JANUARY 1970 75c HUNTING • SHOOTING • ADVENTURE WIN A 1111e1t 111 tile 111et11m1 1/eltl SAVAGE 99 RIFLE (Details Inside) DREAM GUNS of 1970 world 's finest combination for the world's finest rifles. Buy Redfield. Get performance. The real beauty of a Redfield Rifle Scope is in See your dealer or gunsmith or write for free its performance. Whether it is the craftsman 32-page full-color catalog. who makes it, or the shooter who uses it, per­ formance is the one thing that matters. At the moment of truth, Redfield can be depended upon. There is a Redfield Rifle Scope for every shooting purpose ... big game, varmint, target, benchrest or plinking. The outstanding feature of each is that invisible, built-in extra that imparts pride, confidence, dependability and satisfaction for the marksman -and as­ Redfield sures the ultimate in accuracy, Redfield 5800 EAST JEW ELL AVE • DENVER. COLORADO 80222 Scopes and Mounts are acknowledged the SIGHTING EQUI PMENT NOT SUBJ ECT T O THE FEDERAL GUN CONTROL ACT OF l!iUS8 ELECTRONICS ANNOUNCES DART® THE ALL NEW COPYRIGHT 1969 DART ELECTRONICS U.S. PAT . PEND. GOLDSEYE ®SERIES NEW PROFESSIONAL METAL LOCATOR OUT­ PERFORMS MODEL XL ONLY Fully Transistorized Easily detects buried 1970 MODEL Comes complete, ready to use. coins, relics, gold, silver, New powerful circuit for maxi· copper and all other metals. Works mum sensitivity. Has both loud· speaker and earphone. Uses in· through dirt, sand, rock, wood, water, expensive 9 volt battery. Licht· etc. New solid state circuit assures weight: only 2 pounds. maximum performance. WITH MODEL VIEW-METER XXL New Vlew·Meter model detects objects on the fringe of debtct· able depths, NEW means more sensitivity. POWER-COIL VIEW· METER MODEL $3995 available ONLY POSTPAID ORDER NOW FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPM NT! TO: DART ELECTRONICS, P. 0. BOX 361GN HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS 77340 0 DART MODEL XL ... ..... .. .. .. .... $29.95 0 DART MODEL XXL , WITH VIEW-METER ... $39.95 0 POWER·COIL .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $12.95 Enclosed the sum of $, ___ ___ for the items checked 0 CASH 0 CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER ORDER ONE NOW OR ADD IT ON LATER. WHY BUY A DETECTOR WITHOUT THIS VALUABLE FEATURE? NAME ___________________ The all new Dart power-coil will effec- POWER-COIL, ONLY ADDRESS _________________ tively double the penetration depth of $1295 the XL and XXL Goldseye Models on POSTPAID lar&er objects that are buried deeper. CITY _______STATE _____1p ___ JANUARY, 1970 TRICCER Vol. XVI, No. 0 -1 George E. von Rosen TALK Pub lisher S MANY of our "Gun of the A Month" winners will tell you, it takes time to get all of the paperwork CONTENTS done so that we can deliver the guns to the winner. That is why we are somewhat behind in announcing the FEATURES names of the monthly winners. Well, we got caught up a little, and we are SAFARI 1970 pleased to announce the following What the big game hunter can expect this year ...... ... •.. .. Be rt Klineburger 18 lucky GUNS readers. COLLIER REVOLVERS Author she d s new light on these rare guns ...... • .. ...•..... Harry C. Kn ode 20 Howard Theriot, Jr., of Harvey, SKEET SHOOTING WITH D. LEE BRAUN La., is the happy winner of the Colt Authoritative instruction from an old ma ster .. .... .......... .. E. B. Mann 22 Stagecoach .22 rifle, our contest gun "THE WILD BUNCH" in the July issue. Guns Movie Review . • . • • 24 DREAM GUNS OF 1970 Robert W. Hunt, of Hobart, Indiana, Author tells w hat he would like to see this year .........•. .. Gene Lovitz 26 walked away with the Navy Arms '66 GUNS AND THE LAW rifle offered in our August issue. New shotgun diverte r is tested .... .. .......... ..•... Col. Rex Applegate 28 Vernon Battles, of South Haven, HOW ABOUT A RIMMED .30-06? A new approach to an old proble m ....••.•.•....... .. ... .... D. A. Stawarz 30 Michigan should be out in· the woods THE GOOD OLD .30-30 already with his brand new Browning A look at one of our best and oldest .. .. ....••. .. .. ... Col. Charles Askins 32 Auto rifle which was offered in our THE UZI SUBMACHINE GUN September issue. Story of the jewel of Israel ...... .. .•...•.• . .. ... Maj. George C. Nonte 34 THE NEW BROWNING HI-POWER Congratulations to these three lucky Cover story . .. .. ..... .. ..... ...•. .•.... ..... ....... ... Gene Lovitz 37 winners, and we hope that you can b e PAPO AMARELO the next lucky reader-keep trying! The ' 73 Winchester in Brazil .......... .. .. ........ .... Dwane J . Sykes 38 THE MAB ·)\· * * Full color print for framing ....... ... .... ...... ....... ..... Gene Lovitz 40 All of the legislative news is not THE CAMPO-GIRO bad. The "registration" and record­ A forgotten pistol with a rich history .... ................... .. J. B. Wood 42 REMINGTON 700 BDL keeping required wi~h the purchase of Test report on Re mington's latest. ......... .. .. .... .. .. ....• B. R. Hughes 46 rifle and shotgun ammunition has been FREE GUN DRAWING repealed by the Senate. However, in W in a Savage Model 99 rifle . • . 77 order to get the amendment through, the sponsor was pressured into delet­ ing rim-fire ammo from his bill. This is just one more instance of how DEPARTMENTS ridiculous some of our lawmakers can be. Shooters Club of America . • . 5 Point Blank .......• Col. Charles Askins 16 Crossfire . 6 Pull! ....... .. ... .... ... .. Dick Miller 48 * * Our Man In Washington . 8 Shopping With Guns . 60 Getting back to our monthly con­ Handloading Bench .... .. George Nonte 10 Index of Advertisers . • . • . 74 tests, we h ave a couple of real b eau­ Questions & Answers . 14 The Gun Market . • . 75 ties coming up in a couple of months. One will give you your money back on your latest gun purchase; no Jerome Rakusan . ....•..... .. ..... ... Editor Les Bowman ..... •..•.... ... .... ... Hunting Harold A. Murtz .. .... ...... .. Associate Editor Don Mc Evoy . ..... .... ..... ... Sales Manager matter how much you spend. The E. B. Mann ........... ..... Contributing Editor Jon Kaufman .. ........•... Promotion Manager other is an all-expense paid hunt for Col. Charles Askins .. ... .... ... Shooting Editor Mike Lacy ...... ............. Production Mgr. big gam e, These are both the most Maj . Ceorge C. Nonte ...•........ Handloading Sydn ey Barker .. .. .. .... ........ Art Dire ctor exciting contests we have yet run, and Dick Miller .. .. .. ....•. .. ·... ... .... Trap Anton Majeri, Jr. .. •. , ... Ass't Art Director Robert Mandei . ........•..... .. Antique Arms Andrew Molchan .. , . ....... Advertising Sales I'm sure that you'll want to keep Wm. Schumaker ... .. , .. • .. Gun smithing Ronald Penn ..... .. ....... Advertisin g Sales reading GUNS so that you will have a Shell ey Braverman ... .. ... ..... Modern Arms Leonard Diamond . ............ Advertising Sales chance at these big ones. Col . Rex Applegate .. ....•.. ............ Police M. Gross ......... .. ..... Ass't Circulation Mgr. Maj . George C. Nonte .. .. .. ... .• ...... Military Sally Loges .. .. ... .. ....... .. Subscription Mgr. * -x- There is a little contest being run by the editor on page 26 of this issue. No million dollar prizes, but it should SHOOTING be a lot of fun. SPORTS THE COVER EDITORIAL OFFICES: J.,ome Rakusan, 8150 N. Central P•rk, Skokie, Ill . 60076, ORchard 5-5602. Two new 9mm Browning pistols (see NATIONAL ADV. OFFICES. 8150 N. Central Park Ave .. Skokie, Ill .. 60076. ORchard 5-6010. page 37) on e nestled in a handsome holster by SD Myres Saddlery Co. Silver grips are by C e ntral Sales Gun Shop of Chicago. Photo by Gene Lovitz. 4 GUNS JANUARY 1970 Newg ftom fhe ... SHOOTERS CLUB OF AMERICA Dediccited to the Constitiitioncil Right of Every Citizen to K eep and B ear Anns ?\! AN PHOTECTS FA.\llLY F HO.\I RIOTERS that environment or other intangibles are the cause of their \V lTH HI S CUi'\. troubles and then turn around and av the rising cri me rate T hi s headli ne carried on the fron t p age of a major citv news­ can be reversed by disarming law-abiding citizens is an cx- paper recentl v told the story of \\'hat is becoming a vanishing rcise in anti-logic. Ameri can tradition. Big-city administra ti on and the federal \ Ve must be constantly aware of the continuin g threats to our government are doin g eve1Ything in th eir p ower to disarm the constitutional right to keep and bear firearms. \ Ve must stay p ri va te citizen and leave the law-abiding citizen an easy vic­ alert to all attempts to curtail our shooting acti viti es bv ins idi­ ti m of the cri min al. ous methods such as a mmuniti on records. Legitim ate shoot­ Present trends in legislation and court-room procedure indi­ ing sp ortsmen have alwavs p racti ced self- regulation and have ca te th at the arm ed citi zen is soon to be a thing of the past. p roved themseh'.es to be good citizens " ·ho are wil li ng to T he second amend ment to the constitution guarantees the make sacrifices fo r the good of the countrv. \ Ve arc at this right to keep and bear arms. The arm ed citizen has not only ti me, however, bein g asked to make a sacrifi ce of basic con- been able to protect hi s O\\'ll pro pertv and fa mil v, but a na tion titutional ri ghts with no chance of am-t hing of value to be of skill ed shooters learning to handle and respect firearms has gained . kept the U . A. a strong " ·oriel power and has helped the U.S. and the ,,·orld cl efea t the enemies of freedom in every in­ The newspapers, T-V and other ma s media characteri ze fir e­ . tanee. arms owners as a group of selfi sh individuals ,,·ho are fig hting THE SHOOTERS CL ·13 OF A.\IERICA believes a return without reason to retain a usele p ri,·il egc. The' have to the concepts that made our countr great is necessary if smeared the reputati on of shooting portsmen and contend the · .S.
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