Royal Australian' T he official newspaper of the Royal Australian Navy Navy News. Locked Bag 12. Pyrmonl 2009 Aegistere<l by Australia Post Publication VOLUME 40, No. 11 Phone: (02) 9563 1202FIDC:(02) 9563 1411 June 16, 1997 AdvenisingPtlone:(02) 95631539 Fax (02)95631 411 No. VBH8876 Visit makes a grin• for Luke H~~~rt~ : d of H ~~0X'; NEWCASTLE when she visited her hom e por t of Ne"'castle after an 18 month absence. First of the visitors were 40 young people from the Hunter Orthopaed ic School, a do pted by the ship 's complement as its fal'ourUe charity. Aged from 10 to 16 years and wit h many confi ned to. wheelchairs, t he children's visit provid ed a busy time for LEUT Karen Rockmann and ABET Carolyn Denford and their helpers. NEW CASTLE wit h her The student's inspection of the ship got underway in the a fternoon , wilh a cockta il party on the helideck. Saturday and Sunday saw public inspection of the ship with NEWCASTLE putting to sea on Monday, June 2, for d rill in the eastern area training zone. "' we h ad not been to Newcastle for 18 months," SHLT Belinda Wood , the ship's liaison of1i ce r, said. " It was ver y s uccessful visil 10 our ' home' pori," she Old enemies• mourn • boffin LEUT Rob Gr.lOt In peace from NSCHQ 31 Pyrmont .... 3) only A torpedo all aek .... as H~~~1 f(lrt';~/I ' :; goe~ s mg. bUI u"s e1ther I~;~:: ah:~:e b~Ct~~ni~ launched on the USS Cou~lf, 1'lIIain, meon· a bug lh:1I stops the ing of th e depot ship CHI CAGO but failed 10 /~ur. frit'niI (lnd support· thingo thaI SlOp the HM AS KUTrABUL by a hltlht: ..... :lrshrp. ~ r of Navy News. M-ho:S bugs working or a bug torpedo fired from a Instead a torpedo ji/wlly swallowed Ihe that makes the Ihingo J apane~e midget subma­ exploded beneath th e anchor. 1J00'id, 50, unnecessary. Whatever rine, with th e deathsof21 KUn'A BUL. a Sydney retired from Ihe N,,,,y it is. its gobbledegook! RAN sailors. was Sleamship Company abow 10 ye(lrJ "80 bllt poignantl y remembered ferry which had .been after spells lI'ilh the **** by those from both sides transferred 10 the RAN 10 Victoria Polire and as F: ~:;~~(~{/\ ') o;r;:,~~ last month. aCI as wharf-side a(:eom­ Mayor of Murgheboillc Noonan, nolt' lh, The newly·arrived modation. in Vieto,;" was called lI'i,II Consu l-General for Arm,lin Victorill.lilH'mls The impaci tore KUT· b"d, f or fllll,"me Japan. Mr Yuji hi!> sparr l i mt' (le/l-in.': TABUl apart causing her ReM'n'e sen 'iet', NOlI'il s Nal amura. joined the illto 'he lI1i l"t,r PllSt. 10 sinl qUickly. with 40 OI'U and hl" s looJ..illg only KUTTABUL sur· rrll'lln"hill1: til" l)(Orson ­ sailors :lboard and asleep, for..-"rd to EntitlE 01/ vh'or li ving in Australia. "'itl! the worJ.. 011 his /lei ... ho srfl't' d in tht' Mr Neil Roberts, of T..... enty.onepemhed. C%n;,11 ViC/ori(IIINIIVY. propt'rt)' at Ih"IIIII{"O' Northbridge rn Sydney, in Later ~e\' cr .. 1 of the 1I01l1lCl'abll' plaff'. (litmg If yoII /..nnw (Jlml): Of of laying wrea th ~ at the {It'opl/' I>'ho Wi"/:" ~lIbm:Hines were wilh Iris ,,'ifI' Allllie, (I KUTI'ABU L memorial at dc~truyed ..... ith pMI of lll/(icilel/lulileprc. /90/ Garden hland Doclyard forllll'r IYRAN officer, one no" on dl\play at (llId Ilreir 111'0 lIirh. ViaoruU/s. send Frank Around KO people rep­ dnai!'1 (1/ D Bloc/.., Gardenhland Clrurs 51O'(lIIr{I.\' Ilrmrh re,enl ing the Defence V;C /(Jflll Bauoe-h. 51 And II .... a~ al thj~ 1lI1l/al/llre ht'SI to 1"011 Forces. US Government. Ki/do R(){/t/ Soll/Ilban/i. e"plo~r\ e' I""l s lcd \Cclion (III. returned ~enke s organi· Mel/XII/me. 3006. or fit{ s:ltion\ and the P:leific of submanne th .. 1 Consul· him 011 (OJ) 9182 3909. Heighl\ Chn'lran School General NalanlUra and Fron/.. .l(I H h t' 'J be Dural. (mended Ihe hi\ wife. K:lzuko, also N~~~:~~kfC~I~I::'~ spenla few silent minute~ h(II'I}1 10 .fhtlff' in/orma' ~olemn JO -mrnule ser­ Navy Neil'S journalist laying a wrealh :lnd liull w;lh 1I/1\'()IJ I! whQ vree. Graha m Oavis ..... as remembering the IWO ulsa lIIight b"e loo/"ing Conducted by Chrislian introduccd to a gaggle Japanese sailor\ who. 100 bllck {(J/host' (/IIYs wilen and J ew i ~ h clergy. the of 10ng-scrvi nJ,: sailors the modem RAN W(IS ceremony was marked by 1 0~ 1 Iheir Irves on Ihat tht' olher day and they KOIIIXllmmghil,\' II(J/'Jo, Ihe te:lding oflhe names ni ght asked how long he'd eas.\' del'elopmelll, of lhe 2 1 young men who "I wa' born after World been with Ihe Navy. died on May 31. 1942, War II bul my parents "Oh. only fi\l~ or six when Ihree two·man named me Kazulo, which weeks," he said. " lIow Japanese submarines means peace," Mrs are you finding it?" C ~;;rcaat ;~~~i:~S;; penetrated the Sydney Na kamura IOld NOl'.I· " We ll ," G r a ham A LBATROSS in Harbourdcfences. admitted, " I' I'c been Wo ll o n ~ong, o n the hal'ing trouble with NRC unit rea('hing its the terminology you 50th birthday. "'ormed blokes use. It took me in 1947 as NLTD ages to find out wh y a BEATTY. it changed warship need ed a its n3me 10 A LHA­ S ~v:i~tY- I~ ~e:~~~:r-o~~ found him in his ham­ the torpedo detonated. "I POET!" TROSS in 1956, Mter mock and woke him. Ihink I was Ihe onl y sail or the serious business of Sydney's Northbridge " He :l pologised for ever to have been 10rpe· **** CUlling the cake a nd was aboard HMAS KUT· sleeping and s:lid to me: doed before going to the City of Wo ll o n· ' Here, you ge t into my sea," he said. TABUL when the torpe· T:~re~::: O;a s~h.~ gong granting the unit hammock,' do fired by a Japanese He did, indeed. go to being nippanl. but we the key to the city, midge t submarine blew "I climbed in his ham· 5e:lafler the tragedyserv· are all at sea:lboul what connections and past Ihe accommod:llion ship mock :wd he went on ing for 18 months aboard he mcanl when he was members celebraled asunder and sent it quiek­ dUl Y· the CO(veHe HMAS talking about Microsoft into the morning with Iy to the bottom. ''Thai hammock wason DUBBO. computer software's a dinner dance at the But he knows that he is the top deck. I normally He (m ended Ihe "complete protective Port Kembla RSL. alive loday because he slept below. FLI NDERS as a gunner archilecture e limina­ Happy birthday from wa s in someone else's "Luer there was a ter· and laler served with tion". Even computer b<d. rific explosion and I DEMS, a ll of us. Speaking to NOI'Y News fo und myself in deep at the 55 1h anniversary water tryin g to get to the mt- morial service o n surface. WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY Garden Island :lnd "The KUTTABUl andlor advertising agencies upon end by lodging material with the Publlsllerfo. 0< authoriSing or app.oving 01 Ihe publicalion of any mate.,al INDEMNIFV Ihe accompanied by his wife, went down veryqukkly. its directors, employees and agenlS against all clarms, demands, proceedings, cosls, Peggy. Neil remembers: "Where I normally eXper11-es, <la.mages, ewalds. judgments and any other liability whalsoeve. whoIy Of ~I\lally "That night I was doing slept was where the 21 arising di.&etfy Of indirec1ly in comection with the publication of the material. andwithoutl i m~1I"I\iI sentry duty on the wharf. others died." Mr Roberts 1hegenerahtyoftlleloregoing,indemnilyeaehoftllemin.elationtodefamallOrl,I'beI. slandoe(of "My stint was up but e1tp lained. Ut~. infringemenl of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication Iitlel;, unlail Ihere was no sign of my He said Colin compeution, bleach of lIade plactices or lair tradiflg legislation, violation of rights of privacy or confidential Information orticences or loyalty rights 0. otllel intellectual pro,peny righlS. AND replacement. Whitfield. th e only other WARRANT Ihat the materiat complies with all lelevant laws and regulations and IMt its " I wenl on board. remaining survivor from publicalion Will not give rise to any claims against or liabilities in Ihe Publisher, its directors, DucUiIlt that nighl, had both legs employees Of egenls, end, withoot ~mitino!he generality of !he loregoing, that nothing 1le18lll is in broken in the impact . breadl of the Trade Practices Act t968 or the Fair Trading Act t9B7orlhedefamation,oonst..mer 3OJunel997 .. ........ 1IlJunel997 proIeeIJOO and saleotgoods legislation of lhe Sta\e$andTerritorie$OfinhingeSIhe righlSoi any ,....n.t.rred " ~ Iow he gOl 10 the sur· 14Julyl997 ... .......4.lJ1yl!191 toortrom foce no--ooc really knows. ....... 28Jutyl991 . ... 18Mtl!197 Canberra? '111e found him on Ihe ADVERTISING CONDITIONS rocks,"heuid. Advertising aceepted 'Of publication in NAVY NEWS is subject 10 11 Aucustl997 .. ...... .1Augwl !197 Have your pets cared lor whilst you move to ~t::;:'~~ ~:'='~IS'::;~"!eLa~~r:"~~ ....""~ ~'!!"!~.
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