■'■■■■' ■■' ......................’ ■ '^^■■■"' XET PRESS RUX AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THE WEATHER OF' THE EVENING HERALD Forecast by O. fl. Weatker Bureau. for the month of Maj, 1927 Nevr Hayea 4 , 9 9 5 ir tonight. Tuesday increas* Sui^tting ' oudlness. SUvie lA'^vary t'onn VOL. XLI., NO. 211. ClkMifled Adrertlalng on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS COLUMBIA LANDS GERMANY GIRL FOUND DI:AD WAR IN CHINA, IN BATHING SUIT UNDY TAKES Marks on Throat Indicate Slie FLIES OVER 4000 MILES US FORCED TO GROUND JOKE, ASSERTS Was Choked to Death — Is INTEREST IN Identified. UlCAL SAILOR Amesbury, Mass., June 6.— COLUMBIA HOP ______ A woman walking on the sands of Salisbury Beach to I BY BROKEN PROPELLER day discovered the body of a L in w o o d ^ ssey , of North girl, clad in a bathing suit and Kept In Touch With Cham-j bathrobe and with marks on the neck of having apparent­ End, Just Back From the ly been choked. berlin’s Flight By Radio; | WIVES OF FLYERS Only 65 Miles From Berlin When Accident Occurs; Went Police, who removed the body to an undertaking par­ Orient, Explains the SitU' lor here, were puzzled. Climhs to Crow’s Nest to 400 Miles Further Than Lindbergh When Gasoline Dr. Randolph Hurd, of Xew- MAKE STATEMENTS buryport, medical examiner, ation. was ordered by District Attor­ Watch For Plane. Gives Out— Two Forced Landings— Flyers to Spend ney 'William G. Clark of Es­ sex county to perform an au­ Both Overjoyed When They Night In Cottbus, Where They Landed— Berlin Prepar­ The fighting in China is not so topsy. Aboard U. S. Cruiser Memphis, .\t '^erious as it is said to be, and the The girl was about 2 0 years Sea. June 6.— (By Radio to I. N. S.) Cltiuese do most of tlic',' fighting old. There were no marks of Hear News That Husbands ed To Give Them Great Reception. identification on her bathrobe Captain Charles Lindbergh among themselves, according to or bathing suit. took a keen interest in the non­ <«>• Chief Machinists Mate Linwood Landed Safely. stop, New York-to-Germany flight of Berlin, June 6.— Broken distance LOG OF BELLANCA Massey, wlio returned on leave to Clarence D. Chamberlin in the records— a dramatic flight from FLIGHT TO GERMANY liis home at 54 Hudson street this American airplare Columbia, Saturday, June 4 I New York, June 6.— .Mrs. Clar- New York to Germany— two forced morning. Mr. Massey has been in Lindbergh kept in touch with the 6:05 a. m.— Hopped off from MANCHESTEK MILK . once Chamberlin and Mrs. Charles landings— Roosevelt Field, Mineola, the United States N'aty for 14 years progress of the Columbia by radio. A. Levine exchanged congratula- These great thrills given to the N. Y. and this is his first visit to .Man­ In Crow's N'est, j \ I tions today over the dramatic world and Germany by Clarence Field, Mineola, N. Y. chester for three years. I On Sunday, Lindbergh climbed to Chamberlin and Charles A. Levine, S:45 a- m.— Plane passed over SUPPLY GETS 0. K. I achievement of their husbands in Chinese .Method. ! the “Crow's Nest'' of the cruiser, who flew farther in the Bellanca Provincetown, Mass. "Tlie style of the Chinese consists 130 feet above decks, in a gusty I making a non-stop flight of gp- monoplane Columbia than man ever 12:00 p. m.— Sighted over Bay of making a lot of fuss, firing off a breeze to scan the horizon. He ■ proximately 3,900 miles from Min- has flown before, failed to satisfy of Fundy. off Yarmouth, lot of guns and in about a week's searched the skies in vain. Later, ^ eola, X. Y. to Eisleben, Germany, Berlin today. Nova Scotia. Resident Dealers Sell Only Berlin 'wanted to be the first to lighting they will probably kill ten while he was in the cabin, the \ and announced that they are “the l:5o p. m.— Sighted off Shag or eleven men. They aren't reck­ Columbia circled over the Cunard greet the fliers on their arrival, and Ledge Light. Nova Scotia. ' 1 happiest women in the world.” disappointment ran high when it oned with seriously, and the for­ Tuberculin Tested Prod­ liner Mauretania, twelve miles to “I’m simply wild with joy,” Mrs. 5:25 p. m.— Sighted off Si. eigners over there treat the matter the starboard of the Memphis. The was learned that the Bellanca was Pierre Miquelon. I Chamberlin exclaimed. “I knew in Cottbus, sixty-five miles away, more as a joke than anything else. ’ Mauretania at that time was m 6:20 p. m.— Sighted at Tre-I Clarence would make it!” with a broken propeller and that That is how he sums up the situ­ uct-High Rating. 49.33 North Longtilude and 15.OS •Mrs. Chamberlin was awakened passy, Newfoundland. ! ation. He tells of several landing West Latitude. The Mauretania 1 Chamberlin and Levine were to j in her room in the Biltmore to re- spend the night in that town. Sunday, June .1 parties in which he has taken pan was visible to the Memphis but no ) ceive the news of the great flight, 11: 30 a. m.— Plane flew low in the vicinity of Shanghai, and he one on board this ship sighted the Tired and weary Berliners who The campaign of the State Board j She admitted she was "only half had stood for many hours left Tem- over Mauretania, west of -a^s that the American sailors and Columbia. asleep.” Scilly Islands. ! of Health and the American Child plehofer field singing the praises of marines have encountered but little Inspects I’lans. i “What a relief!” Mrs. Levine 3:20 p. ni.— Sighted off Land- opposition in these forays. j Health Association for pure milk the men who had made so marvel­ Lindbergh, afte. a hasty inspec­ r'l TV /-II 1 I - . said. “I'm so proud of my hus- ous a flight, but bemoaning Berlin's send, England. Hold a Grudge. i finds Manchester with nearly a per- tion of the crates containing “The uiarence u. Lhamberlain (left) and his passenger, Charles A. tia-nd, I’m going to take the first 3:45 p. m.— Sighted over Pad- Of late, however, the fighting is . j-ecord ill fortune in not being able to New by-laws proposed Spirit of St. Louis,’’ spent a restful Levine, and their plane “Columbia.” They landed at 5 '5 0 this Europe to see him.” greet them today. stow, England. more serious as far as foreigne--i day. He remained in his cabin for are concerned than it has been b ^ 1 by Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, chairman of 5:10 p. m.— Sighted off Ply­ several hours in the afternoon in rum lTfrom NelfY„;-U°“ x f " ' ‘“j i '" L i'S TO ST.\Y AT COTTBUS mouth, England. fore. The Chinese, he points out, I the local health board, and Dr. Fred conversation with B. !•'. Mahoney, jou in ej n o m N e\\ lo ik . The elapsed tim e was 42 hours anaithe following message through in- hold a grudge against the English Cottbus, Germany, June 6.— 6:30 p. m.— Sighted over Nor­ IF. Bushnell, local sanitary inspec- head of the company which built his 44 m inutes. | temational News Service to his mandy, France. because England is still collecting j tor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : son: Neither Clarence Chamberlin nor will give .Manchester a 100 per airplane, and then had tea in the Charles A. Levine laye happy-, over 7:50 p. m.— Reported over 1 he indemnity resulting from the! cent, pure record. officers’ messroom. He asked to see ”My son, I am very proud of you Bo.xer PLebellion. The English ne and your brave pilot. The whole their record making flight from Holland, near- Amster­ cQTc . 1. “ , . I Now, before a town by-law de­ the crew’s pet kangaroo and played New York to Germany— on the dam. with it for several minutes. i world hails your achievement. I ls 'because of '*■ I it, milk dealers who are resi- NEW HAVEN BLAST EX-WIFE OF HINDU contrary they are dissatisfied. 11:05 p. m.— Reported passing M'mi« nf thaf- *^^® *^onces-j dents of Manchester or towns very am leaving on the next boat to join you. Love from Lee (the flyer's “It's not as good as it should over Dortmund, Germany. lacked several ^cre are complying voluntarily have been— we should have reach­ Monday, June 5 Other fnreiVn nff- Il°cal regulations and with the stepmother). Lproposed new by-laws. Only large KILLS ONE, 3 HURT IS FOUND MURDERED (Signed) “Dad,” ed Berlin,” said Levine, when he 12:55 a. m— Landed at Eisle­ AMERICAN TRADE ----- was greeted by International ben, Germany, due to lack citi'es^’^fir concerns distributing m-Uk-ptu^ of fuel. Their ’ phased from farms long distances Mrs. Chaqafe^Jio^yEiip beIo,r£..her News Service CoonJent here e of the hard feeling, awayawav are failingfailine- totn abide bybv the marriage was Wilda 'Van De Bog- today at an impromptu ceremonial 1 4:35 a.‘m.— Took-'off for Ber­ .\merica, however, is not so genu­ regulation which will give the town ON THE INCREASE I Explosion on Pleasure Boat | Body of Landlady Also ert of IndepencTence, Iowa, never luncheon given the fliers by the lin from Eisleben. inely hated as are the others, for absolutely nerfect milk. With the lost faith in her husband’s ability dignitaries of Cottbus.
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