<p> World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 1: Introduction</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight What is language? Before: cognates, Song in the target language into the Nature of Language and Culture Provide students with a matching specific What trends to you before quiz with cognates and examples of Movie in the target language 4. 1 Comparing Languages: Students recognize in words false cognates in the target cognates and demonstrate understanding of the nature of from both your native language and English. false cognates ELMO/Projector language through comparisons of the language and your (will vary by language studied and their own. target language? During: target Facebook in the target language, Ask students to listen carefully as language) twitter in the target language 4.1.N.a Identify basic differences and Scaffolding Questions: you play a recording of target similarities in vocabulary between one’s own How are the target language songs and provide language and the target language (cognates language and the students with the lyrics and and borrowed words). student’s native students highlight cognates they language similar/ see. different? Show a movie (a very popular Are there any movie that most students have cognates/false already seen in English), in the cognates? target language and have students list cognates as they hear them. They are required to have at least 50 cognates. </p><p>After: Students are given an e-mail in the target language with cognates in it and students need to write in English what they think the e- mail is about based on the cognates they see and any prior vocabulary knowledge they have. </p><p>4.1.N.b Identify basic differences and What grammatical Before: Create Colored construction paper cut in similarities in grammatical structures trends do you recognize In this lesson we will be able to matching word strips. between one’s own language and the target. in both your native compare the similarities and cards in target – Tape World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 1 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources language and your differences of a sentence in the language and – Magnets target language? target language and in English. one’s own Compose a simple sentence on language. Ex: Same as above Scaffolding Questions: board in English, compose same This is my – Create speech bubbles Is the word order the sentence in target language. house (English) for each sentence same (nouns, verbs, Kore (this) adjectives, etc.)? During: watashi no uchi Strips of paper with parts of Talk out-loud, ask students to (my house) speech for each group Do the nouns have identify the parts of speech in desu (is) genders? English of each sentence. Label Timer the word(s), (i.e., noun, particle, Is there plurality verb, vowel sounds, etc.), their Video tape, show to class and agreement in the target function, and location in the critique language/native sentence. language? Line 1: Simple sentence in Are there possessive English. words in the target Line 1a: Same sentence in target language/native language. language? Draw two columns on board with above sentences for similarities and differences; write students’ responses during Talk-Out Loud.</p><p>Follow above procedure, calling upon students to identify and arrange the grammatical structure of the target language sentence on board.</p><p>After: Continue above procedure incorporating complex sentences.</p><p>Have students create their own sentences in small groups to perform for class; following World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 2 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources grammatical rules in target language.</p><p>4.1.N.d Identify basic differences and What phonological Before: noun Google: similarities in phonological features (such as trends do you recognize The teacher will introduce them particle noun Target language pronunciation, intonation, and tone) between in both your native self in the target language to verb (Japanese) – pronunciation one’s own language and the target language. language and your class: Greeting, Name and Title. tone, – audio target language? The teacher will also ask pronunciation – guide questions to the students (like and – translation Scaffolding Questions: “How are you”, “What class is intonation (in – pronunciation chart Is inflexion different this?” etc. and ask students if they native for questions? understood and/or recognized any language) www.youtube.com for videos in words that they could relate to the target language How are the different English. And ask them if they sounds pronounced? noticed anything about the tone or Alphabet poster and song Are there any intonation with the introduction similarities in the and the questions. alphabet and sounds between the two During: languages? The teacher will play an audio- visual in the target language once Is there different without interruption. Next, play intonation or tone based partially and pause. Ask students on who you are to raise their hands when they speaking to? recognize a difference in intonation and tone in target language. Finally, repeat a third time following above recommendation. Record students’ comparisons of differences and similarities on board. Also provide each student with 3 words they need to say to the teacher individually to show proper pronunciation of the words. </p><p>After: World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 3 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Ask the following related questions: 1. Are there different intonations when men spoke and to whom in the target language? 2. Are there different intonations when women spoke and to whom in the target language?</p><p>Have students create skits in target language using appropriate pronunciation, intonation, and tone. Pairs will be given one of a few scenarios to demonstrate proper intonation, tone and pronunciation. *Provide full dialogue if necessary.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 4 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 2: Greetings</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Why should you learn Before: hi, Use the videos that accompany in Languages Other Than English cultural gestures when KWL-Students will write what hello, the book ordered by the teacher communicating? they know about gestures used good morning, (Example: Bien Dit series, 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: while greeting, then write what good afternoon, Expresate series, etc) Students engage in conversations, provide Scaffolding Questions: they want to know. Finally, after good evening, and obtain information, express feelings and What are common the lesson, they will write what good night, www.quia.com emotions, and exchange opinions. greetings among they learned. good bye, friends? Among new see you later, Microsoft power point 1.1.N.SL.a Use the target language with people you are During: see you culturally appropriate gestures in everyday meeting? With adults? Students leave a phone message tomorrow, www.artskills.com social situations such as greeting, leave on teachers voicemail (can use see you soon, taking, or introductions. What are appropriate Googlevoice or audacity as well see you when I Video clips from main book gestures in your culture to record their messages or see you, series (Example: Bien Dit series, for greeting one ipadio) pretending they are a new leave takings, Expresate series, etc) another? (Guy-Guy, student and they have to greet the I would like to Girl-Girl, Guy-Girl) teacher, state who they are and introduce you www.youtube.com then say goodbye. to ___, Do you think these This is my Pictures of gestures being used in gestures and greetings After: friend ____. different scenarios (example: clip are universal? Or Partner short skits where they Pleased to meet art pictures, magazine pictures, culture specific? have to greet each other, you. etc.) introduce themselves, and then Likewise. leave. Must include appropriate Ipadio, Google voice, and gestures in the skit as well. audacity</p><p>1.1.N.RW.a Use the target language in e- How does the Before: hi, Facebook, twitter, authentic text mail messages, text messages, blogs, web communication mode Teacher provides a copy of the hello, messages or e-mails in the target pages, letters, and notes to greet, take leave, affect how you write? “about” section from their good morning, language (need to search on the or make introductions. Facebook profile (in the target good afternoon, Internet or use textbook language) and then students good evening, resources to find documents) answer multiple choice questions good night, about what they read good bye, www.Edmodo.com (need to World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 5 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources see you later, create a teacher account and During: see you create a different account for On www.edmodo.com students tomorrow, each class and give students the are to introduce themselves and see you soon, code to enter into the class) greet and take leave from another see you when I student in their class; teacher see you, Cell phone template checks site and gives students leave takings, credit appropriately I would like to Text message samples with introduce you portions whited out After: to ___, Students write an e-mail to the This is my teacher in which they must friend ____. correctly greet, introduce Pleased to meet themselves, and say goodbye. you. Likewise.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 6 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 3: Geography</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Why is it important to Before: Names of Maps of the countries in which Understanding of Other Cultures know about other Give students a blank map of the countries and the target language is spoken countries and their different countries where the capitals 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students cities? target language is spoken and a Blank maps of the countries demonstrate an understanding of the list of the countries. Students fill where the language is spoken relationship between the products and Scaffolding Question: it out the best that they can, perspectives of the culture studied. What do you already including capitals. know about countries 2.2.N.G.a Identify countries, their capital, where the target During: and major cities in which the language is language is spoken? Give students a quiz matching the spoken. countries and capitals. </p><p>After: Give students a map test with a word bank of countries and capitals and have them fill in a blank map of the countries where the target language is spoken.</p><p>2.2.N.G.b Identify major geographic features How do geographic Before: Names of Maps of the countries in which (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of a features affect the Show a map and have students specific the target language is spoken country in which the language is spoken. culture of the people? list what geographic features they geographical with geographic features think are found in each country features Scaffolding Questions: where the language is spoken Graphic organizer for geographic What are some major (rivers, forests, mountains, features and picture and country geographic features a deserts) based on its location in country might have? the world. Cut out names of the geographical features How would using a During: legend assist in Have students look at a map of Blank map identifying major the geographic features of the geographical features? countries and have them use that to fill out a t-chart with the What importance do the country on one side and the World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 7 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources geographic features geographic features on the other have in the way of life side. in the country? After: Give students a matching quiz in which they have to match the names of major geographic features to the country in which they belong. </p><p>2.2.N.G.c Identify the neighboring countries In what ways might a Before: Names of Maps of the countries in which and geographic features surrounding a bordering country Show maps of countries where specific the target language is spoken country in which the language is spoken. affect language and the target language is spoken and geographical with geographic features culture? have surrounding countries features and whited out. Students have to fill surrounding Graphic organizer for geographic Scaffolding Question: them in using a word bank and countries features and picture of country What relationship prior knowledge. exists between a Cut out names of the country and its During: geographical features bordering countries? Have students take the same before assessment but now Blank map without a word bank.</p><p>After: Have students fill in names of surrounding countries on a map of countries where the language is spoken as well as list specific geographical features for those surrounding countries. </p><p>2.2.N.G.d Describe the climate and typical How does climate Before: Weather Live Internet broadcast of season and weather patterns in various parts affect the culture of a Students will watch a weather vocabulary: weather in the target country of a country in which the language is spoken. country? forecast in the target language. It is hot/cold/ Students will make 4-5 statements fair weather. Collection of pictures depicting Scaffolding Questions: in English about the weather weather conditions during What are the different conditions that were described. It is snowy/ different seasons types of climates? rainy/sunny/ World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 8 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources During: windy/foggy/ Overhead transparencies/ Which climate would Give students 4 different weather cloudy/stormy/ PowerPoint presentation showing you prefer to live in? reports for 4 different parts of a clear/ freezing. the differences in weather country where the language is expressions, notes about What climate do we spoken and then have them The idiomatic/cultural differences live in? describe it. temperature is __ degrees Copies of the weather report for After: Celsius. the week in different parts of a Divide students into groups of 4 country where the language is and students will be given print It is snowing/ spoken outs on the different weather in raining. the different seasons in the Presentation boards different parts of the country. It is going to Students use their notes to create be…. a 4-section weather board. In the sections, students will describe In the spring/ the weather for each of the four summer/fall/ seasons, including at least three winter… typical weather patterns (“In the spring, it is rainy. It is sometimes cold. It is not snowing”) and the average temperature (“The temperature is 15 degrees Celsius”). All seasons should have at least 1 visual graphic with it </p><p>Rubric: – Content of regional presentations 30% – Pronunciation 20% – Preparation/completion of true/false statements 20% – Presentation/Participation of group members 30%</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 9 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 4: Economy/Products</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and How might culture Before: Specific names Teacher created PowerPoint Understanding of Other Cultures affect product? Provide students a variety of of products presentation pictures from products native to a discussed; will 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students Scaffolding Questions: country in the target language and vary by target Column note taking template demonstrate an understanding of the What are some products native to the U.S. Have language (ex. relationship between the products and products that are native students list what country they baguette- Images of products cut out and perspectives of the culture studied. to our community/ think it is from. France, tapas- copied for each student state/country? Spain) 2.2.N.F.b Identify products that were native During: Posters/big sticky notes to a community, region, or country in which What are some Students will be given a matching the language is spoken. products you know are quiz with the products from the native to other before activity and students have countries? to match it to the appropriate country. </p><p>After: Teacher puts pictures of products native to a country in which the language is spoken and students have to answer: 1. Where is it from? 2. What is used for? 3. How often is it used in the culture? (for each product.) </p><p>2.2.N.E.b Identify the major natural In what way do natural Before: services, Readings in English on the topics resources, commercial products, services, resources affect Put students in groups and assign industries, mentioned and industries of a country in which the industries and services them a country where the names of language is spoken. provided by a country? language is spoken and have them commercial Cornell Notes Template identify out of a group of photos products, How might natural of natural resources, commercial natural resources influence the products, services, and industries resources development of which ones they think apply to services and products that country. World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 10 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources of a country? During: Scaffolding Question: Teacher shows a PowerPoint of What are some different pictures of natural products you see here resources, commercial products, in the states that are services, and industries and imported from other students give a thumbs up or countries? thumbs down if it applies to the country where the language is spoken. </p><p>After: Students are to create a graphic organizer (Natural Resources in 1 quadrant, commercial products in another, services in the 3rd, and industries in the 4th quadrant) and they are to draw pictures of the different items.</p><p>2.2.N.E.c Recognize the currency of a Why are there different Before: Names of 3 column note taking template country in which the language is spoken. currencies in the world? Matching pre-quiz where students different match all different pictures (with currencies Teacher created PowerPoint labels) of currencies from a presentation with pictures of variety of countries (not just the currencies and countries where target culture) with the country they are used where they think that currency is used. Markers and blank paper for creating the replicas of During: currencies Show a PowerPoint of different currencies from the target culture Posters and have students write down what country uses each one on a sheet of paper. </p><p>After: Take the replicas of currency World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 11 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources made during one of the learning activities (or if the teacher has currency from those countries, that could be used too) and put 4 different currencies in envelopes (their “wallet”); 1 envelope for each student. Each currency has either A, B, C or D written on it and students have to write where they would be able to use each currency. For extra credit they can write what they would be able to buy with it.</p><p>2. 1 Practices and Perspectives: Students How does culture affect Before: Professions Mexican Website demonstrate an understanding of the the economy? Students name previously learned vocabulary with list of professions and relationship between the practices and professions (i.e. firefighter, nurse, (doctor, lawyer, descriptions perspectives of the culture studied. Scaffolding Question: doctor, policeman, teacher, teacher, nurse, What are some popular veterinarian) and must match with etc.) Video showing pictures of a 2.1.N.E.c Identify ways in which people of professions? Does appropriate pictures or costumes. huge range of professions. all ages earn money/make a living in a popularity of (Probably too many to use community or culture in which a language is professions vary from During: directly in the classroom, but spoken. country to country? Students describe the actions of good source of inspiration) each worker using simple sentences (i.e. La médica cura a Musical video Cuando Sea los enfermos. The doctor heals Grande sick people.). Víctor Baeza </p><p>After: Wordplay.com Students forecast in the target Must login-in but free language about what they would (Professions Games 1-4 plus like to be when they grow up and Professions Verbs) a simple reason why (i.e., Me gustaría llegar a ser un bombero porque me gusta ayudar. I would like to become a firefighter because I like to help).</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 12 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 2.1.N.E.b Identify the economic system in a How does the economic Before: Vocabulary List created by teacher of items community or country in which the language system affect a Matching activity of products in common to to purchase is spoken. country’s value? the target language and where it bargaining would be purchased (for example (I would like to Sample currency from the target Scaffolding Question: meat meat market). buy, culture Is it easy to earn It costs… enough money to During: That is too Overhead transparency/ support yourself in this (Assessment 1) Students role-play much, etc.) PowerPoint presentation of country? the purchase of a common item in pictures of different stores, open- English using bargaining Names of air market, etc. techniques. (Assessment 2) different types Students are given a list of 10 of specialty Video showing bargaining common items which have stores happening in the target culture already been priced in the target (supermarket, (online resource) culture currency. They must open air decide whether the item has been market, meat Sears advertisement in target priced appropriately or whether market, pastry language with prices listed for the price is much too high for that shop, etc.) discussion about appropriate product. Can be done in a “Price pricing is right” game style. Currency conversion chart After: “Shopping trip 2” Students re- visit the shopping trip completed at the beginning of the lesson. This time, they must explain where to purchase the item (open- air market, specialty shops, etc.) and the cost of the item in the target culture currency.</p><p>Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight How does location Before: consumer, Rational Revolution into the Nature of Language and Culture determine product List activity: Name some basic skilled labor, http://rationalerevolution.net/arti types? products that are standard in our unskilled labor, cles/american prosperity.htm 4. 2 Comparing Cultures: Students everyday life style. products demonstrate understanding of the concept of Scaffolding Question: (vocabulary ABC World News Tonight with culture through comparisons of the cultures Compare job salaries Suggestive Topics: will vary Diane Sawyer – Special Report “ studied and their own. between the target – Technology (cell phones, depending on Made in America World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 13 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources culture and native ipods, smart boards, video the products http://info.usa- 4.2.N.b Identify basic target culture products culture. games, medicine,) discussed) c.com/2011/03/07/ab and compare them to one’s own. – Games (board games) – Foods (cultural, regional, National Association of snacks) Manufactures – Clothing http://www.nam.org/ – Music – Go Green: Environment: www.Youtube.com: “Stuff” solar windmills video – Automotive Industry: electric cars</p><p>During: Have students go home and pick out 5 items of clothing and write down where they were made. Have students go to the grocery store and write down 5 different food items and where they were made. </p><p>After: Have students read about a specific product in the target language (provided by teacher) and answer these questions: – Name of product – Where is it made? – Made by skilled or unskilled laborer? – Comparison of cost in target culture and their culture – Why is there a price difference? (if applicable)</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 14 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 5: Physical Descriptions</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate What role does Before: Description Clip Art, Any magazine with full in Languages Other than English description play in our Put up a funny picture of a family vocabulary on size pictures lives? and ask the students to describe looks, 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: any one person in the picture in personalities, Microsoft Power Point Students engage in conversations, provide Scaffolding Questions: writing. and http://www.tooter4kids.com/clas and obtain information, express feelings and What are different characteristics sroom/ bio_poems.htm emotions, and exchange opinions. descriptive words to Ask the students to share any (funny, smart, describe people? description words they already fat, ugly, Song on CD (i.e. Sing Laugh 1.1.N.RW.e Ask questions in writing about know. pretty, skinny, Dance and Eat Tacos) physical appearance, character, and What are some positive tall, short, etc.) personality traits of friends, family, and attributes? Negative? During: Magazines/newspapers available classmates and answer in writing using a list Have students describe any 5 for those who come unprepared of traits. people in the room, but write their names on a separate sheet of 1.1.N.SL.e Ask questions about physical Why is it important to paper. Students read any 1 appearance, character, and personality traits be able to describe description from their paper out of friends, family, and classmates and answer others? loud and the other students try to using a list of traits. guess who is being described. Scaffolding Questions: What are different Cloze activity – Description song descriptive words to – Give them the lyrics to a song describe people? with several words missing. The students listen to the song several What are some positive times and fill in the blanks. attributes? Negative? After: Project – Gather 5 different pictures and attach them to a sheet of paper. Write a paragraph for each picture describing the person in the picture.</p><p>1.3 Presentational Communication: What is the importance Before: personal You-tube Students present information, concepts, and of self-expression? Students will write a poem interests World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 15 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources ideas to an audience of listeners or readers (format – first line = write I, (hobbies, CD song to learn, you-tube, or a on a variety of topics. Scaffolding Questions: second line = I am, collecting student created song. What are some ways to third line, 2 adjectives to describe knick knacks, 1.3.N.S.a Present song, poems, or stories in express yourself? self, swimming, the target language. fourth line – 2 more sentences to running), describe self, memorable fifth line – write I, experiences sixth line – I am not, (first day of seventh line – 2 words that don’t school, best describe you separated by neither day ever, worst nor, day ever), eighth line – 2 more words that school don’t describe you, activities ninth line – write: I, (track, classes, tenth line – I am, club, soccer, eleventh line – I am me.) swimming, technology), Students will then read their and family life poems acting out each adjective (what is done in front of the class. with family, who is in During: family), Students will memorize and sing I think he/she a song in the target language in is: (pretty, front of the school. ugly, nice, mean, etc), After: I prefer to: Students will write a song/rap in Which do you the target language and then prefer? or? present it to the class OR place it What do you on you-tube. think about: ? Do you prefer …. or ….. more?</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 16 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 6: Describing Places </p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Why is it important to Before: clothing store, Spanish and French can obtain in Languages Other than English be able to communicate Quick write – students will write department these through “Sing, Laugh, about the world around all the words they know to store, etc. Dance and Eat Tacos/Quiche –all 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: us? describe items or locations big, others can get from Youtube or Students engage in conversations, provide expensive, other sources and obtain information, express feelings and Scaffolding Questions: During: cheap, emotions, and exchange opinions. Why is it important to Students will describe the item bargain, etc. be able to describe our the teacher points out for him/her. 1.1.N.RW.g Ask questions in writing about environment? Places? They read it out loud to the class the attributes of places and things in their Things? and the class can try to guess immediate environment, and answer in what was described by the writing using a list of traits. What are different students. words for describing these things (in native After: language)? Provide the students with a picture and have them describe that item in 5 or more sentences.</p><p>1.1.N.SL.g Ask questions about the attributes Why is it important to of places and things in their immediate be able to describe environment and answer verbally using a list places and things of traits. within our environment?</p><p>Scaffolding Questions: What descriptive words do you already know in the target language? </p><p>Can these be used to talk about places and things as well?</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 17 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 7: Famous People/Current and Historical Events</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Why is it important to Before: Historic culture PowerPoint slide show of all Understanding of Other Cultures learn about historic (Thumbs up/down): Teacher will icon, power of the historic culture icons culture icons. state some historic culture icons point 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students and have the students put their presentation Worksheets that have the demonstrate an understanding of the Scaffolding Questions: thumbs up or down to express *specific to picture and name of each relationship between the products and Who are some important whether or not they know that icons chosen in historic culture icon learned. perspectives of the culture studied. people in our history? icon. For the ones that the the target students did a thumbs up for, ask language but Microsoft office 2.2.N.C.b Identify historic culture icons (arts, Who are some important the students to state what they could range Internet music, literature, film and the creators of these people in the history of know about that particular icon from profession Clip Art products as well as natural sites). the target country(ies)? (i.e. What are they known for, titles, to the You Tube (for music) what country are they from, etc.). work they Sample assignment Why were they did/do, etc important? During: Pictures of historic culture Students will create a power point icons 2.2.N.C.a Identify current cultural icons (arts, presentation about their historic music, literature, film and the creators of these culture icon. In this power point, products as well as natural sites). Why is it important to the students must include a learn about current picture of the icon, what they are cultural icons? famous for with a sample if his/her work (if possible), a brief Scaffolding Questions: history of that person, where they Who are some important are from and at least 5 extra facts people in our culture? that the student learned about that icon as they completed their Who are some important research. (In English) people in the culture of the target country? After: Students answer a 30 question Why are they important? quiz where they will match the icon to the correct piece of information about that icon.</p><p>2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students Why is it important to Before: N/A Easel paper World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 18 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources demonstrate an understanding of the learn about historic Pre-quiz/KWL chart on previous relationship between the practices and events and their knowledge from Social Studies or Stickers perspectives of the culture studied. impacts? other content areas of historical events and settings in the target Computer or encyclopedia 2.1.N.H.a Identify and explain the impact of Scaffolding Questions: country. access three major historic events and their impact on What are major historic the culture of a community or country in which events in our history? During: Graphic organizer the language is spoken. The history of countries Provide three short descriptions where the target of the three historical events. List language is spoken? three questions to accompany each one of the readings. The What impact did each of students will use a different color these events have? to highlight the answer to each of the questions in the passage. </p><p>After: Divide class into three groups and assign an event to each group. Have each group re-create the historical event of the target country.</p><p>2.1.N.H.d Identify and describe significant Scaffolding Questions: Before: N/A Current event current events in a country in which the What are some recent Students will be asked to describe language is spoken. events in one important domestic current Newscast of event in target ______event. culture (country where the target language is During: Computer access for spoken). Students will create a collage of images/magazines images pertaining to the current event and be able to discuss the Newspapers meanings of the images as they relate to the current event in the Teacher-edited list target culture. After, each student will select an image of their choosing to discuss how and why it relates to the current event in the target country. World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 19 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources </p><p>After: Students will create a mock newspaper article or newscast from the perspective of a journalist in the target culture. </p><p>2.1.N.H.e Identify and explain how the Before: N/A World map language and culture expanded throughout the Distribute a sheet divided in half. world. First half label: Name countries List of items where “Target Language” is spoken…. Second half label: Colored pencils Name countries affected by the “Target Language” culture. Pair students and ask them to fill out the sheet. </p><p>During: Color a world map using one color for where the language spread, and a different color for where the culture spread. A third color will be used to symbolize both language and culture spread. </p><p>After: Using the same map as the “during” activity, students will create a legend to illustrate how the culture/language spread to each country. Example: A ship to symbolize colonization/immigration can be placed inside a country such as the U.S./Canada. </p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 20 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 8: Getting the Main Idea</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Why is being able to get Before: Main idea and Textbook, bi-lingual in Languages Other than English the main idea out of a Students will read a small riddle text specific dictionary reading important? in the target language and choose vocabulary 1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students what it means on a multiple Fairytales in target language understand and interpret written and spoken What are some strategies choice pre-quiz. language on a variety of topics. for getting the main Children’s stories in target idea? During: language 1.2.N.R.b Understand main idea of simple Students will read an article from accessible written materials in the target the textbook and then answer Que Tal magazine language such as textbook passages, age- questions relating to the main Allons-y Magazine appropriate magazine and newspaper idea of the passage. articles/ads, websites/Internet, poetry, or stories. After: Students will read a poem and then state the main idea of the poem.</p><p>1.2.N.L.d Understand main idea of an audio Before: Main idea, Get from Youtube or presentation (CD, lecture, radio, podcast, Students will receive a sign that common main purchase from Teacher’s songs/music). has a certain piece of information idea Discovery (i.e. Sing Laugh on it related to a song. When that Dance and Eat Tacos or Sing part of the song is played, that Laugh Dance and Eat person has to stand up holding Quiche. their sign. CD’s (i.e. Luis Miguel, Los During: Piratas del Caribe, etc.), i- Students will listen to a series of tunes or Youtube 5 songs and then state what the common main idea that they http://Spanish.podcast.com/ shared was. http://French.podcast.com/</p><p>After: Students will listen to a short podcast and then write a small World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 21 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources paragraph in target language identifying the main idea of the podcast.</p><p>1.2.N.L.c Understand main idea of a visual Before: Main idea Teacher’s Discovery or media of a visual media or live presentation Students will write the main idea Carlex (companies that sell (film/DVD, TV shows and commercials, of a music video sung (and these) theatre and musical production). performed) in the target language in their journal. They will then International Theater of share their findings with the class. Performing Arts (Live Bi- Teacher will have a big piece of Lingual Performances) or paper to write all the ideas stated movies like: Belle et le Bête and then students can vote on which idea was correct.</p><p>During: Students will provide the main idea of their choice of Youtube videos in the target language for the class. (Teacher provides a list of 20 or 30 topics they can choose from.)</p><p>After: Students will watch a live performance (or a video of a theatrical performance) and then answer 5 questions relating to the main idea of the performance.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 22 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 9: Familiar Topics</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Formative family, verbs, Classroom books in the in Languages Other Than English Before: conjugating, target language with focus Students will create a concept places on family, friends, home, and 1.3 Presentational Communication: Students map/graphic organizer relating to school present information, concepts, and ideas to an their life in the form of a web. In audience of listeners or readers on a variety of the web, they need to have a Web : Goggle: bbc topics. minimum of 5 bubbles coming off languages, family, friends of them with 3 bubbles coming off 1.3.N.W.b Prepare illustrated stories (big of each of the 5 bubbles and 2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua books, posters, dioramas, cartoons) about bubbles coming off of each of the ges/italian/lj/introductions/ activities or events in students’ personal life, 3 bubbles. The first 5 bubbles are http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua and share these with an audience. to represent different events in the ges/german/lj/family/ student’s life. The 3 bubbles coming off of that are details to http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua those events and the 2 bubbles ges/spanish/cool/family_flas coming off of those are the h.shtml miniscule details. http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua During: ges/german/talk/family/ Students will write daily journal entries relating to different areas of http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua their personal life. ges/french/lj/family/</p><p>Summative http://www.bbc.co.uk/langua After: ges/french/lj/family/ Students will create a cartoon or book about their life. http://www.edhelper.com/Dr aw_and_Write.htm </p><p>1.3.N.W.c Write brief personal descriptions on Essential Question(s) Before: telephone Past work (or sample work familiar topics in the target language such as Discuss what students already number, on Youtube) or a teacher’s self, friends, family, home, and school. know about benchmark: favorite, sample. best friend, Scaffolding Questions: The students will be able to older, Sample projects from past World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 23 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources express familiar topics in the younger years with different qualities target language with teacher (but student’s name is modeling in target language removed) through multi-media presentations. http://www.andyrunton.com/ – My name is comics.html – My telephone number is http://www.brucevanpatter.c – I live in (city)…. om/funstuff.html – I attend _____ school. http://donnayoung.org/art/ – Identify the number of comics.htm people in their family (mother, father, older brother, older sister, younger brother, etc.)</p><p>– I like (sports, foods, movies)</p><p>During: The teacher will call upon individual students to Think, Pair , Share in target language (expand).</p><p>The students will work two in a group with copies of the following questions Asking one another the following questions in target language and recording responses in target language, i.e.,</p><p>Question: What is your name? Response: My name is ….</p><p>Question: What is your telephone World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 24 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources number? Answer: My telephone number is…</p><p>Question: Where do you live? Answer: I live in (city)….</p><p>Question: Can you name the members of your family? Answer: mother, father, older brother, younger sister</p><p>Question: What do you like in school Answer: I like…</p><p>The teacher will – record responses on board. – display appropriate website in resources related to target language such as self, friends, home, and school. – have students write a one- two sentences on each topic. – Share on-going topic development of personal description report with students.</p><p>After: The student will be able to write brief personal descriptions and illustrations, about, self, friends, family, home, and school in the target language. – Each student will share/display their final World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 25 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources projects to the class as final project using the website write and draw.</p><p>1.3.N.S.b Present brief personal descriptions on Before: personal familiar topics in target language such as self, Students will describe themselves interests friends, family, home, and school. out loud in 5 words or less on a (hobbies, sheet of paper. Students will collecting knick volunteer to read someone’s paper knacks, out loud to see if the students can swimming, guess who it is. running), memorable During: experiences Students will present to the class (first day of what they do on a typical school school, best day day. ever, worst day ever), school After: activities (track, Students will give a 2 minute classes, club, speech describing themselves, soccer, their family, their home and their swimming, school. The other students have to technology), and be ready to tell one thing they family life (what learned about the presenter. is done with family, who is in family)</p><p>1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students Before: Personal Sing Laugh Dance and Eat understand and interpret written and spoken Thumbs up/down – Teacher will interests Tacos CD OR language on a variety of topics. state different items/ activities and (hobbies, Sing Laugh Dance and Eat students will put their thumbs up if collecting knick Quiche CD (Song – Tengo 1.2.N.L.b Understand interpersonal they prefer them or a thumbs down knacks, una Familia Grande, J’ai une communication on topics of personal interest if they don’t prefer them. swimming, Famille ….) such as preferences, family life, friends, leisure running), and school activities, and everyday During: memorable Listening comprehension occurrences. Students will take notes on the experiences activities from the textbook student presentation about family, (first day of if available school, etc. and then correctly school, best day World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 26 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources answer questions given by ever, worst day Youtube or Teachertube teachers. ever), school activities (track, After: classes, club, Students will listen to an authentic soccer, video about any of the above swimming, topics (family life, friends, leisure technology), and and school) and then correctly family life (what answer 5 questions posed by the is done with teacher. family, who is in family), I think he/she is: (pretty, ugly, nice, mean, etc), I prefer to ___ Which do you prefer ___or ___? What do you think about ___? Do you prefer ___ or ___ more?</p><p>1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students Before: looks (pretty, e-mail text that teacher can engage in conversations, provide and Fill in the whited out blanks in an ugly, tall, short, white out phrases obtain information, express feelings and e-mail from an exchange student fat, thin, etc.), emotions, and exchange opinions. discussing the weather, health, personalities Poster boards/Large Post-its, self, family and friends as well as (athletic, nice, markers 1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking asking questions about these mean, lazy, and answering basic questions in writing about things. Students will be given a smart, dumb, Graphic Organizer with 4 the weather, health/physical conditions, self, word bank to help them choose good, bad, quadrants family, and friends. which phrase goes where to make hardworking, the e-mail complete. etc.), weather (It’s raining, It’s During: snowing, It’s Students will write a letter to their nice weather. secret pen pal asking him/her It’s cold. It’s about his/her family and self. bad weather. It’s World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 27 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources sunny, etc.) and After: emotions Students have to read a note (happy, sad, written to them asking about their nervous, family, the weather, and how they excited, busy, are doing and then write a reply angry, etc.), letter to respond to the questions questions words asked. (This is a secret pen pals activity – students assume a name from the target language, teacher assigns students the name of the person they are writing to They have to turn it in to the “post office” (the teacher). The teacher then gives the letter to the correct person who then should write back via the same method. The letter should include questions about basic things like weather and health and family and friends.)</p><p>1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions Before: looks (pretty, Tape/CD (Sing Laugh Dance about the weather, health/ Physical conditions, Think aloud (students will share ugly, tall, short, and Eat Tacos/Quiche) self, family, and friends. with the class the different ways to fat, thin, etc.), YouTube talk about the weather and to personalities describe a person’s feelings or (athletic, nice, looks/personalities that they may mean, lazy, already know). smart, dumb, good, bad, During: hardworking, Students will create a skit where etc.), weather they will greet each other and then (It’s raining, It’s find out 3 pieces of information snowing, It’s (weather, health, physical nice weather. description about family or It’s cold. It’s friends). bad weather. It’s sunny, etc.) and After: emotions World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 28 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Oral quiz – During the skit (happy, sad, presentations, students must listen nervous, and take notes and then answer a excited, busy, random question provided by the angry, etc.) teacher in the target language (i.e. How is _____’s mother? What is the weather like?).</p><p>Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Before: Family kinship Pictures of family members Understanding of Other Cultures Students will complete a cultural terms (brother, trivia quiz (in English) concerning sister, father, Vocabulary hand out or 2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students family or friends. Cultural trivia mother, worksheet demonstrate an understanding of the will contain 10-25 facts younger, older, relationship between the practices and concerning the family and friends. youngest, oldest, Clip art pictures perspectives of the culture studied. The statements may or may not middle child, reflect actual customs and grandparents, Index cards with the 2.1.N.F.a Describe family structures and the traditions practiced by the target niece, nephew, relationship facts on it role of friends within a community or culture culture and students label them as cousin, husband, created by teacher where the language is spoken. true or false. wife, grandchild, step- Sample family tree from During: brother, sister, previous year or teacher Students create a family tree that mother, father, created includes: self, one brother/sister, half-brother, parents, aunt and uncle, cousins, sister, Informational reading in and both sets of grandparents. Godparent English from internet or Students have the option of textbook about other types of creating a real family tree for their relationship such as own family or a fictional family Godparents tree. Pictures, clip art, or photos can be included for each family member. Students then present their family tree to the class.</p><p>Students learn about the role of relationships or other family customs, such as the role of Godparents, through an informational reading. Following World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 29 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources the reading, students will complete a fill-in-the-blank quiz.</p><p>After: Following the “Find Your Family” Game, students prepare an oral presentation in which each student introduces a member of the family. (Students cannot introduce themselves). Statements should include the name of the family member, the relationship to the family, age, and residence. Must be done without looking at the index card. </p><p>Rubric: Introduction to Family – Pronunciation 50% – Able to construct sentences regarding name, age, profession, family relationship 40% – Fluency, preparedness 10%</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 30 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 10: Fashions</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative clothing, pants, www.Youtube.com in Languages Other Than English Before: shirts, shorts, Students will orally identify shoes, socks, 1.3 Presentational Communication: Students clothing that the teacher holds up bathing suit, present information, concepts, and ideas to an Scaffolding Questions: and describe it out loud. t-shirt, sweater, audience of listeners or readers on a variety of sweatshirt, topics. During: pants, dress, Students will tell a classmate skirt, 1.3.N.S.c Record materials in the target which items of clothing from the green, red, blue, language, such as a puppet show, fashion show, choices in the front of the room to orange, white, or weather report. put on. black, brown, yellow, plaid, Summative striped, polka After: dotted, Students will record a fashion ugly, pretty, show onto the Internet (or DVD) fancy, put on, is in the target language. wearing</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 31 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 11: Emotions and Feelings</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative description Microsoft clip art in Languages Other than English Before: words on Think aloud – ask the students to emotions, magazine pictures 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students state the difference between an feelings, and engage in conversations, provide and obtain Scaffolding Questions: emotion or feeling and a health scenarios information, express feelings and emotions, personality or look. and exchange opinions. During: 1.1.N.RW.f Ask questions in writing about Interview – Students create 5 feelings, emotions, and health of friends, questions in the target language to family, and classmates and answer in writing interview a partner with. Student using a list of traits. then interviews the partner and then shares what they learned in full sentences.</p><p>Summative After: Quiz – Give 5 pictures for the students to write the description word for and 5 description words for the students to draw.</p><p>1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, Before: description Microsoft clip art emotions, and health of friends, family, and Think aloud – ask the students to words on classmates and answer using a list of traits. state the difference between an emotions, magazine pictures emotion or feeling and a feelings and personality or look. health scenarios</p><p>During: Interview – Students create 5 questions in the target language to interview a partner with. Student then interviews the partner and then shares what they learned in World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 32 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources full sentences.</p><p>Pictures – Have a variety of emotions on pictures and have the students state out loud what emotion, health scenario, or feeling is being displayed.</p><p>Charades – Have students act out different emotions for others to guess.</p><p>After: Quiz – Give 5 pictures for the students to write the description word for and 5 description words for the students to draw.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 33 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 12: Likes and Dislikes</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative I like, I don’t Clip art pictures in Languages Other than English Before: like, I don’t like Like/Dislike Chart: Have students ___ at all. I like Microsoft clip art 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students write in their journal items they ___ a lot. What engage in conversations, provide and Scaffolding Questions: like and items they don’t like. do you like? Teacher created PowerPoint obtain information, express feelings and Students share their information What don’t you presentation on leisure emotions, and exchange opinions. out loud with the class. like? Food activities and products used vocabulary (ice 1.1.N.SL.j Share likes and dislikes in the target During: cream, rice, Images of leisure activities language with a classmate. PowerPoint Presentation – apples, etc.); on a graphic organizer for Students will make a Power Point sports (baseball, notes 1.1.N.RW.j Share likes and dislikes in the presentation of 5 things they like football, soccer, target language with a classmate in writing, and 5 things they don’t like. They etc.); music Readings in English on using e-mail messages, notes, and letters. will share their PowerPoint with (listening or leisure activities the group stating out loud what playing) they do and don’t like. </p><p>Summative After: Students will receive 5 pictures with a thumb up or down next to each one – Students have to state that they like the items with the thumbs up and don’t like the items with the thumbs down</p><p>Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Before: specific names Clip art pictures Understanding of Other Cultures Give students a list of leisure of products activities (sports and hobbies), discussed; will Microsoft clip art 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students ones practiced in the U.S., in the vary by target demonstrate an understanding of the target culture, and in both and have language Any current magazines World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 34 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources relationship between the products and the students mark the ones they perspectives of the culture studied. think are practiced in the target www.flickr.com culture only with a circle, a star by 2.2.N.F.c Describe the products needed for the ones in the U.S. only, and a leisure activities commonly practiced within a square around the ones that are community, region, or culture in which the practiced in both. language is spoken. During: Students will be given a list of leisure activities and products used for them and have to match them appropriately. </p><p>After: Students will be shown different leisure activities on the projector/overhead and then have to list on a graphic organizer what products are required for those activities.</p><p>2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students Before: leisure activities Reading in the target demonstrate an understanding of the Students create a list of leisure vocabulary, language in which leisure relationship between the practices and activities that they personally verbs of activities are mentioned perspectives of the culture studied. participate in and ones that they preference/like would like to learn about in the and dislike Pictures of leisure activities 2.1.N.F.d Describe typical leisure activities target culture. Students identify associated with a particular community, which of the activities from the list region, or culture in which the target language they created they think would also is spoken. be popular in the target culture.</p><p>During: Teacher prepares a list of ten typical leisure activities. Students read the description of six different characters and try to determine which leisure activity the character would like. (Tom is a serious World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 35 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources person. He does not like physical activities. He prefers to stay in the house, etc. )</p><p>After: Students create a picture presentation in which they choose ten leisure activities that they enjoy doing. (Use of photos, clip art, or magazine pictures should accompany statements using the verbs of preference). (I prefer to play video games.) Additional information such as season could be added. (I prefer to play video games in winter.) Students will present to the class. </p><p>Comparison chart rubric: (20 points total) – Organization (4 points) – Inclusion of pictures (6 points) – Accuracy/grammar of content; minimum of ten leisure activities (10 points)</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 36 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 13: Preferences</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative I think he/she is: http://www.teacherspayteach in Languages Other than English Before: (pretty, ugly, ers.com/Product/Spanish- Students will journal about what nice, mean, etc.) Thanksgiving-Preference- 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students they prefer in one or more I prefer to ___, Activities engage in conversations, provide and obtain Scaffolding Questions: sentences. Which do you information, express feelings and emotions, prefer ___ or… and exchange opinions. During: ___? What do Pair and Share: Students will you think about 1.1.N.RW.k Share opinions and preferences in interview each other to find out 3 ___? Do you the target language with their classmates in preferences or opinions. Students prefer ___ or writing using e-mail messages, notes, and write what they find out in full ___more? letters. sentences. Students will then share their findings out loud with the class.</p><p>Summative After: Students will share with their class which movie/music star they prefer and their opinion of that person. They must do this in 3-4 sentences without notes.</p><p>1.1.N.SL.k Share opinions and preferences in Before: I think he/she is: http://www.teacherspayteach the target language with their classmates. Students will discuss their (pretty, ugly, ers.com/Product/Spanish- preference with the class in one or nice, mean, etc.) Thanksgiving-Preference- more sentences. I prefer to ___, Activities Which do you During: prefer ___ or… Pair and Share: Students will ___? What do interview each other to find out you think about three preferences or opinions. ___? Do you Students write this information prefer ___ or using complete sentences. ___more? World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 37 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Students will then share their findings with the class.</p><p>After: Students will share with their class which movie/music star they prefer and their opinion of that person. They must do this in 3-4 sentences without notes.</p><p>1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students Before: personal Sing Laugh Dance and Eat understand and interpret written and spoken Students will act out a interests Tacos CD OR language on a variety of topics. conversation that is already written (hobbies, Sing Laugh Dance and Eat demonstrating that they understand collecting knick Quiche CD (The Washing 1.2.N.R.c Understand written interpersonal what they are saying. knacks, Machine Song) communication on topic of personal interest swimming, such as preferences, family life, friends, leisure During: running); Internet, Microsoft Outlook and school activities, and everyday occurrences Students will read an interview of memorable (email, letters, messages, notes and text a native person and then translate experiences messages). (tied to 1.2.N.L.b) what they read. (first day of school, best day After: ever, worst day Students will read a dialogue ever); school between 2 people and then answer activities (track, 5 questions correctly. classes, club, soccer, swimming, technology); and family life (what is done with family, who is in family), I think he/she is: (pretty, ugly, nice, mean, etc); I prefer to ___. Which do you World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 38 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources prefer ___ or ___? What do you think about ___? Do you prefer ___ or ___ more?</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 39 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 14: Register/Honorifics</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative Hi, hello, good Videos that accompany the in a language other than English Before: morning, good book series used (Ex.: Bien Students will write (brainstorm) afternoon, good Dit and Expresate) 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students what they know about gestures evening, good engage in conversations, provide and obtain Scaffolding Questions: used while greeting, and words night, Mr., Mrs., Microsoft PowerPoint, information, express feelings and emotions, they know already for greeting. Ms., doctor, Sir, flashcards from book series and exchange opinions. They will then share with the Madame, formal (Ex.: Bien Dit or Expresate’s group. vs. familiar you, One Stop Planner) 1.1.N.RW.c Recognize and use appropriate good bye, see register/honorifics in limited, simple social During: you. See you www.freecomicstrips.com correspondence. (Tied in with 1.1.N.SL.a) Teacher will provide comic strips later, see you with bubble captions. The students tomorrow, see Sample songs on CD will fill in the bubbles for each of you soon, see (Ex.: Sing Laugh,Dance the comic strips making sure to use you when I see and Eat Tacos/Quiche) the proper register/honorifics. you, etc. www.youtube.com</p><p>Teacher will provide students with Computer games (ex. a set of conversations. The www.quia.com) students will work in groups of 3 jeopardy-styled to identify each type of games(Ex.: games from register/honorific used and then Teachers Discovery) state whether it was used correctly or incorrectly and why. Students Clip art will then share their findings out www.freecomicstrips.com loud with the class.</p><p>Summative After: Quiz –Provide students with a set of pictures – they must correctly fill in the bubble captions for each scenario using the appropriate register/honorifics.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 40 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 1.1.N.RW.d Request, offer, invite, and reply Before: Would you like www.foreign-language- appropriately in writing using memorized Ask students to answer some basic to (go to the translator.com phrases. (Tied together with 1.1.N.SL.d) questions relating to offering, movies with inviting, and replying to an invite. me)? Can you They write their responses in their (come to my journals and then share their birthday party)? responses with the class. Will you (help him/her/me? During: Please (help me Students receive a set of response with my cards. They hold up the proper homework). No, response cards that would answer thank you. I the question asked by the teacher. would like to, but I can’t. I am After: sorry. Sure. Students fill in the missing Yes, I can. I information to a dialogue. would love to come. I would love to go.</p><p>1.1.N.SL.c Recognize and use appropriate Before: Hi, hello, good Videos that accompany the register/honorifics in a limited number of Students will write (brainstorm) morning, good book series used (Ex.: Bien simple social situations such as greetings, what they know about gestures afternoon, good Dit and Expresate) leave-taking, and introductions. (This used while greeting, and words evening, good benchmark works compatibly with 1.1.N.SL.a they know already for greeting. night, Mr., Mrs., Microsoft PowerPoint, and is tied together with 1.1.N.RW.c) They will then share with the Ms., doctor, Sir, flashcards from book series group. Madame, formal (Ex.: Bien Dit or Expresate’s vs. familiar you, One Stop Planner) During: good bye, see Teacher will provide comic strips you. See you www.freecomicstrips.com with bubble captions. The students later, see you will fill in the bubbles for each of tomorrow, see Sample songs on CD the comic strips making sure to use you soon, see (Ex.: Sing Laugh,Dance the proper register/honorifics. you when I see and Eat Tacos/Quiche) you, etc. www.youtube.com Teacher will provide students with a set of conversations. The Computer games (ex. students will work in groups of 3 www.quia.com) World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 41 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources to identify each type of jeopardy-styled register/honorific used and then games(Ex.: games from state whether it was used correctly Teachers Discovery) or incorrectly and why. Students will then share their findings out Clip art loud with the class. www.freecomicstrips.com</p><p>After: Quiz –Provide students with a set of pictures – they must correctly fill in the bubble captions for each scenario using the appropriate register/honorifics.</p><p>Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight Before: honorifics, Computer into the Nature of Language and Culture Explain the definition of honorific: cognates, Mr., a word or expression with Mrs., Sir, Projector 4.1 Comparing Languages: Students connotations conveying esteem or Madame, demonstrate understanding of the nature of respect when used in addressing formal, informal Google: language through comparisons of the language certain people. Ask students to – Picture of People in studied and their own. identify how we address people Jobs based upon their titles in English. – YouTube: People who 4.1.N.c Identify basic differences and Call upon students to give are regarded similarities in register/honorifics between one’s examples, write responses on honorifically own language and the target language. board. Posted Paper Jump start students with examples if they are having difficulty: Mr., Notebook Ms., Miss., Mrs., Doctor, Professor, Reverend, Sister ___, Father ___, etc.</p><p>Ask students to name honorifics in another language. The teacher will write and categorize student’s responses on board. Example: French, Spanish, Japanese Honorifics. Next, explain to World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 42 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources students that we will compare the similarities and differences of honorifics in English with the target language. Elicit and record students’ responses on the board.</p><p>During: Display multi-media pictures, have students raise hands if they know the honorifics in the target language.</p><p>After: The teacher will prepare a quiz, the student will match honorific in the target language with picture and/or word.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 43 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 15: Invites/Replies</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative Would you like www.foreign-language- in a language other than English Before: to (go to the translator.com Ask students to answer some basic movies with 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students questions relating to offering, me)? Can you engage in conversations, provide and Scaffolding Questions: inviting, and replying to an invite. (come to my obtain information, express feelings and They write their responses in their birthday party)? emotions, and exchange opinions. journals and then share their Will you (help responses with the class. him/her/me? 1.1.N.SL.d Request, offer, invite, and reply Please (help me appropriately using memorized phrases. During: with my Students receive a set of response homework). No, cards. They hold up the proper thank you. I response cards that would answer would like to, the question asked by the teacher. but I can’t. I am sorry. Sure. Summative Yes, I can. I After: would love to Students pair up and pick one card come. I would from a set of scenario cards. They love to go. then must act it out immediately in front of the class.</p><p>1.1N.RW.d Request, offer, invite, and reply Before: Would you like www.foreign-language- appropriately in writing using memorized Ask students to answer some basic to (go to the translator.com phrases. questions relating to offering, movies with inviting, and replying to an invite. me)? Can you They write their responses in their (come to my journals and then share their birthday party)? responses with the class. Will you (help him/her/me? During: Please (help me World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 44 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Students receive a set of response with my cards. They hold up the proper homework). No, response cards that would answer thank you. I the question asked by the teacher. would like to, but I can’t. I am After: sorry. Sure. Students fill in the missing Yes, I can. I information to a dialogue. would love to come. I would love to go.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 45 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 16: Schooling/Education</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Essential Question(s) Formative school, Reading about schooling in Understanding of Other Cultures Before: gymnasium, the target culture Give students pictures of different art room, 2.2: Products and Perspectives: Students facilities, school, office, and sport music room, Venn diagram template demonstrate and understanding of the Scaffolding Questions: supplies and materials and have cafeteria, relationship between the practices and them circle the ones they think are locker Teacher created reading perspectives of the culture studied. needed in the communities where comprehension questions the target language is spoken. 2.2.N.E.a Identify facilities, supplies, and materials needed for schooling and activities in During: a community or culture in the language is Students take a quiz with different spoken. statements about facilities, supplies, and materials used for schooling and they have to mark whether the item is used in the U.S., in the target culture, or both.</p><p>Summative After: Students are given a scenario in which they are going to be a foreign exchange student in the target culture and they need to write about what they should expect as far as facilities, activities, and schooling goes and what supplies and materials they will need (They write this in English). </p><p>2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students Before: Class/Subject Sample class schedules in demonstrate an understanding of the Students are given sample vocabulary, 24 the target language and in relationship between the practices and schedules and are asked a series of hour time English (from textbook or perspectives of the culture studied. questions about the types of system, days of online resources) World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 46 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources classes each student has (schedule the week 2.1.N.E.a Identify levels of instruction, in the target language, questions in Vocabulary handout courses, and typical daily school schedules and English). activities in a community or culture in which Sample course catalog in the language is spoken. During: target language and in Students complete a force field English (from a university analysis in which they classify website in the target culture) statements about the educational system as either applying only to Force field analysis the target culture, applying to their worksheet created by teacher own culture, or applying to both cultures (Students attend school Comparison graphic for approximately 9 months of the organizer created by teacher year. Athletics/extra-curricular activities such as band are not Sample report card from offered at the high school level, target culture etc.).</p><p>After: Students complete a comparison of the target culture educational system and their own, answering questions about school year sequence, sequence of schooling, number of classes in a day, courses taken during a particular year, entrance into university, etc.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 47 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 17: Everyday/Situations</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative What time is it? Dialogues of scenarios from in a Language Other than English Before: It is ___ o’clock, textbook series or online Students will take a pre-test on When does ___ resources, can do Google 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: food, clothing, and vehicles to start/end? Where search for the dialogues or Students engage in conversations, Scaffolding Questions: make sure they know/ remember is ___? Next to, use Quia provide and obtain information, the vocabulary. near, to the express feelings and emotions, and left/right, etc., Teacher created scenarios exchange opinions. During: How much does Mini-Dialogues: Students will role ___ cost? It 1.1.N.R.W.i Ask for and obtain play with partners – one person costs $___. information in everyday situations in will play the vendor and the other How does this the target language about time, place, the client. (They will ask and ___ look on me? price, and size, relating to restaurants, respond to a minimum of 3 It’s too stores, transportation, and services. questions for each situation.) big/small. It Students need to turn in a written looks good/bad copy before presenting. on you. Small, medium, large, Summative etc., After: sale, Written quiz – Students will expensive/cheap answer a 20 question quiz relating , bigger/smaller to the topics in the benchmark – the quiz should consist of short responses and filling in the blanks (i.e. “What would you say in this situation…”)</p><p>1.1.N.SL.i Ask for and obtain Before: What time is it? Blockbuster’s Video (any information in everyday situations in Students will take a pre-test on It is ___ o’clock, movie that has a scenario) or the target language about time, place, food, clothing, and vehicles to When does ___ the videos that comes with price, size, relating to restaurants, make sure they know/ remember start/end? Where the books (Ex. Bien Dit or stores, transportation, and services. the vocabulary that has been is ___? Next to, Expresate) can also be used previously learned. near, to the left/right, etc., Teacher created scenarios. World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 48 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources During: How much does Mini-Dialogues: Students will role ___ cost? It play with partners – one person costs $___. will play the vendor and the other How does this the client. (They will ask and ___ look on me? respond to a minimum of 3 It’s too questions for each situation.) big/small. It looks good/bad After: on you. Small, Impromptu performance: Students medium, large, will pull a cue card that states what etc., they need to say and then they sale, need to perform it on the spot in expensive/cheap front of the group. , bigger/smaller</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 49 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 18: Daily Routines</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Essential Question(s) Formative Family kinship Pictures of family members Understanding of Other Cultures Before: terms (brother, Students will complete a cultural sister, father, Vocabulary hand out or 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students trivia quiz (in English) concerning mother, worksheet demonstrate an understanding of the Scaffolding Questions: family or friends. Cultural trivia younger, older, relationship between products and will contain 10-25 facts youngest, oldest, Clip art pictures perspectives of the cultured studied. concerning the family and friends. middle child, The statements may or may not grandparents, Index cards with the 2.2.N.F.a Describe the products needed to reflect actual customs and niece, nephew, relationship facts on it carry out daily routines and meet basic needs traditions practiced by the target cousin, husband, created by teacher within a community, region, or culture in culture and students label them as wife, which the language spoken (housing, stores, true or false. grandchild, step- Sample family tree from foods, transportation, health care, public brother, sister, previous year or teacher services). During: mother, father, created Students create a family tree that half-brother, includes: self, one brother/sister, sister, Informational reading in parents, aunt and uncle, cousins, Godparent English from internet or and both sets of grandparents. terms, friendship textbook about other types of Students have the option of terms relationship such as creating a real family tree for their Godparents own family or a fictional family tree. Pictures, clip art, or photos can be included for each family member. Students then present their family tree to the class. </p><p>Students learn about the role of relationships or other family customs, such as the role of Godparents, through an informational reading. Following the reading, students will complete a fill-in-the-blank quiz.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 50 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Summative After: Following the “Find Your Family” Game, students prepare an oral presentation in which each student introduces a member of the family. (Students cannot introduce Teacher created themselves). Statements should vocabulary on include the name of the family daily routines member, the relationship to the within the target family, age, and residence. Must language be done without looking at the community. index card. </p><p>2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a Before: housing, food, Movies as examples of daily community or culture in which the language is Students make a schedule in the transportation, life: spoken (concept of time, typical activities target language of what they do in health care, appropriate to various periods during the day). a typical day. Including when they public services The Milagro Beanfield Wars eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt activities they do throughout the 0095638/ day and time they go to bed. Volver (select scenes only) During: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt Students create a tip book for 0441909/ business people traveling to the target culture to help them avoid Soy Cuba cultural embarrassments. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt 0058604/ After: Various scenarios are created in Passport Spain: Your Pocket which cultural expectations would Guide to Spanish probably be different. Students Business, Customs and will perform impromptu skits Etiquette World Trade based on these scenarios (in the Press target language or in English). </p><p>2.1.N.F.c Describe how daily needs are met Before: Readings on housing within a community or culture in which the Students list how daily needs are advertisements, World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 51 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources language is spoken ( housing, shopping, food met in their own culture (such as recipes, health care policies preparation, health care, access to public shopping, food preparation, health from target culture, public services). care, and access to public services) services offered in target by going around and writing on culture posters/big post-it notes (1 for each category). (This will be done in Cornell notes template English.)</p><p>During: Stay and stray worksheet Students are given a t-chart to fill with comprehension out: 1 column with the category questions (housing, shopping, food preparation, health care, access to public services) and the other describing how that particular need is met on a daily basis </p><p>After: Students are told that they are living in another country (where the target language is spoken) and they are to explain to someone back home how their daily needs are met (in English).</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 52 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 19: Directions/Commands/Requests</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative sit down, stand Youtube or podcast in a Language Other than English Before: up, take out a Matching pre-quiz with picture on sheet of paper, Flashcards 1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students one side and command on the write, give me, understand and interpret written and spoken Scaffolding Questions: other. Please ____, Teacher provided pictures language on a variety of topics. go/turn left, for the flashcards if desired During: go/turn right, (from Google images) 1.2.N.R.a Demonstrate understanding of Students will act out a command come here, go written classroom language in the target given to them (the command away language including directions, commands, and would be written on a flashcard). requests. Students will be given a simple recipe (like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and they are to follow it. </p><p>Summative After: Students will be given written instructions that they need to follow on a quiz. They will be given directions to a place and a simple map and they have to get to the correct destination, students will match commands and pictures and students will create their own requests.</p><p>1.2.N.L.a Demonstrate understanding of oral Before: Commands (sit, 100+ Games for the Foreign classroom language in the target language Students follow 5 simple stand, jump, turn Language Classroom including directions, commands, and requests. directions stated by the teacher around, take out, published by Carlex (stand up, turn around, sit down, put away, come, Company take out a sheet of paper, write go away, etc); your name). Place settings (fork, spoon, World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 53 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources During: cup, bowl, etc); Students follow the directions in Community the target language during a game (school, doctor’s of Simon says. office, embassy, Students follow the directions on hospital, police how to set the table. station, restaurant, gas After: station, store, Set the room up to be like a mini etc.) neighborhood (place buildings, street names, etc). Have the students follow directions on how to get from one place to another</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 54 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 20: Government and Politics</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Essential Question(s) Formative N/A- In English PowerPoint presentation Understanding of Other Cultures Before: On www.polleverywhere.com, Cloze notes sheet 2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students create or post pictures of demonstrate an understanding of the Scaffolding Questions: significant political figures in a Pre-created poll on relationship between the practices and country in which the language is www.polleverywhere.com perspectives of the culture studied. spoken, and provide three possible choices for the correct answer. Mock encyclopedia entries 2.1.N.H.b Name the governmental system(s) Have the students individually and key political figures in a country in which vote on the correct identifying Timer the language is spoken. answer. Corrected encyclopedia entry During: Provide a previously teacher- created mock encyclopedia entry with incorrect facts pertaining to the governmental system(s) and key political figures. Students will make corrections.</p><p>Summative After: Create three trading cards: One using the governmental system of choice (where applicable), and two using political figures of the target country.</p><p>2.1.N.H.c Identify one important political issue Before: N/A- In English Current event in which the language is spoken. Students will be asked to describe one important domestic political Newscast of event in target issue. culture</p><p>During: Computer access for World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 55 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Students will create a collage of images/magazines images pertaining to the political issue and be able to discuss the Newspapers meanings of the images as they relate to the current political issue Teacher-edited list in the target culture. After, each student will select an image of their choosing to discuss how and why it relates to the current event in the target country. </p><p>After: Students will create a mock newspaper article or newscast from the perspective of a journalist in the target culture. </p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 56 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 21: Share Information</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 1: Communication – Communicate Essential Question(s) Formative personal Video relating to the topic in a Language Other than English Before: interests (can download from Youtube KWL – Students will state what (hobbies, if needed) or can use Video 1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students they know as far as school, verbs, collecting knick that goes with book series engage in conversations, provide and Scaffolding Questions: family and experiences. They will knacks, (Ex. Bien Dit or Expresate) obtain information, express feelings, and combine their knowledge on a swimming, emotions, and exchange opinions. bigger list. They will then write running); www.photoshop.com what they want to know and at the memorable www.clipart.com 1.1.N.SL.h Exchange information in the target end of the day, what they learned. experiences language on familiar topics such as personal (first day of interests, memorable experiences, school During: school, best day activities, and family like. Students will think of a list of ever, worst day questions, pair up with a partner to ever); school ask their questions and then share activities (track, 1.1.N.RW.h Exchange information in writing the answers they receive with the classes, club, in the target language on familiar topics such as class. (The answers should also be soccer, personal interests, memorable experiences, written on a sheet of paper.) swimming, school activities, and family life. technology); and Summative family life (what After: is done with Students will present an oral family, who is in partner presentation based upon family) one or more of the above listed topics (from the benchmark). They must turn in the written equivalence when presenting so that they can be checked for grammar and pronunciation.</p><p>Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Before: Dear, sincerely, Set up on www.e-pals.com Multilingual Communities at Home and Students determine what would be My name is, I (classroom profiles) Around the World important to include in an e-pal live in ___, I letter (opening, closing, attend World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 57 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 5.1 Use of Language: Students use the introduction of name, school ___School, I am language both within and beyond the school attending, class in which the letter ___ years old, I setting. is written, favorite pastimes, etc.). like ___, My favorite pastime 5.1.N.a Exchange information in the target During: is ___. language with people locally and around the When the 2nd letter is received, world through avenues such as pen and key copies are made for each student. pals, email, and electronic presentations A set of 5-10 questions in English about the content of the letter are completed by the students.</p><p>After: Students write a new letter of 5-7 sentences (and questions) to an e- pal including an opening/closing, a sentence of introduction of name, where they live, what school they attend, etc.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 58 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 22: World Languages Week</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Essential Question(s) Formative music, skits Children’s story and Multilingual Communities at Home and Before: (will vary fairytales from online or Around the World Students will be paired up with depending on books from Barnes and different elementary classrooms to the scenarios Noble 5.1 Use of Language: Students use the Scaffolding Questions: read fairytales or commonly given to the language both within and beyond the school known children stories in the target students for the Songs in the target language setting. language to the students. final assessment (can use Pandora to show the and the song samples and then pick the 5.1.N.b Provide services to others in the school During: chosen) songs) district through activities in the target language Each class picks a song in the such as skits and/or musical presentations, or target language to perform either Textbook for chapter by reading to others in the target language. during World Languages week in vocabulary front of the middle school or elementary school; or could even be done as a “World Languages Night” where members from the community are invited as well. </p><p>Summative After: During World Languages week, students present a short skit to the school in the target language. (This would be towards the end of the year and something the students build up to.) *Each group will be given a different chapter of study from the year to create a skit for.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 59 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 23: Holidays </p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Essential Question(s) Before: Students create a Reading in the target Understanding of Other Cultures Briefly state the topic picture language in which leisure (architecture, art, music, history presentation in activities are mentioned 2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students and literature) and ask students to which they demonstrate an understanding of the Scaffolding Questions: write three predictions of what a choose ten Pictures of leisure activities relationship between products and native target language speaker’s leisure activities perspectives of the cultured studied. point of view of the topic may be. that they enjoy doing. (Use of 2.2.N.F.d Describe and explain the significance During: photos, clip art of the products associated with an important Exit card activity, on which or magazine civil or religious holiday or celebration AND student has to list at least two new pictures should regional holiday or celebration AND personal pieces of information learned or accompany or family holiday celebration within a found interesting/ helpful from the statements using community or culture in which the target video, and at least one idea or sub- the verbs of language is spoken. topic about which they’d like to preference). (I learn more. prefer to play video games) After: Additional Working in groups of 2 to 4, information students will create a presentation such as season in English, using newly acquired could be added. information in regard to: A famous (I prefer to play author of the target culture or a video games in piece of literature of target winter.) language; arts of a target language Students will native speaker; music in the target present to the language; architecture of a target class. language country; an historical event of a country where the target language is spoken.</p><p>Strand 3: Connections – Connect with other Before: terminology Computer access, Disciplines and Acquire Information Provide students with a matching needed to www.youtube.com access, before quiz with cognates and false discuss: Google images access, CDs, World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 60 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources 3.2 Point of View: Students acquire cognates in the target language and Art in the target DVDs, etc. information and recognize the distinctive English. culture, viewpoints that are only available through the Architecture in Computer access, target language and its cultures. During: the country books/magazines/library Ask students to listen carefully as where the target access 3.2.N.a Use audio, visual, and/or print you play a recording of target language is materials available only in the target language language songs and provide spoken, A to recognize that a topic or situation may be students with the lyrics and historical event viewed differently in one’s own culture than in students highlight cognates they within the the target culture. see. country where the target Show a movie (a very popular language is movie that most students have spoken, An already seen in English), in the author or a target language and have students reading from the list cognates as they hear them. target culture, They are required to have at least Music in the 50 cognates. target language</p><p>After: Students are given an e-mail in the target language with cognates in it and students need to write in English what they think the e-mail is about based on the cognates they see and any prior vocabulary knowledge they have.</p><p>Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight Why is it important to Formative cognates, Song in the target language into the Nature of Language and Culture learn the target Before: specific language’s culture Students create a list of leisure examples of Movie in the target language 4.2 Comparing Cultures: Students when learning a activities that they personally cognates and demonstrate understanding of the concept of language? participate in and ones that they false cognates ELMO/Projector culture through comparisons of the cultures would like to learn about in the (will vary by studied and their own. How do cultural target culture. Students identify target language) Facebook in the target differences affect the which of the activities from the list language, twitter in the target 4.2.N.a Identify basic target culture practices way we communicate they created they think would also language and compare them to one’s own. with other cultures? be popular in the target culture. World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 61 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources </p><p>During: Teacher prepares a list of ten typical leisure activities. Students read the description of six different characters and try to determine which leisure activity the character would like. (Tom is a serious person. He does not like physical activities. He prefers to stay in the house, etc. …)</p><p>Summative After: Students create a picture presentation in which they choose ten leisure activities that they enjoy doing. (Use of photos, clip art or magazine pictures should accompany statements using the verbs of preference). (I prefer to play video games) Additional information such as season could be added. (I prefer to play video games in winter). Students will present to the class.</p><p>Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Why does the target Before: specific names Teacher created PowerPoint Understanding of Other Cultures culture celebrate their Give students a religious holiday, a of celebrations presentation holidays/celebrations? regional holiday or celebration, discussed (will 2.1 Practices and Perspectives: Students and a family celebration within the vary by target Cornell notes template demonstrate an understanding of the target culture and have them write language) relationship between the practices and next to each what they may know Images of products used in perspectives of the culture studied. about the holiday already. these celebrations</p><p>2.1.N.F.e Explain the practices and During: Readings in English on significance of an important: civil or religious On a PowerPoint presentation celebrations in target culture holiday or celebration AND regional holiday or present the celebrations mentioned World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 62 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources celebration AND personal or family holiday or in the benchmark and have the celebration within a community or culture in students fill out a graphic which the target language is spoken. organizer with where each celebration goes (religious, regional or family holiday) and what country it is celebrated in.</p><p>After: Show the same PowerPoint from the During assessment and have each student answer these questions about each celebration: 1. In which country does it take place? 2. What is the significance of the celebration? 3. When does it take place?/What holiday is it associated with? </p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 63 World Languages Pacing Guide Level: Novice High Unit 24: End of the Year</p><p>Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 3: Connections – Connect with other How does the target Formative terminology Computer access, Disciplines and Acquire Information language/culture Before: needed to youtube.com access, Google support your Briefly state the topic (architecture, discuss: images access, CDs, DVDs, 3.1 Knowledge: Students reinforce and further knowledge of other art, music, history and literature) Art in the target etc. their knowledge of other disciplines through subjects? and ask students to write three culture, the world language. predictions of what a native target Architecture in Computer access, language speaker’s point of view of the country books/magazines/library 3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content the topic may be. where the target access knowledge through the target language. language is During: spoken, A Exit card activity, on which student historical event has to list at least two new pieces of within the information learned or found country where interesting/helpful from the video, the target and at least one idea or sub-topic language is about which they’d like to learn spoken, An more. author or a reading from the Summative target culture, After: Music in the Working in groups of 2 to 4, target language students will create a presentation in English, using newly acquired information in regard to: A famous author of the target culture or a piece of literature of target language; arts of a target language native speaker; music in the target language; architecture of a target language country; an historical event of a country where the target language is spoken.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 64 Content Expectations Essential Questions Assessments Vocabulary Resources Strand 5: Communities – Participate in How might the Before: Dear, sincerely, Set up on www.e-pals.com Multilingual Communities at Home and communication mode Students determine what would be My name is, I (classroom profiles) Around the World (type of important to include in an e-pal live in…., I communication) affect letter (opening, closing, attend 5.1 Use of Language: Students use the your communication introduction of name, school ___School, I am language both within and beyond the school means (the way you attending, class in which the letter ___ years old, I setting. communicate)? is written, favorite pastimes, etc.). like _____, My favorite pastime 5.1.N.a Exchange information in the target How might cultural During: is….. language with people locally and around the differences affect your When the 2nd letter is received, world through avenues such as pen and key communication in the copies are made for each student. A pals, email, and electronic presentations. target language? set of 5-10 questions in English about the content of the letter are completed by the students.</p><p>After: Students write a new letter of 5-7 sentences (and questions) to an e- pal including an opening/closing, a sentence of introduction of name, where they live, what school they attend, etc.</p><p>World Languages Novice High Pacing Guide – April 2012 65</p>
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