«0 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 10, 1985 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Lgrry Wright MANCHESTER SPORTS WEATHER HOMES FOCUS HELP WANTED FOR SALE INESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY OH No! «*T MACC, hospital get When it’s lunchtime, 11 EC football again Clear, cool tonight; i l M • H i staying cool Thursday KfflflCIS PAiNTINR/ CAT' mental health grants mother knows best 11 senior dominated PAPERIN8 Dental Receptionist — By Owner — 3 year old, OFFQKO N ... page 2 Someone to work Sotur- l4S0 sq.ft., 7 room, 2</2 ... page 4 1 ... page 171 I ... page 11 dovs only. Monchester Pt. bath Raised Ranch. One Odd lobs. Trucking. Interior Pointing 8, Wal­ Corpontry and rofttodol office. Please send re­ Good Quality Bockhoe acre lot near East Hart- Horn* repairs. You nome lpapering — (^11 even­ Ing sorvlces— Qimpibto sume to Box T , c/o Man­ ford/Glastonbury line. ond 6kCdvotlng Work. NEuy, W, we do It. Free estf- ings, Gary McHugh, home repairs ond remo­ chester Herald. Quiet cul-de-sac, 2 car Bockhoe, excavation and snow plowing. No prob­ mafes. insured. 643-0304. 643-9321. deling. Quality work. Ref­ garage, flreolaced family • >. ... : . , .. • ... lem, Call Independent erences. licensed and In­ Hairstylist — Three full room and appliances. John Deerr'— • Painting sured. Calf 646411^. time for busy Manchester Construction Co., 456- Lawnmowers repaired - Asking $119,950. Call 649- FreeVlck up and delivery. contractor, Interior, exte­ salon, no following neces­ 0593. 10 percent senior dis­ rior, Insured. QuoMty All types remodeling or sary. Good benefits. Call count. Expert service. work, otf season- rotes. r(K>otrs -r- Complete kit­ SO Manager, Command Per­ Immaculate 3 bedroom Free estimates. Economy Coll 6494248 after 5pm. chens, baths, gorages) ad- formance. 643-8339. Ansaldl Colonial, many Lawn Mower, 647-3660. ditlons, dormers, custom features, gunlte pordws, decks. No lob Painter — Must be fully pool and spa with parkllke Quality Chlldeore '— at Hawkes Tree Service •— too large or small. Call experienced In Interior- landscaping. Assumable offordiBtle rotes tor chid- iHanrh^atrr Hrralb Bucket Truck 8, Chipper. Lorry, 649-3965. e ee.ii _ _ J-SI ^ \A/A6 4^ O Vi exterior residential work. 7’/4 percent financing and ren trom 6 weeks to 5 jCONTRACnim Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm \Wednesday, Sept. 11. 1985 — Single copy: 25C Call Inkel Painting, Inc., yeors old. For more infor­ Stump Removal. Free ES- desirable South Manches­ Robert .E. Jarvis, 649-0095. mation on our concept of fimotes. Special consider­ ter location. $135,900. By Forrond Remodeling ■— BuUdlng-ftemodellng owner. 647-8077. whot affordoble childcare ation for Elderly and Hon- ccm meon to you, (tall usot dlcopped. 647-7553. Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Specialist. Additions* oor- Part Tim e Help— Wanted ters, roem additions, ogesi roofing, siding, kit­ for daytime and nlghtlme. Grondmother's House, Pilgrim Lone — Execu­ decks, all types ot remo­ chens* bathrooms, re Apply In person at Arthur tive Cape with first floor Inc., 649-2469. Delivering rich loom — 5 deling ond repolrs. f r e e p i .cement Treachers, 401 Center family room and master yards, $65 plus tax, Sand, 0 gravel, 8, stone. 643-9504. estimates. Fully insured. wtndowsrdoors. 643-6712. Street, Manchester. bedroom suite. Over 2,000 Telephone 643-6017, after Love Lane CELEBRITY CIPHER sq.ft., 2'/z boths, built by 6pm, 647-8509. - Corpentry and Mosonry General Shop Help — Swensson. $149,900. Blan­ CHGbrtty Clpti«r cryptogram* ar* craatGd from quotationa by famous Sewing Done ” Dress — Free estimates. Cali paopla. pait and praaant. Each lattar In tha dphar stand* for Conyertor/Manufacturer chard & Rossetio Real PAINTIN6/ Leon Cieszynskt Builder anothar. Today's efua.' D agMfs C. of supplies to the graphic Estate, 646-2482. making, olterotlons and To n y SouMlocote* i 649r FAPERIN6 — New homes, oddittons, by CONNIE WIENER arts Industry has a full sewing. Coll 6474730, 0811. I remodeling, - rec rooms, time position available "Looking For Four Bed­ Name your own price garages, kitchens remo­ •‘TIPX CVTJOFTT JT MJLF bidder can’t for a person Interested In rooms?" — Stop - You've deled, ceilings, both tile, varied duties In a manu­ Father and son. Fast, tound them. In this charm­ dormers, rooting. Resi­ facturing environment. ing and modernized older dependoble service. IJHI TDIPPM XJUl NPOFZ." Painting, Paperhanglng dential nr commerclot. Must be flexible regard­ Colonial. Look - You will Mother with One-veor- 649-4291. iceiHEATINO/ ing duty assignments, also find I'/i baths, one old son available to sit In & Removal, Call 646-5761. — NB8UJO NVMM. reasonable mechanical year old heating system, your home, Dwntronspor- PREVIOUS SOLUTION: " 'Techniques' don't produce skills and some heavy newer root, ail on approx­ hitlon. 64(hEi16 anytime. Painting and Paoerhong- Dumas Electric— Haying meet price quality products or pick up the garbage on time. People lifting. Dependability a Ing — Exterior and Inte­ Electricol Problems? Fogarty Brothers — Bd- imately one acre of prop­ do.” — Tom Peters. must. Training provided. erty. Listen - To the Licensed Ooy Care Mom rior, ceilings repotred. Need A large or a small throom rmnodeling; In- Daytime hours ore flexi­ In Monaster hos 2 Im­ References, fully Insured. Repair? We Specialize In' stollotion water heaters, babbling brook from the By Kathy Garmus price from $61,900 to $64,500. ble. Wages and benefits wrap-around front porch. mediate full time open­ Quolity work. Martin Residential Work. Joseph gorboge disposals,' faucet Assistant City Editor The Board of Directors selected competitive. Call Man­ All this. In Glastonury, ings. Infant/Toddler. 649- Mottsson, evenings, 649- Dumas. Fully Licensed. repairs, 649-4539. Visa/M- 17$ JCARS/TRUCKS ■ 71iCARS/TRUCKS 4431. Free Estimates. 646-5253. osterCord accepted. J&G Builders to build 14 starter chester, 649-4192 tor For only $154,900. Strano 6821-■ .'■■■■ I'M f o r s a l e I'M forsale appointment. Real Estate, 647-"SOLD". A Windsor firm selected by the houses on 7.5 acres off Love Lane town to build starter houses on earlier this year after it proposed Medical Receptionist and Immediate Occupancy — 1967 Chevy Malibu — 2 1972 C h ew Novo — Re­ town-owned land along Love Lane the lowest sales price for the File Clerk needed. Part 3 Bedroom Ranch with 2 doors, 6 cylinder, good built 307,9,000 miles. Auto­ cannot build them for the price it houses of the six contractors that time. 1-5pm, Monday thru tull baths In East Hart­ HOMES HOMES 1 ^ ROOMS 1 ^ HOUSEHOLD running condition. Needs matic. Good Condition. quoted in its proposal and the submitted bids. Friday. Typing skills and ford. Aluminum siding, FOR SALE FOR SALE l i i l F O R RENT |2 £ J GOODS some body work. Asking $900 or best offer. 742-5824. project may have to be rebid. Town Under the plan, the houses are to pleasant phone manner fireplaced living room $550. 646-5030 after 5pm. Attorney Kevin M. O'Brien said be sold to first-time buyers who are required. Call 647-1129 with bay window. Lovely Furnished With Kitchen n motorcycles / today. have lived in Manchester since at for appointment. home that must be seen I Move Right Ini One apart­ Entertolnino Ideas — ore 1980 Chevrolet Citation — least Jan. 1, 1983. The town will privileges, clean and [bicycles O'Brien said that unless J&G Blanchard 8, Rossetto ment Is vacant. Fantastic what you get. In here you modern, on busline. All 'Stonddrd Transmission, 2 Builders was willing to meet the hold a seconcl mortgage on the land Real Estate, 646-2482. door, white exterior, ton 6-4 duplex, spacious view this beautiful private utilities. Female only. Queen sized day bed, 4 $55,000 sale price quoted in its and buyers initially will not have to rooms, a tireplace In each home with bl-level deck Interior, excellent condi­ Coll 647-9813.___________ years old, $200 or best Mongoose Bike. Cost $250 construction proposal, the town pay for it. The land value is Spacious Colonial — 9 apartment, new baths, tion. New tires. Must sell. leading to bushy lands. offer. Coll 646-3815. new. Best offer. Coll 742- estimated at $10,000 per lot. Bookkeeper Assistant — rooms plus 2 garages and new root, 2 new gas Coped rear yard In South $2,T00. Coll 649-7051 5824. would not sign a contract with the r n APARTMENTS Visions Unlimited was the only Mornings. Must be famil­ large barn with horse furnaces. Offered at Glastonbury area of qual­ Dining Room Set, $100. evenings. firm. iar with safeguard sys­ stalls In Bolton. $140's. $122,500. Jackson 8< Jack- ity homes, total privacy, 7 l^ jjF O R RENT Coffee table, $70. End " I t was their feeling that they other firm recommended by a tem. Apply In person only, Blanchord 8> Rossetto son Real Estate, 647-8400 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2Vz tables, $75/pr. Lamps, $60 73 Charger — 340 Mag­ MISCELLANEOUS could not sell the homes for what committee of town officials that 12-2pm, Al Slefferts Ap­ Real Estate, 646-2482. or 646-8646. baths & home warranty Manchester — Available for pair. Convection oven, num, 4 barrel, needs [ a u to m o tiv e they bid,” he said. reviewed the proposals. pliances, 445 Hartford, program . $144,500. Immediately. One, two $75. 643-8184. work. $800 or best otter. Democratic town Director Ken­ The lack of a contract came up at Road. New Cape — Hebron. Walk Back to School! — Jockston-Showcose, 646- and three b^room apart­ 646-3469. neth N. Tedford, the chief propo­ a meeting of the Board of Directors ments. $410, $475, $525, Ports for 73 Buick Apollo Gorgeous customized 7 Only a quick hop to Man­ 1316. nent of the Love Lane housing Tuesday night, when the matter room, 1 Vj bath home built heat and hot water In­ and 71 Novo.
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