July 16, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6879 GENERAL LEAVE who never wavered from the principles that died from a heart attack right here in guided his life and career; Washington at the age of 65. He once Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Whereas the efforts of the Honorable May- unanimous consent that all Members was quoted as saying, with perhaps too nard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. on behalf on the great an understanding of the way we may have 5 legislative days within City of Atlanta and all Americans earned which to revise and extend their re- him the esteem and high regard of his col- tend to simplify history, that ‘‘I could marks and include extraneous material leagues; and see my full name will be Maynard on the bills H.R. 74, H.R. 272, H.R. 733 Whereas the untimely death of the Honor- Jackson, first black mayor of At- and S. 246. able Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. has de- lanta.’’ Certainly his civic accomplish- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there prived his community, the City of Atlanta, ments are not to be overlooked. the state of Georgia, and the entire Nation of Today, we seek to remember him objection to the request of the gen- an outstanding leader: Now, therefore, be it more as the wonderful principled man tleman from New Mexico? Resolved, That the House of Representa- that he was with a memorable booming There was no objection. tives— voice and a giant, friendly handshake. f (1) honors the life and accomplishments of the Honorable Maynard Holbrook Jackson His life was truly one worthy of com- HONORING MAYNARD HOLBROOK Jr.; mendation by this House, and I am JACKSON, JUNIOR, AND EXTEND- (2) recognizes the legendary compassion proud that we are taking up this legis- ING CONDOLENCES OF THE exhibited by the Honorable Maynard Hol- lation. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brook Jackson, Jr. as a civil rights leader; I urge all Members to support the ON HIS DEATH and adoption of H. Res. 303 that honors the (3) extends its condolences to the Jackson life and accomplishments of the honor- Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- family and the City of Atlanta on the death able Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. I pend the rules and agree to the resolu- of a remarkable man. thank my colleague from Georgia for tion (H. Res. 303) honoring Maynard The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- introducing this worthwhile measure. Holbrook Jackson, Jr., former mayor ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of of the City of Atlanta, and extending California (Mr. OSE) and the gentleman my time. the condolences of the House of Rep- from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each will con- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I resentatives on his death. trol 20 minutes. yield myself such time as I might con- The Clerk read as follows: The Chair recognizes the gentleman sume. H. RES. 303 from California (Mr. OSE). Mr. Speaker, Maynard Jackson, Jr., Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook GENERAL LEAVE who took on Atlanta’s establishment Jackson, Jr. was born on March 23, 1938, in Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- as the city’s first black mayor and Dallas, Texas, and at the age of 14 entered mous consent that all Members may later helped plan for its role in the 1996 Morehouse College as a Ford Foundation have 5 legislative days within which to Olympics, died last month at the age of Early Admission Scholar; revise and extend their remarks on the 65. Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook resolution under consideration. Maynard Jackson first made history Jackson, Jr. graduated cum laude from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in 1973 when he was elected the first North Carolina Central University School of objection to the request of the gen- black mayor of Atlanta. He made his Law; presence known immediately by taking Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook tleman from California? Jackson, Jr. became the first African-Amer- There was no objection. on the predominantly white business ican Vice Mayor of the City of Atlanta; Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself leadership and demanding that doors Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook such time as I may consume. be opened for blacks. That is why many Jackson, Jr. proved to be a gifted and bril- Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 303 introduced people called him Mr. Affirmative Ac- liant political leader, and he later became by my colleague from the State of tion in this country. the first African-American Mayor of the City Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) honors Maynard He was reelected to a second term in of Atlanta; Holbrook Jackson, Jr., former mayor 1977 where he led the city through one Whereas, during his years in office, the of the city of Atlanta and extends the of its darkest periods, the string of Honorable Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr. condolences of the House of Represent- slayings of young blacks from 1979 to was the catalyst for the design of a $400 mil- atives on his death. lion terminal at Atlanta’s Hartsfield Inter- 1981. When he left office after 2 years, national Airport; Mr. Speaker, today we do honor a barred from seeking a third consecu- Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook great American leader. Maynard Jack- tive term, he could boast of many ac- Jackson, Jr. helped to secure Atlanta’s selec- son courageously guided the city of At- complishments, including the expan- tion as the site of the 1996 Summer Olym- lanta for three terms as mayor. He was sion of Hartsfield Atlanta Inter- pics; inspired to enter public service, catch national Airport and the opening of the Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook this date, on April 4, 1968, when he was city’s rapid rail system. Jackson, Jr. served as president of the Na- a 30-year-old hard-working lawyer in A lawyer by training, Maynard Jack- tional Conference of Democratic Mayors and Atlanta. Why does that date register son, Jr., was born in Dallas, Texas, on the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials; with us? On that terribly bittersweet March 23, 1938, the third of six children. Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook day, Maynard Jackson welcomed his His father, Maynard Jackson, Sr., was Jackson, Jr. became Chair of the National first child into the world and Reverend a Baptist minister and his mother, Voting Rights Institute of the Democratic Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was trag- Irene Jackson, was a college language National Committee; ically assassinated. The combination of teacher with a doctorate’s degree in Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook these two events moved Mr. JACKSON to French. When Maynard was seven, his Jackson, Jr. established the American Vot- enter politics. family moved to Atlanta to take over ers League, a nonpartisan organization com- Only 2 months later, he as pastor of the Friendship Baptist mitted to increasing voter turnout; unhesitatingly launched a grassroots Whereas upon being elected Mayor of At- Church. lanta, the Honorable Maynard Holbrook campaign that challenged, albeit un- He enrolled at Morehouse College in Jackson, Jr. began encouraging and fos- successfully, a powerful incumbent Atlanta as an early admissions scholar tering interracial understanding in Atlanta; senator. His campaign earned him and earned a BA degree in political Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook 200,000 votes, but in 1973, he again chal- science. He later earned a law degree Jackson, Jr. was a strong supporter of af- lenged a well-known incumbent as he from North Carolina Central Univer- firmative action, civil rights, and the expan- ran for mayor of Atlanta, and this time sity. sion of social and economic gains for minori- he won. He was elected the first black Maynard Jackson’s family was active ties; mayor in Atlanta’s history. in early voting rights efforts. His Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook Maynard Jackson went on to become grandfather was co-chairman of the At- Jackson, Jr. was a great champion for diver- sity, inclusion, and fairness—not just in gov- one of the most influential civic offi- lanta Negro Voters League, and his fa- ernment and business, but also in all areas of cials in the history of Georgia, the ther founded the Georgia Voters life; South and our entire Nation. League. Whereas the Honorable Maynard Holbrook Mr. Speaker, last month, on June 23, Maynard Jackson can be credited Jackson, Jr. was a wonderful human being Maynard Jackson sadly collapsed and with not only what was accomplished VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:10 Jul 17, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16JY7.018 H16PT1.
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