<p> The Villages at Eagle’s Landing Property Owner’s Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1677 ♦ Stockbridge, Georgia 30281</p><p>Dear Neighbors:</p><p>Greetings from your Board of Directors.</p><p>Enclosed you will find a copy of the Covenants for The Villages at Eagle's Landing, along with a condensed version of the most frequently ask questions and other helpful information. The covenants were adopted by the association and are intended to assure that we maintain the neighborhood to its highest standards.</p><p>The Board is committed to providing the homeowners with on going information on how we can work together to make The Villages the greatest neighborhood in Metro Atlanta.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>The Board of Directors </p><p>Gaye Burton George Siggins Hal Meyer Stephanie Tansey Jere Lee Kurt Linden George Ketner Joanne Enright Dick Grimes The Villages Property Owners Association is a Home improvements: mandatory Association. A mandatory property Improvements to your property such as major owners association is designed to help protect and landscape improvements and any additions or preserve the property values of the community. changes made to your property must be approved The Villages are directed by the Board of Directors prior to construction or installation by the elected by the home owners. The Board of Architectural Review Committee. You may mail the Directors enters into contracts to help run the request for approval to: The Villages at Eagles association day to day activities. The Board many Landing Inc., P.O. Box 1677, Stockbridge, GA years ago hired a management team Grace 30281. (Or fax to: 770-620-0069). Management and Subdivision Services to help with the day to day operations of the community. This Landscape Maintenance Management Team offers specialized management The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting a services for Property Owner’s Associations. They Landscape company to maintain all the homes and work closely with your Board of Directors to ensure common areas. The association is currently under the highest standards for your community. They are contract with Gibson Landscaping. If you have any available to all residents to answer any questions concerns about service on your property or the and/or concerns and look forward to working with common area, please contact both Subdivision you. Services and Gibson landscaping.</p><p>Grace Management supports the Board of Garbage Service Directors by providing all of the financial services The City of Stockbridge provides garbage service of the community including collection of for the entire community. All garbage cans shall be assessments, payment for services and production located or screened so as to be concealed from view of monthly financial statements. They also help from the streets in front of each Lot except on days organize annual meetings. They are available to all of trash collection. The Board of Directors residents to answer any questions regarding their established a guideline in 2005 which states that account or other association matters Phone 770- trash can be put out after dusk for pickup the next 389-6528 ♦ Fax770-506-8430 ♦ E-mail day. [email protected]</p><p>Subdivision Services, Inc. provides a service to Important Phone Numbers consistently and fairly enforce the Protective Covenants established for The Villages. In addition, Pool and Tennis Area keys and party reservations: they assist the Board of directors in overseeing the Hal Mayer 770-474-0147 landscaping services, pool cleaning, gate maintenance and other maintenance contracts as Grace Management: Financials, Statements, copy of directed by the Board. To report a violation or Covenants/By-Laws: maintenance concern contact them 770-389-6528 770-620-0069 ♦ Fax 770-620-0069 or e-mail: Fax 770-506-8430 [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>The Covenant enforcement process: The Subdivision Services: Covenant Enforcement, Gate covenants and by-laws dictate the legal process that clickers Common Area Maintenance issues and the association must go through in order to mandate Architectural Review that a property be brought into compliance. Once a 770-620-0069 Phone and Fax violation is observed or reported. The Board will [email protected] notify property owners of the violation. Please correct the violation by the date indicated to avoid To report a street light that is out call any penalties. The goal is not to take legal action, Georgia Power1-888-660-5890 but to help homeowners be responsible for their own property. A well maintained community Gibson Landscaping means higher property values and creates a more 770-473-9893 enjoyable atmosphere for all of owners in the community. City of Stockbridge City Hall 770-389-7900 Covenants at a Glance</p><p>*Please refer to your set of Covenants and Restrictions for full description of Covenants.</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Article IX Section 2 No improvements shall be erected, constructed, placed, altered, remodeled, maintained or permitted to remain on any portion of the property, including any Lot, until plans and specifications in such form and detail as the ARC deem necessary, shall have been submitted to the ARC and approved by it in writing. Please submit all requests to:</p><p>The Villages at Eagles Landing Property Owner’s Association, Inc. ATTENTION: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE P.O. Box 1677 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281</p><p>OR FAX TO: 770-620-0069 ●Building guidelines: effective August 3, 2000 No construction can commence on any structure including mailboxes, fences, foundations, etc. without advance written approval of the plans and until a road access fee of $500.00 has been paid for all new construction not commenced prior to August 14, 2000. This fee must be paid to the Association before any plans or new construction will be approved by the ARC and is non-refundable A site plan, complete with dimensional locations of all proposed improvements, with all building setback lines shown, site grading and storm drainage plan shown on a topographic map with a minimum of two foot contour intervals. (You can get a topo map for your Lot from the ARC)Clearing limits with adequate dimensions should also be shown; A landscape plan showing type, sizes, and locations of all shrubs and ground covers to be planted, as well as, all trees to be planted and each tree proposed for removal. (you may flag trees which are to remain on-site as an alternative to showing trees to be removed on the plan) The detailed landscaping requirements are listed in Section 7 of the building guidelines. Floor plans, elevation drawings of all exterior walls and roof plan, location of air-conditioning compressor(s) A description of all proposed exterior finishes, materials, and colors, including those for walls, roofs, windows, doors, paving, fences, signs and exterior lighting fixtures. Samples and/or manufacturer’s identification data shall be supplied if requested by the ARC.</p><p>OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITY Article V Section B 2 Each owner shall maintain or cause to be maintained his Lot and all improvements thereon including his residential unit, in good, clean and attractive condition and repair, subject to the Declaration and in a manner which is consistent with the community-wide standard. Such maintenance shall include, without limitation, prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse and waste; reasonable maintenance, repair and replacement of all his improvements and all exterior portions of his residential unit; tree and shrub pruning; watering of landscaped areas; keeping lawn and gardening areas alive, and in attractive condition; not allowing any soil or clay to be exposed on any portion of the landscaped areas (all portions of the owner’s property shall be covered by grass, vegetation, pine straw, stone, improvements or some other ground cover acceptable to the ARC or the Board); keeping driveways in good repair; complying with all governmental health and police requirements; and repair exterior damage to all the improvements including residential unit on his Lot. AIR-CONDITIONING COMPRESSORS Article IX Section 4 v Air-conditioning compressors shall be screened from the street running along the front line by a brick wall or other architectural or vegetative wall approved in writing by the ARC. ●Building guidelines: effective August 3, 2000 All air-conditioning units shall be located at the rear of the house, or on the side of the house, if screening is provided between the air-conditioning unit and the road. Screening must be at least the height of the air- conditioning unit. If screening is done with plant material, an evergreen species should be used. MAILBOX Article IX Section 4 vi No mailbox shall be erected or located on any Lot unless and until the size, location, design and type of material for said box has been approved in writing by the ARC. In no event may a newspaper tube be erected or located on any Lot. ●Building guidelines: effective August 3, 2000 The ARC will designate a standard mailbox structure for all homes. Mailboxes are available from Charlie Johnson at 770-914-1999 VEGETABLE GARDENS Article XI Section 3 No vegetable gardens of any type may be planted or maintained on any Lot in a location that is visible from any street or road. PLAY EQUIPMENT Article XI Section 4 Playhouses, tree houses, basketball goals, trampolines, hammocks, play structures and other recreational equipment constitute improvements and the plan for and location of such items are therefore subject to review and approval by the ARC in accordance with Article IX of the Declaration. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES Article XI Section 5 No structure of a temporary character, whether a trailer, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding, shall be permitted, maintained or used on any lot at any time as a residence or for any other purpose, either temporarily or permanently. SIGNS Article XI Section 6 No signs, including “For Sale” signs, billboards, posters or advertising devices of any character shall be erected, permitted or maintained on any Lot or on the Common Area without the express written consent of the Board of Directors. The Owner of each Lot may place one “For Sale” sign on his Lot; provided however, the Board of Directors has the right to regulate the size and design of the sign to ensure consistency with the Community-Wide Standard. ●Building guidelines: effective August 3, 2000 Only one sign identifying the property prior to completion of the construction and/or advertising the property for sale is permitted per Lot and must be approved in writing by the ARC. The association only allows the official Eagles Landing Green Signs.</p><p>NUISANCE Article XI Section 7 It shall be the responsibility of each Owner and Occupant of a Lot to prevent the development of any unclean, unhealthy, unsightly or unkempt condition on his Lot. No Lot shall be used, in whole or in part, for the storage of any property or thing which will cause such property to appear to be in an unclean, or untidy condition or that will be obnoxious to the eye, nor shall any substance, thing or material be kept that will emit foul or obnoxious odors or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort or serenity of the Owners and Occupants of surrounding Lots. No obnoxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the Community, nor shall any thing be done tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or nuisance to any person on any Lot or the Common area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no horn, speaker, whistle, siren, bell, amplifier or other sound device, except such devices as may be used exclusively for security purposes and stereo speakers, shall be located, installed or maintained upon the exterior of any residential unit. Use of stereo speakers located or installed on the exterior of any residential unit should be limited to that which will not disturb the peace, quiet, comfort, or serenity of the surrounding Lots. ANIMALS AND PETS Article XI Section 8 No animals, pets, livestock, birds or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot, except that dogs, cats and other usual household pets may be kept by an Owner on his respective Lot and within their respective residential unit provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose and do not endanger the health of or unreasonably disturb Owners of Lot within the Community. No structure for the care, housing, or confinement of any pet or animal shall be constructed or maintained on any part of the common area, and any such structures maintained on a Lot must be approved by the ARC. Pets and animals shall be on a leash at all times when walked or exercised in any portion of the community, except on an Owner’s Lot. The owner of any animal or pet shall immediately remove such animal’s or pet’s excrement from any portion of the common area or on any Lot not owned by the Owner. All animals and pets shall be registered, licensed, and inoculated as required by law. GARBAGE CANS, WOODPILES, ETC. Article XI Section 9 All garbage cans, woodpiles and other similar items shall be located or screened so as to be concealed from view from the streets in front of each Lot except on days of trash collection (guidelines established by the Board in 2005 allow the trash can be put out after dusk for pickup the next day).</p><p>All rubbish, trash, garbage shall be regularly removed from each Lot and shall not be allowed to accumulate thereon. Trash, garbage or other rubbish shall be kept in sanitary containers with covers or lids, which sanitary containers shall be removed from the front of each Lot promptly after pickup by the local sanitation service. Exterior clotheslines are expressly prohibited on any lot. LIGHTING Article XI Section 10 All permanent exterior lighting on each Lot must be submitted and approved by the ARC in accordance with Article IX in the Declaration of Covenants. SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS Article XI Section 11 All Lots located at any street intersection shall be landscaped so as to permit safe sight across the street corners. No fence, wall, hedge, shrub or landscape planting shall be placed or permitted to remain at any corner of a Lot located at any street intersection where, in the opinion of the Board, the condition would create traffic or sight problem for vehicles or persons entering or traveling upon these streets. SWIMMING POOLS Article XI Section 13 Swimming pools of all types are strictly prohibited and may not be erected, placed, or maintained upon any Lot within the community. However, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, and the like may be permitted upon the Lots if approved by the ARC. PARKING Article XI Section 14 All boats, buses, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds, all terrain vehicles, scooters, minibikes, go- carts, motor homes, mobile homes, trailers, campers and vehicles used primarily for commercial purposes, vehicles with commercial writings on their exteriors, panel trucks, vans receiving a “car” or “passenger vehicle” classification and trucks with a load capacity of one (1) ton or more kept or maintained in the community must be kept in an enclosed garage. All automobiles, and other vans and trucks shall be parked within an enclosed garage to the extent that the garage space if available and if not such passenger vehicles shall be parked on the driveways of the Lots. Garages shall not be used for storage or in any manner so that they become unavailable for parking passenger vehicles or specialty vehicles. Parking on the street is not permitted within the community. Passenger vehicles, or specialty vehicles which are either dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperative, discarded or which do not have a valid license plates attached thereto must be stored within an enclosed garage. FIREARMS Article XI Section 16 The use of firearms within the community is strictly prohibited. The Term firearms include B.B Guns, pellet guns, and other firearms of all types, regardless of size, power, caliber, or gauge. UNSIGHTLY OR UNKEPT CONDITIONS Article XI Section 19 It shall be the responsibility of each Owner to prevent any unclean, unhealthy, unsightly, or unkempt condition from existing on or within his Lot and residential unit. Any item outside patio furniture or other articles that can be viewed from the streets within the community, common area, or other Lots shall be maintained in a neat and attractive condition as determined by the Board. The pursuit of hobbies or other activities which might tend to cause disorderly, unsightly or unkempt conditions, including, but not limited to, assembly, disassembly and repair of motor vehicles or other mechanical devices, shall not be pursued or undertaken on any part of the community other than in an enclosed garage.</p><p>FENCES Article XI Section 20 No fence may be installed or constructed on any Lot without the prior written approval of the ARC in accordance with Article IX in the Declaration of Covenants. ●Building guidelines: effective August 3, 2000 No fence may be constructed nearer the front property line than the building setback lines or the front corner of the residence, whichever is greater. No fence is permitted on the rear fifty (50) feet of a Lot which is on the golf course or on a lake, except as permitted in the protective covenants. The ARC will only consider approving black, wrought-iron to resemble the fence surrounding Eagles Landing Property. ARTIFICIAL VEGETATION, EXTERIOR SCULPTURES AND SIMILAR ITEMS Article XI Section 21 No artificial vegetation shall be permitted in the community except within a residential unit. Exterior sculptures, fountains, statues, flags and similar items must be approved by the ARC. TREES Article XI Section 23 No trees of any kind measuring a height of three (3) feet above the natural ground elevation and six (6) inches or more in diameter, if the tree is less than fifty (50) feet from the golf course boundary, or twelve (12) inches or more, shall be cut or removed from any Lot without the prior written approval of the ARC. LEASING OR RENTAL OF HOMES Article XII Section 2 Leasing of Lots shall be prohibited, except in the case of undue hardship as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. </p><p>CHIMNEY CAPS AND ROOF VENTS Building Guidelines effective August 2000 Aluminum or metal chimney caps shall be painted black. Any and all metal or PVC vents that protrude through the roof shall also be painted black. All chimneys must be stucco or brick DRIVEWAY COLUMNS Building Guidelines effective August 2000 Driveway columns must be approved by the ARC</p><p>*Please refer to your set of Covenants and Restrictions for full description of Covenants.</p>
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