Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-21-1994 Arbiter, September 21 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. II:1 .~ l· I '<~ i j '1 ff ~. , 1 'I~'. "! , .. 'l:"•• ' k. J ~ Ii ~: !:. .~ ~ . <~~., .~. .<_.,' "'~" '.'~-'-" -""-'~-'-'--' ..•"--'- --,- "~"'-' '-<-.-. .._-~ •. -<-._.-._.- THfARBITER 2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 annual festival that showcases indepen- ing ever attempted.' dently produced films from Alaska, Idaho, Shallat says Structures in tbe Stream is ~ about water resources in this country and Oregon, Washington and British Colombia. All works must originate on "how we got in the state we're in today. film and all genres and lengths will be It's a story of the ideology of considered. Screening formats available science ... and of how our federal govern- , ~newsbucket are 35 mrn, 16 mm and video projection. - ~ ment is so powerful today and has jU~ diction over natural resources because of Interested filmmakers should request J , \ ' " _ • BY KATE NEILLY BELL an entry form by writing or calling the choices made a long time ago." Rainy States Film Festival, 1136 .13th Ave., Suite C, Seattle, WA 98122-4405, (206) 322-3572. There is a $15 entry fee. EchoHawk ",1 bac~sexpanded State Board of Education engineering• • program to consider BSU move to Idaho to celebrate Gubernatorial candidate Larry Big West Conference HJR 16 Day EchoHawk said he will aggressively push for accreditation of the University of Idaho Tomorrow the State Board of Education " A rally to celebrate HJR 16 Day is engineering program in Boise if he is will consider requests from Boise State scheduled for Sept. 23 on the Statehouse elected as governor. University and the University of Idaho to steps at 10 a.rn. HJR 16-an amendment to "I will do everything in my power to move intercollegiate athletic programs the Idaho Constitution to be voted on this provide more training for employees in from the Big Sky Conference to the Big November-will provide 10 specific rights . the semiconduetornusiness in Idaho,' West Conference:- to victims of crime to guarantee their EchoHawk said. "We mustbe able to train The move would mean stepping up access to and participation in the criminal skilled workers to support Idaho's fast- from competition in the National justice system. growing high-tech industry." Collegiate Athletic Association Division 1- Today defendants accused of crimes But he said Idaho doesn't need to re- M to competing with Division I-A teams. have 15 specific rights guaranteed by the invent ~. "The taxpayers of Idaho The board will also consider proposed Idaho Constitution. Supporters of HJR 16 - - cannot afford dupli- agency a~d institution Fiscal Year 1996 want the constitution to guarantee rights cate engineering pro- budget requests for submission to the to victims of crime as well. grams. We need to Idaho Legislature. The rally will be in conjunction with build on our existing other rallies around the state to increase engineering school," public awareness of HJR 16. Several politi- "ad'ianyone? he said. cians have been invited to the rally, Each of Idaho's Early childhood including Gov. Cecil Andrus, attorney gen- colleges and universi- conference scheduled eral candidates Allan Lance (R) and Mike The Department of Campus Safety still has a ties is governed by a Burkett (D), gubernatorial candidates Phil mission statement for Saturday Batt (R) and Attorney General Larry written in 1983 by the EchoHawk (D) and Justice Cathy Silak. variety of reserved parking permits available A conference sponsored by the College State Board of of Education will help define and develop Education. EchoHawk a professional career model for early for purchase, The reserved permits cost S110 said he supports the childhood professionals in Idaho. mission statements, Fellowships offered "Putting the Pieces Together: A Future which give the and are good through August 18, 1995. for Idaho's Early Childhood Professional" to future teachers University of Idaho is scheduled from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on the lead role in engi- Students who intend to become sec- Sept. 24 in the Jordan Ballroom of the neering. "But we've got to move faster. ondary school teachers of American histo- Student Union Building. ry, government or social studies are eligi- Companies are anxious to hire more engi- Idaho's early childhood field is com- ble for fellowship awards for master's- neers trained in Idaho," he said. prised of individuals with diverse back- The U of I has been working closely level graduate study from the James grounds, working in a variety of settings with Boise State to improve engineering Madison Memorial Fellowship and performing different roles. The confer- offerings in the Treasure Valley, and Foundation. ence is an effort to acknowledge this EchoHawk said he likes that cooperative Through nationwide competition, diversity by encouraging and designing approach. But he said he believes it needs James Madison Fellowships will be award- multiple paths and job roles toward to move more quickly. ed to at least one legal resident of each improved professional career development Getting accreditation will take three to state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and recognition. four years, but EchoHawk said that if he is and other U.S. territories. Topics to be discussed at the confer- elected he will insist that things move After completing study under the fel- ence are professionalism, compensation, swiftly toward completion. He also would lowship, James Madison fellows are training and career continuum. expect the State Board of Education to required to teach American history, Andrea Genser, executive director of closely monitor the progress of the pro- "American government or social studies in the Center for Career Development in gram. a secondary school for a minimum of one Early Care and Education at Wheelock year for each year of graduate assistance College in Boston, is the keynote speaker. they receive. Lunch and materials fee is $10 per per- Fellowships carry a maximum stipend son, payable on the morning of the con- Book examines of $24,000 for up to two years of full-time ference. Early registration is encouraged study for college graduates. Fellows may since enrollment for the conference is lim- water resources enroll in graduate programs at any accred- ited. For more information call Judy ited university. A book by Boise State University histo- French (362-2892), Bonnie Noonan (385· Participation in an accredited four-week rian Todd Shallat has been published by 3982) or Barbara Wilson (385-4410). the University of Texas Press. The book summer institute on the principles, framing, examines the turbulent first century of the ratification and implementation of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineersand follows Constitution and Bill of Rights is required of the agency's rise. Rainy States Film all fellows, normally during the summer Robert Post of the Smithsonian Institute Festival calls for entries after the commencement of study. calls Structures in abe Stream "an elegant The deadline for application materials and learned book ... the best that has been The last day to enter films in the Rainy is March I, 1995. written about the [u.S.1Army Corps of States Film Festival is Dec. 2. Details about the program may be Engineers.' The festival, scheduled for Feb. 16-19 obtained from the College of Health John Hopkins University calls it "one of in Seattle, promotes the work of Science~ and Public Affairs, located in the the most sophisticated studies of engineer- Northwestfllmmakers by producing an Education Building, Room 717. T THEARBITER WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 3 Deadline for McCain Challenge nears University has until Dec. 1to raise the S1million that benefadors .Warren and Bernie McCainwill match toward bUilding a 'great library' JENNIFER DEWEY Stoff Writer The first few weeks of the semester are a busy time. ~ There are books to buy, classes to find, people to meet ~ =- and syllabi to read. 2 The McCains have given $1 million to preserve and contribute to the .g Students may have noticed in their rush around campus the large white j;- McCain Collection on Western Studies and McCain Reading Room. But the ~ signs inscribed with something about the McCain Challenge. BSUFoundation must match the million. ~ Some may have a vague idea of what the Challenge is but, like most Some books in the McCain Collection on Western Studies focus on o students, only know that it is some guy who gave BSU $1 million for the Native Americans, river rafting, the wild West, Alaska, the Intermountain -l library. West and the Hemingway family. Warren and Bernie McCain say they believe "there is no great city with- :I President Charles Ruch and the BSUFoundation have been working to out a great university and there is no great university without a great solicit gifts from corporations and individuals who have previously donat- library." So on Oct. 28, 1993, they issued the challenge to BSU. ed to BSU. Warren McCain is the retired chief executive officer of Albertson's, Inc. The money must be raised by Dec. 1. Greens upset by Mail Services delay DAN SKINNER Because of this, attendance at the event rooms for planned presentations. There was was greatly reduced from the planned num- . no way the Greens were going to break even Stoff Writer ber. There were numerous complaints from for production costs.
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