Also, check out these exciting websites SPONSORED BY: If you want to learn more for more water wisdom: about water and what you can do to help keep it clean, n Abou Academy of Natural Sciences ear t W or how you can contact your local www.acnatsci.org L at watershed group, please contact t's e the following organizations: Center for Watershed Protection e r! www.cwp.org L Delaware Audubon Society Vol. 1 No.1 www.DelawareAudubon.org Delaware Chapter of The Nature Conservancy Bathe your brain http://nature.org/states/delaware/ with the facts! Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club www.delaware.sierraclub.org/ Quench your thirst Delaware Department of Transportation Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control P.O. Box 778 www.dnrec.state.de.us for knowledge! Dover, DE 19903 (In-state) 1-800-652-5600 Delaware Nature Society www.delawarenaturesociety.org (Local or Out-of-state) (302) 760-2080 Email: [email protected] Delaware Riverkeeper Network Website: www.deldot.net www.delawareriverkeeper.org Stroud Water Research Center Partnership for the Delaware Estuary www.stroudcenter.org 400 West 9th Street, Suite 100 University of Delaware Wilmington, DE 19801 http://ag.udel.edu/extension/information/nps/nps_home.html 302-655-4990 1-800-445-4935 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water Fax 302-655-4991 www.epa.gov/ow/ Email: [email protected] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Watershed Website Website: www.DelawareEstuary.org www.epa.gov/watershed/ Designed and Illustrated by Frank McShane U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Printed on Recycled Paper www.fws.gov/ ONE WAY Pour paint thinner Wise Water Use is Important! down the drain. Water the A rainy day waters GO BACK house plants. our environment. Fertilize GO AGAIN! 3 SPACES We use water every day, in so many ways! When we MOVE AHEAD your lawn Hey Kids! 1 SPACE right before pollute the land we pollute our water. Rain washes the trash and pollutants it rains. on the ground into our local streams or into the sewer inlets, which lead to Don’t Dump anything into GO BACK our drinking water supply! Dive into this game and learn about the many storm drains! They drain into 2 SPACES uses of water, both good and bad, and discover why water is so important! our streams, creeks, and rivers. MILFORD Throw litter CITY OF ONE WAY into the street. ER Go to a car wash GO BACK DOV Drink a glass Go Pour oil into that recycles water. TO START! of water! Swimming at a a storm drain. MOVE AHEAD START GO AGAIN community pool. CAR GO BACK 2 SPACES W MOVE AHEAD ASH 3 SPACES HERE Shovel 1 SPACE CITY O W F the snow ILMINGTON to a Drink a glass SHORTCUT! A rainy day waters SPEED Mop the of water! our environment. LIMIT Leave Wash the Kitchen. Water your lawn GO AGAIN GO AGAIN! the faucet dishes! MOVE AHEAD excessively. 55 dripping for days. MOVE AHEAD 1 SPACE GO BACK 3 SPACES GO BACK Drink a glass 95 2 SPACES SMYRNA 1 SPACE of water! Open up a GO AGAIN Boil vegetables. fire hydrant in Take a really Can You List Other MOVE AHEAD the summer. Help mom with long shower. Ways We Use Water? 1 SPACE GO BACK the laundry. DIRECTIONS: LOSE TO START! A TURN MOVE AHEAD 1. Find an eraser, paper clip, stick of gum 2 SPACES or other game piece and place on "START HERE." F Use toxic substances, CITY O Your body 2. Flip a coin when it's your turn: RK Brush such as drain cleaner FINISH NEWA needs 8 glasses HEADS, move 1 space ahead your teeth. of water or moth balls. E MOVE AHEAD GO BACK DELAWAR every day! LEW TAILS, move 2 spaces ahead move 1 1 SPACE 3 SPACES ES BEACHES 3. The first one to "FINISH" wins. move 2 HAVE FUN! page 1 page 2 The Natural Water Cycle The A-MAZE-ING Journey of Storm Water STORM CLOUDS PPRECIPITATIONRECIPITATION r Is START WaterWater vapor in clouds cools ater Con W st and forms water particles, RECYC an which fall to the ground as LE 1 D tl Storm clouds gather water snow or rain. y and produce rain, which is called storm water once it reaches Help me to find my way the ground. SSURFACEURFACE RRUNOFFUNOFF through an A-MAZE-ING Some rainfall flows over the journey that follows the 2 ground and into streams path of storm water... Rain runs off roofs and ROOF and rivers. into gutters, which channel TTRANSPIRATIONRANSPIRATION the water to the ground PPERCOLATIONERCOLATION Plants and trees absorb water EEVAPORATIONVAPORATION Some rainfall sinks into the from the soil through their WWaterater on the surface of the 3 Once on the ground, ground and eventually roots and "breathe" it back into ground or in lakes and rivers stormwater is either absorbed "percolates" down to the the air as water vapor. is warmed by the sun, which into the grass to feed plants, or groundwater table. creates water vapor, which rises it will run off the sidewalks an into the air and forms clouds. driveways and into the street. 4 Storm drains collect storm water from the street into GGROUNDWATERROUNDWATER TTABLEABLE underground discharge pipes. WWaterater is stored in the gaps of porous rock, gravel, or sand and slowly flows into streams and rivers. STORM CLEAN WATER DRAIN is a limited RESOURCE ! UNDERGROUND DISCHARGE PIPE The SAME water that the Dinosaurs drank...is the SAME water that we drink today. Water is constantly recycled and reused over and over again ! 5 These discharge pipes empty into our local streams or creeks, WOW ! which lead to the 6 The Delaware River is where FINISH Delaware River. we get our drinking water, and is also home to fish and wildlife. Doesn't that make your head SWIM ? So whatever you do... LOCAL CREEK DON’T POLLUTE OUR OR STREAM STORM DRAINS! DELAWARE RIVER page 3 page 4 land thatshedswaterintostreamwhenitrains. wading andmigratorybirds,reptiles,mammals. When rainfallsonland,itdrainsorrunsofftothe earth andarevitalspawning,nursery,feeding Estuaries areareaswheresaltwaterfromthesea They areamongthemostproductivehabitatson stretches approximately133milesfromthefalls A. grounds forfishandshellfish.Theyalsosupport of Pennsylvania,NewJerseyandDelaware Estuary wetlands filterpollutantsandsediments Estuary wetlands from thelandandserveasbuffersthatprotect A. Cape Henlopen,DE.Thelargesttributaryto Delaware Bay between CapeMay,NJ,and Delaware Baybetween the DelawareEstuaryisSchuykillRiver. mixes withfreshwaterflowingofftheland. Morrisville, PA,southtothemouthof of the Delaware River at Trenton, NJ,and of theDelawareRiveratTrenton, nearest streamorriverthatisdownhill. The WATERSHED ofastreamisallthe TheWATERSHED The Delaware Estuary The Delaware The DelawareEstuaryincludesportions land fromfloodinganderosion. Q. Q. DELAWARE ESTUARY? DELAWARE What'saWATERSHED? What exactlyisthe WWilmin S da th ha Re i e D sh P ded a l gio ed m e A n la lin S . i w re PPhil Q n e re c a as w A re h page 5 g h E p i . re ith t u stu l . o aad W se y in N a d l n k ry nt i h l o e l t a t l t R h o pphia d in t h i g id v h D . i e t D e MorriM a It b e h E la r ju e e w o o a s r t t c a c h r w e ? r i a NJN a e s n v DDelaware v e s J iill d e a R ive l y . r l la e BBay e w a y a HHe r e e CCa nnl a l T p o r p e e CCa e nnt n a t p o e Ma n M M AAtlantic OOcean tla a y c e nt an ic If you live in Newark, you live in either of two watersheds. The western part of the city Brandywine Naamans Creek Watershed (shown in lighter gray) Owls Creek Yorklyn Nest Watershed Talleys Greentree is in the WHITE CLAY Corner Ashland Talleysville Ardentown Rockland Claymont CREEK WATERSHED. Fairfax Silverside Montchanin Carr The eastern part of the city HockessinRed Clay Shellpot Creek Watershed (shown in lighteryellow) Creek Greenville Watershed Bellefonte Edgemoor is in the CHRISTINA Corner Ketch thismap90 Turn and seeifyoucanfindthe watershed thatyoulivein! RIVER WATERSHED. Pike Creek WILMINGTON Marshalltown ELSMERE Pleasant Hill Milford Crossroads NEWPORT Stanton If you live in this yellow-green area, White Clay Silview Creek Watershed you live in the NAAMANS CREEK on Wilmingt o Manor WATERSHED. This creek is mostly clockwise Ogletown NEWARK underground, just like the Shellpot Creek. Brookside Hares NEW Christiana Corner If you live in the purple area, you live Army CASTLE Christina River Creek in the SHELLPOT CREEK WATERSHED. Watershed Bellanca Watershed Beach Bear Red Lion Tybouts Corner Creek Red Lion Watershed If you live in Wilmington, you live in one of three watersheds. Glasgow Porter Station The western part of the city (shown in lighter purple) is in the Corbit Reybold Wrangle Hill DELAWARE CITY SHELLPOT CREEK WATERSHED. The central part of the city Dragon Run Kirkwood Creek Watershed (shown in lighter green) is in the BRANDYWINE CREEK Birds Corner Saint Georges WATERSHED. And the eastern part of Wilmington D (shown in lighter yellow) is in the Summit Chesapeake & Delaware E L CHRISTINA RIVER WATERSHED. Canal Watershed A Biddles Corner W Residents of New Casle live in the Mt. Pleasant Port Penn Boyds Corner A ARMY CREEK WATERSHED. Chesapeake Jamisons R Drainage Corner E Most of the residents of Delaware City live in the System McDonough R Armstrong Corner DRAGON RUN CREEK WATERSHED, I Appoquinimink V but if you live in the eastern part of the city River Watershed E R (shown in lighter blue-green) you live in the ODESSA MIDDLETOWN Thomas CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL WATERSHED.
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