CITY OF GLASGOW DISTRICT COUNCIL PUBLIC LIBRARIES THE MITCHELL LIBRARY Class No. Date W2493 /<^/o/ // Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/glasgowdirectory1811unse THfi ^^^^ G L^SGOW SIRECTOTi F? CONTAINING A LIST OF THE S^c, Sfc. Sfc, IN THE CITY ANg SUBURBS, ALPHABETICALWiSR».ANGED. Aifo, -^ Lift of Jhe magistrates, council, merchant and trades' houses* Page " Ti.Si'' LIST OF STREI.TSj ^'^ CARTtRil- -'=•'?, -V45 NAMF.S OMITTEP, TABLE OF FREIGHTS I jj BANKS, 347 PACKETS AND IRADERS UPONT PUBLIC OFFICES, 148 CLYDE AN.3 THE CANAL, J MAIL FARE roR HACKNEY COACHES 55' AND STAGE COACHES, IS-'- FORTEKS'FtES, 152 CARRIERS' QITARTERS, 1 5S' COAL-POR'i ERS' Dj. iS3 M/.NAGERS, &c. OF POLTCE» CORRJECTED TILL JVLY^ 1811, TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, A TABLE OF APPOlNTxMENTS, From July 1811, till February I %\S^ AND A TABLE OF STAMP DUTIES. THIRTEENTH EDITION. GLASGOW:"^ TRINTED BY A, NAPIIR, FOR W MTEAT tf CO. STATIONERS, TRONGATE'. ^ ?:^-.«.:^^^v^- > The Public are requested^ m^hen Removals iahplaa^ w Change of Partners^ %c, to have notice thereof at the shop of the Publishersj on or before the Ist of June in order that they ..^yle inserted in their proper placf in the next Edition, ) ( 3 TA.'^I^ OF APPOINTMENTS, &c. Frc^m Jul rl 8 1 1 , till Febr UARr 1813. August i8li. Februart 18 1 2. , August I0I2. Thurf. I 8 15 21 49 .?atur. J 8 15 22 29 Safur. I 8 ij 22 ap Frid. % 9 16 23 30 Sua. 2 9 16 23 Sun. % 9 16 23 30 Satur. 3 10 17 a4 3i U<m. 3 TO 17 24 Alon. 3 JO 17 24 32 Sun. 4 II 18 25 fuef. 4 II 18 2.5 Tuef. 4 ii 18 25 Mon. 5 ^^ 19 a6 WeJi. 5 ta 19 26 Wed. 5 IS 19 26 Tuef. 6 13 40 27 Thurf. 6 1 5 20 27 Thurf. 6 13 «o 27 Wed. 7 14 SI a8 Frid. 7 14 ^y aS Frid. 7 14 *i aS September. Makch. September. Sun. 1 8 15 22 29 Sun. I 8 IS 4* 39 Tuef. 1 8 J5 22 ^^ Mon. 2 9 16 23 30 Mon. %, 9 j6 23 30 Wed. a 9 j6 23 30 Tuef. i 10 ly 24 Tuef. 3 10, 17 24 3 i Thurf. 3 10 i; 24 Wed. 4 II f 8 25 Wed. 4 11 18 ^5 Frid, 4 ri 18 25 Thurf. 5 12 19 26 rhurf .? 12 19 26 Satur. 5 IS 19 46 Frid. 6 13 20 27 Frid. 6 13 ao 27 Sun. 6 13 20 27 Sdtur. 7 14 21 28 Satur. 7 14 *i 48 Mon. 7 14 21 aS October. April. October. Tuef. 1 8 ij 2* 29 Wed. X 8 15 22 2^ Thtirf. I 8 15 22 29 Wed, 2 9 16 23 30 Thurf 2 9 16 23 30 FrJd, a 9 x6 33 30 Thurf. 3 10 17 24 31 Frid. 3 ro 17 24 Satur, 3 10 27 24 31 Frid, 4 H 18 25 Sa:ur. 4 II 18 25 Sua. 4 II 18 aj Satur. 5 12 19 26 Sun. 5 12 19 26 Mon. j 12 19 26 Sun. 6 13 20 27 Mon, 6 13 20 27 Tuef. ^ 13 20 47 Mon. 7 14 21 28 Tuef 7 14 11 58 Wed. 7 14 41 *8 November. May. November. Frid. I 8 rj 2i 29 Frid. I 8 15 22 29 Sun, I 8 15 22 19 Satur. « 9 16 23 3c Situr. 2 9 16 23 30 Mon. 2 o 36 23 30 Sun. 3 10 17 24 Sun. 3 10 17 14 3» Tuef 3 10 17 24 Mon. 4 II 18 25 Mon.. 4 II 18 25 Wed. 4 II 38 25 Tucfo 5 12 19 26 Tuef 5 12 19 26 Thurf 5 12 19 26 Wed. 6 13 20 27 Wed. 6 13 20 27 Frid. 6 13 %o 27 Thurf. 7 14 21 23 rhurf. 7 14 <2I 28 Satur. 7 14 21c 28 December. jUKE. December, Sun, I 8 15 22 29 Mon, I 8 15 22 29 Tuef. 1 8 15 32 %tf Mon. 2 9 16 23 30 Tuef. % 9 i6 23 30 Wed. a 9 16 23 3.i» Tuef. 3 10 17 24 31 Wed. 3 so 17 24 Thurf 3 10 17 24 35 Wed. 4 11 18 25 Thuif. 4 II 18 25 Frid. 4 II 18 a5 Thurf. 5 12 19 26 Frid. 5 12 19 26 S.itur. 5 12 19 26 Frid. 6 13 20 27 Satur. 6 15 20 27 Sun. 6 13 20 27 Sarur. 7 14 ic 28 Sun. 7 t4 31 2S Mon, 7 14 21 28 jANCARr 1812, JULV. January 1813. Wed. I 8 15 22 29 Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Frid. X 8 15 22 29 Tiiurf. 2 9 i6 23 30 Fhurf 2 9 16 23 30 Satur. 2 9 16 23 30 Frid. 3 ro 17 24 31 Frid. 3 10 17 24 31 San. 3 10 17 24 3'j Satur. 4 ir iS Satur. 25 4 H 18 25 Mon. 4 II 18 2,5 Sun. 5 12 19 2,6 Sun. 5 12 19 26 Tur>f. 5 12 r9 26 Mon, 6 13 iO 27 Mon. 6 13 10 27 Wed. 6 13 20 27 Tuef 7 1 4-1; I 28 r«ef. 7 .$4 ai *^- Thurf 7 14 23 2§ NEWSTAMP DUTlES-^eommencing 03, 10, ISCrs. J*ii.LS, Promissory Notes, Iffe. on Dc^anJor after Date, * not exceeding 5 . One Shilling. For . jC2 and ;C5 . Aha^Q £5 ; ditto 30 .... One and Sixpence. Above SO ditto 50 .... - Two Shillings. Above 50 ditto 100 Three Shillings. Above 100 ditto ....... 200 Four Shillings. Above 200 ditto 500 Five Shillings. Above 500 ditto ...... 1000 ..... Seven and Sixpence. Above 1000 ditto ....... 30C0 •> ... Ten Shillings. Above 8000 Twenty Shillings. Bil'.r, &t. by instalment, the fame as if the -whole fum paid at cnce. FOREIGN BILLS ^/EXCHANGE. For any Sum not exceeding .... ^100 . One Shilling, Above ;Cl00 ?nd net exceeding 200 . Two Shillings. Above 200 ditto 500 . Three Shillings. Above 500 ditto 1000 . » . Four Shillings. Above 1000 ditto 3000 . Five Shillings, Above 3000 Ten Shillings, EveiT Bill of each Set, is chargeable with the refpeaive Duties. RECEIPTS. For £.2 and under 10;C- • > . 2d. For;ClOOand underSOO^C- •• 29» For 10 20 . 4d For 200 ...... 500 .... 33. For 20 50 8d, For 500and upwards, . ... 5s. jpor 50 100 .... Is In fall of all demands, , ... 5a, The Rtcei'ver of the Money to pay the Stamp, INDENTURES. Fretniunt under ;C 30 . Fifteen Shillings. For ;^.30 50 . One Pound Ten Shillings. BO . , . , 100 . Tv/o Pounds Ten Shillingg, 100 . » » . 200 . , Five Pounds. 200 ..... 300 . Ten Pounds. SOO 400 . Fifteen Pounds. 40O 500 . Twenty Pounds. 500 600 . Twenty five Pounds. • 600 ..... 800 . Thirty Pounds. 800 .... 1000 . Forty Pounds. i^OOO and upwards . Fifty Pounds. An Indenture without Premium, not having more than 1080 wordfej 15s. and more than 1080 words, SOs. Agreements not exceeding 1080 words, 16s abcve 1080 werdsSOls- and for every additional 1080 wordsj— 20s. additional. Bi'.li of I.aairg js..— Pcbcuturcs 4s. Alphabetical List ofPlaces and Streets In Glasgo>Wf ' "joJiich run asjollo-vs: Alblon-ftreet, So«th, from Bell-ftr. to Canon- ftr, ->— North, from Canon-Ilr. to GeargH^Tftr, ———Court, South A]b:on-flr, Adans's court, 97, Argyll-ftr, fouth fide Adelphi-place, fouth end of the Wooden Bridg<? Alton- court, Old Vennai Alftoti-ftr. Grahanifton, north from Argyll-ftr. Argyll-ftr. from ^tockwell and Gla«sford-flr. to Anderflon-walk Argyll-court, 604, Argyll- fir. north fide. Balmanno-ftn Dearifide-brae, north from George-Ur* Bath-ftr. at the upper end of Buchanan-fix. Bell- fir. from Candlerlggs to High-ftr. Blacltfriars' Wynd, High-ftr. eafl fide Blyth'» court, Virginia-ftr. weft fide Bowling-green-courtj Bell-ftr. north fide Broomielaw, \vefl of the New Bridge Bridgegate, from Stockwei! te» ha'tmarket ' Browaiield, from Anderflon Walk to Clyde Brunfwick-flr. and place, from Trongate to Ingr^ns-flt* Bun's wynd, from Hlgh-Sr. to Shuttk-ftr. Buchan's court, Charlotte-lane Burnfide-lane, foot of Havannah-ftr. Burrell -s hall and lane. Duke-fir. nortli fide Buchauan-ftr. from Argyli-flr. to Saiichy.-hall road —~-^ court, 38, Argyll-ftr. fouth fide. — court, l77,Trc>ngate, north fid* Caiton mouth, eafl end of Gailowgate, oppofite the Barracks Carlton place, fouth fide of the ri\rer, between the Bridges Candlcriggs, from Trongatc to RamH^iorn qhurck Canon-ftr. from Ingram Or. to Shuttle fir. CampbcU-ftr. from i-ellw/gate to fTraeme-flr. Cathcart-flr. head of Buchanan-ftr. weft fide Caflie-ftr. from Kirk fir. to Townhead Toil Claythorn fir. oppofit<' Barracks Clyde-fir. from Janiaica-ilr. to Bridgegate Clyde buildings, foutn fide of the river, ts'^ss' tii^New^giiJg^: .. Carfwcll's court, 212, George- llr. north fide A ( G ) ColIege-flr. High-fir. oppofite the College College, old and new ccnrt, High-fur, eaft fide CochraD-ftr. irom Montrofe-ftr. to I,ow}ohn-ftr. Cordiners' court, 24, Stockvvcil, call fide Commercial court, comer of Candleriggs and Canon-ftr. Charlotte ftr. from Gallowgate to the Green Dyke .- ' . .. lane, from Charlotte- dr. to St. Andrew's lane Craig's court, 47, Argyll-dr. fouth fide Cumberland court, 385, Gallowgate, fouth fide. Dovehill,' Great, ^./-. r * 7^t from Gallowgate^„ to Grjeme-Itr. ^--^— Uttle,S Deanfide, north fide of George-ftr, Dempfter~{lr.
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