nsday l i~ay They're Flying Home, Sick of Russian Life I LONDON til - A Philadelphia bassy building along with his wile, air passages back to the United don. They made the overland jour· ill·fed and generally badly clothed," railroad worker headed bome with Joanne, 30, and their 4-year~ld States. ney from Leningrad to foscow by a spokesman recounted. his family Thursday night alter a twin sons, Cole and Lindsay. The ban was lifted only after train. In the Soviet capital, they "He noticed a good many drunks brief and co t1y nirtation with the "Johnson is ",ery unhappy and • trs. John on's father - John Za· saw Soviet military might parade around. Soviet way of life which he said does not want to talk to the news· penas of fancbestel', .H. - put past in the May Day celebrations: "On the rail journey from Len. wa "a dreadful mistake." papers; neith r doe bis wife," an up the balance o( $300 needed for But things weren't as Johnson ingrad to foscow. he said he saW emha. y spoke man aid. Pan American airline tickets. had hoped they'd be. He and his people Ii"ing in broken down box The American. Da"id Johnson, The (amily. givcn a consular e . The Johnsons sold all their fur· family decided to go back home cars and railway sidings. He said 32. entered the final lage of his cort 10 London airport. had come ni. hing and mo t of their po and on Monday they were in Lon. he was topped several times by retreat from to ow telling U.S. through a three-day ordeal cooped sions in Philadelphia to finance don again aboard the same ship people who wanted to buy the Embassy officials in London: "I up at docks here on the Soviellin r tbeir trip to the Soviet Uninn - which took them on thcir voyage of clothes off his back." misjudged the whole situation. I and a new home in a new world. hope. In Philadelphia, a spokesman fOr am now going home to We down BaHib. British immigration officials reo Enchantment lasted little more Johnson told emba y official the Pennsylvania Railroad said and start all over again." fused permission for them to land than a week. here he was greatly disappointed Johnson can have his job back as In the hours belore his New York after Icarning they had only abou~ On April 23. they sailed in the by what he saw in the Soviet Union. well a an extended leave of ab­ night, Johnson holed up in the em· $450 lefl - not enough to pay their Baltika for Leningrad [rom Lon· "He sald he saw people looking s nce. , 01 owan Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 AssocIated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto United Press International LeaJed Wlrea Ii Centa per Cop)' Friday, May 11, 1962, Iowa City,la. Too Hot To Trot? Secret Army So who says baseball is America's biggest spectator sport? If you ask Big Fork (above ), a 6·Ylar·old, hot·to·trot gelding of the 0.1 Carroll stables, he'll tell you the facfs: horse racing is really Amer. ica's biggest spectator sport. Big Fork, decked with sun glasses and Kills Moslem Ike Charges Kenned y a cartwheel straw hat, is nearly ready for the hot season coming up, although his striped bermuda. haven't arrived from the mail order house yet. Women, Girl At 3 Per Hour Rate, 2 Win Matrix Awards OAS Firing Leaves 27 Injured, 41 Dead 'Is Grabbing for Pow,e r ALGIERS IUPIl - The secret At Theta Sig Banquet Army WAS) killed at a rate of tbrec persons an hour In Algeria Nedra Morgan, A4, IOWD City, cil and in other organization •• Thursday. concentrating on Mos· * and Mrs. Robert F. (Dolliel Ray Six Iowa City women were given I m women. Thur day night the * * Attacks Steel were named winners of the 1962 honorable mention in !Ii a t r i x terrorists opened fire in Oran with Matrix Awards Monday evening at Award competition. They are Mrs. grenade and heavy machine guns Claims Demos the Matrix Table Banquet, spon. Stephen Darling. for ~ix years of against French security lorces. sored by Theta Sigma Phi, honor· service on the Iowa City School Action, Voting 'ary professional fraternity for Board; Mrs. Elliott Full. for polio French authorities said 41 per· women in journalism. tical activities; Mrs. William C. sons were killed and 27 wounded Unenthusiastic acros Algeria Thur day. Many of Miss Morgan was selected on the Hubbard, for activities in the League of Women Voters. the victims were Moslem women Bill in Senate basis of service and leadership' in - seven in Oran where a Mo lem campus affairs. Mrs. Ray received Also, Mrs. John Way. for work on the curriculum committee of mob was barely kept In check by In Estes Probe Applauds Firm U.S. her award for contributions to the French security forces and nine in Iowa City community. the School Study Council; Mrs. William Grahlmann, for service to girl. Asks Administration .. Stand Against Red Special award was madl to MOII.m terrorist. struck back Mrs. Thelma Lewis in recognition organizations including the Jay·C· To Open Government Pressure in Viet Nam Ettes; and Mi s Helen Reich, for In Blida whirl a European wom· of her service on the City Coun· her campus and city activities. an and hlr child wlrl found dead Files to Republicans I WASIIINGTON (UPI) - in thlir hom.s, an Indication that !IIi s Morgan is a mathematics WASHINGTON !uPI) - Former Former President DwJght D. major. She is a member of Phi Moslem anllir at thl continued OAS terrorilm - now directld President Dwight D. Eisenhower Eis nhow r charged Thunclay Med College allalnst women - was unch.cked. sold Thursday he found no "en· I that President K nnedy poses a Police said OAS commandos thusiasm or sense of prlority" in threat to American liberties by To Operate opened fire on security forces in the Kennedy Administration's va· making .. Ir nuou florts" to in· downtown Oran late Thursday and rious investigations of Texas pro­ crease the power of Ule execulivo that firing spread to the suburbs moter Billie Sol E cs. branch of th Gollernmcnl Year-Round a night fell. Heavily·armed troop' The Cormer PrC!iil;j('lIt told a Cap­ Declaring that he felt "no per· in special trucks raced through the i[ol Hill news conference that duro sonal animus," Eisenhower also COUNCIL BLUFFS-Year·round city arresting Europeans for ques· ing his Administration Democratic attacked Kennedy's dome tic ac· operation of the clinic:ll teaching tioning as the fight raged. congres es seemed to conduct in· tions and policies ranging from program for juniors and seniors The OAS was making an all~ut vestigations of the ex e c u l i v e the steel price episode to medical in the SUI College of Medicine was I effort to provoke Moslems into branch with grealer speed. He said care for aged under Social Secu· approved Thursday by the Board MISS MORGAN 'MRS. RAY mass retaliation which would nulli· GOP congressional leaders shared rity and th voting rights bill pend· of Regents. fy the Franco.Moslem cea e·Cire his views. ing in the Scnate. Medical training is now on a ninc· Beta Kappa. Mortar Board. Alpha which started Algeria on the path In his first public statement on o n I y for Kennedy's foreilln month basis, with no course offered Lambda Della, Pi Lambda and the to independence. They almost did the mushrooming Estes use, Ei· policy did Eisenhowlr havi I in the sum mer. With the new Committee on Student Life. She is earlier Thursday in Oran where senhower recalled that in the tea· change, the present sophomore and also presiden~ of the Panhelienic more than 20 persons were killed. l kind w 0 rd. HI applauded the pot dome sClndal President Cal· President's efforts to h.lt Com. junior medic~ students will begin Association and As ociated Women A mob of 300 Mosllms Inralled vin Coolidgl called in "two or Boosting I Mattress Sales their next year's training June 11. Students. munlst guerrillas In South Vilt at the murder of a Mosl.m wom­ thr.. Democrats and said the Nam and said Klnnldy was in· Wurlng the pajamas pictured, these slvln coed. fOW SU 1 officials told the Regents the Mrs. Ray, the wife of Dean Rob· an earlier surg.d out of tlTeir whol. record of the Governm.nt Lynn Sears, A2, Davenport. In the second creninlily firm llIainst Red pres· change to year·round operation WDS ert Ray of the SUI Division of VIII. NouvllIl stctor and tried is open fa you." will mHt at thl Air Liner and the Hawk (and who (from '1ft) arl Milani. Meredith, A4, Des Main ..; sure. But Iven her. h. express.c! needed to take advantage of the Special Services, is president of to invade " European quarter, Eisenhower said the Kennedy Ad· knows where .Ise?) to Sill ticklts to the Prollct Ann Lorack, A2, Mlndota, III.; and K.rln Conk. concern about the Admlnlstra· teaching opportunities provided by chapter Hf,P.E.O. She is featured French ,Icurity forclS turned minlstratlon should do the same AID production , "Once Upon a MlttrlSs." Stand. ling, Ox, DIS Main ... Pat Tlyro, Dx, Park Rldg., tion'l policy of encouraging a patients who are admitted to Uni· on a local radio station in the back the crowd without casual· now with Republicans.
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