AVEBAOB DAILT CDtCTLATlON WEATHER for the Month of 5fay, ItSS Foreenat of U. s. Weather Hartford 6,153^ Sbowera tonight and probably Wedneoday morning allghtly warm- MembernmM Aodlt er Wednesday afternoon. Bnrenn of UtreoiaUoaa MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VH.LAGE CHARM VOL. L vn ., NO. 229 (Claaslfled Advertielng on Pago 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS President Welcomes Swedish Royalty to U. S. UBERAL’ SENATE HGHTS REBS’ GUNS THREATEN PROBABILITY BEARONF.D.R. f SNELL’S JOB UBE^’ PLEA GIBRALTAR, BRITAIN ^K in, Bay Stater Who May Wbetber Tbe New Deal Will Socceed G. 0. P. House Aid Nye Id North Dakota, IS TOLD BY DUCHESS Leader, Somethnes Favors Take Stand On Van Nny’s Firemen Quench Under-River Blaze To Ask Chamberlam Tomor* New Deal; Others Named. Candidacy, Are Questions row What He Intends To Washington, June 28—(AP)—At- Washington, June 28.—(AP) — tempta to liberalize the Hou4e Re- Do About Cannon Mount- Two mid-westem senatorial con- publican leadership In the 1039 Con- tests aroused Interest in the capital greea appeared likely today aa a re- tdday because of their potential ed On Algeinras; Ghres De- sult of the retirement of minority bearing on President Roosevelt's ap- leader Bertrand H. Snell. Snell, out- spoken critic of Roosevelt polidea, peal for clear-cut liberal-conserva- tails Of Big Guns There. announced he would not be a can- tive battles. One was In North didate for reelectlon. After 24 Dakota, where Senator Gerald P. In Congreaa, be aa|d, he bad Nye—frequently a Roosevelt sup- yeara porter—was opposed In the Repub- decided to devote himself to hla London, June 28.—(AP)— varied bualnesa Interests In north- lican primary by Gov. William Dan- The Duchess of Athol t(xlay ger. The other Is In Indiana, ern New York. where Republican delegates to a gave details of what she said PollUclafls. speculating a.s to state convention will caucus tonight were guns "threatening Gi- Snell’s Bucceaaor. recalled the efforts before selecting their senatorial can- made In 1938 by Representative Fish braltar” from insurgent Spain- didate tomorrow. The question of and issued notice she would (R., N. y.) to replace him with a national interest was whether the leader favdring a "more progres- convention would |ake any stand on ask Prim e._ Minister Nevjlle sive" pregram. The Insurgent the Independent candidacy of Sena- Chamberlain in the House of movement, however, was unsuccess- In a downpour or rain President Roo.sevclt (right) welcomed to America Oown Princess Louise of Sweden (left) and her stepson. Prince Bertll, who Journeyed from Europe to Wilmington, Del., to at- tor Frederick Van Nuys, anti-ad- Commons tomorrow what he ful. ministration Democrat. tend ceremonies marking the 300th anniversary of the Swedlsh-FInnish settlement on the Delaware river. intends to do about them. Among the few Congressmen still Prince Bertil'a father. Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, waa kept on board the motorship Kungsholm by Ill- Nye Endorsed b.v Two. in Washington, the first name gen- ness. The President and his Immediate The Duchess. recently rebel- erally mentioned for Snell’s post advisers have taken no public part led from Conservative ranks was that of Representative Joseph In the Nye-Langer contest, which Is and has been a frequent gov- W. Martin of Massachusetts, assist- outside their own party. A factor i ant minority leader. He Is 63; Snell Indicating that they might have ernment critic. Is 67. BAY STATE MURDER more than a passing concern in the The question of such guns, Martin’s Uberalism outcome, however, was Nye’s en- allegedly of German manufac- Friends of Martin asserted his PRINCE OF SWEDEN ddrsement by two ardent New Deal- ture. haa been raised repeated- political viewpoint was liberal ers—Senators Bone (D., Wash.) enough to satisfy all factions of the SUSPEa IS HELD and Norris (Ind., Neb.) ly during the Spanish civil party. They noted that while he op- Their advocacy of their colleague’s war. The government has tak- posed many Roosevelt measures, he DELIVERS ADDRESS renomlnatton preceded by a few en the position generally thait supported much of the President's weeks Mr. Roosevelt's request last Friday that voters of all partlea they are not a threat to Gibral- social legislation. Including the Police Are Silent Abont Man wage-hour bill signed Saturday by consider the liberalism of men for tar, Britain’s fortress at tha whom they vote. the President. western entrance to the Medi- Martin, a newspaper publisher at DESPITE SICKNESS Being Questioned About There has not been the slightest terranean. hint as to whether Nye—In the North Attleboro, Mass., began his event of his renoralnatlon today.— Gives Details political career in the Massachusetts Body Found In River. might get any open or tacit admin- The Duchess’ question enumerataa House of Representatives in 1912. Gostaf Adolf Of Sweden istration aid against the Democrat- guns In greater detaU than any He came to Congress In 1924. He ic candidate. Mr. Roosevelt went previous list. It cites: was Alfred M. Landon'a eaatern More than 20 guns in hills around Northampton, Mass., June 28.— outside Democratic ranks In 1936 manager in the 1936 Presidential Delivers Dedicatory Ad- LATE NEWS to advocate Senator Norris' reelec- insurgent-held Algeclras, Including campaign and now la chairman of (AP)—Swift police moves, culmin- tlon. Nye, like Norris, often has three pieces of more than 10 inches; the Republican Congressional Com ating in seizure of In unidentified joined mid-western Progresslvea and A number of long-range 5.9-tnch mittee. ’ dress And Then Goes To Farmer-Laborites In voting with ad- guns and several howitzers “so FLASHES! man on "suspicion of committing After a stubborn tmttle. Now Toric elty firemen succeeded in Other possible candidates for a felony," today Indicated investi- ministration Democrats. He has placed that they could drop shells Snell's pbst are Representatives not been 100 per cent for Roosevelt quenching a blazo In tbe north bore of the Manbattan-Queens .. $58, • In Gibraltar but yet are invislbls Wadsworth of New York, chairman A New York Hospital. gators believed they were close to policies, however, for he has fa- 000,000 vehicular tunnel under the Ehkst river. The fire broke out in from the jDlghest point on the rock”; T I BBS ACQUITTED explaining what lay behind the find- construction timbers near the air- lock where "sandhogs” work under of the Republican policy committee; vored a mandatory neutrality Ifw pressure of 48 pounds to tho square Inch, 150 feet below the surface. Nine naval-type guns of about Mapea of Michigan, dean of the Hartford, June 28.—(.AP)— Tde ing of a man's trussed body In the and other peace legislation not 'on four Inches on Punta Camero; Philadelphia, June 28.— (AP) — trial of Charles R. Tubbs, town Connecticut river. Here firemen are shown Ia3rlng a hoso line Into the chamber to flood House Republicans; Taber of New the President’s program. the tunnel. At least one 15-lnch gun on a York, one of the President’s most Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Swe- clerk of East Lyme on charges of State Police Lieut. Maurice P. Van Nuys Case. high peak near Alcala de las consistant critics in Congress; den, despite an illness that kept him oonspirary to defraud the govern- Nelllgan announce^ early today the The Indiana senatorial battle ap- Gazules, almost 21 miles Inland; ment ended suddenly this noon with man had been taken Into custody parently will find two candidates Treadway-of Massachusetts, ranking confined to his stateroom while About 45 guns ranging from six minority member of the Ways and an acquittal when Federal Judge but declined to answer questions labeled conservatives fighting a to 15 Inches near Ceuta, in’ Spanish Means Committee, and Fish. crossing the Atlantic, delivered the Edwin S. Thomas ordered the Jurj’ atwut the felony. Democrat friendly to the national Morocco directly opposite Gibraltar. Retirement A Surprise dedicatory address today for a mu- to return a verdict for the defen- He said the man, 'after spending administration. The latter will be FORMER G-MAN ACCUSED Facing a House of Ctommons rest- Snell's decision to retire caused seum whose cornerstone he laid In dant. the night In a cell at state police chosen next month at a state con- 1026. barracks here, would bo taken to vention, dominated by the party or- less over continued bombings of considerable surprise In Washing- The government prosecution had British ships In Spanish ports, ton because It was known he long Through amplifiers, a crowd at Northampton District Ctourt. ganization unfriendly to Van Nuys. the Swedlsh-Amerlcan Historical rested Its case In United States Dls- Some Republicans have proposed Prime Minister (Chamberlain said had cherished a hope of being trict Court after presenting live Nelllgan’a announcement came OF AIDING ALLEGED SPY that Sir Robert M. Hodgson, British speaker of the House. Museum heard the Prince, speak- shortly after he returned here from that their own convention endorse ing by telephone from the motor- witnesses who gave evidence that Bellows Falls, Vt., with an automo- Van Nuys because of his opposition agent at Burgos, was pressing Gen- Stocky and ruddy-cheeked, he won the government was over charged eral^slmo Francisco Franco for a the Republican leadership after a bile apparently considered Import- to the court bill and other Roose- (Continued on Page Eight.) for supplies of Ice delivered to the ance to the investigation. velt legislation. reply to Brltaln’a protests against bitter intra-party row with John Q.
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