EGISTER VOLUME . 33T RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,194T SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Rev. Grandinetti Fact Finders Firemen CMscuss Middletown Rate | Dr. Solzbacher Speak For Bray - School Board Refutes To'Say First 75th Anniversary Up^SS^TDue To I To Give Lecture Following is a statement Issued Dr. Wllheim Solzbacher of New yesterday by the Fact Finding York city is to be the-next speaker False Statements ForEatontown Mass At St. James ticket for election to membership Celebration School Increase in the series of six .lectures which on the Red Bank board of educa- are being presented Sunday even- tion next Tuesday: ings in the Red Bank Catholic high Public Hearing Former Red Banker The opponents of the Fact* Find- Red Bank Group Budget Allows $300 school auditorium .under the aus- Ing ticket, unable to attack the pices of the parish council of St. Red Bank Trustees Give On Budget Set To Be Ordained figures presented by our ticket, as Outlines Events Bonus—Firemen James '. church. His topic will be they are the figures of the Red Bank school board; and apparent- • "The Atomic Age—For Better or "True Facts" To Citizens For February 28 Tuesday Morning For The Future Get $3,500 More Worse." The lecture is to be given ly, incapable of offering any con- - : it structive program of their own, Sunday^tvening at 8:30. The Red Bank school board An estimated tax rate for 1947 Rev. Wilfred Louis Grandinetti have resorted to a campaign ex- The Red Bank Fire department The. annual budget meeting* of .Dr. Solzbacher Is well-known as Thursday night, at its budget of $58.33 per $1,000 valuation as of the/Franciscan Order of Minors clusively along the line of a per- met Friday night at Independent the Middletown township commit- a speaker on international affairs. McClees Matter meeting, took a stand against what compared with $44.20 last year Is Conventual will celebrate his first sonal attack on bur running-mute, lire house and discussed plans for tee was held Tuesday afternoon, He is widely traveled and has lec- they term "misleading and incor- shown in EStontown'a municipal solemn mass, at St. James church George W. Bray. We Jbelleve resi- various coming events to be'spon- and the 1947 budget was pasaed on tured in 21 countries. He was born recW'statementa" circulated among dents of Red Bank will resent this budget, which was introduced at aSunday, February 16, at 11 o'clock. sored by the department. first reading. The amount to bein Germany and was a leader 4n the citizens of Red Bank concern- raising of personal .issues, which Goes To Lawyer Ing the school system nnd plans lor special meeting Friday night of is always the sign candidates have The date for the 75th anniversary raised In the township by taxes is the youth movement there until he the mayor and council. celebration of the department was $505,066.44, Of this amount $356,- its future. .The board lists the in- nothing to offer the people. We, was forced into exile in 1933 be- correct statements and gives the As pointed olit in the explana- Alston Beekman, Jr., and Ff ed L. set for September 11, 12, and 13. 378.25 represents school taxes $109,- cause of his anti-Nazi activities. Dr. For An Opinion Brown, Mr. Bray's running-mates, General chairman, Fred Brown, an- 349.27, county taxes, and $128,340.92 "true facts" of the situation in the tory statement In the budget, the Solzbacher. Is the author of half a following statement, which was amount to be raised for the dis- are proud to be running on thenounced that all members of the is for the operation of township af- dozen books and magazine articles. same ticket with him. We, like adopted unanimously by the school trict school tax in 1947 is.$46,807, department will receive notice of a. fairs. The budget total is $50,033.31 Theodore J. Labrccque, Red Bank Public Hearing At Mr. Bray, were born and raised special meeting of the executive higher than last year, and the. 1947 boad: as against $25,685 for 1946, 'or an here and are- in business here. We attorney and representative on the Middletown On increase of $21,222, which accounts hope that if elected our services on council In March. tax rate will bo approximately parish council of the executive It has been brought to our atten- for nearly all the Increase in the the board of education in the fu- Fire Commissioner J. Albert Van $66.27. Township taxes will bo $5,47 committee for Boy Scout troop 8 is tion that misleading and incorrect amount to be raised by taxation ture will bo as satisfactory to the Schoik was appointed chairman of a thousand higher than in 1946. to act as chairman of the evening, Zoning Problem statements are' being circulated people of Red Bank as already has the automobile committee and was The percentage of tax collections among the citizens of Red Bank for all purposes In 1947, and for gesldcs introducing the speaker he concerning the Red Bank school been Mr. Bray's 40 years ot un- authorized to purchase a Mercury In the township last year was 89.72. will be' in charge of the open for- The Middletown township com- most-of the Increase of $14.13 per selfish service to the people of our system and plans for Its future im- $1,000 valuation in. the tax rate. to be awarded September 13 as part This was higher than In 1946; but um that Is conducted after each mittee decided Tuesday 'night after provement. Now whether the indi- community. There were no appeals of the celebration exercises. Plans a public hearing to refer the Peter Public hearing on the budget will taken from Mr. Bray's assessments because the' budget is up the re- lecture in the series. viduals responsible for circulating for a souvenir program were also McCloea building problem' in Mid- these statements are motivated by be held at the council meeting Fri- In 1945, and only one appeal was serve for uncollected taxes must be The Gree club of the Catholic adopted by the department. " dletown village to Willlarri E. Fos- Ignorance, or malice Is beside the day night, February 28. taken In 1946. Does this indicate raised moro than $10,000, making high school Is to sing before and Incompetence or dissatisfaction? Tho possibility of another* min- the reserve for 19^7 a total of $79,- ter, township attorney, for anpoint. The public at- large haa a, The explanatory statement in the after the'lecture, which is open to tight to know the real facts fronj Would .you like to. be smeared on strel show was discussed, and 490.- the public. opinion. Mr. Foster will decide af- budget is as follows: , an equally excellent record? those.who are in a position to give Charles Douglas was named head In reality the school tax in the ter* receiving memoranda of facts them and we might say in passing The law provides that an explan- of a committee, composed of one from attorneys concerned whether Alston Beekman, Jr., township has been .increased $64,- that In the long run those re- ; atory statement must be made with member of each fire company, to 889.33 over jast year while taxes or not the building has been In sponsible for circulating this mis'-. Fred L. Brown. the budget. Under the budget law decide upon a plan. A tentative for all other* local purposes have Leonard Farm non-conforming use as far as zon- Information will have performed a the local municipal budget must public service but only from the •;} not only set up the appropriations date in May was'set if the show is been increased $5,055.17. The fact ing Is concerned. If so, he will also to be presented. Last year's show give an opinion on whether or not standpoint of having focused th$ : for tho operation of tho borough Sea Bright Budget that township ratablcs 1'mvo,in- Sold Three Times public's mind and attention oil. but must set up a combined statc- was a success.' • creased $214,592 over last year af- it may legally be Used as an as- school matters and in making the r ( mentt of all the omountB to be The annual fire department ball ter allowance has been made for sembly plant tor life-saving equip- public receptive to the truth. • raised by taxation for the year SlioWs Decrease will be held February 22 at the Increased veterans' exemptions has In Six Months ment. „•• • 194?. As you are aware, there ale Molly Pitcher hotel and the de- What are some of the misleading helped to keep the tax rate in- The building, situated near the statements being circulated? Those three separate taxes, viz: your partment fair will be held July 5 crease down. county taxes, your district school FATHER WJLFRID Leroy C. Heck, railroad in Middletown village, Is which have been brought to our at- Estimated Rate to July 12. ' The township tax dollar Is brok- under contract of sale from the tention in recent days boll down to tax and your local borough tax. Because Friday night is now the Your mayor and council have en down as follows, 60 cents for McClees family to William H. these: , :. Assisting at the mass will be For 194> Is $6,60 late shopping night and also be- North Bergen, nelther-any authority over, nor jur- Rev.
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