Church Address: 941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office Address: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Office: (408) 248-7786 ~ Fax: (408) 248-8150 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.stclareparish.org Emergency (for the sick): 408-904-9187 January 28th, 2018 ~ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Mass Schedule ~ WEEKDAYS - Rectory Chapel: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am ~ Tue & Thu 5:30 pm SATURDAY: Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 pm ~ Vigil Mass 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am (English) ~ 9:00 am (English - Family) ~ 10:30 am (Portuguese) ~ 12:00 pm (Spanish) ~ 1:30 pm (Cantonese) ~ 3:00 pm (Mandarin) ~ 5:30 pm (English) Pastoral Staff: (408) 248-7786 Pastor’s Notes Pastor: Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, x104, Dear Parishioners, [email protected] Last Thursday we have celebrated the Feast of the Conver- Parochial Vicar: Rev. Prosper Molengi, sion of St. Paul the Apostle. The readings for that day presented x105, [email protected] us with some very dramatic stories of God’s call to individuals. The Priest in Residence: Fr. Andrew Salapata first reading was perhaps the most dramatic and famous call story of Office Manager: Joanna Ayllon, x106 all: the conversion of the zealous Pharisee Saul from a persecutor of Religious Education Coordinator and Christians to, almost immediately, an equally zealous follower of Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Christ. In the Gospel, before departing for heaven, Jesus con- Paty Rascon, x102, firmed the special call of his followers to proclaim the Gospel to every [email protected] creature, and then baptize those who believe. Facility Emergencies: Whether we were baptized as babies or made our own Matt Dutra (408) 904-9181 decision as adults to be baptized, God has called each of us in a Saint Clare School: unique way and for a distinct purpose. Most of us were probably not struck down by God with a life-changing message of a new and Principal - Madeline Rader (408) 246-6797, compelling mission. More often, God calls us through the love and www.drexel.dsj.org/stclareschool commitment of our family, the example of friends or an incident within our own lives. RCIA: We are all called – but what are we called to? Like the dis- Diane Madruga, ciples in the Gospel, we are called to bring the Good News of the Gos- [email protected] pel to people in our time and in our area – but our mission within Music Ministry: that general call to discipleship varies from person to person. Once we Christopher Wemp, [email protected] are aware of the call from God, it might take us time Community & Service and much prayer to discern exactly what that specific Webmaster: mission might be. We start- Perig Vennetier, [email protected] ed that process of discern- Pastoral Council: ment with our Pastoral Coun- Jasmine Vu, [email protected] cil at the beginning of this Finance Council: month. Please, notice that Jerome Alabado, sometimes, our mission only unfolds as we follow in the [email protected] way of Jesus and listen to his Serra Club of Santa Clara: voice daily. God also calls us Tom Bommarito (408) 243-4647 not only to a formal, life- St Vincent de Paul: long vocation – whether to Mick Gonzales (408) 645-0506 marriage, the priesthood, reli- Facilities: gious life or a dedicated life as a single person in the com- Matt Dutra, [email protected] munity to which we belong – but to various missions throughout our Knights Of Columbus: lives, within a particular vocation and in response to current issues and Tony Colombo, events around us. [email protected] In normal circumstances, God’s mission for us is tailored to Young Ladies Institute (YLI): the gifts and interests he has already given us. While Paul’s con- Dolores Wriglesworth, version changed his purpose dramatically – from persecuting Chris- tians to converting and teaching them – God continued to use his [email protected] zeal, dedication, intelligence and strong personality in his new Social Justice Committee: calling. In the same way, God might well make use of our gifts – Anne McMahon, compassion, generosity, a scientific mind, or talents in teaching or in [email protected] leadership – to call us to various missions in our own lives. Italian Catholic Federation: Let us take some time in prayer today to recognize and Janet Glaubke (408) 225-0743 appreciate that we are, indeed, called by God to bring the Gospel to those who most need to hear it. But to what specific mission is Hispanic Community: God calling us at this point in our life? Let us listen to the words Elania Tablada (408) 984-3519 of Jesus in our heart, to the advice of people who know us, and to our Portuguese Community: own unique gifts, circumstances and concerns. If we pray for this with a Filomena Bettencourt (408) 221-5236 sincere heart, we will probably not be struck down on the road with a Mandarin Community: specific answer, but we will ultimately know where God is calling us now. Contact: Rev. Carlos A. Olivera, [email protected] Fr. Tad Cantonese Community: Contact: Tony Lau, [email protected] Baptism & Registration Mass Intentions January 27th ~ February 3rd, 2018 Baptism Sat 5:00 pm Lydia Grossman—For her well- Contact the Parish office to arrange for Baptismal prepa- ration, and to sign up for Baptismal Class. being Spanish Prep Class: 1st Monday at 7:00 pm; Baptism: 3rd Saturday at 10:00 am Sun 7:45 am Carol Alameda + English Prep Class: 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm; Randal Hunter + Baptism: 4th Saturday at 10:00 am 9:00 am Joel and Rheena Chua— Stand And Be Counted Anniversary Thanksgiving Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community and a commitment in all its 10:30 am Biatriz Costa + dimensions brings you advantages, recognition, and re- Maria Niveria Maciel + sponsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishion- Rosaria Lobato Delgado + er makes things much easier when it is time for infant Joao Sousa Silva + Baptism, weddings, when asked to be a Baptismal or Jose Esprança Mendonca + Confirmation Sponsor and even funerals. We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptismal and Jose e Maria Rodrigues + Confirmation Sponsors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contribution member. 12:00 pm Maria Ascencion Teresa Palma– Health So, are you a registered parishioner? Marcelino Palma + If not please consider registering. Registration forms are Maria del Socorro Rosales + available in the Parish Office and in the Church vestibule. Maria de Jesus Morones + Josefina Rojas + Calendar of Events Enrique Garcia—Health Ana Gabriela Subia Gonzalez— ____________ Monday January 29th__________ Birthday ♦ Spanish Rosary, 6:00 pm, Rectory Chapel ___________ Tuesday January 30th __________ 5:30 pm St. Clare Parishioners ♦ RCIA Meeting, 7:00 pm, Rectory Conference Room Mon 8:00 am Francisco Ferreira + _________ Wednesday January 31st _________ Tue 5:30 pm Open ♦ Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, lower Church Wed 8:00 am Elson Lourenco + __________ Thursday February 1st __________ Debora Livramento + ♦ Portuguese Prayer Group, 6:00 pm, Rectory Chap- el Thu 5:30 pm Open ♦ Spanish Prayer Group, 6:30 pm, Rectory Confer- Fri 8:00 am Open ence Room ____________Friday February 2nd ___________ Sat 8:00 am Open ♦ Open Weekly Stewardship Report Parish Weekly Expenses: $13,209 Parish Weekly Average Collection: $6,927 1/14/2018 Collection: $5,857.00 K N I G H T S O F C O L O M B U S 1/21/2018 Sunday Collection: $4,699.00 Snapple says, “You think Upcoming Second Offerings: 10,000,000 times a year.” For you catholic men in our parish, 2/11 St. Clare School I think it is very important for 2/14 Aid to Churches in Eastern & Central Europe you to give some serious though, once or twice or ever Your generosity is appreciated. more, to joining the Knights. That will still leave you Your weekly offerings enable us to meet our monthly obligations and to continue to support our many parish 9,000,000 + thoughts to devote to other nonsense. programs. Thank you for your faithful support. You may mail offerings to: 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Sunday Children’s SCHOOL HAPPENINGS “Finding God” Continuous Faith Formation Program ST. CLARE Religious Education here at SCHOOL Saint Clare’s is more than just a Sacramental preparation. Catholic Schools Week Pope Francis’ Catechesis on Liturgy- Part 3 We invite you to visit us for Open House TODAY, “Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sunday, January 28, 2018 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Resuming the series of catechesis on the Mass, today All classrooms from Transitional Kindergarten through we ask ourselves: why go to Sunday Mass? Eighth Grade will be open. This is a great opportunity to The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart meet our faculty, administration, families and students. of the Church’s life (cf. Catechism of the Catholic They will be happy to answer your questions or give you Church, n. 2177). We Christians go to Sunday Mass to a guided tour. encounter the Risen Lord, or better still to allow our- During Catholic Schools Week, we will host two selves to be encountered by him, to hear his Word, to Parent Observation Days. Our Observation Days are nourish ourselves at his table, and thus to become the scheduled for Tuesday, January 30 and Thursday, Feb- Church, that is, his mystical living Body in the world. ruary 1. Families of prospective new students are invited to join us for our morning assembly beginning at As the day of the resurrection and the pentecostal out- 8:10 a.m.
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