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Zelatny. : A conceptual artist] For example, liu 20 | Reger Zelazny "Kon Fletcher © 1980" Af 9 | spell CR]4 Feam jHt 0 webe a shy that I'd vever Leck under ‘Zz As You Can sez from relief: FANTASY | ee Scottie , youdog! q , this hoe Moto “1 Old Acab My charntervs sfx RP os So then he shows CR) Z ae Away with eveulL- 735? toot ae TUPI 4 igee The Hokas x ides The do that dane | b way editor to a Hane:Huck, ie fae oe has been of GREMLNS and... 5 ee gee pen eae ae Cenc u wove, But. ae jou take one becausesie saethe nor Waalve get... ee KeaA *0q oeUTO-GRAPH?Hn! yy a cleaned aa Colom on Te Ce = TEES 7m 7 had little bits of, Ne 1— ope oh RUS ae AeSe cee * a 4aseePNxaos mite < oe iS es Ate Re . G : oo eS : dont even have A Gold Standard herve! Cometo Trunk of it lacThese bedquys aveFlatinua, LI takethe + WAS just stavting ate Oo f \y “wQ +p io Tis character, too! a N Role-Playing Baie Piles. PROGRAM BOOK Adventure Maku [batteries not included] clue as to the location of the fabelled Treasure Trove. It is PLAYER CHARACTERS: You, if you so up to you to untangle the true choose, may become a player charac- from the false,and false belief. ter. It is up to you to determine your own qualities and powers. Hey, Which are liars or mutants? which be whoever you will; we're easy. are veracious or human? Legend has it that in the Trove SPECIAL PLAYER CHARACTERS: A is an invaluable prize; the special player character can be mutants call it worthless. But, found in each of the convention whatever it holds, the Treasure spaces labelled on the treasure Trove is here, in the Hotel, and map/game board. its contents are available to you for the finding. These characters all look alike; either: or: It is said that even those of in- sufficient wit to unravel the clues of the special players, may even so win to the Treasure Trove if they are Pure of Heart, and follow the Magickal Rite of Riddles. But there the similarities end. A special player character may Each of the convention spaces will display any of the following display a placard marked with a qualities: strange symbol, or set of words. You will know these signs by their 1) Veracious Human; a veracious size (84x54) and various colors. human correctly reports hir beliefs, which accord with local standards If you choose to follow the Rite of reality. of the Riddles, you may only enter a space to find the riddle posted 2) Lying Human; A lying human in- there, if you have first solved correctly reports hir beliefs, the riddle whose answer is on the which accord with local standards placard at its entrance. of reality. There is svdace, provided on the key 3) Veracious Mutant; a veracious to the treasure map, to keeo track mutant correctly reports hir be- of the riddles you have solved liefs, which oppose local standards (and the identity of the special of reality. player characters.) The first riddle ‘is free: 4) Lying Mutants; a lying mutant incorrectly reports hir beliefs, What is it? which oppose local standards of reality. ie: a lying mutant be- The beginning of eternity, lieves the Treasure Trove is a The end of time and space, foul Prison, but will tell you The beginning of every end, it is a fabulous treasure trove. and the end of every place. Each of these special player Good Luck, Good Logic, see you characters will give you some at the Treasure Trove. A Registration E Recruitment g Foyer. (Autographing) P Hucksters Panals + Discussions e F G 2 Hl z Films * Programming J Uncle Hudo’s f Noisy Panels Kruschenko S M Video N Cally Sheet : where have the mutants hidden the Creasur7? Rs ct es 3 go Eee . e . : e eee = | ° one 8 } b—, Co | 1c] fm R ! (2) , : FAST B ; G) -_oeeeSe - _J Cc VERANDA a - BALLROOM — - €) i ! OeTHEGREAT HALL + S om 4 | 3 oe : WEST > -_ ~~+ = @) , _ eee : aa ss FR FeLt ESCALATOR dy { GREAT HALL FOYER( )—— 5 Z wi -\. | CloreSTAIRS RIKI | | . oe M oon || FOYER a E “BEE (A) Registration Bz «) Recauitmant 7 — .Uv PLAZA | or ROOM K < Great Hall Lobby m~ aa > | (Game Boarn 5 LATR IV : > ELEVATOR STAIRS __y fat ___ ATRIUM ATRIUM ATRI ola a]. Here there be mutants wy"sot eo0 veilage jo geitt Pal : gooe\ oe: asy ot ae oOaso"a CON SURVIVAL REGISTRATION KEN FLETCHER LEAD-ALLOY MINIATURES Convention Registration is located in Enclosed in each box of registration the Coat Check Area, Great Hall Lobby; materials is one Ken Fletcher lead- it is open Noon to 10PM Friday, and alloy miniature figure. These are 10AM to 6PM Saturday. After hours go poisonous if ingested. DO NOT EAT to the Bridge (Room 201) to register. THEM, or through inaction allow children to eat them. OGDGAGOA) Minha BADGES a Badges indicating that you are of drinking age in Minnesota are CANARY YELLOW. Badges indicating that you are too young to drink alcohol in Minnesota are PINK. The ConCom and Guests of Honor are wearing a separate badge indicating their respective departments. MOANAOOOO0) HUCKSTER ROOM HOURS Friday 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM POOL HOURS The swimming pool will remain open 24 hours as long as each of us can OANAAAAAA control him or her self, and wil] use the poolside ConSuite restroom. DO NOT PEE IN THE POOL or it will be necessary to re-balance the chemicals, and they will close it. Mininininnhnanandlaa '*xPlease, no projectiles of any kind. *No realistic looking guns. CHILD CARE *All blades must be securely and fully sheathed. (Peace bonding Suite 904-906-910 suggested.) *Class |! and smaller lasers okay. HOURS: 4:00 PM - 2:00 AM Friday and Saturday *You kill it -- you eat it. Professional Child Care person Thank you for your cooperation. on hand, plus volunteers. 7 Kate Wilhelm Damon Knight Kate Wilhelm (nee Meredith) got Damon Knight discovered science fiction married soon after high school. In the at 11, in Hood River, Oregon; he was im- mid-50's, living in Louisville, Kentucky mediately hooked, corresponded with other with two smal! children and a husband fans, and edited a fanzine. At 19 he was who never read anything, she checked invited to join the Futurians, a New York eight books a week out of the public fan club that included Pohl, Kornbluth, ‘ibrary, science fiction along with Asimov, blish, Merrill, and Wollheim. everything else. !n 1956 she wrote a (See his entertaining memoir, The Futur- science fiction story, rented a ians.) typewriter to type it out, and mailed it to ASTOUNDING. The check from John W. Out east he became an SF illustrator, Camobei! let her buy the typewriter. did short stints of magazine editing, (She has described her decade as a and worked for a literary agency. He housewife, not writing, as ''lost' years started to sell his own stories in the - but those experiences gave her an 40's. In the 50's he became one of the understanding of ordinary people and mainstay writers of H.L. Gold's bright, their problems that she's used sassy magazine, ''Galaxy''. In the 50's, effectively ever since.) She kept too, he became the finest reviewer/ selling short stories, then a novel, and critic that SF has had. (Anybody who married Damon Knight in 1963. Kate and thinks literary criticism has to be Damon have been co-instructors at annual dull hasn't read his delightful book, SF writing workshops for over 20 years. IN SEARCH OF WONDER.) Wilhelm was always a good craftsman. Knight translated French SF, helped By the early 1970's she had evolved into found the Milford and Clarion writing an artist, her work growing broader, workshops, and was founder and first deeper, and more resonant. Who can | president of the Science Fiction Writers compare her to? Le Guin, because of America. they're both elegant and humane; Sturgeon and Shirley Jackson, because In the 60' and 70's he became a first Kate's writing is that strong, her rate editor, both of reprint antholo- people are that real, and her comedy gies like A Science Fiction Argosy, and mingles with her nightmares; Dick, of the Orbit anthologies of original because she knows that reality is a fiction. wider, stranger thing than most people - even most SF writers - are willing to Now he's back in Oregon, writing again.
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