. —-—------ -r. u u j The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION m?l Weatherbound Pirates Plan Texas Camp Next Year fj to at •*£;’*<&** M. % SEGRAVE RACES 231.3 M.P.H. Bears ■ ■ •»»--• -- — — —— — ^-— — +***-**^ m m m m ~i r*- r^j^nj-n _n_r Here ruxj^ru-lj-ij-u-1Aru~Ln^,-^u-ij-i,nj-_n_r-- j~i_i-i_- nfir -i_i-i_n_~_r_~ Meet A S SHUTOUT; Appear _-Ljn_ru~ijn^_-_i~ur-i_^i_n_ri_r‘T_inri_-Vn_r Tonight SOLONS GOLF; Home; Other Teams Expected to Seal Hampered By Rains Fate of Ball MERSKYSOLD n Loop DALLAS, March 12.—(JP)—San list is Gene Walker, secured In The stage is set—the delegates organization on a professional basis ^ORT MYERS, Fla., March 12 — Antonio's 1929 Bears, minus only trade from Beaumont last fall. He are coming—and a baseball league are optimistic regarding the for- Stinging under the 6 to 0 shut- Mulvey, Grimes and Tate—and two has been “under the weather’’ and of some proportions, may be per- mation of a Class D league. or three possible additions yet to his doctor has advised him to take manently formed tonight. The meeting is scheduled to get T»jt they were given by the Phila- be made to the roster—go to San things easy. William T. (Billy) Burnett, Rio under way at 8 o’clock tonight. Cin- ^^1'lphia Athletics Sunday, the Antonio from Laredo today for the At Corsicana, a workout in the Grande Valley manager of the ’cinnati Reds rolled into Fort My- first home exhibition game of the Y. M. C. A. was in prospect today South Texas Chamber of Commerce Dallas a rain in with O. N. NINE ers today with fire in their eyes season, Wednesday, with the New for the Steers, heavy acting conjunction AGGIES HANG UP York Giants. last making it improbable Boston, president of the temporary for the “rubber” with the Mackmen. night A new addition to the hospital that the team will get in any bat- league, formed last week in Mer- UNIFORMS AS CAGERS Kolp and Meeker are Manager Hen- and fielding practice. The cedes, got in touch by tele- i ting dricks selections for the --------- herd will return to its home lot to- phone. with Mercedes, Corpus Chris- pitching (Special to The Herald) morrow for an exhibition game with '*'■ '* <’ ti, Harlingen, San Benito, McAllen deciding game of a three game se- V#:; COLLEGE Mar. the White Sox. and Brownsville delegates, and in- STATION, Tex., Chicago ----- ■ ■ ries. h.—— .' Vv,..—- 13.—(IP)—Three of the nine letter- With their roster completed with formed them that a meeting w'as Major H. O. D. and the Golden Arrow in men on Coach “Chuck” Bassett's At Phoenix, Ariz., golf clubs re- the arrival of Stanley Benton, Segrave which he set a world's record on the sands of to be held tonight at the Miller ho- Daytona Beach Monday afternoon. The British demon 1929 Texas Aggie cage team, hung placed baseball bats in the Detroit shortstop, the Wichita Falls Spud- speed bettered the previous record by about 21 tel, at which time the league—or QPORTSi miles per hour. up their uniforms as Aggie cagers ders were forced to forego training the personnel of the organization, Tiger camp yesterday as Manager for all time following the Texas activities today for the first time was expected to be completed. Harris’ in their Longhorn game at Austin. Bucky chages put DFORUM was a fort- The Christi as- since their Corpus delegate ! camp opened These three are Noah on a course. sured Mr. Webster, day of “rest-’ nearby BY B1SHOB CLEMENTS night ago, a hevay rain last night Burnett that not only Texarkana. Ark., fleet forward who back to work out-door out of the would Corpus be represented, but The squad was to go making training was awarded his GRID he would either have third letter in for a series question. SQUADS representa- today in preparation STILL basketball at A. & M. this year; T. ffAIRS, tives from Robstown and The routine continued to Kingsville practice G. Caudle, with the Chicago Cubs next week. present, or have their Stepehnville, elongated The Miller hotel of this city will hold in the proxies. center Sports’ training camp A1 who was a transfer to A. & Camp here will be broken Sunday. be the mecca for baseball enthusi- Prince, of Mercedes, stated at Shreveport today. Tomorrow the M. and was therefore eligible for The full strength of the Cleve- asts from ARETO PLAY that his city would be represented. tonight. Representatives one of will meet the NAY Sam Botts and Bob only year playing, and W. E. Sports GUN Mayor Hall land Indians was for Minneapolis OUT, sched- ready today Corpus Christi on down are Davis, brilliant forward from Ste- the second routine of hard work at Millers in an exhibition of Harlingen, will either represent uled to be present, the result of game. phenville, who was awarded his New Orleans. Peckin- their town or have an accredited Manager which is expected a professional Faced with having to Bend his third letter as an to Clash In representative present. Aggie eager this paugh said the players have shown baseball league will be formed. Eagles Regula* season. a workout in better condition than • » • charges thorugh light UP Guy Trent and L. B. Winans, of up physical BUCWORKS tion Game San Benito, have also been in recent years. A tentative organization was per- Monday due to showers Manager Wednesday noti- fied, as has Bob Pate and other A-B-C-D Colds fected last week at a meeting in Frank Snyder of the Houston Buf- By RUSSELL NEWLAND At 4 P. M. local enthusiasts. Donie Bush and his Pittsburgh Mercedes, but the personnel of the faloes will endeavor to the Bis- put (Associated Press Sports Writer.) It has been declared local fans Pirates are beset with a new ail- circuit could not be determined. by Matched like ons a of work PASO ment—alphabetical colds. First it * • * through day today. ROBLES, Cal., March 12.— that if a permanent league is to be was Adams, then Bar tell. Como- Baseball park dimensions have Snyder is particularly anxious for (/P)—The Waner brothers, Paul and Coach Fessenden and his 40 foot- organized, it must get under way tonight; that a baseball and rosky came down followed by Daw- been questions of contest wher- the weather to clear that he may Lloyd, are still on the absent list ball who have been park, players, put other son whose was taken over ever baseball is Here preliminary work prior to the sniffing played. his a last min- but the are mus- a your give hurling corps Pittsburgh Pirates through couple of weeks spring start of the season, golf by Ens. Fred Fussell followed. Now are the dimensions of the Ameri- will have to ute looking over before the exhibi- tering for the National pen- the will be done, and that the Grimes and Grantham are suffer- can league parks: league training by Eagle mentor, time to do those is short. ing. Tiny icicles were noticed yes- Boston—Home plate to right tion games here Saturday and Sun- nant drive behind a pitching staff be divided into squads tomorrow, things And in that connection, the same terday when the Pirates went to field, 358 feet. 6 inches; home day, with New York Giants. that gives early season promise of the Blues" and the "Grays," and clubs- their training grounds at Paso Ro- plate to left field, 320 ft. 6 in.; opinion has been voiced by other At Mineral Wells, specialized being second to none. tangle in a regular football contest towns. bles, Cal. Cold weather caused a home plate to center field—great- work will dominate the second Donie Bush his on Tucker Field, at 4 m. So the postponement of all activity and er than either. Manager pins starting p. only thing to do tonight will Bush has intimated he will ask for Chicago—Home plate to right week’s training of the Fort Worth hopes on his hurlers and expects Much interest has been aroused be to organize permanently— Panthers. First was or call it off. representatives state. Texas as a training camp for 1930. field, 365 ft.; home plate to left work devoted the rest of the to rise to the the and a number squad by game, large There is At St. Petersburg. Fla., Coach field, 365 ft.; home plate to center almost exclusively to getting the plenty of baseball spirit occasion. The mound corps has of fans is expected to attend. all over Johnny Evers of the Braves thinks field 455 ft. athletes in good physical condition south Texas, it is declared, been Kremer Dan Barnhart, of and those an he has uncovered another Smokey Detroit—Home plate to right field and allowing Jakie Atz to get a strengthened. Ray captain-elect making effort toward Joe Wood In Bruce Cunningham, 370 ft. 11 in.; home plate to left line on his numerous new players. and Burleigh Grimes, right hand- the 1929 team will lead the Blues" The first with the former Pacific Coast league pitcher. field, 340 ft. 7 in.; home plate to game Oklahoma ers, are in top form. The trium- and Clarence Bennett, will captain City Indians was lost ina- -•**» Cunningham has a speed ball center field, 467 ft. through virate of and the "Grays.” of Petty, Kremer Grimes which has been making the players New York—Home plate to right bility the men to handle high Fans will be given an opportunity infield flies so Atz will bear the burden and should do blink when they come up to bat.
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