598 1. Choose a template, upload a photo and write your announcement. 2. Select date of publication in the Poughkeepsie Journal. It will also appear on PoughkeepsieJournal.com! Time:Time: Innformatnonformation SesMon:Session: 6:6:CO0 0 p p.m..m. 3. Review, edit & modify your announcement, then select PMakubli cStatementStatemen tHeaping:Hearing: 77:00:00 pp.m..m. your method of payment. Poughkeepsie 3ournal (SIGNED) KATHLEEN H. BURGESS Secretary. PART O F THE USA TODAY NETWORK www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/celebrations PK-0100007514 POUGHKEEPSIEJOURNAL.COM z THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2019 z 7A Approach on sex McDonald’s plans to train crime cases shifts workers about harassment Dee-Ann Durbin ASSOCIATED PRESS NYPD embraces McDonald’s is introducing a new training program for its U.S. employees ‘victim-centered’ after dozens of workers complained about sexual harassment. philosophy The Chicago-based company said Wednesday that its franchisees have Michael R. Sisak committed to provide the training – a ASSOCIATED PRESS combination of online work and in-per- son discussions – to 850,000 employ- NEW YORK – Two of the most con- ees. Beginning in October, it will edu- crete changes in the New York Police cate workers about harassment and Department’s evolving approach to sex bullying, tell them how to report it, McDonald’s is introducing a new crimes sit some 20 feet apart, flanking teach them ways to defuse situations training program for its U.S. the lobby of a century-old Bronx police New York Police Department Deputy with customers or co-workers and dis- employees after complaints about station that was known in the neighbor- Chief Judith Harrison, in charge of cuss what bystanders can do. sexual harassment. GENE J. PUSKAR/AP FILE hood’s more turbulent years as “Fort the Special Victims Division, walks “Together with our franchisees, we Apache.” through the NYPD Detective Bureau have a responsibility to take action on The first is a new waiting room, fur- in the Bronx borough of New York. this issue and are committed to pro- to lose their job and 20% said employ- nished with couches, children’s toys RICHARD DREW/AP moting positive change,” McDonald’s ers retaliated in some way after they re- and a radio playing soothing music. It’s U.S. President Chris Kempczinski said ported the harassment, including cut- designed to give victims of sexual vio- in a statement.
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