276 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MAY 19, 1953 LIST 19 WAGES COUNCILS ACTS, 1945 TO 1948 5th Publication JUTE WAGES COUNCIL (GREAT BRITAIN) Effects 1944-45 £ s. d. The Jute Wages Council (Great Britain) hereby gives Rugi, L., Pilot Officer 24 14 4 notice of its intention to submit to the Minister of Labour and National Service proposals (1) for the amendment of LIST 21 the Jute Wages Council (Great Britain) Wages Regulation (No. 2) Order, 1951 (Order J.(86)), as amended by the Jute 3rd Publication Wages Council (Great Britain) Wages Regulation (Amend- Effects 1950-51 £ s. d. ment) Order, 1952 (Order J.(88)), relating to statutory mini- Miller, F. G., Aircraftman Second Class ... 519 mum remuneration, and (2) for the revocation of Order J.(88). LIST 22 Particulars of the proposals may be obtained on applica- tion to the Secretary of the Wages Council at the address 2nd Publication given below. Effects 1949-50 £ s. d. The Wages Council will consider any written representa- Sheehan, J. P., Aircraftman First Class 1113 2 tion with respect to he above-mentioned proposals which may be sent to it within 14 days from 19th May 1953. Any Effects 1951-52 £ s. d. such representation should be signed by the person making Grandage, J. E., Pilot Officer 11 9 0 the same (adding his or her address) and sent to the Jones, C. G., Officer/Cadet 3 17 10 Secretary, Jute Wages Council (Great Britain), Ebury Bridge Murphy, T. S., Officer/Cadet 213 9 House, Ebury Bridge Road, London, S.W.I. It is desirable that 'persons making objections should state the precise LIST 23 grounds of their objections. 1st Publication F. D. GROVER, Secretary. Effects 1943-44 £ s. d. 18th May 1953. Jovanovitch, G., Flight Sergeant 49 18 11 Effects 1952-53 £ s. d. Ball, R. G., Leading Aircraftman 513 7 Keyser, R. J., Flying Officer 14 15 3 WAGES COUNCILS ACTS, 1945 TO 1948 ROAD HAULAGE WAGES COUNCIL The Road Haulage Wages Council hereby gives notice of its intention to submit to the Minister of Labour and NATURALISATION National Service proposals (1) for the fixing of statutory LIST of ALIENS, resident in Scotland, to whom Certifi- minimum remuneration in substitution for the statutory cates of Naturalisation have been granted by the Secretary minimum remuneration fixed by the Road Haulage Wages of State, and whoce Oaths of Allegiance have been registered Council Wages Regulation Order, 1952 (Order R.H.(40)), in the Home Office during the month of April 1953. as amended by the Road Haulage Wages Council Wages The date shown in each case is the date of Naturalisation. Regulation (Amendment) Order, 1952 (Order R.H.(42), and the Road Haulage Wages Council Wages Regulation Brokman, Waclaw (known as Walter Brokman); Poland; (Amendment) Order, 1953 (Order R.H.(44)), and (2) for the Lorrv Driver; 204 Lochee Road, Dundee, Angus. 26th revocation of Order R.H.(40), Order R.H.(42), and Order March 1953. R.H.(44). Brokman, Walter. See Brokman, Waclaw. Particulars of the proposals may be obtained on applica- Chang, Hsm Chang; China; Post-graduate Student (English tion to the Secretary of the Wages Council at the address Literature); 39 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh, 4, Mid- given below. lothian. 19th March 1953. The Wages Council will consider any written representa- Chang, Nien Chuang; China; Post-graduate Student tion with respect to he above-mentioned proposals which (Phonetics); 39 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh, 4, Mid- may be sent to it within 14 days from 19th May 1953. Any lothian. 19th March 1953. such representation should be signed by the person making Fortuna, Filiberto Marco; Italy; Coal Miner; 27 Gordon the same (adding his or her address) and sent to the Street, Leith, Edinburgh, Midlothian. 28th March 1953. Secretary, Road Haulage Wages Council, Ebury Bridge Fortuna, Gina Luisa; Italy; Shop Assistant; 27 Gordon House, Ebury Bridge Road, London, S.W.I. It is desirable Street, Leith, Edinburgh, Midlothian. 28th March 1953. that persons making objections should state the precise Frydrych, Robert Alojzy (known as Robert Szklanny); grounds of their objections. Poland; Joiner; 10 Smith Terrace, Rutherglen, Lanark- shire. 2nd April 1953. F. D. GROVFR, Secretary. Golabek, Mieczyslaw Wladyslaw; Poland; Watch and 18th May 1953. Clock Repairer; 24 Rankeillor Street, Edinburgh, 8, Midlothian. 2nd April 1953. Golabek, Wanda Zofia; Poland; Dental Surgeon; 24 Rankeillor Street, Edinburgh, 8, Midlothian. 2nd April 1953. Kaczmarek, Stanislaw; Poland; Hairdresser; 35 Burnside Terrace, Camelon, by Falkirk, Stirlingshire. 28th March The Board of Trade have appointed Mr. Alan Reginald 1953. Bailey to be Assistant Official Receiver for the Bankruptcy Kacrorowski, Mieczylaw Alfons; Poland; School Teacher; District of the County Courts of Southampton, Bourne- 5 Millerfield Place, Edinburgh, 9, Midlothian. 13th mouth, and Winchester; the Bankruptcy District of the March 1953. County Courts of Portsmouth, Newport, and Ryde; and Kawa, Stanislaw; Poland; Student (Chemistry); 10 Dunard also for the Bankruptcy District of the County Courts of Road, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. 23rd March Salisbury, Dorchester, and Yeovil. 1953. This appointment takes effect from 5th May 1953. Krainer, Leopold; Yugoslavia; Assistant Hotel Manager; Board of Trade, 4 Earl Street, Hawick, Roxburghshire. 9th April 1953. Horse Guards Avenue, London, S.W.I, Krievs, Laimonis; Latvia; Coal Miner; 87 West Mains Street, Armadale, West Lothian. 23rd March 1953. May 13, 1953. Krzyzanowski, Jan; Poland; Labourer (Charge Hand); 3 Rossend Gardens, Burntisland, Fife. 2nd April 1953. Nowosad, Michael; Poland; Finisher (Tweed); 8 Princes Street, Hawick, Roxburghshire. 19th March 1953. Prudlo, Karol Jerzy; Poland; Clay Miner; 2 Castle Crescent, Denny, Stirlingshire. 27th March 1953. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Sokolowski, John Michael (known as John Michael Thames House South, Wilson); Of uncertain nationality; Warehouseman; 55 Millbank, London, S.W.\, Cedar Street, Glasgow, N.W., Lanarkshire. 2nd April 14th May 1953. 1953. The Ministry of Fuel and Power, in pursuance of the • Szklanny, Robert. See Frydrych, Robert Alojzy. powers conferred upon him by the Gas Act, 1948, and the Wilson, John Michael. See Sokolowski, John Michael. Regulations made thereunder, has re-appointed Councillor Wolanski, Adam; Poland; Motor Mechanic; 36 Frederick A. T. Morrison, C.B.E., J.P., as Chairman of the Consulta- Street, Downfleld, Dundee, Angus. 27th March 1953. tive Council for the area of the Scottish Gas Board, of which, Wytarazek, Jan: Poland; Draughtsman Designer; 35 Lochy- in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, he i bank Crescent, Auchtermuchty, Fife. 10th March 1953. ex-offiicio a part-time Member..
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