UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Agenda March 28-29, 2018 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff University of Arkansas at Little Rock University of Arkansas at Monticello University of Arkansas at Fort Smith University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas University of Arkansas Community College at Hope University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College University of Arkansas Community College at Rich Mountain Arkansas Archeological Survey Criminal Justice Institute Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service University of Arkansas System eVersity MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS JOHN F. GIBSON UNIVERSITY CENTER GREENROOM UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT MONTICELLO MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS MARCH 28-29, 2018 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - UAM Gibson University Center, Green Room 11 :00 a.m. Tour of Campus for Board Members 12:00 p.m. Lunch for Board Members -House Room (12:30 p.m. Heavy hors d'oeuvres available for all other meeting attendees in Capitol Room) 1:00 p.m. Chair Opens Regular Session 1:00 p.m.* Athletics Committee Meeting 1:45 p.m.* Joint Hospital Committee Meeting 2:15 p.m.* Joint Hospital and Audit and Fiscal Responsibility Committees Combined Meeting 3:15 p.m.* Audit and Fiscal Responsibility Committee Meeting 3:45 p.m.* Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting 4:15 p.m.* Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. Dinner, UAM Gibson University Center, Senate Room Thursday, March 29, 2018 - UAM Gibson University Center, Green Room 7:30 a.m. Breakfast, University Center Capitol Room 8:30 a.m. * Regular Session Continues Box Lunches Available, University Center Capitol Room *Approximate time or at the conclusion of the previous meeting. U.u\ UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS SYSTEM Bon.rd of"fr11sti:c.r March 19, 2018 TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dear Trustees: The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas will meet on Wednesday and Thursday, March 28-29, 2018, in the Green Room of the John F. Gibson University Center of the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Wednesday's meetings will begin at 1 :00 p.m. and Thursday's meetings will begin at 8:30 a.m. The schedule is as follows: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - UAM Gibson University Center, Green Room 11 :00 a.m. Tour of Campus for Board Members 12:00 p.m. Lunch for Board Members-House Room (12:30 p.m. Heavy hors d'oeuvres available for all other meeting attendees in Capitol Room) 1: 00 p.m. Chair Opens Regular Session 1 :00 p.m. * Athletics Committee Meeting 1 :45 p.m. * Joint Hospital Committee Meeting 2: 15 p.m. * Joint Hospital/ Audit & Fiscal Responsibility Committees Combined Meeting 3: 15 p.m. * Audit and Fiscal Responsibility Committee Meeting 3 :45 p.m. * Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting 4:15 p.m.* Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. Dinner, UAM Gibson University Center, Senate Room Thursday, March 29, 2018 - UAM Gibson University Center, Green Room 7:30 a.m. Breakfast, University Center Capitol Room 8:30 a.m. * Regular Session Continues Box Lunches Available, University Center Capitol Room *Approximate time or at the conclusion of the previous meeting. The agenda and supporting materials for the Board and Committee meetings are attached. I look forward to seeing you on March 281h and 29th in Monticello. Sincerely, Mark Waldrip, Chair Board of Trustees University of Arkansas Attachments 2404 North UniYcrsir y Aven ue / l.irrle Ro.:k, Ar b.nsa~ 72207-3608 / 501 -686-2505 U11ivcr~ity c,f Ark,m!-i:is, F~1ycttc,·ilk / lJniver~it\ <>f Arkans.1.~ at I .it-rlc R<Kk / Univen,ity of Arkansas ;1t Pinc Hlllff Univnsi1.y of Ark,rnsil$ for .~,k·dic,11 ~W:ii:.·n,·cs / lJnivnsity of Ar.k..rns,1s <lt. Momil'<.·lk) / Di\'i.,;ion of Agriculnu·,· / C ri.m itul Just.ice lnstinnc ,.\rk.111~:,s Ar('h1.~ologic1I Survey/ Phill ip:,; Co11trmrnit-y Collcgt: of th~ lJnivcrsit-y of Arbn~;\~ / Univcr~hy of Ark;,llS:lS Commm11ty College :it Hope Uuivcr:-ity of Ark~lll !'>,l~ Community Colk gc .lt Jh1tc.::svil k i Co!:>sat.,_., t C<.i mmuni1:y Ctilk:g~ of the Uuiv1,;nity o f Ark:msa:- Univcrsiry of .Arbn.5~\S Cornnrnn.it.y Colleg<:' ar ,\1orri.lton / lJniYcrsity of Ark,10s.1s <ll Fo rt Smi th University nf t\rkans.is - Puiaski 'll·dmi\:,1 1 Collcgt: / Uniwrsiry nf Arka ns~1s Community Colkgt' ar Rich Mo untain Arkan!';<lS S~hool for Al.tthcffJ.olti~s, S~i\!n1.·c$ ~md the Arts/ Uni\'crsity of Ark~m:..,s Clinton School of Publi( Service/ University of Ark..m:.,,~ System f\-'crsiry 17Jc UniJ>t-r.~ity rf/b -knm,H i.r an equal opportunity/11JTi'rm r1 tiPt ncrirm. institution. Regular Session AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT MONTICELLO GIBSON UNIVERSITY CENTER, GREEN ROOM MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS 1:00 P.M., MARCH 28, 2018 AND 8:30 A.M., MARCH 29, 2018 1. Adoption of Resolution Welcoming Steve Cox as a New Board Member (Action) 2. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting Held January 24-25, 2018 (Action) COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MEETING Chair Goodson, Members: Broughton, Eichler and Nelson 1. Introductions, UAF and UAPB (Information) 2. Plans for Cross Country Teams, UACC-RM (Information) 3. Plans for Wrestling Team, UALR (Information) JOINT HOSPITAL COMMITTEE MEETING - under separate cover Chair Eichler, Members: Broughton, Gibson, Goodson and Harriman 1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting Held January 24, 2018 (Action) 2. Approval of the Safety Management and Emergency Preparedness Report (Action) 3. Review of the Performance Improvement and Patient Safety Report (Information) 4. Review of UAMS Clinical Enterprise Key Indicators (Information) 5. Chief Executive Officer's Update (Information) JOINT HOSPITAL AND AUDIT AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEES COMBINED MEETING - under separate cover Co-Chairs Harriman and Eichler, Members: Boyer, Broughton, Cox, Gibson, Goodson and Nelson 1. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting Held February 23, 2018 (Action) 2. Update on UAMS' Management Actions Taken since the Committees' February 23, 2018 Meeting (Information) 3. Update on Internal Audit's Monitoring Actions Taken since the Committees' February 23, 2018 Meeting (Information) AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 28-29, 2018 PAGE2 AUDIT AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE - under separate cover Chair Harriman, Members: Boyer, Cox, Eichler, Goodson and Nelson 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held January 24, 2018 (Action) Audit Section 2. Request for Approval of Internal Audit Report (Action) 3. Request for Approval of the Follow-up Reports (Action) 4. Request for Approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Audit Plan Update Report (Action) 5. Request for Approval of the University of Arkansas System Strategic Risk Assessment Report (Action) 6. Other Business (Information) Fiscal Section (no items) BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE MEETING Chair Goodson, Members: Boyer, Broughton, Gibson and Pryor Agenda and Items under "Buildings and Grounds" Tab ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING Chair Gibson, Members: Broughton, Nelson, Pryor and New Trustee Agenda and Items under "Academic and Student Affairs" Tab DAY TWO BEGINS (tentative) 3. Report on Athletics Committee Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) 4. Report on the Joint Hospital Committee Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) 5. Report on Joint Hospital and Audit and Fiscal Responsibility Committees Combined Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) 6. Report on Audit and Fiscal Responsibility Committee Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) 7. Report on Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 28-29, 2018 PAGE3 8. Report on Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting Held March 28, 2018 (Action) 9. Adoption of Resolution of Appreciation for Former Trustee Ben Hyneman (Action) 10. Approval of Awarding of Degrees at May 2018 Commencements, All Campuses (Action) 11. Consideration of Recommended Board Meeting Dates for Academic Year 2018/2019 (Action) 12. Campus Report: Dr. Karla Hughes, Chancellor University of Arkansas at Monticello 13 . Chair's Report: Mark Waldrip, Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas 14. President's Report: Donald R. Bobbitt, University of Arkansas System All Campuses 15. Consideration of Request for Approval of Revisions to Board Policy 405.1, Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, Non-Reappointment, and Dismissal of Faculty; Board Policy 405.4, Termination of Employment; and Board Policy 470.1 , Distinguished Professorships; and Approval of New Board Policy 500.1, Graduate Assistants: Termination ofAppointment s (Action) 16. Consideration of Request for Approval of Extracurricular Camps for 2018/19, UAF, UAM and UA-PTC (Action) 17. Unanimous Consent Agenda (Action) 18. Executive Session Item 1: Adoption of Resolution Welcoming Steve Cox as a New Board Member (Action) 1 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION WELCOMING STEVE COX AS A NEW BOARD MEMBER (ACTION) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, effective March 16, 2018, the Governor of the State of Arkansas appointed Mr. Steve Cox of Jonesboro, Arkansas, as a me.mber of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
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