(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,863,289 B2 Spevak Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,863,289 B2 Spevak Et Al

US00786.3289B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,863,289 B2 Spevak et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jan. 4, 2011 (54) COMPOUNDS AND METHODS FOR KINASE 5,658,775 A 8, 1997 Gilboa MODULATION, AND INDICATIONS 5,681,959 A 10/1997 Bishop et al. THEREFOR 5,700,637 A 12/1997 Southern (75) Inventors: Wayne Spevak, Berkeley, CA (US); 5,700.809 A 12/1997 Leeson et al. Hanna Cho, Oakland, CA (US); Prabha 5,712,285 A 1/1998 Curtis et al. N. Ibrahim, Mountain View, CA (US); 5,721,118 A 2, 1998 Scheffler Shenghua Shi, San Diego, CA (US); 5,744,305 A 4/1998 Fodor et al. Shumeye Mamo, Oakland, CA (US); 5,747,276 A 5/1998 Hoch et al. Samuel J. Gillette, Oakland, CA (US); 5,763,198 A 6/1998 Hirth et al. Hongyao Zhu, Berkeley, CA (US) 5,770.456 A 6/1998 Holmes (73) Assignee: Plexxikon, Inc., Berkeley, CA (US) 5,800,992 A 9, 1998 Fodor et al. 5,807,522 A 9, 1998 Brown et al. 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