<p>1</p><p>June 30 2016 </p><p>Name: Professor Marie Carney College Address: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 123 St. Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 Department: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rcsi/facultyofnursing.ie</p><p>Qualifications: PhD (UCD Smurfit Business School); MBA (UCD Smurfit Business School); Diploma in Nurse Teaching (UCD School of Nursing); Diploma’s in Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Philosophy, Microbiology and Research (RCSI); Fellowship Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI (by examination) (FFNMRCSI); Fellow Institute of Community Health Nursing (FICHN, Honorary) Registered Nurse; Registered Midwife, Registered Nurse Tutor</p><p>Academic Roles: Dean Emeritus and Board member, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI (April 2016-) Dean, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI (2014-2016) Associate Professor: Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI (2008-Dec. 2013) Senior Lecturer, University College Dublin (2004-2007) Chair and Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin (2001-07) Chair and Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Dublin (1999-2001) Lecturer School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD (1994-2007) Nurse Tutor, Richmond and Beaumont Hospitals, Dublin General Manager (Ireland) Milupa (International) Infant Nutrition </p><p>RCSI, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Dean of Nursing and Midwifery Roles (2014-2016) Dean Emeritus and Board member (April 2016-) Dean and Board Member: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery (Chair)(2014-2016) RCSI Surgical and Post Graduate Faculties Board (SPFB) (Vice-Chair) Education and Development Sub-Committee of Faculty Board (Chair) Finance Education Sub-Committee of Faculty Board (Chair) Annual International Education and Research Conference Committee (Chair) 40th Anniversary of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Committee (Chair) Strategic Plan Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 2015-19 Board member Opened 35th Annual Research and Education Conference of the Faculty in RCSI on 3 March 2016 Opened 34th Annual Research and Education Conference of the Faculty in RCSI on 23 February 2015. Opened Honorary Fellowship Ceremony, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery March 2 2016 Opened Honorary Fellowship Ceremony, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery February 22 2015 Attended School of Nursing and Midwifery Conferring Ceremony (2014/2015) when scholarships awarded for nursing excellence Opened Honorary Fellowship Conferring Ceremony, October 2014, presented Honorary Fellowship to Mr. Keith Duffy Opened Honorary Fellowship Ceremony February, 22nd 2015, presented Honorary Fellowships to H R H. Princess Muna –al Hussein of Jordan, Mr Paul Gallagher, Director of Nursing, St James Hospital, Dublin and Ms. Rachel Mc Cloud-Spring, Midwife with the Rose Foundation in Malawi. Fellowship Ad Eundum Conferring Ceremony, December 2014 Officiated when nurses and midwives were awarded Fellowships in recognition of outstanding contribution to nursing education and clinical practice. Represented the Faculty at the RCSI Faculty of Radiologists Conferring Ceremony; Faculty of Dentistry Conferring Ceremony; Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine dinner (20142015) Represented Faculty at the Charter Day dinner In February 2015 Represented Faculty at the launch of new Midwifery Practice Standards following the introduction of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2012 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland: May 5 2015 Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, Working Group for Advanced practice Nursing (2012- present)</p><p>Administrative Responsibilities within RCSI, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery (2008-13)</p><p> o Associate Professor of Nursing & lecturer in management, leadership & advanced nurse practice & module coordinator and researcher Research Supervisor (MSc & PhD students) 2</p><p> Director of Undergraduate Nursing, RCSI (2008-10) Director of MSc Nursing (Advanced Practice) programme (2009-13) Director Post Graduate Certificate Nursing (Advanced Practice) programme (2009-12) Director MSc Nursing (Advanced Practice) Neonatology programme (2009-12) Director MSc Nursing (Advanced Practice) Epilepsy programme (2009-12) Director: International Programme Director (Saudi Arabia) and programme development (2011-13) Director: Erasmus Exchange programmes, School of Nursing (2012-13) Erasmus Teaching Exchange set up with University of Florence, Italy 2013 and with University of Tampere, Finland 2013 Coordinator: Module in Diagnostic Imaging for Nurse Prescribing of X-rays (introduced in 2011 Member e-learning committee (2012-13) Advanced Nurse Practice Forum (2012 –2015) International educational development (2011-13) o Fact finding visits to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (3 in number), Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 2012-2014 o Strategic Governance Committee of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery (2013/14) o Conferring Ceremony June 2013 o Honorary Fellowship Ceremonies October 29th 2013, February 18th 2014, February 23 2015, March 2nd 2016 o Board Member: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. (2012-present) o Board member/Honorary Treasurer (2012-March 2014) o Board Member: Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. (1994-99) o Chair of Education Committee of the Faculty (1993-1997) o 40th Anniversary of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Committee 2013-14 (Chair) o Annual International Education and Research Conference Committee (Member) (2009-present) o Journal Reviewer and Editor for Peer reviewed academic publications o Researcher, lecturer and student mentor</p><p>RCSI Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Committee Membership (2007-13) </p><p> MSc Nursing Curriculum Review (Chair) 2011 Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) (Neonatology): (Chair) 2010- 2013 Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice)(Epilepsy): (Chair) 2010-13 Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice)(Gastroenterology Care: Colorectal Screening and Disease management) (Chair) 2010 Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice): (Chair) 2009-2010 Curriculum Development Group for Post Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Chair) 2010) DAZ Accreditation document for School of Nursing and Midwifery (Chair & editor) 2010 Review Group DAS (degree Awarding group) (2010) Curriculum Development Group BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme (Chair) (2008- 2010) Curriculum Development Group International programmes for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Director of programmes (2011-13). Local Joint Working Committee for BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme RCSI (Strategic)Quality group for DAS presentation to External Accreditation Committee member (2011) Professional Validation and Accreditation (PVAC) member 2010-2011 Degree awarding Status: Quality Assurance Group member 2010 Masters Review Strategic Group Member (2010-12) Masters in Medical Education curriculum development group member (2008)</p><p>RCSI Academic Developments within the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery (2005-2010): New Curriculum Programme Development</p><p>Strategic Group (Local Joint Working Group) for BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme Chair (2007- 09) LJWG BSc. Nursing (undergraduate) Strategic Matters affecting programme implementation (Jan 2009) BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme. Curriculum Development group meetings RCSI Chair (2008- 2010) RCSI representative on Education Committee for BSc Nursing (undergraduate) programme: Beacon Hospital. (2008- 2010) 3</p><p>RCSI representative on Education Committee for BSc Nursing (undergraduate) programme: Bon Secours Hospital. (2008- 2010) RCSI representative on Education Committee for BSc Nursing (undergraduate) programme: Mount Carmel Hospital. (2008-2010) Successfully achieved RCSI/NUI/ABA approval for the following programmes: Development of and Submission of the following Curriculum Documents: BSc Nursing (undergraduate, pre-registration) programme to An Bord Altranais for validation and accreditation process March-October 2008 Accreditation granted by ABA in 2008 BSc Nursing (undergraduate, pre-registration) programme to National University of Ireland for accreditation process and prior to this to RCSI Programme Validation and Accreditation Committee, June-July 2008. Accreditation granted by NUI in 2008 MSc Nursing (Advanced Leadership) programme to An Bord Altranais for validation and accreditation process: November 2008. Accreditation granted by ABA in 2008 MSc Nursing (Advanced Leadership) programme to National University of Ireland for accreditation process and prior to this to RCSI Programme Validation and Accreditation Committee: Feb 2008. Accreditation granted by NUI in 2009 MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) programme to An Bord Altranais for validation and accreditation process: January 2009. Accreditation granted by ABA in 2009 MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) programme to National University of Ireland for accreditation process and prior to this to RCSI Programme Validation and Accreditation Committee: Feb 2009. Accreditation granted by NUI in 2009 MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) (Epilepsy) programme to An Bord Altranais: 2011. Accreditation granted in September 2011 MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) (Neonatology) programme to An Bord Altranais: 2011. Accreditation granted September 2011 MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) (Gastroenterology Care: Colerectal Screening and Disease management) programme to An Bord Altranais: January 2011. Accreditation granted in June 2011. Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Breast Care) in collaboration with Beaumont Hospital November 2012 Accreditation granted by NUI in May 2013 Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Haemodialysis) in collaboration with Beaumont HospitalNovember 2012 Accreditation granted by NUI in May 2013 Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Heart Failure) in collaboration with Beaumont Hospital November 2012 Accreditation granted by NUI in May 2013 BSc Nursing Bridging Degree curriculum developed for Ministry, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Clinical Nursing Diploma Programmes (14 in number) developed for Ministry, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaFaculty & Committee Membership (2001-2007)</p><p>UCD Faculty & Committee Membership, University College Dublin (1994-2007)</p><p>Senior Lecturer, UCD Chair and Head of School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin (2001-07) Chair and Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Dublin (1999-2001) Lecturer School of Nursing and Midwifery (1994-2007) College of Health Sciences Executive UCD (2004-07) President’s Schools Board, UCD (2004-07) Heads of School Executive, UCD (2004-07) Postgraduate Research Committee (2004-07) Postgraduate Teaching and Learning College Boards: undergraduate & postgraduate (2004-07) Chair of Quality Assurance Strategic group for School of Nursing and Midwifery on two occasions (2001, 2006) Awarded Deans Medal for Teaching excellence (2004) UCD Chair of Quality Assurance Strategic group for External Accreditation Committee (2002, 2007) School of Nursing and Midwifery PhD/Research Committee (2002-07) PhD Department of Health and Children /School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD: Membership National Implementation Group for Midwifery and Children’s Education member (2005). Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Health Systems) Chair (2005-07) Department of Health and Children/ School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD/Partner hospitals: Advisory Group for Development of BSc Nursing Midwifery (undergraduate) programme (member) (2003) Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Leadership) Chair (2003-07) Curriculum Development Group BSc Midwifery (undergraduate pre-registration) (2003-05) (Chair) Department of Health and Children/School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD/Partner hospitals: Advisory Group for Development of BSc Nursing (undergraduate) (Integrated General and Children’s) programme: (member) (2002) UCD, College Buildings Development Board for new School of Nursing and Midwifery, Health Sciences Building, Belfield (Development group member 2000-2002) Curriculum Development Group BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) General programme (Chair) (2001-03) 4</p><p>Curriculum Development Group BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) Psychiatric programme (Chair) (2001-03) Curriculum Development Group BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) General and Children combined programme (Chair) (2001-03) Director Erasmus Exchange programmes (developed with Universities of Lund and Skovda, Sweden; Red Cross University College, Stockholm; Abo University, Vasa, Finland; University of Florence in Prato, Italy; University of Athens, Greece) and with American universities for Exchange visits) 2002-07) Department of Health and Children /School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD: Advisory Group for Development of BSc Nursing (undergraduate) programme: member (2000) Curriculum Development Group for MSc Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice) member (2000) School of Nursing and Midwifery Lecturer/and co-ordinator of Diploma in Nursing (undergraduate programme) (1994- 98) MSc Nursing Curriculum Review Group (1999) Masters in Nursing in Advanced Nursing (2005-2007) Researcher: Research Funding: A total of Euro 750,000 was awarded in research funding </p><p>National and International Memberships (2002-present) (selected) FINE Federation of European Nursing Education Group member (current) NMBI Working group for advanced nurse and midwifery practice and Subject Expert on advanced practice to the NMBI The Irish Universities member on the EU Curriculum Consortium for the development of the European Masters in Nursing in Advanced Nursing (2005-2007) Council for Heads of Nursing in Universities in Ireland) member up to Sept 2007, previously Chair. Faculty member of FINE (Federation of International Nursing Education)-for development of nursing education (2009- present) Chair the EU Consortium of 7 EU countries for the project to introduce Erasmus students at Maters level across European boundaries (2007-2008) Chair TENN (Thematic European Nursing Network), Erasmus Mundus Programme development (2008). An Bord Altranais (Nursing Board), Member of Education and Training Committee-2002 -2007. Member of Masters in Business Administration Association of Ireland (2002-2008) UCD Alumni (1992-present) Faculty member of AONE (American Organisation of Nurse Executive)-for leadership development (1999-2006) Member of Sigma Theta Tau -International nursing scholarly organisation (2005-present) Department of Health and Children: Advisory Group for Research Priorities for Nurses in Ireland. 2007-08 (member) EU Consortium of 7 EU countries for the project to introduce Erasmus students at Maters level across European boundaries Chair (member) (2007-2008) TENN (Thematic European Nursing Network) 2001-06 TENN-Erasmus Mundus Programme development (Chair) 2006 The Irish Universities member on the EU Curriculum Consortium for the development of the European General Manager Republic of Ireland for Milupa ,(International) Nutrition Company (1976-1994)</p><p>Nurse Tutor General Nurse Training, Sir Patrick Duns Hospital, Dublin Awarded Margaret Huxley gold medal for excellence in nursing during training Nurse Tutor, Richmond and Beaumont Hospitals, Dublin (1972-1994) Coordinator Diploma n Nursing Programme with Beaumon/DCU/RCSI (1990-92) General Manager (Ireland) Milupa (International) Infant Nutrition </p><p>External Teaching & Examination: Extern Examiner for PhD thesis, University of Ulster (2014) Extern Examiner for PhD Viva, RCSI, University of Bahrain Extern Examiner for PhD Viva, University College Cork (December 2013) Extern Examiner for PhD Viva, Trinity College Masters exchange to University of Florence at Prato (October 2013) Extern Examiner for PhD thesis and Viva University of Bristol, UK (2012) Extern for BSc Nursing undergraduate programme and BSc Nursing Bridging programme Letterkenny Institute of Technology (2008-11) Extern for BSc Nursing undergraduate programme, Dublin City University (2003-06) Dr .Marie Carney Medal awarded to student obtaining highest award in in the UCD BSc, Nursing (undergraduate) management and quality module (2009-present) External Advisor to: Abo University, Vasa, Finland –School of Nursing and Health Sciences for advanced nurse practice: 2007-08 External Advisor to: University of Florence at Prato, Italy- School of Nursing: 2007-08 for advanced nurse practice: 2007- 08 External Advisor to: University of Skovda, Sweden- School of Nursing: 2006-08 for advanced nurse practice: 5</p><p>Visiting Professor and Senior Lecturer to universities in Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and USA (2002- 13) Erasmus Bachelors exchange to University of Athens (October 1996)</p><p>Editorial Board Membership-Referee Peer Reviewer: </p><p> Bio Med Central Editorial -Human Resources in Health Journal: 2013-present o BMC Nursing Review: 2013-present o Journal Reviewer for International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 2011-present o Journal Reviewer: for Nurse Education in Practice (2010) o Journal Reviewer: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (Vård I Norden) 2009-present o Journal Reviewer for Journal of Clinical Nursing: 2009-2013 o Journal of Nursing Management Advisory Board 2007-present o Editor European Journal of Nursing Management 2007-present o Journal Reviewer for: Journal of Nursing Management. 2002-present o Journal Reviewer: Journal of Health Service Review 2007-present o iMedPub 2014-present o Health Science Journal@imedpub 2015-present o Journal of Critical Care Obs & Gynae 2015-present</p><p>Publications 2000-2016 (Selected)</p><p>Carney M. (2016) Consensus as a management strategy for healthcare organisations: culture, involvement and commitment: In Managing Innovations for healthcare organisations: adopt, abandon or adapt {eds. Ortenblad, A; Abrahamson, C & Sheaff, R) Chapter 7, 102-118, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. </p><p>Carney M. (2014, updated 2016) International perspectives on Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practice, regarding criteria for posts, persons, practice and requirements for regulation of Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practice. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, Dublin http://www.nursingandmidwiferyboardofireland.ie/literaturereview2014</p><p>Carney M. (2015) Regulation of Advanced Nurse Practice: Regulatory Dimensions from an international perspective Journal of Nursing Management 24 (1) 1–136 </p><p>Carney M. (2015) Regulation of Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practice: International Dimensions. 35th Annual Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research Conference, RCSI Conference Proceedings, March 3rd </p><p>Carney M. (2014) Principles to support advanced nurse practitioners and advanced practice in Ireland Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), Dublin </p><p>Adams, J., Carney, M and Kearns, T. (2014) History of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 1974-2014. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI Publications: Dublin</p><p>Kumaren, S & Carney, M. (2014) Role transition from student nurse to staff nurse: facilitating the transition period. Nurse Education in Practice, Vol 14 (6) 21 605-611.</p><p>Carney M. (2015) Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Report, RCSI Annual Report 2014-15: RCSI, June 2014</p><p>Carney M. (2014) Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Report, RCSI Annual Report 2013-14: RCSI, June 2014</p><p>Hyde, A., Drennan, J. Butler, M. Howlett, E. Carney, M. & Lohan, M (2013) Parents’ constructions of communication with their children about safer sex. Journal of Clinical Nursing 1-8. </p><p>Hyde, A., Drennan, J. Howlett, E. Carney, M. Butler, M. & Lohan, M. (2012) Parents’ constructions on the sexual self- presentations and sexual conduct of adolescents: discourses of gendering and protecting. Culture, Health and Sexuality An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care 2012, 1-15. </p><p>Carney M. (2013) The Gathering, RCSI Nursing & Midwifery: 40 Years of Growth & Excellence, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. RCSI Alumni Publication November 2013.</p><p>Carney, M (2011) Influence of organisational culture on quality healthcare delivery International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 24 (7) 523-539 6</p><p>Carney, M (2010) Challenges in healthcare delivery in an economic downturn in the Republic of Ireland Journal of Nursing Management 17 (4) 509-514 (Commentary)</p><p>Hyde, A., Carney. M., et al (2010) The silent treatment: parents’ narratives of sexuality education with young people Culture, Health and Sexuality An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. 12 (4) 359-373 </p><p>Carney M, Fealy, G et al. (2010) An examination of the rationale for and impact of monitoring the five points of entry to the register. An Bord Altranais, Nursing Board. </p><p>Carney, M (2009) Enhancing the nurses role in healthcare delivery through strategic management –recognising its importance or not? Journal of Nursing Management, 17(6), 707-717</p><p>Carney, M and Crosssan, F. (2009) From strategy to implementation-clinical and academic perspectives (Editorial), Journal of Nursing Management, 17(6) 655-658.</p><p>Hyde A, Carney M, Drennan J. et al (2009) Parents’ approaches to educating their pre-adolescent and adolescent children about sexuality. Report No 21, Crisis Pregnancy Agency, Government of Ireland. Dublin.</p><p>Carney, M. (2009) Public Health Nurses perception of clinical leadership in Ireland: narrative descriptions Journal of Nursing Management, 17(4) 435-445</p><p>Carney, M (2009) Leadership in nursing: current and future perspectives and challenges. (Editorial) Journal of Nursing Management, 17(4) 411-414</p><p>Fealy G. M., Carney M. (2009) Models of initial training and pathways to registration: a selective review of policy in professional regulation. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(4) 730-738</p><p>Hyde A, Carney M, Drennan J. Butler, Lohan, M. and Howlett, E. (2009) New research report on parent-child communications about relationships and sex 12 November News Crisis Pregnancy Agency, Government of Ireland Dublin</p><p>Carney M. (2009) The Irish Health Service: management and education International Conference, University of Tampere, Finland Conference Proceedings 4th November (keynote speaker)</p><p>Carney M. (2008) Framework for Advanced Nurse Practice in Ireland-International Model New Challenges for Competence Development Conference proceedings Seminarin Aslantuntijat, Patient focused nursing. Institute of International Research, Potilaslahtoinen, Hoitotyo, Helsinki, Finland Conference Proceedings April 2008 (keynote speaker)</p><p>Markham T, Carney M. (2008) Public Health Nurses and the delivery of quality nursing care in the Community. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1342–1350</p><p>Carney, M. (2008) Innovative developments in undergraduate nursing education NCNM (National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery) Sept Dublin</p><p>Carney, M. (2008) Support mechanisms and networks while doing your research degree IN Research success in nursing and healthcare: a guide to doing your higher degree [Eds. In Richard Redmond & Elizabeth Curtis], Blackhall Publications: Dublin.</p><p>Carney, M. (2007) How commitment and involvement influence the development of strategic consensus in health care organizations: the multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Nursing Management 15, 649-658</p><p>Carney, M. (2007) Commentary on Cecil, R. Thompson, K. & Parahoo, (2005) The research assessment exercise in nursing: learning from the past, looking to the future, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15, 1-3.</p><p>Carney M, Fealy, G et al. (2007) An examination of the rationale for and impact of monitoring the five points of entry to the register. An Bord Altranais, Nursing Board. </p><p>Treacy, P. Clarke, S., Carney, M. et al. (2007) Outcome Measures for patients with Chronic Illness: the nursing contribution within differing skill mixes. Health Research Board, Government of Ireland, Ireland May.</p><p>Carney, M. (2006) Understanding organizational culture: the key to successful middle manager strategic involvement in health care delivery ? Journal of Nursing Management 14(1), 23-33. 7</p><p>Carney, M. (2006) Positive and Negative outcomes from values and beliefs held by health care clinician and non-clinician managers. Journal of Advanced Nursing 54(1), 1-9.</p><p>Carney, M. (2006) Health Service Management culture, consensus and the middle manager. Oak Tree Press: Cork, Ireland.</p><p>Carney, M (2005) A history of nursing management in Ireland and England In G. Fealy (Ed.), New essays in the History of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (pp.112-122), Ch. 12. Dublin: Mercier Press.</p><p>Carney, M (2006) Third-Level Education for Professional Development National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 24, 8-9, Winter 2006 Dublin </p><p>Carney, M, Fealy, G et al. (2006) An evaluation of the requirements for entry to the Register of Nurses held by An Bord Altranais. www.anbordaltranais.ie. </p><p>Carney, M (2004) The Advanced Nurse Practitioner: Why educate nurses and midwives to advanced practice level? Irish Nurse. Incorporating the All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 6 (8) 18-20.</p><p>Carney, M. (2004) Middle manager involvement in strategy development in not-for-profit organisations: the Director of Nursing Perspective-how organisational structure impacts on the role. Journal of Nursing Management, (12), 13-21. </p><p>Carney, M. & Taheny, G. (2003) Nurse empowerment Irish Nurse, Incorporating the All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 6, (8), 34-36 </p><p>Carney, M (2002) The management of change: using a model to evaluate the change process. Seminars for Nurse managers, strategies for leadership and management. 10, (3), 206-211. </p><p>Carney, M. (2000) The development of a model to manage change: reflection on a critical incident in a focus group setting. An innovative approach Journal of Nursing Management, 8, 265-272 </p><p>Fealy, G. M., & Carney, M. et al. (2000) A strategy for the evaluation of a pre-registration nursing education programme: a partnership approach. All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 1(2), 49-54. </p><p>Carney, M. (1999) Leadership in nursing: where do we go from here? The ward sisters challenge for the future. Nursing Review, 17, Spring 1/2 13-17.</p><p>Conference Presentations (2000-2016: selected)</p><p>(2016) European Federation of Educators in Nursing Science (FINE) Conference titled: Education and Competences of Educators in Nursing Science in Europe: What are the outcomes, what are the prospects? in Lyon, France from April 27- 30th. (2015) Key Note address titled: “Challenges facing nursing education from undergraduate to master’s level dimensions and outcomes from an international perspective.” Croatian National Nursing International Conference, Zagreb 9-11 June 2015. (2015) Round Table Discussion on “Nursing Education in Croatia-moving to degree level” with Minister of Health, President of CNC, Sec General of Croatian Nursing Federation, Deans of Universities in Zabreb, Slovenia, Bosnia and Louvain; Croatian National Nursing International Conference , Zagreb: 9-11 June 2015 (2015) Keynote Address “Advanced Nurse Practice: Role Dimensions, Responsibilities and Outcomes from an International Perspective”. Jordanian Nursing Council 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference “Transforming Nursing Quality Care: Promise and Potential”, Le Meridian Hotel, Amman, Jordan. 22-24 April 2015. (2015) Round Table Discussion Forum on “Future of Nursing in Jordan” with Her Royal Highness, Princess Muna Al- Hussein, WHO Patron to Nursing in Middle Eastern Region during Jordanian Nursing Council 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference. Le Meridian Hotel, Amman, Jordan: 24th April 2015. (2015) Awarded Outstanding Reviewer for International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance in the Emerald Literati Network 2015 Awards for Excellence, Verona, Italy. Sept 2015 (2015) Regulation of Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practice: International Dimensions. 34th Annual Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research Conference, RCSI Conference Proceedings, February 19th 2015 (2014) International perspectives in relation to advanced nurse and midwife practice, regarding criteria for posts and persons and practice and requirements for regulation of advanced nurse/midwife practice. Presentation to Working Group for Advanced Practice (WGAP) Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland, Dublin June 23 2014. (2014) Professional Interview for “past, present and future” of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 40th Anniversary Celebration May 7th 2014 8</p><p>(2014) Book Launch: History of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 1974-2014) (Eds .Adams, J., Carney, M and Kearns, T.) Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.. RCSI Publications: Dublin (October 29 2014) (2013) 40 Years of Growth & Excellence in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Presented at The Gathering, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Alumni RCSI Alumni September 2013. and measuring best practice for quality and innovation in European Nurse Education Conference Workshop Proceedings. European Conference of Nurse Educators, The FINE-European Federations of Nurse Educators, Lisbon, Portugal. 7th October 2010. (2013) Complaint management around elder abuse Università degli Studi di Firenze Scuola di Scienze della Salute Umana (University of Florence at Prato, School of Nursing). 16 Italy October 2013 (keynote speaker) (2013) Advanced Practice Nursing in Ireland and in RCSI. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Scuola di Scienze della Salute Umana. Italy 16 October 2013 (keynote speaker) (2013) History of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: Origins, programmes and nursing development in Ireland and in RCSI. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Scuola di Scienze della Salute Umana. Italy 16 October 2013 (keynote speaker) (2013) ICU and CCU nursing in Ireland and facilities available; nursing roles and responsibility, nursing regulation and Maternity Practice Prato University Hospital, Italy October 17 2013 (2013) A Celebration of the Faculty of Nursing, RCSI –past, present and future The Gathering Alumni Nursing Session , Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 13th September 2013. (2013) Faculty member of FINE (Federation of International Nursing Education)- Working Group, Namur, Belgium 2013. (2013) Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education: Coaching Enhancement programme for Ministry of Health Clinical Nursing Trainers Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. May 14 2013 (2013) Adult education: theory and practice: Coaching Enhancement programme for Ministry of Health Clinical Nursing Trainers Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. May 14 2013. (2013)Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education: Coaching Enhancement programme for Ministry of Health Clinical Nursing Trainers. Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia May 14 2013 (2013)Clinical Supervision: Coaching Enhancement programme for Ministry of Health Clinical Nursing Trainers. Intercontinental Hotel, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia May 14 2013. (2012) International Graduate & Post graduate nursing in RCSI. 23 Annual Conference of the Saudi Heart Association, Intercontinental Hotel, Conference Proceedings, Riyadh. 27-30 January (2012) RCSI International Nursing programmes. King Fahad Medical Centre, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 4 2012. (2012) RCSI International Nursing Graduate and Postgraduate programmes. National Guard-Health Affairs Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 5 February 2012. (2012) RCSI International Nursing programmes. King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 4 2012. (2012) RCSI International Postgraduate Nursing programmes. Riyadh Military Hospital, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 5 2012. (2012) Symposia on Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice International Federation of Nurse Education (FINE), Namur, Belgium 2012 (2011) Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP Gastroenterology Care: Colorectal Screening and Disease Management) Programme. National Cancer Screening Service/HSE 26thJuly 2011 (2010) Master of Science in Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practice): Incorporating Nurse Prescribing and Ionising Radiation. Presentation to European Conference of Nurse Educators, The FINE-European Federations of Nurse Educators, Lisbon, Portugal. 9th October 2010 (2010) Identifying Participation in professional presentations symposia, seminars and discussion groups (National) (2010) MSc Nursing (Advanced Practice) incorporating nurse prescribing and ionising radiation: innovative programme 8th European Conference of Nurse Educators: advancing nurse education: quality and innovation Escola Superior de Enfernmagem de Lisboa (ESEL) Conference proceedings. Lisbon 2010 (2010) FINE (European Conference of Nurse Educators) Identifying and measuring best practice for quality and innovation in European Nurse Education Province de Namur (Haute Ecole de Namur), BelguimConference proceedings November 4 2010 (2009) The Irish Health Service: management and education. International Conference, University of Tampere, Finland Video Conference Presentation 4th November 2009. (2009) Research challenges for nursing in healthcare: Closing Presentation, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 45th Annual Research Conference, Closing Remarks, RCSI, February 24. Dublin 2009 (2008) Framework for Advanced Nurse Practice in Ireland-International Model New Challenges for Competence Development Conference proceedings, Seminarin Aslantuntijat, Patient focused nursing Institute of International Research, Potilaslahtoinen, Hoitotyo, Helsinki, Finland April 2008 (2008) MSc. Advanced Leadership Practice, Curriculum proposal for Erasmus Mundus Funding, Thematic European Nursing Network, Skovda University, Skovda, Sweden. November 2008 (2007) Nursing education in third level in Ireland Faculty of Medicine Conference, Skovda University, Sweden, August.2007 (2007) Management Confercione, Faculty of Medicine, University Of Florence, Prato, Italy. 12 June.2007 (keynote speaker) 9</p><p>(2007) Erasmus-Soccrates Teaching Mobility Programme. Strategy, research, advanced practice, leadership-the key concepts and application to healthcare practice. Faculty of Medicine, University Of Florence Italy 6-12 June 2007 (2007) Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice (leadership) European Masters Group, University of Carlisle, UK.July 3-6 2007 (2006) Advanced Practice in Ireland. 450th Anniversary Conference Presentation: Vaasa Swedish Institute. 8-10th February 2006 (keynote speaker) (2005) Recruitment and Retention in the Health Services in Ireland, The BUPA Ireland Health Summit Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, May 24-25h. 2005 (2005) An Bord Altranais/University College Dublin Conference Exhibition on Education in Ireland, Sigma Theta Tau, 14th International Nursing Research Congress, Celebrating Global Diversity in Research, Education and Practice, St. Thomas, U.S.Virgin Islands, 10-12 July 2005 (2005) Developing Advanced Nurse Practice in Ireland. Faculty of Medicine, University Of Florence at Prato, Italy, June 2005 (2005) September: Symposium Presentation on Advanced Practice in Nursing., TENN, University of Valencia, Spain, June 2005 (2005) Undergraduate nursing education in Ireland Presentation to nurse educators, Swedish Institute of Technology Vassa, Finland.24th May 2005 (keynote speaker) (2005) Framework for Professional Competency for MSc. Nursing (Advanced Practice) in Ireland Presentation at Education Forum, University of Florence, Prato, Italy, 15th June 2005 (keynote speaker) (2005) Evaluation of Competencies Competencies for Advanced Practice at Masters level in the Republic of Ireland. European Network for the Development of Nursing Practice: TENN, Thematic Network Forum, Institute for Nursing Education, Athens, Greece, 14-18th November 2003 (sessional speaker) (2005) Evaluation of Competencies for Advanced Practice at Masters level in the Republic of Ireland. European Network for the Development of Nursing Practice: TENN, Thematic Network Forum, Institute for Nursing Education, Athens, Greece, 14-18th November 2005. (2004) Developing a new clinical assessment strategy: the UCD experience (DOCHAT), Conference Proceedings, 23rd Annual Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, February, 24-26th 2004 (Carney, M & Fealy, G.) concurrent speakers) (2003) Competencies for Advanced Practice at Masters level in the Republic of Ireland. Conference Proceedings European Network for the Development of Nursing Practice: TENN, Thematic Network Forum, Institute for Nursing Education, Athens, Greece, 14-18th November 2003. (2003)The Development of Advanced Practice Curriculum at Masters level in University College Dublin, Conference Proceedings European Network for the Development of Nursing Practice: TENN, Thematic Network Forum, Red Cross University College of Nursing, Stockholm, 28-30 September 2003. (2003)The development of nurse education in the Republic of Ireland, European Network for the Development of Nursing Practice: TENN, Thematic Network Forum, University of Lublin, Poland, August 28-30 2003. (2003) Strategic Management for the health services: a strategic consensus model for health care. Conference Proceedings, The BUPA Ireland Health Summit Conference, Leopardstown, Dublin, June 12&13 2003 (2002) Requirements for student exchange programme for Irish Nursing students. Lund University and Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, December 14-16, 2003. (2002) Evaluation of pre-registration Nursing programmes. 4th International Conference of the Federation of Nurse Educators (FINEFuncl, Madeira, Portugal (plenary speaker) April 24-26, 2002 (2002) Development of curriculum for pre-registration Nursing programme in Ireland 4th International Conference of the Federation of Nurse Educators (FINE), April 24-26, Funcl, Madeira, Portugal (Carney, M. Fealy, G. McNamara, M) (2001) Strategic management in the health service: How organisation structure impacts on the strategic management role of Directors of Nursing in the delivery of health care in the Republic of Ireland. Conference Proceedings, 20th Annual Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons, February 22-24, 2001 (2001) Middle manager involvement in strategy development in not-for-profit organisations: development of a conceptual model. Conference Proceedings, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference Doctoral Colloquium, UCC April 31/May1, 2001 (2001) Strategy development in Irish hospitals-multi-professional involvement: fact or fallacy. Conference Proceedings, 2nd Annual Research Conference, University of Dublin Trinity College, Faculty of Health Sciences, 14th November 2001. (2001)Middle manager involvement in strategy development: in non-profit health service organisations: the relationship between involvement, organisational commitment and understanding/consensus. Conference Proceedings, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Ulster, Magee College School of International Business, 5/6 th September 2001 (2000) A strategy for the evaluation of a pre-registration nursing education programme: a partnership approach. Conference Proceedings, 19th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, February 22-24 2000. (Carney, M. and Fealy, G.M) (1999)Change management process: development of an evaluation model and measurement construct tool. Conference Proceedings, 18th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, February, 23-25 1999 10</p><p>(1999) Strategic management in the health services: the determination of effectiveness in different organisational structures and setting. Conference Proceedings, EDAMBA (European Doctoral Association for Management and Business Administration. 8th Annual Summer School, Chateau de Bonas, Toulouse, France, May 1999</p><p>Professional Presentations: </p><p>Masters in Advanced Practice programme VHI Swift Care Clinic. Dublin 2011 Masters in Advanced Practice programme: competency development. VHI Swift Care Clinic Dublin 2010 Management of the older person in nursing home care Mowlem Health Care Tullamore December 2010. Evolution of Nursing and Midwifery, Beacon Hospital Open Day, Dublin: 2010 Clinical learning outcomes: the way forward, Mount Carmel Hospital, Dublin. January 2009. Symposium: BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme development: RCSI Symposium on Undergraduate Nursing, RCSI. May 2009 Development of clinical learning outcomes for BSc Nursing, Beacon Hospital, Dublin: February 2009 Developing clinical learning outcomes for bachelor degree programme, Hermitage Medical, Dublin: February 2009 Development of clinical learning outcomes for BSc Nursing undergraduate, pre-registration programme, Bon Secours Hospital, Dublin: February 2009 BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme Development of educational curriculum for BSc Nursing (undergraduate), Presentation of Certificates Ceremony, Beacon Hospital, Dublin, December 2008 BSc Nursing (undergraduate pre-registration) programme Development and accreditation of curriculum, Hermitage Medical Hospital, Dublin, October 2008 Discussion group: NUI Conference, Dublin Castle, December 2 – 3, 2008 Discussion Forum: Embedding patient safety in the undergraduate curriculum (2008) RCSI Medical education seminar series, Robert Adams Lecture Theatre, Beaumont Hospital, 10th December 2008. An evaluation of the requirements for entry to the Register of Nurses held by An Bord Altranais www.anbordaltranais.ie 2007 Carney et al Midwifery Education: Past, present and Future, Midwifery Education Forum, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD, June 2005 Education Programmes in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Directors of Nursing Liasion Meeting, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD, June 20th 2005 (keynote speaker). Changing education, Public Lecture, School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCD, March 2005 Research presentation on Five Points of Entry to Register of An Bord Altranais ABA, Dublin December 2004 Annual Public lecture for Nurses Advanced Nurse Practice Presentation by Professor Julie Fairman, Associate Professor, University of Pennyslvania, United States, in School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College,Dublin, 6 th March 2004. (Introductory presentation) Research presentation on Five Points of Entry to Register of An Bord Altranais ABA, Dublin, May 2004 The Role of Education in the care of patients with cancer. Irish Cancer Society, Presentation of Awards for Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies (Oncology Nursing), Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, 26th January 2004 (plenary speaker). Institute of Community Health Nursing Conference, Athlone. Panel expert on the introduction of education for advanced practice for public health nurses. April 25 2004 Symposium participation, Education and research for the older person in Ireland, Eastern Region Health Authority Symposium, Alexandria Hotel, Dublin, October 2003 Nurse Education in Ireland following entry into higher education’ 5th Annual Public Lecture for Nurses Developing Clinical Practice Through Higher Education: the Australian experience by Professor Johnson, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College, Dublin, 10th April 2003, (Introductory speaker) Nurse Education in Ireland and significance of higher education in policy development’ 4thAnnual Public lecture for Nurses Health Care for a New Millennium, by Aine Fawcett-Hennessy, Chief Public Health Nurse, World Health Organisation, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College, Dublin, 14th March,2002 ( Introductory speaker). Costing of Diploma in Nursing Programme in the Republic of Ireland Presentation to Department of Finance Costing Group, Dublin, February 2000</p><p>Participation in professional symposia, seminars and discussion groups (International) (1998-2016: selected)</p><p>Symposium on undergraduate nursing education, FINE, Lyon April 2016 Discussion forum in Institute of Advanced Directors of Nursing & Midwifery Conference (IADNAM World Café Event), Professional Open Communications discussion on Professionalism in Nursing, Hilton Hotel, Kilmaninham: April 30th 2015 HSE National Leadership Innovation Summit, Dublin Castle: May 12th 2015. Professional group discussion on education programme development: Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland, January 2014 Discussion forum on advances in nursing and midwifery education during the past 40 years Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Presented at The Gathering, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Alumni RCSI Alumni September 2013. Seminar: Advanced nurse practice: programme development in RCSI. Neonatology Seminar RCSI June 5 2012. 11</p><p>Discussion forum: Advanced nurse practice: new developments in Neonatology Seminar. RCSI January 2013 Symposium on postgraduate education, FINE, Lisbon, February 2012 Symposium on Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice University of Florence, at Prato, Faculty of Nursing October 8-16 2013 Symposium on postgraduate education, FINE, Lisbon, February 2012 RCSI International Nursing programmes. King Fahad Medical Centre, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 4 2012. RCSI International Nursing Graduate and Postgraduate programmes. National Guard-Health Affairs Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 5 February 2012 RCSI International Nursing programmes. King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 4 2012. RCSI International Postgraduate Nursing programmes. Riyadh Military Hospital, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia February 5 2012 RCSI International Nursing programmes. King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences School of Nursing, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia January 30 2011. RCSI International Nursing programmes. Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia January 30 2011 RCSI Graduate and Postgraduate education programmes - International focus. King Fahad Medical Centre, School of Nursing Symposium, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia January 30 2011. RCSI Graduate and Postgraduate education programmes. King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, School of Nursing, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia January 30 2011. Symposia on Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice FINE, Namur, Belgium November 2011 Discussion forum on Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice (leadership) European Masters Group, University of Carlisle UK. July 3-6 2007 Discussion forum on Masters Curriculum Development in Advanced Nurse Practice European Masters Group, University of Porto, Portugal 24-28th May.2007 Discussion forum on Power, Politics and Persuasion American Organisation of Nurse Executives Washington USA April12- 18th 2007 Discussion forum on Leadership American Association of Nurse Executives (AONE), Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Symposium Disneyworld Conference Centre, April 2006 Symposium Presentation on Advanced Practice in Nursing., TENN, University of Valencia, Spain September 2005. Symposium participation, Leadership Meeting AONE Annual Conference (American Association of Nurse Executives) Conference Centre, Hyatt Hotel, Chicago, USA March 2005 Symposium participation on research utilisation or evidence-based practice: A model for International nursing education. Conference Proceedings, Sigma Theta Tau, 14th International Nursing Research Congress, Celebrating Global Diversity in Research, Education and Practice, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 10-12 July 2005 Discussion group at AONE (American Organisaton of Nurse Executives) The importance of Bachelor programmes in quality care Discussion led by Professor Linda Aiken, University of Pennsylvania. April 2004 Symposium Presentation, Educational Exchange Programme. Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Bachelor’s degreesin Nursing across Europe. 15-22 March 2004 Educational visit to University of Pennyslvania, United States, School of Nursing and Midwifery (strategic) Seminar Presentation, Validation of Competencies for Advanced Practice in Nursing. Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 17 March 2004 Seminar Presentation to the Hellenic National Nursing Association, The Entry of the Bachelors Discussion forum, Degree programme at undergraduate level in the Republic of Ireland: Application of the Irish Model in Greece with Implications for Clinical Practice. Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 18 March 2004 Seminar Presentation, Requirements for Nurse and Midwife Registration Education Programmes in the Republic of Ireland. Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 16 March 2004 Symposium participation QA/QI Framework for Registration Programmes in Nursing Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 19 March 2004 Symposium participation Implementation of a Quality Assurance Programme in a School of Nursing in Ireland Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece March 19 2004 Symposium participation International Cooperation: Student Exchange Possibilities. Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 20 March 2004 Symposium participation The importance of higher education for nurses AONE Annual Conference (American Association of Nurse Executives) Phoenix, Arizona, USA.20-23rd 2004 April. Symposium participation in Building leadership capacity: towards a new Millennium. American Annual Meeting Pre- Conference Symposium, Association of Nurse Executives (AONE), Long Beach, California April 2001. Symposium participation on celebrating and challenge during the American Association of Nurse Executives (AONE), Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Symposium, Nashville March 2000 Symposium participation in Building leadership capacity: towards a new Millennium American Association of Nurse Executives (AONE), Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Symposium. Charlotte, North Carolina, March 18-22 1999. 12</p><p>Symposium participation, Chapter Leadership Meeting The Executive Challenge: Building a strong foundation for 21st Century Health care. AONE Annual Conference (American Association of Nurse Executives) San Diego Convention Centre, California, 18-22nd March 1998. </p>
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