AND REMIND YOU: Glenville Merchants l>ellei'Te The Glenville Mercury You-r P.a tron&&e. Meet Thea I1 and Gree-t Tilem;You'll Enjoy .b:. I · Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teachers College <·---------- Gle nville, Weat VirgiDia_, Tuesday, Fe<bruary 22, 1938. Price Three Ceall Pioneer Speaker GCLUB DANCE TO I D~~~~~~~~<><;_lf~~~F- ALBERT LEVY SAYS AMERICA IS I BE HELD HERE ON I TIM!: INTERMISSION FINEST REPUBUC HE HAS EVER . FRIDAY MAY 13 F,.s,.::;new w~:;:::.: .''·.,u, BEEN IN• GUEST SPEAKER HERE ' It::!.i~ m't!nt betwe<>n hah•es, ti:.c Col- ~ • --- ."1.'le fltudents ar:d f:lculty a re n 1.1111- · ----- • -.--- 1 ,Jaaae. Ro~te•a TeD· Pre&~dent Guy Bennett Says Ed Iina ling the childish antics of two. H d S · Council Bnnga G e rman Stad-- Piece Clbiunbet- ()rd>eotra M~aw 'a Band of East year-old Domenid ; Nocida, son of OnOt€ entor ent to Aasembly; OetUel c.....ma Ltverpool Will Play Mz·. and ~ 1 - 3 • Carmt>n Noeida, ol Garrett Preaides TO BE 2-PARTPROGRAM WILL ELECT QUEEN j Cle;:~e~day night, when ~he Pio- REVIEWS HISTORY --- ince~ had finishe-d their first •i>..alr a- .A.. inioa Pri~ WiD he 75 aad 40 E G. RoLrt.o-u • h Woll S. against. Concor.!, little Donamick Sa1• Nati.-e La11d Hu Alwa1• a­ ee .... Tickeb .. Sal• Tbvr•day A•l.:ed to Pre•ide Over I~\O bbled out ()n the 1\oor, snuled, Focal Poi111 for New lde.a ..... Fri•T Coro-hoa Ceremoay not!ch.alaJ'>t'y, p1ekcd up a ball la r - • e.d Cro.,..eda J ..u Rokrt Gillette, distin- The date for the tenth annual G ~=~n~~c ·h~n:::lt p~::e~:~s~he'~ :~. By Jame.s Wcofter ~ orpililt, cc.0.7"pGSel', 2nd c.o n- Club_dance has be-en• set for Friday . s wished across .to the '"c heering aee- "America is the finest Re.publie ( dador. will appear in oonctrt h(.'re ev~nmz, May 13, annou~ a Guy tion, wiggld a l!mlle and fell baclt have ever been in," Qeclared AI~ FriiiQ .cllC. rih h.i s ten piece cham- Lee Summers, above, o; Sumnte~ Benn~tt, ~resident of the Iittennen's 1I into his floor show. C. D. Le\-y in a short a.ssembl,- &d­ her.....-.... Thill will .be the :.~cond ,.;ue. '1\'as r ~ently chosen one of the orgamzatton. Fans laug.hed eheerleadeN clru- dre99 Wednesday. ''This I f ound 0111&. 1_.... ol the second !W! mester Ar- six members of the Pioneer Week Ed McG~w a nd his_ oreh e11~ra cltlod, and llttle,Dornt: uicll bad 11 big after lh-:ing u nder, and expe-rienci!W" '*"tr- series. team. H e will speak to the se ni or:~ from ~t Liverpool, 0., Wlll furmsll evening. He'& our c.ltoice ror Cleu­ its customs •and ideas," stat-ed llr. -_P-' ~m for the concert wi ll in. the high s.:-hoo ls in the southern the must c. The appcannce of Me.- ville's lllOSt rabid, !!mall faa. Let'& Levy, who came to this country fro,& ~ into two parts. NumbcnJ section of the st:'l.te. Mr. Summers, Craw's band here this yC>ar will b:'l.v c him a;rain. · Germany only last June and who ill ..... ftnt part will be; Sinfon ia in a senior in the College, was coe -cf mark t:he second visit of this orches­ now a student in Davis and E~ •W q;sjcr by Bach; trio for twolthc seventeen on the honor roll for !tr& here in three years. Mc Graw BAND CONTEST TO CoiJcge. - .wiM; and viola b)~ Handel; flute the first semester. Iplayed for tbe G Club dance in 1936. Having studied E"ftglish befON .... Allepo from Concerto Nv. 2 by The moin feature of the evening'!' BE HELD APRIL 2 J ohn W. Mowre!', Jr., above, of coming t:o this country, Le,-y's ,.-on~. x-rt; and an ove.rture (Sinfonie) 'Y. M.' APPOINTS entertainment_ will b~ a ccronatioD Clarksburg, a member of the Pioneer were enunei,.ted clearly a nd onb­ 1 Week team, will speak to the seniors slight trace'S of the some.what cut· lr,A'::!~ inlennissioll, a prelude TWO COMITTEES ~e r~;:~n~u!:;~l l"~;c~rct!~e:c;~~ Six ~=t:a";;~ r:7od .;:k~ent In the high school throughout t he l ura! native German crept throqta. 11r Dei»UDJ' aod an &l lep-etto b)' . --- . 1 qut>en will be chosen soon by popu- Part In Program northern section o! the state. In "Because of her central locatioa, addition to this hon or, Mowrey is Germany 'has alwa)'!o been the lltaJ't.­ ~ := 90~~~~~i r eb~e !-:';~ Dec.;:;~i~u'!":,~etr!':;~JI of. 1t~r L:o~e ~-~:;e ;;;e~~odJ~r.-is of Selected members of ban~ s from one of the seventeen sen iOrs to make ing point for new ideas wbic.h ha-.e .,. Sicfred K.arg-Eiert; a nd Scherzo Plan Party Gr.:tntsville was crowned 1\tiss G s ix counties wil l make up a central ~ honor roll for the first semester. spread around Europe," said Lie'I'JI' ... Ada&io quasi andante by Dohn-- Club I. during a ceremon)' in whic}l We-$t Virginia band, which v,;U give in his few remar ks about Germaa ~wi ll make up t:.e la.st ~alf of the A constitution.ul committee. a par- Dr. E. G. Rohl'bough, president of a concert at tlle teachers' roundtable MORE CHEMISTRY life and customs. '\Being SUTTOa•· mnc~rt. ty committee and a quartet were the College, and Paul Fulks, prf'ei· meeting ·here on Saturday A:>ril 2, 00 by U!n different countries, all The artists who will be with Mr. elected during :\ meetins- of the Y. dent of the Club, t.ook ac.live part.;. it was leamed the past wee-k. EXHIBITS ARRIVE speaking differ ent languagee u4 CiDette in his orchestr-a are: First M. C. A. 3t 6 :3 0 o'clock Wednesday Pres. RQhrbough <;\-'ill be asked apil'l A band contest, to be direct.ed by Mving their ('ustoms ther e are maa,­ Wolia, Lorraine !lhrtineau; second in th~ ColleJ:e :~.uditorium. this year to participate in th~ ~eri- Frnnk M. Beall, J r., Gilmer county Studeata In Biology 101 Claaa pec-uliar ideas among Germa.ns," • lte ..so&n, Chari Couc.h; , ;0ta, Virginia The committee selceted to draft monies on May 13. lca.der. <;\-'i ll be n.nother f eature ot Begin Work on PreparatioD said, and added; BDtaming u; cello, Eliubeth Rill: 8 constitution and prt!sent it to the Alao kl be e.host>n in a student t:.h~ meeting, a.nd musicians from of Diaplaya "Germany laid its first co~ eoatra ba:e, Erling Nordberg; flute, '- ~ ub March 2, indudu c-hairman,; bady eJe::tion 80-0 n ·arf1 n~a:id:s of Nichc las, Clay, Web$er, C:~.l houn , ston-e under Fr-ederic.k Wilhelm 1 an• J:IMaor Mitchel; oboe. Dorothy Cren,•er Demmic.k: Denver Losh and Ihonor t;o the G Club que-en. Maids Braxton, and Gilmer countres w ill Edward R. CoftlleU, manager of tbis was further carried out by Frelf. Bal!pap; clarinet, Claire Schmuckel; Den :tel Garrett. la.:n ye.a.r were Miss Jc~Phine Riffce ; be e legible to enter. Seven bands the Air Reduction Sales Contpany of erick the Great. The Wocld War t.uoon, Violet J o-hnson ; hom , FriU ~he p&rty c:ommittee consi.sting of Iand 1M i-ss Winifred Whit4:!. Ihave a lready expressed their desi-re W·he-elin,g h.&s contributed an exhibit brought ~rma n y to a strata ~ Sdtwab; u d Mr. Gillette at the Ham- ebamnan, Chlfor-d G-.\rrett, R.:llph ---o--- t-o participate. of gu.ses found! in air fOT the Chem- it waa unable to leave for _., 1~~0ad Organ. F'i_she-r and J oe Jal'\~, is to meet DEBATING TEAMS I The ban<b will r-e«-ive a rating of istry Day exercsi!!$ to be held he-Te. year.:;." enA:,m!::~.:::::~~t :e5 oa;~~~ ::!~ et ~:ry~ :~~in~d •;n:;;!:~n:e:~ MEET OPPONENTS ::e:~· ::cj:ll~ :=:~go~of~~; ::~~~day and Saturday, April 8 ma~e. ;:;eAame:n~:: n:~: ::.::~ 0 0 'l'hunday a nd Friday afternoons. Ga!!:tq~rte~a:e:d~::;:c~c::~ / G lenville Entertain's WayDea- ::~t, a::::r m~; i ea~eh~ l :n;:~ ei p~r. G~:':!'r:r~~ 7ee~l::s ~h~;~ :·~a::: :: r~k~ ~ ~~.··":~ ~ COEDS BITE NAJLS or; RobeTt Butcher and Shirley bur1 Here ID AftentOOD Iwee-k as oomoared to the gra-de of the past year. · out " In Gennany upper daanza• Brown, buses. and Eve~~inc Series music played. interpretation. tone, Among the- othe:r exhibit& con- ha ve dU!:lea in the afternoon 11M ._•• r-.-ti-.-. -'-"-tio• Fi•••• '!"be -nut meetirl:i' will be Mar-c.h --- ' ' ' ' i-ntonation, an~ ge11erai etfeet. The triOut.od the past week .are the fo-1- e.w-eninc, u well u in the moon.· P'lirtiaa, ~i 1 .-c 2, announ<'ea J ames Oabourn. pr~- Vcrl<'y Rexr oad, Willis. TattenJOn time limit fo1· playing is to be ten lowing: A mineral di!tplay from a nd students have to work .m..- <J..nt. and Frederick Bell, memben of the ] min ut~.
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