i m JvlzK (-7^ * n^yymPc<nmmwmwM<Dwmv> Zfcl It □ B < B> ffs 10 ^m.siooy 13®$sd7$ Sr"t5C^sg 6tiT*5„ SWtlcgLfcKKBScDSiM ’, K #S^t>-f^-®H-$!)*&. SlSin co^tx . ^fiilf I'OV lev, 916#5g£;h-TV '5*aj7Somj7#i® Sc&t’K-S-'ft, HESS$5rfFf$LTV'<„ 4-fAli, SWb-roaSiSXV LT, Hrt^t-T-ro-7-f f n-r-yy ^####(031#*#, XWfWb(eM-r-5*|if»S«M**)iS]Sr»ISVfy ifc, VfiK 13^*Mt5 Round Robin Test |C|n]iy-C#KAyy ^ ? D '7 V y fSMIMU^OHSiK fr :y') le##t6A0iyotySrM%VM^teK{fV^. V<OSs98i;M~t*Round Robin Test &WTV, moy-f-v^yi ’izxvswt-5v#te, *m#(o#m»#wv, #&%mV7c. smmtfFK^ffroM-fbOTttoie, y/^yr^y y^S;leJ:5=f'S'y*ES.0 :»t>o#®e Z 5 = y'%y##Sr4='Vlegl(:#A#'t#%@&#Sr#WV^. = yyyitilSSi/tV-oVTIj:, -VroV;yi5> ** §STfcdEESW$le-oV'Tit, IEC/TC47/WG4, &V ASTMOS$)ftS,SiO|i)|6]l®$frff5i:#le WG4 %##6"e V (D####(D##K#Sr#^gR#m & LT ffi*1-5ViSr*PJLfc 0 <asE> ¥ISS'>y=y, 3l®KSt Round Robin Test, TVtyS', S#i£, »-y#, @8®$* <summary> The aim of this project is to develop standard methods of tensile test able to evaluate mechanical properties of materials in thin film with less than 10/z m thickness and 100/z m width and to propose it as a original draft of standard on tensile test. As for concrete items which we have to clarify prior to propose a original draft to world standard, are structure of test devices, measuring of stress-strain, shape & dimension of specimen, and the scope of applications for this standard. This fiscal year we have examined current trends of R & D on tensile test of materials in thin film and the standardization of it in Japan and abroad. And as to RRT, processing process of specimens were developed and fabrication test were made, then preliminary RRT were done using single crystal silicon specimens and ability to do actual RRT in FY 2001 were confirmed. As for the optimization of processing process of standard specimen, the titanium thin film formed by sputtering, the nickel thin films formed by plating and by electroformed were studied on how the process conditions, annealing conditions and size and dimensions were affected to residual stress and stress distributions in the specimen. As for proposal of international standards on tensile test, both activities in IEC/TC47/WG4 and ASTM were surveyed, and we expressed our intention in WG4 to propose this tensile test method as standards in future. <keywords> single-crystal silicon, tensile test, Round Robin Test (RRT) , specimen (test piece), chucking method, sputtering, plating, electroformed, distributions of atoms, residual stress 1 i# 1. i 1.1 1 1.2 ^ tc .......................................................................................... 2 1.3 8 2. ^cm, ............................................. io 2# 1. 11 1.1 11 1.1.1 11 1.1.2 12 1.1.3 .......................................... 41 1.1.4 ##jC# ........................................... 42 1.2 46 1.2.1 ......................... 46 1.2.2 3C# ............................................. 46 1.2.3 ##?# ................................................ 46 1.2.4 .................................... 46 2. 47 2.1 47 2.1.1 47 2.1.2 48 2.1.3 66 2.1.4 #### .................................................................................................. 66 2.2 ............................................ 68 2.2.1#%^^'#^ ..................................................................... 68 2.2.2 ^C# .......................................................................................... 68 2.2.3 68 2.2.4 68 3. ............. 69 3.1 ................................... 69 3.1.1 ....................................................... 69 3.1.2 .................... 70 3.1.3 Wim ....................................................... 89 3.1.5 ##30# ............................................. 92 3.2 93 3.2.1 ......................... 93 3.2.2 30# ....................................................... 93 3.2.3 #Wf# .................................................. 93 3.2.4 ................................... 93 ....................................... 94 4.1 94 4.1.1 94 4.1.2 95 4.1.3 134 4.1.4 ##3C# .................................................................................................. 135 4.2#%%#-##^3C#,##f#(D#;% ............................................. 136 4.2.1 136 4.2.2 30# ............................................................................................................ 136 4.2.3 136 4.2.4 136 5. —....................... 137 5.1 #%smm(7)RW............................................................................ 137 5.1.1 137 5.1.2 138 5.1.3 Wim ......................................................................................................... 168 5.1.4 ##30# ................................................................................................ 168 5.2#%^#'#^,3C#,##f#(7))K% .............................................. 170 5.2.1 170 5.2.2 30# ......................................................................................................... 170 5.2.3 170 5.2.4 170 IV 6. 171 6.1 ^fli^(7)Jjjcjp: ........................... 171 171 172 6.1.3 .......................................... 197 6.1.4 ............................................ 198 6.2 198 6.2.1 ........................................... 198 6.2.2 ......................................................................... 198 6.2.3 ................................................. 199 6.2.4 ..................................... 199 <##> 11: 201 v i# i. 1.1 mBWMfc<OW}fak\sX. IEC <D MEMS IEC/TC47/WG4 11 ^ bl^tZ'DtCo ©^IiLT^13f3^ IEC/TC47/WG4 (7)### (Mr. R.Turner) <DWtfj\z£Q ^ n-7i/X7)#f###%(CoV^-C(D9 —^ i/ a y NEDO (C##313#WW g % ^ 5 Round Robin Test Ltc0 "7^ f #3#LTVX ^ 6-7^f «p, ^ c X% S: t) S* £ & 6 31’EMlto&i- i] UT (DU'^t £ g jffo Mcfotfjfcfes Round Robin Test, 3^ 1 A#:(/D#t@ H11 H12¥S H13<¥$ ftiRiiS*. f-t/z-f’ S6|6]|@$. MA-t' ^ «k%> ©*BS8* roSBSto ©Round Robin Test RRT RRT ## s^aisst >*jlft {$#7° k(D$m mm ##-7" ntXto*® ®«-7‘ otxto*iift ft (D ©Round Robin Test ±#. (%)#m^#%^ro4#^-e. e^^m^xiwi-cD f£®t^£ff$lJi¥#H"£ Round Robin Test d fait T, l+PJFtfE(D^M b?£Z><D ti'ESriDSU $ 6 (iX Round Robin Test <£>|pj|:iIFtv:S<5v>‘'X\ \aX Round Robin Test \^M LTWcff#, T, #%&##)57c %)om# - -1 - ©mMStoAStt Round Robin Test I'lSjltT, WL, 0>-f^a!l6i£, ©e»tt^>T-to*S{k smstoi^se^Kesivs =t 5 Ms jy # aesMcEewtoss <ws) §!»«*© system, tcmMsastu-cu$ 5t ©BI®m»^m$&m-HISS»<tiS16tfE:£^ B^S»-lkl'ov'rtt, ISO/IEC wmsfgs+irx-j#, BUtiftS*. 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Ov'■Xa* L*BIK) * x -* Sr42* Lfc.
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