Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 12-16-1996 Columbia Chronicle (12/16/1996) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (12/16/1996)" (December 16, 1996). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/368 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. ~: TH E ~ CHRONICLE o f COLUMB COLLEGE C Ii C t\ G 0 . VOL. XXX, No. 13 December 16, 1996 Columbia's emergence into information age ignites controversy and confusion within WEB Policy meeting closed by Thompson TLTR group feels misunderstood by colleg By Chuck Jordan Several departments, including the By Michele S. Gomez when it's time to bring it came to our Web site via Stajf Wriler Chronicle, were cui off the Web site last SlUff Wriler out. the Internet, prior to last spring. The next meeting will spring you would or could Columbia Associate Acade mic Dean On March 18. the Chronicle editori al staff Controversy has arisen be on Jan . 10, when these have thought that Peter Thompson and the c hair of the criticized Thompson and the TLTR for doing on Columbia College's proposed Worl d Wide Columbia College offered Teaching. Learning and Technology more harm than good to the free ex pression campus regarding our Web site policies wi ll be courses in two depart- Roundtable held a meeting on Dec. 12 . of students. informati on highway. submi tted to the council. ments only. A prospective Se veral items were on the agenda.- ;but A Web site action team has been working What's all the fuss, you That is the earliest date in student would also see a perhaps the most controversial was t he~i s ­ for the past five months to set up policy rec­ may ask? Some students whi ch these proposed pack of tarot cards; and I cussion for the school's policy on what ommendations to make to the technology and organi zations fee l thi nk you could sec should be allowed on Columbia's World committee. mis r e presen t ed that ensemble gave a Wide Web page. .,.:j.. The Chronicle planned to cover because they're not totally distorted view Thompson was given editori al .aut.l'iOiity Thursday's meeting; however the di scussion allowed to have their of Columbia and its of Columbia's Web Technology. Committee was deemed a closed door meet ing by own Web site. They departments and its on March I. Thompson, whic h meant only faculty were fee l that the Teaching, offerings to prospec- . Thompson created the Teaching, allowed. Learning and tive slUdents. So, this Learning and Technology Rou ndtable, made Thompson said that he realizes that there Techn ology was of concern tome up of 12 core memws And .a.larger commit- · is interest in the discussion. but said that it Roundtable (TLTR), as a person whose job tee of faculty and·ri(1mi"nistrators. would only be appropriate to answer ques­ which was created 10 it is to infuse technolo- Thompson said that he wanted editorial tions about Columbia's Web page policy control Columbia's gy within the college control of the Web page because he felt that after it is approved by the committee. Web site, is the cause community and to sup- someone needed to make sure Columbia was Once approved by the committee, the for thei r concern. stU(le:nts '· tl\~ t l port that prcx:ess and to represented to the outside world in a broad guidelines wi ll go to the department chairs, TLTR feels that monitor it. So. what I and appropriate manner. through select administration and before the they're being misun- ililt~~~~:e(F : inl did was amass all the "There has been an essential confusion coll ege community. derstood: they feel IpaI·tJ,c il~alt illlg . information about between items fit for external consumption," For the Chronicle's view of thi s whole Web mess evcry department and Thompson said last March. "Staff and stu-. is due to a lack of every utliliated pro· dents are internal readerShip. When you pub­ the TI :I'I~ see editorial, communication. create ;J docu· lish' on the Web, you publish.to the world." page 5 These proposed th at was policies are for absolutely represellta- Columbia College's ti ve of every depart- CHRISTMAS TIME IN CHICAGO Web site, for publishing pol icies wi ll be submitted. ment and program and information to that Web Peler Thompson, administrative unit .md Photo by Na talie Battaglia site and for using Associate Academic then send that out to the Columbia College's com· Dean for Technology and head of all adm ini strative puters and internal col· F a cui t y 1 St a f f uni ts and asked them to lege-wide network. Development. stresses the make any corrections thai These proposed policies importance of not allow- they might wi!'.h. That were presented fi rst to the ing Columbia's Web page process took place. then.! members of the body to become outrageous and were many drafts. each from which they originat- defines his reasoning as uni t signed otT, basically ed-the teaching + learn- follows: happy with a minimum ing + technology round- representation to prospcc· table-and will then be On The Web Site li ve students, then took presented to the coll ege, that dcx:ument ilnd asked college counci l, and then For example, if you as to the college community. prospecti ve student See Net, next pag Pres. Duff and Provost Gall to host forum By J ason Kravarik through the open admissions policy. " Sit/if Wrilcr Along with Foley. Associate Provost of Planning Mark Kelley was selected to It's not oftcn thill student s and staff keep the president and provu!'.t updalcu members come right out and tell on the progress of the document. Columbia's president and provost what ''The committee was askcd to look at to do. But this week both administrators the college from the eye!'. 01 the stu· will be expecting just that. dents," Kelley said. "Right now wc're in On Dec. 18 and Dec. 19 President a phase of adopting the strategies the John Duff and Provost Bert Gall will committee has proposed." chair an open forum to get feedback on a Ke lley said th at so far the Icr.:dback he new document that ou tlines strategies has received on the document has hcen and goals for the coll ege to follow. positive . ''This is an opportunity to give the .. )' vc gOllen phone calls from people college community a chance to react to who arc exdted," he said. "One person what is suggested I in the document!," said it Ithe document I 'convinced me I Provost Bert Gall said ... It 's a chance to was right about coming to Columbia.'" say 'I agree with thi s' or '1 disagree wi th However, Kell ey admits that until the The Chronicle that'" forums arc held. the ad ministrat ion extends greet­ The document , call ed "Framing l.I won't have a se nse of what the collegc Plan of Action," was pu t together by an community feels. ings of the holi­ 18 member planning advisory committee Gall points out th atuide to thei r think· appointed by the president and provost. ing." day season to It s fo cuses include recruitment and After the forum s, the president and retention of student s, curricul um. the provost will consider all of the feedback all college's relationship wi th the profes· and then present the final document to sional world, and growth and finance at the Coll ege Council on Jan. 10. If the school. approved. the document would go before See page ...... 16 "The gist of the document is th at we th c Board of Trustees some time in the Have you seen this A biker brings his want to do morc to help the students we Spri ng, Gall said. doll? At most toy friend, King-Kong's ad mit finish coll ege," said Anne Foley. So why should students concern stores, Elmo has left cousin BoBo to the Director of Inst itutional Research. "II themselves wi th thi s document? the building. Toys For Tots Parade. outlines ways fo r students to get more ..It suggests strategies that wi ll affecl- out of their resources. and to give st u­ See page........... .......... 8 See page,.. ...... ,........ 16 dents a reasonable chance to succeed See Forum, next page 2 NEWS Dec e m b e r 1 6, 1 99 6 TIIE CHRONICLE , T~ke all general ed classes first? Journalism Department ~ .. By Michelle S. DuFour students to take the bulk of their general ed ucati on courses during 623 S. Wabash Ave., Suite ,-; ',:Slajf \V;rifer -: . their freshman and sophomore years, Foley sa id . 802 No one has said that Columbia should change its curriculum to that Chicago, Illinois 60605 More fi rst-year SlU dcnts registered for English Composition this type of format , "hut there is some discussion about the benefits peo­ fall.
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