20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Program and Book of Abstracts MPTL 2015 International Conference September 9–11, 2015 at LMU Munich Wed, 9 Sep Thu, 10 Sep Fri, 11 Sep Opening Ceremony Plenary Lecture Plenary Lecture 09:00 - 10:00 Michael Dubson Wouter van Joolingen Plenary Lecture Plenary Lecture Plenary Lecture 10:00 - 11:00 Jochen Schieck Christian Hackenberger David Lowe 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break 1A Invited Symposium REP 3A Parallel Session QP 6A Parallel Session SIM/VID 11:30 - 13:00 1B Invited Symposium IWB 3B Parallel Session VRL/MAP 6B Invited Symposium ASS 3C Workshop CAM 6C Workshop MAP Lunch Lunch Closing Ceremony 13:00 - 14:00 2A Invited Symposium VRL 4A Invited Symposium iMP Lunch 2B Invited Symposium ILA 4B Invited Symposum GBL 14:00 - 16:00 4C Parallel Session MM 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Poster Session 5A Invited Symposium QP & 5B Parallel Session ILA 16:30 - 18:30 Welcome Party 5C Workshop VRL Guided Tour Conference Dinner 18:30 - 20:30 20:30 - 23:00 Program and Book of Abstracts European Physical Society 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Program and Book of Abstracts MPTL 2015 International Conference September 9–11, 2015 at LMU Munich, Germany Organized by: Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning (MPTL) Chair of Physics Education, Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich With the support of: German Research Foundation (DFG) European Physical Society (EPS) – Physics Education Division German Physical Society (DPG) Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) The city of Munich COMMITEES Scientific Advisory Board Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, USA Ton Ellermeijer, CMA, Amsterdam, Netherlands Francisco Esquembre, University of Murcia, Spain Raimund Girwidz, LMU Munich, Germany Tomasz Greczyło, University of Wrocław, Poland Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, USA Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy Program Commitee Nick Braithwaite, The Open University, UK André Bresges, University of Cologne, Germany Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, USA Sebastián Dormido, UNED, Spain Ton Ellermeijer, CMA, Netherlands Francisco Esquembre, Universidad de Murcia, Spain Raimund Girwidz, LMU Munich, Germany Tomasz Greczylo, University of Wroclaw, Poland Jochen Kuhn, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, USA Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy Dean Zollman, Kansas State University, USA Local Organizing Commitee Raimund Girwidz, LMU Munich, Germany Stefan Richtberg, LMU Munich, Germany Lars-Jochen Thoms, LMU Munich, Germany Bianca Watzka, LMU Munich, Germany MPTL 2015 Program and Book of Abstracts © 2015 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Chair of Physics Education VolumeBack cover editor: image: Lars-Jochen Rudolf Sterflinger, Thoms, Raimund München Girwidz Tourismus, Nr. 0711-2 Volume number: 39 B Published by the European Physical Society PrintedManaging in editor:Münster P. byHelfenstein, Verlagshaus Mulhouse Monsenstein & Vannerdat in cooperation with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, University Library The electronic version of this publication is available via http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-25097-8 ISBN: 978-2-914771-92-4 (print) ISBN: 978-2-914771-93-1 (electronic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Plenary Talks . .11 Invited Symposium REP: Visual Representations in Physics Education . .17 Invited Symposium IWB: Perspectives on Interactive Whiteboard Use in Physics Instruction . 23 Invited Symposium VRL: Virtual and Remote Labs in Practice . 29 Invited Symposium ILA: Concepts to Initialize Learning Activities With Modern Media . .37 Parallel Session QP: Multimedia in Teaching and Learning Quantum Physics . 45 Parallel Session VRL/MAP: Virtual and Remote Labs in Practice / Concept Mapping .. 51 Workshop CAM: The Amazing World of Ionizing Particles: Experiments With MX-10 Particle Camera . .57 Invited Symposium iMP: iMobilePhysics (iMP): Using Smartphone, Tablet-PC & Co . as Experimental Tools . .59 Invited Symposium GBL: Game-Based Learning in Physics and Physics Education . 67 Parallel Session MM: Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning . 75 Invited Symposium QP: Multimedia in Teaching and Learning Quantum Physics . 83 Parallel Session ILA: Concepts to Initialize Learning Activities With Modern Media . .91 Workshop VRL: Remote Controlled Experiments for High School and Undergraduate Physics Students . 99 Parallel Session SIM/VID: Simulations and Videos in Physics Teaching and Learning . 101 Invited Symposium ASS: Incorporating Multimedia and ICT in Physics Education: Focus on Learning Paths and Assessment . 107 Workshop MAP: Creating Interactive, Online Concept Maps using Free Software . 113 Poster Abstracts . 115 5 Welcome to Munich Dear participants of the 20th MPTL Conference, Dear Sir or Madam, - I may warmly welcome you in Munich. To say it right away: You could not have chosen a bet Weter placehave foran yourimpressive conference. academic Munich landscape is a city andof knowledge numerous and internationally science. recognized re- search institutes. They are the beating heart of the science city of Munich. All the more, I am pleased that you contribute with your conference to this pulse. - Physics is a fascinating basic science. Why are things as they are? What is matter, what ener knowgy, what what are Itheir may interactions seem to the in world, space but, and astime? to myself, What are I seem the laws to have of nature? been only To give like people a boy the knowledge about it is a challenging and exciting task. Like Isaac Newton said, “I don’t playing on the sea shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” Against this background, your work is like maybe even a mission. To serve this mission with multimedia resources, was certainly a quantum leap forward in knowledge transfer. Learning, Teaching, Multimedia – there come together already taken alone complex matters. And the linking of these matters facilitates interdisciplinary exchange. As part of your MPTL conference you will definitely share experiences and results, discuss new approaches, might try out new techniques, but certainly develop new ideas. pre-alpine„Pleasure in landscape the job puts with perfection its mountains in the and work.”, lakes, said will Aristotle. contribute I wish to thisthat pleasureMunich, duein the to its special flair, its remarkable architecture, embedded in the gravel plain of the stunning job. That you get a lot of inspiration to generate these certain ideas that enable an exciting Onphysics a good class. success of your convention! Best regards, Major Josef Schmid Head of Department of Labor and Economic Development 6 Welcome to LMU Munich Dear Colleagues, WeIt is come a great together pleasure again for usfor to our welcome annual youconference in Munich to presentfor the 20th new MPTL ideas, conference.to learn about new interesting concepts, and to discuss computer-based learning in physics. Also for those who are new, we wish you to find collaborations with researchers, teachers and instructors who- are involved in teaching with multimedia. A warm welcome also to all participating GIREP conference,members. By and participating hope that our in the preparations conference will you lead revive to productiveour close collaboration work as well withas to theenjoy In- ternational Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP). We are proud to host the MPTL Theable annualdays in Munich.MPTL meeting gives us opportunities to exchange results of our work, which is important to improve physics education on school and university level. Thereby, we will focus mainly on three parts of scientific activities: First, MPTL conferences reach a high level- on presenting new hard and software technologies for teaching and learning. New concepts, best practice examples and innovative ideas can be discussed. Second, we also have dedi cated empirical studies about important factors for effective learning with modern media. Third, assessment of and with digital media is a topical issue. The number of accepted presentations is high, compared to former meetings. This offers us sessionsthe opportunity and invited to cover symposia a broader will bring field andtogether special experts issues. with However, special we interests will take and care, help not us to lose the options to discuss things in expert groups with manageable numbers. Thematic the coffee breaks, the lunches, the conference dinner and a sight-seeing-tour offer many oc- casionsto keep anfor intimate informal atmosphere discussions, in networking, specific groups. renewing Furthermore, old ties, tomaking assist new this intention,friends and also to inspire and to create new projects that will help us to improve the quality of physics educa- Organizingtion. We hope the that conference the conference would willnot behave a socially been possible enjoyable without experience the help for allof manyparticipants. people - dation (DFG), the European Physical Society (EPS), the German Physical Society (DPG) and theand Wilhelmorganizations. und Else We Heraeus-Stiftung, would like to acknowledge the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität the support of the German (LMU),Research the Foun Fac- ulty of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, the city of Munich, as well as our col- Weleagues are alsoat the deeply Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
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