Weekly update for coronavirus figures in the county 9 June 2021 How is coronavirus affecting people in Lancashire? This is a weekly bulletin produced by the Lancashire Resilience Forum with the latest figures on the number of coronavirus-related cases and deaths in the county, as well as figures at a unitary and district level. It also shows how Lancashire compares to other areas of the country. Confirmed cases from positive ‘pillar 1 and 2’ tests up to 9,684 6 June 2021 6,801 LANCASTER LANCASHIRE 4,896 14,581 132,928 RIBBLE VALLEY 10,050 9,553 WYRE NORTH WEST PENDLE BLACKPOOL PRESTON FYLDE BURNLEY 10,466 632,964 4,968 HYNDBURN SOUTH BLACKBURN RIBBLE WITH ROSSENDALE ENGLAND DARWEN 8,511 9,040 CHORLEY WEST 3,944,955 LANCASHIRE 6,702 8,655 20,601 8,420 These figures are from tests carried out in Public Health England labs and in the NHS (Pillar 1) and from other testing routes, such as mobile labs (Pillar 2). Weekly rate of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 population tested under pillar 1 and pillar 2 (Week 21 - data between 25 May and Blackpool 31 May 2021). Lancashire Blackburn with Darwen For rate of cases detected via Pillar 1 & 2 testing: Blackpool’s rate is in the second highest band. Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen’s rate is in the highest band. Pillar 1 = swab testing in PHE labs & NHS hospitals for those with a medical need and key workers & their families Pillar 2 = testing by commercial partners - swab testing for the wider population from out in the community Cumulative lab-confirmed cases up to 6 June 2021, rate per 100,000 Source: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk Cases are from both pillar 1 and 2 Daily pillar 1 and pillar 2 lab-confirmed cases to 6 June 2021 Incomplete data Number of cases Positive tests are counted according to the date the sample was taken. However, most swabs taken in recent days will not yet have produced a result, so it is important not to jump to the conclusion that the epidemic is tailing off quicker than it really is. The PHE website cautions that only data from five days or more ago can be considered complete. Figures relating to confirmed cases by Upper Tier Local Authority The greyed-out columns in figure above are liable to be added to as more results come in. can be downloaded from: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk Testing and incidence Specimens taken/outbreaks reported between 27 May - 2 June 2021 All Ages 60+ Years Individuals Tested Percentage Tested per 100,000 Positive per 100,000 Local Authority Daily Incidence Confirmed Seven-Day Daily Incidence Confirmed (7-Day Moving (7-Day Moving per 100,000 Cases (Last Change in Case per 100,000 Cases (Last Average) Average) (7-Day Moving Average) 7 Days) Rate (7-Day Moving Average) 7 Days) Blackburn with Darwen 564.1 663.2 ↓↓ 13.6 11.1 ↑↑ 516.4 487.7 ↑ 773 32.0% 85.0 95.2 ↓↓ 25 Blackpool 539.4 546.0 ↓ 2.0 1.6 ↑↑ 79.6 60.2 ↑↑ 111 248.0% 10.7 8.0 ↑↑ 4 Burnley 486.3 503.5 ↓ 5.7 4.9 ↑↑ 205.8 179.9 ↑↑ 183 113.0% 9.1 9.1 ó 2 Chorley 449.3 464.0 ↓ 3.8 3.2 ↑↑ 122.7 111.7 ↑ 145 54.0% 9.8 9.8 ó 3 Fylde 490.8 497.5 ↓ 2.0 1.9 ↑ 75.5 76.8 ↓ 61 20.0% 14.3 17.8 ó 4 Hyndburn 435.2 456.2 ↓ 8.1 7.9 ↑ 244.3 243.1 ↑ 198 80.0% 56.6 41.2 ↑↑ 11 Lancaster 344.6 361.3 ↓ 1.4 1.2 ↑↑ 35.6 30.8 ↑↑ 52 13.0% 5.3 8.0 ↓↓ 2 Pendle 384.8 390.8 ↓ 4.3 3.7 ↑↑ 107.5 99.9 ↑ 99 48.0% 17.7 13.3 ↑↑ 4 Preston 454.0 473.5 ↓ 5.2 4.6 ↑↑ 170.5 160.0 ↑ 244 79.0% 10.7 17.8 ↓↓ 3 Ribble Valley 376.3 382.7 ↓ 7.6 6.1 ↑↑ 197.1 161.0 ↑↑ 120 118.0% 26.7 26.7 ó 5 Rossendale 451.5 489.8 ↓ 9.7 9.3 ↑ 285.4 303.6 ↓ 204 -3.0% 67.9 73.5 ↓ 12 South Ribble 396.4 411.6 ↓ 6.3 5.3 ↑↑ 177.8 159.8 ↑↑ 197 112.0% 65.4 68.6 ↓ 20 West Lancashire 331.3 328.1 ↑ 1.3 1.1 ↑↑ 29.7 24.5 ↑↑ 34 112.0% 9.2 6.2 ↑↑ 3 Wyre 410.6 412.5 ↓ 1.4 1.2 ↑↑ 38.4 34.8 ↑↑ 43 139.0% 2.6 2.6 ó 1 North West 363.7 4.3 111.5 19.7 England 380.1 1.5 40.6 9.0 Due to the reporting delays for comparison between Local Authorities the most recent 4 days are excluded from the calculations of rates and moving averages. Single direction-of-travel arrows denote a perecntage change of less than 10%. Twin arrows denote a change of greater than 10%. Source: PHE laboratory confirmed COVID-19-line list Covid-19 cases (number of people with a lab-confirmed positive test result) by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA). MSOAs with 3 and above COVID-19 cases, in the 7 days ending 2 June Link to interactive map showing cases by MSOA https://coronavirus.data. gov.uk/details/interactive- map MSOAs are small areas with around 7,200 average population and are used to facilitate the reporting of small area statistics. Source: https:// coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ cases Ethnic break down of positive cases in the 14 days to 3/6/21 Percentage of total positive cases over this period Other No ethnicity Ethnic information/ District of residence Asian Black Mixed Groups White blank Burnley 14.6% 0.3% 0.3% 1.3% 56.7% 26.8% Chorley 1.1% 0.0% 0.7% 0.4% 85.4% 12.4% Fylde 1.8% 0.9% 0.0% 0.9% 73.2% 23.2% Hyndburn 13.7% 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 72.3% 13.1% Lancaster 3.8% 1.9% 0.0% 3.8% 51.9% 38.7% Pendle 32.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 44.0% 21.0% Preston 27.6% 1.0% 2.9% 1.9% 47.5% 19.2% Ribble Valley 1.9% 0.5% 0.9% 0.0% 82.2% 14.5% Rossendale 16.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 68.9% 14.1% South Ribble 1.8% 0.3% 2.0% 0.3% 85.7% 9.9% West Lancashire 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 3.6% 78.2% 16.4% Wyre 1.6% 0.0% 3.1% 0.0% 82.8% 12.5% Lancashire County Council 12.6% 0.4% 1.1% 0.9% 67.7% 17.2% Source: Public Health England Ethnic break down of resident population (ONS estimates, 2019) District Asian Black Mixed Other ethnic group White The ethnic break down of the positive cases in each district should be Burnley 12.5% 0.2% 1.4% 0.3% 85.6% Chorley 1.8% 0.4% 1.2% 0.2% 96.5% considered alongside the ethnic make up of the whole resident population Fylde 1.2% 0.3% 1.2% 0.3% 97.1% in the district. Hyndburn 12.6% 0.1% 1.0% 0.2% 86.0% Lancaster 2.7% 0.5% 1.2% 0.3% 95.3% Pendle 20.9% 0.1% 1.4% 0.1% 77.4% For the ethnic break down of the whole resident population in a district Preston 16.9% 1.1% 3.1% 0.9% 78.1% please see the page below: Ribble Valley 1.4% 0.1% 0.7% 0.1% 97.7% https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/lancashire-insight/population-and-households/ Rossendale 5.9% 0.2% 1.1% 0.1% 92.7% population-and-households-2011-census/population-by-ethnicity/ South Ribble 1.6% 0.2% 1.3% 0.2% 96.7% West Lancashire 0.8% 0.1% 0.9% 0.1% 98.0% Wyre 1.0% 0.1% 0.8% 0.1% 98.0% Lancashire County Council 6.6% 0.3% 1.4% 0.3% 91.4% Weekly case rate per 100,000 population Seven day incidence rate Rate of cases per 100,000 population in the 7 day period, following coronavirus dashboard update at 4.14pm on 07/06/2021 and cases data downloaded on 08/06/2021 at 10:02am Source: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ Seven day period Ribble South West Lancashire- ending BwD Blackpool Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Valley Rossendale Ribble Lancashire Wyre 12 LRF NW England 25/04/2021 35.4 10.0 24.7 34.7 6.2 69.1 14.4 28.2 32.8 13.1 15.4 18.1 12.2 8.9 23.0 23.1 22.4 22.4 26/04/2021 42.8 13.6 23.6 31.3 6.2 79.0 18.5 29.3 45.4 13.1 19.6 18.1 15.7 7.1 25.7 26.3 23.4 22.3 27/04/2021 49.4 10.8 21.4 30.5 5.0 95.0 21.9 21.7 47.5 13.1 19.6 24.4 14.0 5.4 26.8 27.6 23.6 21.9 28/04/2021 50.8 7.9 25.9 29.6 3.7 117.2 24.0 21.7 47.5 16.4 21.0 30.7 11.4 10.7 29.8 29.8 24.4 21.7 29/04/2021 50.1 6.5 25.9 33.0 5.0 143.1 25.3 22.8 48.2 14.8 18.2 27.1 11.4 15.2 32.1 31.5 25.0 21.5 30/04/2021 52.1 9.3 24.7 37.2 5.0 149.3 24.7 16.3 46.1 13.1 19.6 24.4 11.4 17.0 31.9 31.8 25.0 21.2 01/05/2021 53.4 10.8 25.9 32.1 5.0 129.6 26.7 16.3 47.5 11.5 21.0 21.7 12.2 16.1 30.3 30.8 25.4 21.1 02/05/2021 51.4 15.1 21.4 27.1 3.7 119.7 27.4 13.0 41.2 9.9 18.2 21.7 11.4 18.7 27.8 29.0 24.2 20.1 03/05/2021 53.4 14.3 20.2 27.9 11.1 111.1 25.3 14.1 28.6 11.5 14.0 19.0 8.7 20.5 25.6 27.3 23.3 19.4 04/05/2021 60.8 15.8 22.5 27.9 13.6 101.2 24.7 15.2 33.5 16.4 15.4 15.3 7.9 24.1 26.1 28.6 24.7 20.0 05/05/2021 70.8 17.9 21.4 27.1 16.1 79.0 25.3 15.2 41.9 13.1 11.2 10.8 7.9 18.7 24.3 28.4 25.8 20.0 06/05/2021 82.2 25.8 18.0 24.5 18.6 48.1 28.8 18.5 34.2 14.8 16.8 13.5 7.0 17.8 22.2 28.5 26.6 20.1 07/05/2021 86.8 25.8 23.6 18.6 19.8 35.8 32.2 29.3 32.1 16.4 18.2 13.5 7.9 17.8 22.5 29.2 28.0 20.3 08/05/2021 96.9 25.8 24.7 24.5 19.8 35.8 32.2 31.5 31.4 19.7 16.8 14.4 7.9 17.0 23.4 30.9 28.8 20.5 09/05/2021 105.5 25.1 32.6 26.2 22.3 37.0 32.2 35.8 30.7 18.1 16.8 18.1 10.5 17.8 25.2 33.1 31.6 21.6 10/05/2021 108.9 33.0 45.0 33.0 18.6 39.5 37.7 36.9 36.3 16.4 21.0 20.8 11.4 20.5 28.8 37.1 34.8 22.4 11/05/2021 115.6 38.0 49.5 34.7 17.3 34.5 34.2 39.1 34.2 14.8 18.2 20.8 14.9 19.6 28.4 37.9 35.3 21.9 12/05/2021 114.2 43.7 49.5 37.2 14.9 37.0 32.9 40.2 26.5 13.1 21.0 19.0 15.7 19.6 27.6 37.7 36.0 21.4 13/05/2021 114.2 37.3 54.0 38.9 11.1 39.5 28.8 44.5 34.2 13.1 21.0 21.7 15.7 19.6 29.0 38.2 36.2 21.2 14/05/2021 130.9 35.1 61.9 47.4 11.1 43.2 24.7 39.1 37.7 13.1 28.0 20.8 13.1 19.6 30.3 40.7 37.2 21.0 15/05/2021 145.0 33.7 61.9 47.4 13.6 45.7 24.7 39.1 40.5 13.1 29.4 21.7 12.2 21.4 31.2 42.7 38.8 21.1 16/05/2021 159.7 31.6 61.9 48.2 11.1 45.7 24.7 38.0 44.7 16.4 35.0 19.0 11.4 18.7 31.4 44.1 39.1 20.5 17/05/2021 186.4 22.2 58.5 47.4 8.7 51.8 16.4 42.3 44.7 16.4 40.6 21.7 11.4 15.2 30.9 45.5 41.0 20.6 18/05/2021 215.1 21.5 60.7 55.8 9.9 54.3 16.4 44.5 48.9 21.4 57.4 20.8 9.6 13.4 33.6 50.5 44.9 21.4 19/05/2021 253.8 15.8 74.2 55.8 13.6 56.8 15.7 52.1 53.1 23.0 63.0 19.0 10.5 14.3 36.4 56.1 46.3 22.1 20/05/2021 281.2 18.6 77.6 58.4 19.8 66.6 18.5 49.9 50.3 24.6 76.9 21.7 11.4 13.4 38.9 61.1 48.9 22.5 21/05/2021 303.3 17.2 70.9 56.7 18.6 77.7 19.2 47.8 57.3 24.6 113.3 26.2 13.1 11.6 42.2 65.8 50.6 23.1 22/05/2021
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