Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A Tew* id' Watcrtown Weekly is. efimary 24,1950 New School Audiometer Tests Hearing Bethlehem Hi story Local Branch Of F act-Finding Suggests Colorful Comm. On Education Organizing Last' Friday evening "a local Names For High ways branch of the Governor's Fact- By FAIJI. JOHNSON • . Public Invited To Finding Com mission on Educa- Committee appointed to recom- tion was started. The' Commission mend nam.es for Bethlehem .high- has already" fostered the organi- ways 'has released a list of thirty zation of school-community suggested titles, for Bethlehem groups in M* Connecticut towns roads, many of whom, retain, the SO' that citizens may obtain a 1 names of the original settlers or Charter Committee greater 'understanding of their descriptive titles of long standing, local, education systems and their , ... Suggested names are Main, 'The Charter Committee will requirements. street, Morris road. Watertown hold its meetings in public, F. M. The*group appointed to serve road, '.East street. Devil's Back- bone .of Magnolia Hill 'Road, West this week, as preparations were forming objectives until Its mem- Road, Wood Creek .'Road, Guild's being 'made: for the postponed bership was enlarged to Include a. Hollow .Road, Camel Hill road. open meeting of the Committee broad representation, of Interests. Wood's Edge road, Dark Entry, on Monday night, February 27, at Meanwhile more' ' cltiaens are Still Hill road,' Paddy Hollow 8 p. m. .at. Town Hall. _ being' requested to. join the local road, .Arch Bridge road, Crane Mr. RelntiO'ld described the Commission A meeting' has been INTENSE CX>NCENTEATION marks this hearing test for Gay Hollow road. Judge Lane, Todd Charter Committee as being a vo- | callel d for Friday, February 24 at Jackson, as Bliss Margaret Burns manipulate* the dials of a port- Hill road. Double Hill road, Iffun- Unitary - ggroup - of representative | 8 j». m. in the Red. 'Cross* of flea able audiometer. If Mb, the purchase of' fbls new machine, all, pub- ger Lane, Bellamy .Lane, 'Has- clttaens who feel, that the: rapid at which, time officers will be lic schoolchildren may now be tested for hearing weakness each san Road, Cabbage Lane,' Hard growth In population in, the town, elected .anil, fact-finding project* year. "Hie. student being tested listens through die earphone* and Hill' road, Lake road, Town. Line makes a change In the form of on the education, system 'Will be- reports to the school nurse whether or not" be can 'hear the bUMing road, Monnewaug or .. Paradise town government necessary. discussed and 'Outlined. noises which are flashed at varying frequencies. Those with weak Valley road,. Toucty Road, Capt. Meetings 'will be held In public, Some of the towns which have hearing am unable to detect sounds audible to children of average Hayes road, Burritt Hill road he stated, In order to promote a Fict-Flnding groups functioning hearing ability. Waiting their tarn: ta the above photo are, .left to ara.d Flanders 'road. - wide interest In, the subject include: Beacon Falls, Bristol, Qo- right, Judith McKee, Sandra Wilson and Carol Darn. Interesting stories 'pertain to. "The first step will he to de- shen, Darien, Kent, Lyme, Corn- many of the selected titles. Paddy cide which of the several forms wait Morris, Prospect,' South- Hollow road, for example, achi- of government the group believes buryy, Bethlehe West Hartford, eves its title from, the fame of Is 'best .suited to the Weds of Wa- Milford, Newtown, Seymour, Wa- an. 'early resident, Paddy Havi- tertown/' said Mr. Reinhold. ter bury, Walcott and Woodbury. Many Items Aid Lively Debates eon, who carried a barrel of 'flour "After that It will 'Start 'to draw to his home there from Minor's up a, charter In order that there store, removing the weight from may 'be a full discussion. of the Feature Four Hours Long Meeting his shoulders 'but once in the sev- Ideas and details that should be Concert Association Manay y Itemes s and Lively Debates eral mile walk. Reports of the Included, in such a document. .As. Thirteen items, some of whichi h feat contain the. report, that, 25 the 'weak, .progresses, further, were spiritedly debated, stretched or .30' citizens 'accompanied him. steps will be taken to keep 'the To wn Revaluation the Oakville Hre District annual on the journey to insure actual public interested and Informed. Names New Of Ficers meeting' from S p. m.. to ihe filling of the wager, the. 'barrel "One thing !•- clear, there can. Arthur D. Stein was elected stroke of midnight on. Monday :n of flour constituting the "award. be no change In the form of the president of the Community Con- Causes little Ado' ihe South .School assembly hall. Paddy met an untimely end, some town government until the legJe- cert Association .at. the group"''* 'The session got off to » lively '(Continued" on Page Five) , lature grants the 'town, a charter annual meeting 'Tuesday night. He :itart, after electing -Joseph Kur- I and such a charter will. Include .succeeds Harold Ashworth. Other Among Taxpayers aitis moderator .and. Mrs. Ernest a clause to the 'effect that It can- new officers who were elected, to The expected rush Of taxpay- Ifathon clerk, when Mrs. Mathon not 'become effective unless the eerve for the coming year are: a» to the three Saturday • ses- read \, report to the audience of School Board Takes voters, vote: in favor of It at a Mre. John Ferguson,, vice-presi- sions of the Board of Tax Review over 16 voters... The report, was. regular' or special election. Such dent; John Atwood, secretary .and did not materialize. Last Saturday announced as. having the approval an election would be held tone treasurer. eaw the end of Its public sessions jf 'the'' Advisory Board whose time in the last half of 1961, af- Four new members of the 'board and the Board reported that of nembers are Mrs. Mathon, Bart. Action To Improve ter legislature has: adjourned, so of directors were also elected, at the 4,807 taxpayers whose pro- Oocco, Steve Jam sky and Norman there" is ample time for the citi- the Tuesday meeting.. They are perties had been revalued, ony Nichols. This Board was elected zens' of the town to' become well 'Mrs. 'George Mattson, Richard, forty appeared, for Interviews in. April IMS to observe the act- Education System Informed on the subject." Ely, Jr., Carl Leas .and 'Charles 'with, eight of then, merely seek- ivities of the Fire District Com- The Board of Education made Shonsi Arectors who continue: on ing, information. Mrs. Margaret mitted and .Water Board officials. two progressive moves at Its. the"~bmrd are Harold. .Ashworth, Barry, Board member, described Advisory Board Criticizes meeting on... Monday evening." Lester 'Atwood., Samuel Spauld- the reaction to the revaluation The report was. highly critical The first dealt, 'with possible Ciarb Will Box Ing,* Mrs. Wlntfarop Spencer,. Mrs. which had riased "the: Grand List of the methods of.. officials smd improvement of the 'library*.! A D. Bowman, Carl Richmond, 'to more than, .23. millions as very recommennded that the Advisory collection of books, following a At Snot Smoker Sumner Libby, Miss Ruth. Bkll- mild. Board be established as a perma- report, by the State'library Bu- Tommy Ciarlo, Connecticut's ton, Mrs. William 'Starr, Mrs. E. Board members 'believed that nent body with voting powers In, reau which was read, by Superin- welterweight, champ, will, appear ,J£. ElsenwlnUr, John Carley, Mrs. their toad was lightened by the he departments of the Water tendent 'Gordon C. Swift. 'The re- in an 'exhibition 'boat at the Oak- .Robert. B. Appleyard, Mrs. John. fact that 400' persons appeared Board and the Fire District Com- port. Indicated that the library 'vllie Troop 2; Smoker to 'be: held Addlngton, Mr. Stein, Mrs. Fer- during the one week of public mittee. should have 1800' 'basic volumes. 'Friday night, March 10; at South guson and Mr. Atwood. hearings 'held by Clemlnahaw Bart Bares. District Committee It has; now about 2,000. School Bobby Sasso will also ap- Company representatives Immedi- chairman, 'was in favor of the 'The Board authorized - the pear on the card, along 'With, two ately following the completion of report and pointed to the failure Superintendent to obtain costs of other fighters. Three additional the revaluation work. jf calling for public bids for wat- investigating' the present' collec- bouts 'Will be staged 'by' members OakriDe PTA MOTW No appeals for court action er line construction- tion and., raising it to the mini- of Troop 2. The Oakville troop were filled with, the Board. Cliff Latimer of the Water mum standard. 'The Superinten- hopes to' raise' enough funds from Though aa taxpayers their hold- Board challenged the recommen- dent also .explained the need, for the smoker to send two. 'Scouts to' Meeting Date ing relieved the greatest Increa- dation of giving voter privileges a qualified teacher-librarian, to' the National Jamboree In Valley ses under revaluation, none of the to the Advisory Board. He ar- .guide students in the use' of the .Forge, Pa. this summer for the To avoid conflict with, 'the eve- factories sent representatives to gued that such innovation re- library. 'week of June SO 'to July 6. ning concert being sponsored by complain about, or appeal, their quired, a change in the District's 'The second move to advance The program 'Friday night will the Community Concerts Associa- new assessments. charter- He .stated, "'Any taxpayer the 'education system was. the also feature Miss Gita Malanga lion on. (MarcM h •6 in ththe Tft The members of the review- has the right to examine the authorization for hiring a remedV at.
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